Muróbbî: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-10-17T11:27:32+07:00 Muróbbî: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Open Journal Systems <div>P- ISSN : 2579-4191<br />E-ISSN : 2580-6963</div> <div> </div> <div>Murobbi Journal Editor : Journal Of education Sciences invites lecturers/researchers/observers of educational sciences from the realm of education, islamic education, and other educational studies to write and submit scientific articles to be published every March and September.</div> <div> </div> <div>Articles are submitted/sent to the Tarbiyah Faculty of the Bani Fattah Jombang Islamic Institute via email : or submit via Open Journal System (OJS) no later than July and January</div> <div> <p> </p> </div> Peng Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Mattergo Menggunakan Geniall dan Wordwall Materi Wujud Zat dan Perubahannya Kelas IV SD Negeri 016 Sungai Kunjang 2024-10-17T11:27:32+07:00 Andi Isnaini Syam <p>The technology-based learning media hasn’t been maximized in the learning process makes students often have difficulties in understanding the material due to the lack of variety in other learning media. This study aims to describe the development process and feasibility level of MatterGo interactive learning media using Genially and Wordwall. This research uses a Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach. The subjects in this study are 29 students in grade IV D SD Negeri 016 Sungai Kunjang. The data collection technique uses observation, interviews, and questionnaires. Validity Test and Feasibility Test data analysis while measuring using a Likert scale.&nbsp; The results of this study are: 1) The development of interactive learning media using Genially and Wordwall uses the ADDIE model through 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. 2) The results of the feasibility test by language scored 93.3%, the feasibility test by material scored 87.5% their categories "very feasible", the results of the feasibility test by media scored 80% with the category "feasible". The teacher response test scored 97.5% with the category of "very feasible", the small-scale student response scored 94.5% and large-scale student response scored 89.9% with categories "very feasible". The conclusion of this study is that interactive learning media using Genially and Wordwall are very feasible to use in the learning process.</p> Copyright (c) Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Perspektif Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 13 2024-10-09T02:16:09+07:00 yudistira nugraha <p>Abstract: This research is qualitative in approach with a research method in the form of a literature study or library research that examines literature reviews related to differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13. The data collected is based on the Qur'an as well as journals and related books as supporting data. The result of this research is the relationship between Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 and differentiated learning is the similarity of views on the value of tolerance and justice. Differentiated learning tries to make differences in students' learning styles and interests as a unifying tool so as to achieve learning goals that prioritize student learning needs. Differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 both uphold equal rights to the diversity created by Allah Swt. All students must have their learning needs met fairly and equally so that they can achieve maximum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN SURAH AL-HUJURAT AYAT 13 2024-10-09T01:48:06+07:00 yudistira nugraha <p><em><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research is qualitative in approach with a research method in the form of a literature study or library research that examines literature reviews related to differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13. The data collected is based on the Qur'an as well as journals and related books as supporting data. The result of this research is the relationship between Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 and differentiated learning is the similarity of views on the value of tolerance and justice. Differentiated learning tries to make differences in students' learning styles and interests as a unifying tool so as to achieve learning goals that prioritize student learning needs. Differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 both uphold equal rights to the diversity created by Allah Swt. All students must have their learning needs met fairly and equally so that they can achieve maximum.</em></p> Copyright (c) Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Perspektif Al-Qur'an Surah Al-Hujurat Ayat 13 2024-10-08T04:27:18+07:00 yudistira nugraha <p>Abstract: This research is qualitative in approach with a research method in the form of a literature study or library research that examines literature reviews related to differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13. The data collected is based on the Qur'an as well as journals and related books as supporting data. The result of this research is the relationship between Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 and differentiated learning is the similarity of views on the value of tolerance and justice. Differentiated learning tries to make differences in students' learning styles and interests as a unifying tool so as to achieve learning goals that prioritize student learning needs. Differentiated learning and Q.S. Al-Hujurat verse 13 both uphold equal rights to the diversity created by Allah Swt. All students must have their learning needs met fairly and equally so that they can achieve maximum.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) TEORI BELAJAR OPERAN CONDITIONING BURRHUS FREDERIC SKINNER DALAM PEMBELAJARAN DAN PENGAJARAN 2024-10-05T01:34:51+07:00 Ariibah Radita Ayu Candrika <p>Teori kognitif berfokus pada proses mental yang terlibat dalam pembelajaran dan pengambilan keputusan. Artikel ini mengkaji prinsip-prinsip dasar teori kognitif, termasuk pemrosesan informasi, skema, dan metakognisi, serta penerapannya dalam konteks pendidikan. Teori kognitif Robert Gagne, yang dikenal sebagai “Theory of Instruction,” menekankan pentingnya pemrosesan informasi dalam pembelajaran. Artikel ini menganalisis sembilan langkah instruksional yang diusulkan oleh Gagne, yang mencakup fase-fase mulai dari menarik perhatian siswa hingga memberikan umpan balik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa setiap langkah memiliki peran kunci dalam menciptakan pengalaman belajar yang efektif. Penelitian ini juga mengidentifikasi tantangan dalam penerapan teori kognitif, termasuk perbedaan individual dalam gaya belajar. Dengan mengintegrasikan konsep pembelajaran terdistribusi dan teori motivasi, yang mengeksplorasi bagaimana pendekatan Gagne dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai konteks pendidikan, baik di lingkungan formal maupun informal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan Studi Kepustakaan, yang mana data diambil dari sumber jurnal dan buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan teori kognitif yang dibahas. