Author Guidelines

A. Articles sent to the editor of the Journal Murobbi must follow the technical provisions as follows:

  1. Articles are conceptual writings or research results of Educational sciences in the various scopes of Murobbi's studies, which include: a) Islamic Education; b) Islamic Education management; c) Children's Education; d) Learning Methods; and other educational studies.
  2. The article is an original work and has never been published in any scientific journals, proceedings, or books.
  3. Articles are written in standard Indonesian with 1.5 cm spacing on A4 paper and sent to email, or by direct submission. The length of the article is 15-25 pages or 3000-7000 words. Articles must be submitted no later than two months before the journal is published.
  4. The abstract has to be included in both of Indonesian and English with 200 words in maximum and has keywords (4-6 words) as well.
  5. The author's name (without academic degree or title) will be included as well as the corresponding address, email, and phone number.
  6. The article about the result of research includes: (a) title, (b) name of researchers, (c) abstract, (d) keywords, (e) the introduction (problems, objectives, and benefits), (f) methods, (g) results and discussion, (h) conclusions and suggestion, and (i) references.
  7. The article of conceptions or thoughts includes: (a) title, (b) name the author, (c) abstract, (d) keywords, (e) introduction, (f) the content or discussion, (g) closing, and (h) references.
  8. Writing article in Murobbi Journal should use the transliteration guidelines of Arabic-Indonesian, as follows: ; ب ,(’) ا (b), ت (t), ث (th), ج (j), ح (ḥ), خ (kh), د (d), ذ (dh), ر (r), ز (z), س (s), ش (sh), ص (ṣ), ض (ḍ), ط (ṭ), ظ (ẓ), ع (‘), غ(gh), ف (f), ق (q), ك (k), ل (l), م (m), ن (n), و (w), _ (h), ء (’), ى (y). To indicate a long sound of a vowel (madd) give a short-curved line (macron) over a letter, for example: â, î, and û. (ا ,ي, and و). The diphthong in Arabic is transliterated by combining two letters of ay, and aw, for example: layyinah, lawwâmah. The word that ends with tâ’ marbûṭah that is functioned as sịfah (modifier) or as muḍâf ilayh is transliterated with ah, while the one that is functioned as muḍâf is transliterated with at.
  9. The allowed technique of referencing in this article is footnotes, by considering the main characteristic of literatures, such as Book, Translation Book, Volume-based Book, anthology, articles in anthology, journal's article, article from encyclopedia, articles from the website (internet), public papers (magazines, newspapers, etc.), thesis, undergraduate thesis, dissertation, or scripture. For example:
  • Book: ‘Umar Farûkh, Târîkh Ṣadr al-Islâm wa al-Dawlah al-Umawîyah  (Beirut: Dâr al-Malâyîn, 1970), 243.
  • Translated Book:Chalmers, A. F., Apa itu yang Dinamakan Ilmu? Suatu Penilaian tentang Watak dan Status Ilmu serta Metodenya, Redaksi Hasta Mitra (Jakarta: Hasta Mitra, 1983), 26.
  • Volume-based Book: Nadîm Marghalî dan Usâmah Marghalî,  al-Mursịd ilâ Kanz al-‘Ummâl fî Sunan al-Aqwâl wa al-Af‘âl, Vol. 1, Ḥadîth ke-2454 (Beirut: Muassasah al-Risâlah, Cet. Ke-3, 1989), 121.
  • Article from a Book: Sarjuni, “Anarkisme Epistemologis Paul Karl Feyerabend”, dalam Listiyono Santoso dkk,  Epistemologi Kiri  (Yogyakarta: al-Ruzz, 2003), 155. 
  • Article from an Encyclopedia: Samsu Rizal Panggabean, “Dîn, Dunyâ dan Dawlah” dalam Ensiklopedi Tematis Dunia Islam, Vol. 6 (Jakarta: PT Ichtiar Baru van Hoeve,, 50.
  • Article from the Journal: ‘Abd al-Amîr Zâhid, “al-Khitậb al-‘Almânî al-‘Arabî al-Mu’âsịr: Târîkhîyatuh wa Bunyatuh al-Mawḍû’îyah” dalam  al-Minhâj,  Vol. 27 (Kairo: Muassasah al-Ahrâm, 2002), 14.
  • Articles from Newspapers (Public Papers): Muhammad AS Hikam, “NU dan Gerakan Civil Society di Indonesia”, Suara Pembaruan, 03 Agustus 1994, 1.
  • Articles from Websites (Internet): Hâshim Sâlih,  “Jamâl al-Bannâ  bayn al-Isḷâḥ  al-Dînî wa al-Tanwîr” dalam diakses 20-Juni-2008.
  • Theses, Undergraduate Thesis and Dissertations: Thaha Hamim, “Moenawar Chalil’s Reformist Thought: A Study of an Indonesian Religious Scholar (1908-1961) (Disertasi--McGill University, 1996), 81.
  • Scripture: Al-Qurâ'an, 17: 23;  Injil, Perjanjian Baru, Yoh. 20: 31

B. Article Templates

The article has to be in the form of Microsoft Word Document with the file extension of .doc or .rtf (Rich Text Format) or in the PDF format (.pdf) download PDF.

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D. Guide Submit online

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