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa Sembilan langkah peristiwa pembelajaran yang terjadi pada individu dalam melakukan system belajar, mempunyai hubungan yang erat dengan peristiwa atau kejadian yang ada pada pikiran peserta didik. Juga penerapan model ini tidak hanya meningkatkan retensi informasi, tetapi juga mendorong keterlibatan aktif siswa. Artikel ini juga mengidentifikasi potensi penerapan teknologi pendidikan dalam mendukung langkah-langkah instruksional Gagne, serta merekomendasikan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengeksplorasi dampak jangka panjang dari strategi ini dalam pengajaran.</p> Copyright (c) THE PRINCIPAL'S EFFORTS IN INCREASING THE EXISTENCE OF EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2024-09-27T13:35:24+07:00 Muhammad Sabri Latif <p><em>The failure of educational institutions to maintain the quality of education in elementary schools is caused by the lack of role of school principals in maintaining the existence of education. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach.&nbsp; The objectives of this research are: 1) Describe the role of the principal in designing, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating to maintain the existence of education through school management at State Elementary School (SDN) 068/XI Kerinci-Jambi, 2) Explain the impact of the role of the principal in designing, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating to maintain the existence of education through school management at State Elementary School (SDN) 068/XI Kerinci-Jambi.&nbsp; This research instrument consists of two instruments, namely key instruments and supporting instruments. The key instruments in this research while the supporting instruments in this research are teachers, students, parents. The data collection techniques in this research include 3 methods, namely: Observation, Interview, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques in this research include 4 methods, namely: Data collection, data presentation, data condensation, and giving conclusions to the data. The findings of this research include: 1) establishing the school's vision and mission as well as determining intracurricular, extracurricular activities and organizing meetings, which is a design carried out to maintain the existence of education in the school, 2) providing coordinators with subject teachers and supervising teachers for extracurricular activities increasing the existence of education in the 068/XI Kerinci State Elementary School, 3) providing Rewards and Motivation to teachers and students who excel have a positive impact in maintaining the Existence of Education in the School, 4) providing Weekly, Quarterly and Semester Evaluations has a good impact in maintaining The Existence of Education and the Success of Students at School. The conclusion of the research is that the role of the principal as a whole greatly influences the success of educational institutions in maintaining the existence of education in elementary schools.</em></p> Copyright (c) Inovasi Pembelajaran Mufradat dengan Video dan Subtitle Bahasa Arab di PP. Hasan Munjahid Grobogan 2024-09-18T07:38:43+07:00 Rochimul Umam Agung Setiyawan <p>This research demonstrates the implementation of innovative learning through the utilization of Arabic-language videos and subtitles adopted by Pondok Pesantren Hasan Munjahid Grobogan. The study aims to provide insights into how the combination of videos and subtitles enriches students' learning experiences, particularly in mufradat learning. A qualitative approach was employed, utilizing classroom action observation, interviews, and documentation for data collection. The gathered data will be qualitatively analyzed. Results indicate that the innovative use of Arabic-language videos and subtitles in Pondok Pesantren Hasan Munjahid effectively facilitates mufradat understanding and alleviates students' boredom. Positive responses are reflected in increased interest and motivation, impacting task performance during video sessions. While the approach has merits, identified shortcomings include some students struggling to grasp content. Therefore, recommendations include Arabic reading and writing training, additional materials provision, and individual guidance to optimize learning outcomes.</p> 2024-09-21T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rochimul Umam, Agung Setiyawan Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab: Telaah Buku Arabiyyah Linnasyiin Dalam Perspektif Teori William Frances Mackey 2024-09-17T02:38:28+07:00 Isniyatun Niswah MZ <p>Interesting to study is the Arabic textbook <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> This book will be further examined using William Francis Mackey's theory, which explains that a good textbook must fulfill three aspects: selection, gradation, presentation, and repetition. To achieve maximum research outcomes, this study employs a descriptive analysis method with a library research approach, where data sources are gathered from library materials such as books, journals, seminar proceedings, newspapers, and similar resources. The results of this study show that the <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> textbook consists of four language skills: speaking (Muhadatsah), reading (maharah Qiroah), writing (maharah Kitabah), and grammatical analysis in the form of exercises (Ta'bir Syafahiyah). When viewed from the level of student learning, <em>Arabiyyah li Nasyiin</em> has six levels, consisting of Volume I, Volume II, Volume III, Volume IV, Volume V, and Volume VI. These levels are based on learning Arabic at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels. This book includes indicators and basic competency standards, though there is no set time limit. Secondly, in the <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> textbooks, from the first to the sixth volume, the levels are categorized by themes, vocabulary, grammatical analysis, and the exercises provided. Thirdly, the <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> textbook is comprehensive in terms of covering the four aspects of Arabic language skills, with content that includes maharah kalam, maharah qiroah, maharah kitabah, and grammatical analysis in the form of exercises. In terms of procedure, the <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> textbook uses a pictorial procedure, a teaching method that employs images. Fourth, regarding speaking, from Volume I to Volume VI, the speaking-related material is extensive and complete, corresponding to the levels and themes provided. For reading, the reading themes maharah qiroah in Volumes I to VI are dense and thorough, appropriate to the students' level of proficiency. In terms of writing, the writing-related material in <em>Arabiyyah Linnasyiin</em> is only provided in Volume I, and this is tailored to the students' proficiency level in learning Arabic.</p> 2024-09-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Isniyatun Niswah MZ The Strengthening Historical Thinking Skills through a Multidimensional Approach for Class XI IPS 1 Students at SMA Labschool Untad Palu 2024-10-07T01:30:41+07:00 Fajar Nugroho <p>This study aims to implement a multidimensional approach in history learning to strengthen historical thinking skills in class XI IPS 1 students at SMA Labschool Palu. The research method used in this study is qualitative research, the data collection process is carried out starting from observation, interviews, documentation. The results obtained from this study are that students are able to achieve historical thinking indicators including chronological thinking, historical comprehension, historical analysis and interpretations, historical research capabilities, and historical issues analysis and decision making which are apparent when students carry out all learning activities. The application of a multidimensional approach helps develop deeper historical thinking skills, broadens students' horizons, and improves their ability to assess historical information critically and objectively. In the long term, the multidimensional approach provides students with the provisions to think more holistically and contextually about history which is also relevant in developing their life skills.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH LITERASI DIGITAL TERHADAP KUALITAS HIDUP SISWA DI SALAH SATU SMA NEGERI KOTA BANDUNG 2024-09-19T01:22:40+07:00 Muhamad Ilham Ilham <p>One of the things that is thought to affect the quality of life is the use of digital literacy. This research aims to analyze the relationship between digital literacy and the quality of life of students at one of the state high schools in Bandung City. A quantitative approach and simple correlation design were used in this research to see the extent of the relationship between digital literacy and students' quality of life. Using convenience sampling techniques, 82 respondents were selected who attended one of the Bandung City State High Schools. The instruments used to measure the digital literacy variable were 24 items and to measure the quality of life variable were 21 items. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inference statistics (correlation test). The research results show that "digital literacy has a significant effect on students' quality of life". This is indicated by a sig value of 0.000 which is smaller than 0.05. In addition, the correlation value is 0.475 which shows a fairly strong and positive relationship between the two variables. This means that the higher the level of digital literacy of students, the higher their quality of life. Apart from that, looking at the R Square value, a score of 28.7% is obtained, which means that the influence of digital literacy on students' quality of life is only 28.7%, while the other 71.3% is influenced by other variables. Based on these findings, schools and related parties can further improve digital literacy programs to further improve students' quality of life.</p> <p>Digital Literacy, Quality of Life, Correlation</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) INTERNALISASI NILAI KARAKTER SOSIAL UNTUK MEMBENTUK KOPETENSI SOSIAL PESERTA DIDIK DI MI ATTAHDZIBIYAH BABAT 2024-09-17T01:57:45+07:00 ABDUS SHOBUR Ahmad Hanif Fakhruddin <p><em>Internalisasi adalah sebuah proses pembiasaan dan penanaman niali nilai yang baik atau disebut dengan pendidikan karakter pada diri seseorang melalui bimbingan dan pembelajaran bahkan dalam penelitianya lickona menyebutkan sebagai pendidikan watak atau karakter,Tujuan penilitian ini adalah untuk : (1) Menjelaskan bagaimana internalisasi nilai karakter sosial dapat membentuk kompetensi sosial peserta didik di MI Attahdzibiyah&nbsp; babat .(2) Untuk menemukan kendala atau hambatan (faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat) Internalisasi nilai karakter sosial dalam pembentukan kompetensi sosial siswa MI Attahdzibiyah babat (3) Menjelaskan solusi dalam mengatasi Internalisasi nilai karakter sosial dalam membentuk kompetensi sosial peserta didik di MI Attahdzibiyah babat, Untukmmencapai tujuanddiatas, digunakanppendekatan kualitatif gdengan mmengunakan metode studi kasus, dan teknik pengumpulangdata&nbsp; yang&nbsp; digunakan adalahuwawancara, observasii dan dokumentsi. Datagdianalisis denganlpengumpulanidata, mereduksi data yang tidak releven, menyajikanidata kemudianimenarikikesimpulan. Dalm menguji keabsahan data digunakan teknik trianggulasi, Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1). Internalisasikan nilai karakter sosial untuk membentuk kompetensi sosial peserta didik di MI Attahdzibiyah babat melalui beberapa cara termasuk&nbsp; Komunikasi,keteladanan,pembiasaan dan ibrah atau contoh yang baik,kegiatan pramuka&nbsp; (2) kendala dalam proses menginternalisasikan nilai karakter sosial di Madrasah ibtidaiyah&nbsp; Attahdzibiyah Babat banyak sekali antara lain : lingkungan keluarga, lingkungan&nbsp; masyarakat,kemajuan teknologi .(3) Solusi dalam proses menginternalisasikan nilai karakter sosial di Madrasah ibtidaiyah&nbsp; Attahdzibiyah babat&nbsp; antara lain lingkungan keluarga (orang tua),guru dan masyarakat harus sama sama mendukung proses internalisasi nilai karakter sosial dan mengontrol pengunaan gajed pada anak anak memberikan contoh yang baik kepada siswa terutama dalam hal nilai karakter social</em></p> Copyright (c) KONSEP PENDIDIKAN KEIMANAN 2024-08-24T10:10:16+07:00 Tatu Humaeroh Tatu Humaeroh <p>This research aims to understand the concept of faith in order to increase insight and faith for all groups. In this era of globalization, there are still many people who do not understand faith and how to apply it in everyday life. Therefore, many phenomena occur such as juvenile delinquency, promiscuity and so on. This research uses the Library Research method of collecting data or writing scientific objectives with the aim of conducting research or collecting data on previous literature. The results of this research are a means of transforming humans from bad to good. The existence of faith education is a means of improving the condition of humans and their minds.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Al Islam Kemuhammadiyah Dalam Membangun Nilai Religius Di Masyarakat Pimpinan Ranting Muhammadiyah Yanggong 2024-08-03T07:52:17+07:00 Bis Bismillah <h1><a name="_Toc173316962"></a><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></h1> <p>The aim of this research is to determine (1) Implementation of Muhammadiyah Islamic Education in the Yanggong Muhammadiyah Branch (2) Model of cadre formation in Muhammadiyah in society (3) The role of education in building a Muhammadiyah community. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to analyze data in the form of sentences or words. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The data sources obtained are primary data sources and secondary data sources, data analysis by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data and presenting conclusions. The results of the research show that: (1) Implementation of Muhammadiyah Islamic Education in the Yanggong Muhammadiyah Branch includes: Implementation of Islamic Life Guidelines for Muhammadiyah Citizens in terms of Zakat, Funeral Funerals, Prayer Practices, Education (2) The cadre model for Muhammadiyah in the Community includes: Conducting recitations traveling once a month, special study for IPM cadres. (3) The role of education in building a Muhammadiyah society includes: building complex educational institutions from BA, MI, MTs, MA and also the Tahfidz Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School, Child Welfare Institutions (LKSA)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keyword: Implementasi, Al Islam Kemuhammadiyah, Ranting Muhammadiyah</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Kesalahan Pelafalan Fonem Segmental Bahasa Arab Siswa Kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang 2024-09-19T01:28:45+07:00 Siti sofiyah Syihabuddin Nalahuddin Saleh <p>Kesesuaian pelafalan fonem dalam bahasa Arab memiliki peran penting terhadap makna kata. Di SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang, banyak siswa yang&nbsp; mengalami kesulitan dalam melafalkan fonem segmental dengan benar. Kesalahan pelafalan ini menyebabkan perubahan makna yang signifikan terhadap suatu kata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis kesalahan pelafalan fonem segmental yang dilakukan oleh siswa kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesalahan tersebut. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatatif deskriftif. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan desain <em>content analysis</em>. Data dikumpulkan melalui rekaman pelafalan dari lima siswa yang dipilih dengan pertimbangan dan kriteria tertentu sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dokumentasi, tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang kesulitan dan paling sering melakukan kesalahan pelafalan pada huruf <strong>ث</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; dan <strong>ض</strong>. Penyebab kesalahan pelafalan fonem segmental siswa kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang adalah: penggunaan bahan ajar yang tidak sesuai; kurangnya latihan pelafalan fonem pada siswa; kurangnya minat dan motivasi siswa; faktor lingkungan; pengaruh bahasa ibu terhadap pelafalan fonem arab. Kemudian upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi kesalahan pelafalan fonem segmental siswa kelas XI SMA Islam Al-Musyawarah Lembang adalah: menyediakan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa; memperbanyak latihan; meningkatkan minat dan motivasi siswa; menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pembelajaran; menghadirkan pengajar yang kompeten. Kesalahan pelafalan fonem segmental masih banyak terjadi di kalangan siswa SMA Islam Lembang.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH METODE MUHADATSAH TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB 2024-07-30T10:23:22+07:00 Ummu Fadlilah Oktavia Ratnaningtyas, M. Pd. <p>Abstract : Language learning is developing and digesting students' abilities in language, all language experts agree that there are four language skills, namely speaking skills (maharotul kalam), listening skills (maharotul istima'), reading skills (maharotul qiro'ah), and language skills. writing (maharotul kitabah). And in learning Arabic one of the skills to be achieved is speaking skills (maharotul kalam), there are many ways to achieve effective learning, one of which is that the teacher must choose the right learning method for his students, in this case the teacher can use one of the methods namely the Muhadatsah method, which is considered to be very supportive of students' success in speaking skills. The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an effect of the Muhadatsah method on Arabic speaking skills. This research method is quantitative multiple linear regression. The results of this study conclude that: there is a significant effect between the muhadatsah method on Arabic speaking skills, based on the results of multiple linear regression hypothesis testing, the value of sig 008 ≤ 0.05 is obtained.</p> Copyright (c) This PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PAI MATERI SURAH PENDEK DENGAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING BERBASIS AUDIO VISUAL PADA SISWA SD MUHAMMADIYAH PONOROGO 2024-07-20T11:46:29+07:00 Femi Astika Candra Chairani Afiful Ikhwan <p>This research aims to determine the effect of the Project Based Learning (PJBL) improving learning outcomes in Islamic Education subjects. Innovation in the Project Based Leadrning (PJBL) model is a present as a solution that can solve the challenges of today’s times and tecnology to improve the learning outcomes to stodent of Muhammadiyah Elementary School. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method, with a type of library research or historical research using interviews and field observation models. To guarantee the correctness of the data or validate the data, use data triangulation trough three stages, namely data collections, data reductions, and data presentation. The result is an incrase in student learning outcomes in Islamic Education Subject with the audio visual and project based learning. Students quickly memorize and understand the content and <em>asbabun nuzul </em>(the reasons for the revelation of a surah or verse) from a short surah.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi Branding Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Tawakkal Dikalangan Muslim Kelas Menengah Pacitan 2024-09-19T01:37:14+07:00 ibnu ahmad <p>This research aims to understand the branding strategy of integrated Islamic primary schools among middle-class Muslims in Pacitan. To achieve this goal, a qualitative method with a case study type was used. The research subjects were the principal and vice principal as well as class teachers. The research subjects were determined using purposive sampling, because the subjects were directly involved in building the brand image. The results showed that there are three brand images built by SDIT Tawakkal Pacitan among the Muslim middle class, namely: religious, educational, and noble. The three brand images are achieved with strategies: (a) strengthening identity, by creating an Islamic learning environment, exemplary teachers, and memorising Juz Amma; (b) differentiating excellence, by integrating ruhiyah and aqliyah education; (c) building synergy between the learning environment at school and at home through monitoring and home visit activities. Meanwhile, the factors that form the brand image of SDIT Tawakkal are: (1) unique value factors based on Islamic activities; (2) religious, comfortable and safe environmental factors; (3) factors of the quality of teachers who are charming, inspiring and painstaking; and (4) belief factors, namely the cultivation of faith from an early age in accordance with the family environment.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Branding, Islamic School, Middle Class</p> Copyright (c) PELAKSANAAN SUPERVISI PENDIDIKAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN PROFESIONAL GURU DI SMP DARUN NAJAH SROBYONG KABUPATEN JEPARA 2024-07-17T17:20:55+07:00 Yani <p>This study aims to examine the implementation of educational supervision in teacher professional development at Darun Najah Srobyong Junior High School, Jepara Regency. Educational supervision plays an important role in improving the quality of teaching and teacher competence through constructive guidance and evaluation. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method, involving in-depth interviews, observations, and document analysis. The subjects of the study are principals, supervisors, and teachers.</p> <p>The results of the study show that educational supervision at Darun Najah Srobyong Junior High School effectively helps improve the pedagogic competence of teachers. The supervision carried out includes constructive feedback, direct guidance, and performance evaluation, all of which contribute to the professional development of teachers. In addition, supervision encourages collaboration between teachers and self-reflection, which has a positive impact on improving the quality of teaching and work motivation.</p> <p>However, the study also found some obstacles, such as time and resource constraints, as well as resistance to change. To overcome these obstacles, it is recommended to increase managerial support and training for supervisors, as well as the implementation of a more flexible and adaptive supervision strategy. This research provides valuable insights for school managers in improving the effectiveness of educational supervision and teacher professional development.</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN METODE DEMONSTRASI GURU AKIDAH AKHLAK DAN BK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN FOKUS BELAJAR PADA SISWA MI 2024-07-17T13:12:42+07:00 selvia lestari Lisa Puji Lestari Zulpa Farida Syafrina Zahratul Aeni Nimah Fauziah Shafa Faizani Nurhaliza Ummah Karimah <p>Currently, many students experience failure in receiving learning information due to students decreased learning focus. Not only that, the mismatch between the teaching methods applied by teachers and the students learning styles is also the cause of learning failure. The aim of this research is to find out the moral aqidah teachers and guidance and counseling teachers at MI As-Salaamah in implementing the demonstration method in learning to increase the learning focus of class I students. This research uses a qualitative approach and type of description. Primary data sources are class I moral aqidah teachers and guidance and counseling teachers at MI As-salaamah. Meanwhile, secondary data sources are obtained from documentation, observation, and so on. Data collection techniques use interviews, observation and document examination. The examination of the validity of this research data uses credibility. The findings of this research show that. Collaboration has been carried out between class I moral belief teachers and guidance and counseling teachers at MI As-salaamah by applying the demonstration method in learning moral beliefs for grade 1 students with material on manners for parents and teachers. This research can be useful for moral aqidah teachers and guidance and counseling teachers.</p> Copyright (c) EKSPLORASI ASPEK ESTETIKA DALAM SENI BACAAN AL-QUR’AN 2024-07-17T06:02:51+07:00 Ilma Aurelly Anior Falianti Nur Aulia Muhammad Nofan Zulfahmi Alex Yusron Al-Mufti <p>The art of reading the Al-Qur’an is a form with high easthetic value. This research aims to enhance and deepen understanding of the meaning of holy verses. The method used this time is theoretical basis (Research domain). The research results showed that the easthetic aspects in the art of reading the Qur’an that began to shift or decrease were sound,tone,rhythm,and speed. The conclusion of this research is related to the easthetics of the art of reading the Al-Quran between students and lecturers,they should develop insight and aesthetic skills in reciting the Al-Qur’an such as sound,tone,rhythm,and speed,which can increase the beauty of reading,understanding of holy verses,and strengthen the spiritual connection to the text. This method produces a deeper and more meaningful experience for both.</p> Copyright (c) EKSPLORASI ASPEK ESTETIKA DALAM SENI BACAAN AL-QUR’AN 2024-07-16T08:52:16+07:00 Ilma Aurelly Ilma <p>The art of reading the Al-Qur’an is a form with high easthetic value. This research aims to enhance and deepen understanding of the meaning of holy verses. The method used this time is theoretical basis (Research domain). The research results showed that the easthetic aspects in the art of reading the Qur’an that began to shift or decrease were sound,tone,rhythm,and speed. The conclusion of this research is related to the easthetics of the art of reading the Al-Quran between students and lecturers,they should develop insight and aesthetic skills in reciting the Al-Qur’an such as sound,tone,rhythm,and speed,which can increase the beauty of reading,understanding of holy verses,and strengthen the spiritual connection to the text. This method produces a deeper and more meaningful experience for both.</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI SEKOLAH DALAM MEMBANGUN PERSONAL BRANDING (STUDI KASUS DI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH KALASAN) 2024-07-15T18:01:43+07:00 Muhammad Syarqowi Hendro Widodo Anisatul Maysaroh <p>Many schools still face challenges and limitations in implementing effective branding strategies. Most schools, especially public and private schools with limited resources, still focus on the daily operational aspects and the fulfillment of basic education standards. This research aims to analyze the strategies implemented by SMA Muhammadiyah Kalasan in building its school personal branding. In today's competitive era, personal branding is important for educational institutions to highlight their uniqueness and excellence. Using a qualitative case study approach, this research collected data through in-depth interviews, observation, and document analysis. The data analysis technique uses miles and huberman technique. The results showed that SMA Muhammadiyah Kalasan implemented several main strategies in building its personal branding, including developing a clear and unique vision and mission, highlighting student achievements in both academic and non-academic fields, strengthening interesting extracurricular programs, improving the quality of teaching and facilities, and optimizing the use of social media and school websites. In this endeavor, SMA Muhammadiyah Kalasan benefits from several supporting factors, including a strong Muhammadiyah network, a strategic location in the education city of Yogyakarta, and a good academic culture. However, the school also faces challenges such as fierce competition with other educational institutions in Yogyakarta, limited resources as a private school, and difficulties in maintaining consistent education quality.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Copyright (c) KECERDASAN QALBIYAH DAN AKHLAK REMAJA 2024-07-14T00:27:12+07:00 Bahyati Bahyati <p>Kecerdasan qalbiyah mengacu pada potensi seseorang dalam mengembangkan dan memperkuat dimensi hati dalam dirinya. Dalam islam, kecerdasan qalbiyah merupakan aspek terpenting dalam mengembangkan diri, terutama akhlak. Kecerdasan qalbiyah melibatkan nilai sosial yang mempererat hubungan individu dengan sesamanya, serta sesuai dengan ajaran agama islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunkan teknik wawncara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Untuk wawancara dan kuisioner di sebar menggunakan google form. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kecerdasan qalbiyah dengan akhlak remaja. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa kecerdasan qalbiyah sangan erat kaitannya dengan akhlak remaja.</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP, FUNGSI, RUANG LINGKUP MANAJEMEN KARYA ILMIAH DAN PENGEMBANGANNYA 2024-07-13T23:10:38+07:00 Mukhamad Ismail Marzuki Made Saihu <p>Karya ilmiah adalah manifestasi dari penelitian, berusaha memaparkan suatu pembahasan secara ilmiah dengan tujuan memberikan jawaban logis dan sistematis. Dalam hal ini, penulisan karya ilmiah memerlukan tata cara yang ilmiah dan terorganisir dengan baik, melibatkan manajemen yang efisien. Manajemen, sebagai suatu sistem, membantu mencapai tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah dengan merinci langkah-langkah yang diperlukan, termasuk pengumpulan data, analisis, dan pengembangan argumen. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memahami konsep, fungsi, ruang lingkup manajmen karya ilmiah dan pengembangannya. Adapun metode yang di gunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menggunakan <em>library research</em> yaitu dengan menelaah sumber bacaan yang ada hubungannya dengan kajian yang di bahas, Pengumpulan data di lakukan dengan menelusuri buku-buku bacaan, jurnal ilmiah yang terbit di <em>google scholar, digital library</em>, serta perpustakaan <em>online</em>. Pendekatan ilmiah dalam manajemen diterapkan untuk memahami dan memecahkan masalah penulisan karya ilmiah. Proses penulisan melibatkan perumusan tujuan yang jelas, perencanaan yang baik, dan koordinasi efisien serta pengelolaan sumber daya. Memahami konsep dasar manajemen memberikan landasan untuk merencanakan dan melaksanakan penulisan karya ilmiah guna mencapai tujuan dengan efisien dan efektif.</p> Copyright (c) DAMPAK LITERASI EVALUASI TERHADAP TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN DI SEKOLAH 2024-07-11T14:29:59+07:00 triana dewi Afiful Ikhwan Ikhwan <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Bermula dari sebuah pendidikan seseorang mulai mengenal dunia, dengan melihat dan belajar, manusia menjumpai penemuan-penemuan baru yang sebelumnya tidak ada. Salah satu sarana yang sangat penting untuk menunjang pendidikan adalah evaluasi setelah kegiatan pembelajaran dilaksanakan dan juga upaya untuk mengkoordinasikan pembelajaran. Proses kegiatan pembelajaran merupakan komitmen yang kuat dari guru dalam mengembangkan potensi setiap siswa. Tujuan dari proses kegiatan pembelajaran adalah untuk meningkatkan taraf pemahaman siswa berdasarkan tujuan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pendidik sebelum pembelajaran dimulai. Hal yang dilakukan guru untuk mengetahui seberapa besar daya serap pemahaman siswa, maka evaluasi merupakan hal yang wajib untuk dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, penulis mengkaji tentang aspek-aspek dan pentingnya evaluasi pembelajaran yang harus dilakukan, bagaimana konsep evaluasi pembelajaran dapat diterapkan secara efektif dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan cara mengumpulkan jurnal-jurnal penelitian yang berhubungan dengan evaluasi dalam pendidikan yang terkait dengan permasalahan dan tujuan penelitian. Pengumpulan data sesuai dengan temuan-temuan penelitian terdahulu yang diambil dari jurnal-jurnal akan menjadi penunjang data utama dalam pembahasan penelitian tentang pentingnya evaluasi pendidikan.</span></span></p> Copyright (c) Management Langkah-langkah Pelaksanaan Manajemen Mutu Berbasis Madrasah 2024-07-11T12:26:02+07:00 Putri Hidayani <p><em>Madrasah, as an educational institution emphasizing Islamic religious education, plays a crucial role in shaping the character and social progress of society. To meet the demands of an increasingly complex era, systematic efforts in madrasah management are necessary, including the implementation of school-based quality management. This study aims to present a conceptual framework and practical steps for implementing madrasah-based quality management. In this research, the authors review the basic concepts of school-based quality management and analyze the specific characteristics of madrasah management. We then formulate a series of practical steps to improve the quality of education in madrasahs. These steps include socializing MBM, developing madrasah partnerships, formulating madrasah regulations, defining the roles of elements, habits, and relationships among elements, applying good governance principles, clarifying madrasah management functions and aspects, enhancing madrasah capacity, redistributing authority and responsibility, and developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating RPM/RKM. The results of this study are expected to provide useful guidance for madrasah managers, education stakeholders, and researchers in efforts to improve the quality of religious education in Indonesia. By implementing the madrasah-based quality management steps presented in this study, it is hoped that madrasahs can be more effective in achieving desired educational goals and making a greater contribution to the social and intellectual development of society.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: Steps, MBM, School.</em></strong></p> Copyright (c) MENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MENGANALISIS SEBAB AKIBAT MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN FLIPBOOK KOMIK STRIP PERANG BADAR PADA PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM 2024-07-10T17:35:49+07:00 Mhd Asrian Syah Dyah Kumalasari Iqbal Ainur Rizki <p>The skill of analyzing cause and effect is one of the historical thinking skills needed by students. This research aims to develop comic strip flipbook teaching materials as a solution to improve students' cause and effect analysis skills. The 4D R&amp;D method is used with four stages: Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. This research involved experts (N=8), history teachers (N=4), and class X students (N=160) as research subjects for validation, practicality evaluation, and measurement of the effectiveness of teaching materials. Data was collected through expert validation questionnaires, student and teacher response questionnaires, and essay tests. The research results showed that the developed comic strip flipbook succeeded in improving students' causal analysis skills significantly (T=0.000), with an average increase in N-Gain of 70%. The validity of the teaching materials was assessed as good (average 3.58), and their practicality was assessed as high (average 4.23), indicating that comic strip flipbooks are feasible and effective for use in history learning. The implications of this research confirm that comic strip flipbook material can be a valid, practical and effective solution for improving students' causal analysis skills.</p> Copyright (c) The HIDDEN CURRICULUM PEMBELAJARAN NILAI-NILAI TOLERANSI DAN KERJASAMA PADA MATA PELAJARAN PPKN DI UPT SMPN 6 PERCUT SEI TUAN 2024-07-07T14:08:20+07:00 wahyudi asrel <p>This research aims to determine the implementation of the hidden curriculum in learning the values ​​of tolerance and cooperation in Civics lessons at UPT SMPN 6 Percut Sei Tua. This research uses descriptive analytical with a qualitative approach which aims to determine the application of the hidden curriculum in learning the values ​​of tolerance and cooperation in Civics lessons at SMPN 6 Percut Sei Tuan. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research found that the application of the hidden curriculum in PPKn learning at SMPN 6 Percut was in accordance with the aims of PPKn, which is to produce the nation's children with character in accordance with Pancasila values. The aim of instilling tolerance and cooperation through PPKn learning is quite well received by students, this is because there is no discrimination and also the friendly interactions between friends and also interactions with teachers are still polite and normal. Contextual factors that influence the occurrence of a hidden curriculum are school culture, rules, habits, media and technology, social environment due to differences in race, ethnicity and religion which will have a lot of influence.</p> Copyright (c) PROGRESIFITAS PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN SOSIAL PERSYARIKATAN MUHAMMADIYAH DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 4.0 2024-07-06T05:20:25+07:00 Muhammad Ilham Baihaqqi Muhammad Lailan Arqam Yogi Sopian Haris <p>Over time, Muhammadiyah has developed into an organisation that is not only engaged in religious affairs, but also takes part widely in the fields of education, health, and social society. However, in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, which is faced today, changes are very rapid and complex. Therefore, renewal efforts are needed to relate to this situation. This research uses a library research method using a qualitative approach. The findings show that in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, Muhammadiyah has made various innovations such as integrating digital technology, developing curriculum with STEM strengthening, developing soft skills, and establishing partnerships with industry. In its religious social movement, Muhammadiyah makes use of digital platforms, digitalises services, encourages creative economy, and is responsive to contemporary issues. The implications of Muhammadiyah's progressive movement in this era include method innovation with digital technology, increasing digital literacy, global collaboration, responding to contemporary issues, developing competent human resources, and research and development utilising the latest technology.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Copyright (c) INTERNALISASI NILAI-NILAI KEHIDUPAN MUHAMMADIYAH DALAM PENGEMBANGAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN DAN TEKNOLOGI DI ERA REVOLUSI INDUSTRI 5.0 2024-07-06T03:06:59+07:00 Yogi Sopian Haris Muhammad Lailan Arqam <p>The Industrial Revolution 5.0 brings rapid progress in Science and Technology, but there is a need to ensure that Science and Technology does not only focus on technical aspects, but also pays attention to human values, divine and spiritual values. This research aims to internalise Muhammadiyah's life values derived from Islamic teachings in responding to the development of science and technology in the era of revolution 5.0. Values such as tawhid, amar ma'ruf nahi munkar, noble morals, glorifying human dignity, and brotherhood are expected to be the basis for the development of science and technology that is not only economically oriented, but also brings goodness to human life as a whole. This research uses the Library Research method using a qualitative approach. The research findings show that Muhammadiyah emphasises the importance of mastering science and technology for its members as a means of achieving happiness in the world and the hereafter. The organisation encourages the development of scientific traits such as critical, open, and rational, and integrates science and technology with faith and good deeds. Muhammadiyah members are required to teach their knowledge to the community as a form of worship and da'wah. In practice, the organisation plays an active role in utilising technology for the advancement of education, da'wah, and research. Muhammadiyah seeks to form an intelligent society in the era of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 by developing superior human resources through its educational institutions.</p> <p><em>&nbsp;<br></em></p> Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS PROJECT BASED LEARNING (PjBL) PADA MATA KULIAH TEORI ORGANISASI DALAM MENSTIMULASI SELF DIRECTED LEARNING (SDL) 2024-07-05T04:01:21+07:00 Linardo Pratama Bradley Setiyadi Denny Denmar <p>The contribution of Organizational Theory as a science, among other things, helps practitioners and organizational theorists in analyzing organizational activities, how organizations adapt and grow with environmental changes through efforts to design effective and efficient organizations. Based on the results of observations made by the lecturer team, especially in the organization theory course, focused on material or teaching materials sourced from the lecturers without thinking about independent learning progress. Basically, all students agree to only rely on face-to-face learning and not study again after class is over unless there is an assignment that needs to be done. This challenge is also seen when online lectures rely on students to apply the SDL learning approach. Based on the problems that emerged, the team of lecturers for the organizational theory course felt the need to implement changes and innovations aimed at stimulating student learning methods to be more perfect. Therefore, the lecturer team agreed to offer the Project based learning (PJBL) method combined with the self-directed learning (SDL) learning approach, considering that the self-directed learning (SDL) learning approach has many real benefits such as the acquisition of skills, knowledge, attitudes and behavior.</p> Copyright (c) KELUARGA: TEMPAT PERTAMA DAN PALING UTAMA PENDIDIKAN KEDAMAIAN DIBERIKAN 2024-07-02T15:35:15+07:00 Afanin Halqim <p><em>The complexity of a conflict-prone global society creates an unpeaceful situation. Peace education in the family is a crucial endeavour that plays a vital role in the process of creating a sustainable peaceful society. This research aims to obtain an overview of the urgency, strategies, and challenges of families in providing the first and foremost peace education. This research uses a literature study method which are then analysed with descriptive analysis. The family is the first and most important place for peace education to form a peaceful person through the provision of knowledge, attitudes, and skills of peace values. Peace education in the family has broad benefits in shaping peaceful character, creating a peaceful environment, preventing the spread of anti-peace patterns, building relationships, as well as becoming the foundation of global peace. The practice of implementing peace education in the family requires commitment, cooperation, and patience as part of the long process. It requires special attention from future researchers to study families that have successfully implemented peace education, factors that influence the success of peace education, as well as exploration of the experiences and challenges of implementing peace education in families based on the family's background.</em></p> Copyright (c) KOMPETENSI PROFESIONAL GURU DALAM KETERAMPILAN DASAR MENGAJAR 2024-07-02T08:49:34+07:00 Wirda Hayani <p>Mengajar merupakan profesi yang menuntut kemampuan tingkat tinggi untuk menjalankan tugasnya. Mengajar bukan sekedar hanya proses pemberian materi, tetapi mencakup banyak hal: pengembangan sikap, emosi karakter, dan nilai. Sama seperti pekerjaan professional lainnya. Pekerjaan seorang guru memerlukan keterampilan khusus, jadi tidak semua orang bisa melakukan pekerjaan itu. Ada keterampilan yang harus dimiliki seorang guru yakni kompetensi ini disebut kompetensi guru. Berdasarkan Aturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 mengenai Standar Nasional Pendidikan, seorang guru wajib menguasai keterampilan pedagogis, professional, kepribadian, dan sosial. Keterampilan dasar dalam mengajar (teaching skill) adalah keterampilan atau kemampuan secara khusus, itu harus (perilaku spesifik yang diajarkannya) yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh seorang guru, professor, dan tutor, supaya bisa menjalankan tugas dalam mengajar secara baik, efektif, dan professional.</p> Copyright (c) Dampak Teknologi DAMPAK TEKNOLOGI TERHADAP MORAL SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI 2024-07-01T03:01:47+07:00 Husnul Amalah Mala <p>Teknologi memiliki dampak yang luas dalam kehidupan, tidak hanya &nbsp;pada level praktis, tetapi juga pada level teoritis yang mempengaruhi pola pikir manusia, yang pada akhirnya memengaruhi tindakan mereka. Perubahan yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi tidak hanya mempengaruhi kehidupan perkotaan, tetapi juga telah merambah ke wilayah pedesaan. Teknologi memainkan peran dalam memperluas akses informasi dalam bentuk demokratisasi data dan informasi, namun sebaliknya, ia juga berdampak pada pola interaksi manusia dan kesadaran keagamaan. Informasi biasanya disediakan oleh otoritas yang memiliki kualifikasi</p> <p>khusus. Namun, teknologi telah membuat otoritas menjadi lebih terbuka. Fenomena keagamaan yang muncul sangat bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat paparan teknologi di lingkungan tersebut. Munculnya alat alat elektronik seperti telepon, televisi, komputer, dan sebagainya yang dapat mengakibatkan kita sebagai pengguna terpikat terhadap dengan kemampuan teknologi tersebut, sehingga dapat membuat kita lupa akan keaadan kita disekitar. Bayangkan saja hampir setiap hari yang kita perhatikan menekan tombol pada layar yang berdampak terhadap hubungan antara manusia jadi tidak harmonis karena kesibukannya terhadap gadget masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perkembangan teknologi terhadap moral siswa dalam perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan survei lapangan di MTs Tanjunganom Nganjuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi telah membawa dampak positif dan negatif. Di satu sisi, teknologi mempermudah akses siswa terhadap sumber-sumber belajar agama, memfasilitasi interaksi virtual dalam komunitas keagamaan, dan mendukung pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual. Namun di sisi lain, teknologi juga berpotensi menimbulkan kecanduan, paparan konten tidak pantas, dan mengurangi interaksi sosial secara langsung. Peran guru PAI, orang tua, dan lingkungan sekolah menjadi kunci dalam memastikan teknologi dimanfaatkan secara bijak dan selaras dengan ajaran agama. Diperlukan upaya komprehensif untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran PAI dengan tetap menjaga nilai-nilai spiritual dan moralitas siswa.</p> Copyright (c) Dampak Teknologi DAMPAK TEGNOLOGI TERHADAP SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI 2024-07-01T02:57:03+07:00 Husnul Amalah Mala <p>Teknologi memiliki dampak yang luas dalam kehidupan, tidak hanya &nbsp;pada level praktis, tetapi juga pada level teoritis yang mempengaruhi pola pikir manusia, yang pada akhirnya memengaruhi tindakan mereka. Perubahan yang dihasilkan oleh teknologi tidak hanya mempengaruhi kehidupan perkotaan, tetapi juga telah merambah ke wilayah pedesaan. Teknologi memainkan peran dalam memperluas akses informasi dalam bentuk demokratisasi data dan informasi, namun sebaliknya, ia juga berdampak pada pola interaksi manusia dan kesadaran keagamaan. Informasi biasanya disediakan oleh otoritas yang memiliki kualifikasi</p> <p>khusus. Namun, teknologi telah membuat otoritas menjadi lebih terbuka. Fenomena keagamaan yang muncul sangat bervariasi tergantung pada tingkat paparan teknologi di lingkungan tersebut. Munculnya alat alat elektronik seperti telepon, televisi, komputer, dan sebagainya yang dapat mengakibatkan kita sebagai pengguna terpikat terhadap dengan kemampuan teknologi tersebut, sehingga dapat membuat kita lupa akan keaadan kita disekitar. Bayangkan saja hampir setiap hari yang kita perhatikan menekan tombol pada layar yang berdampak terhadap hubungan antara manusia jadi tidak harmonis karena kesibukannya terhadap gadget masing-masing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh perkembangan teknologi terhadap moral siswa dalam perspektif Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di tingkat Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi literatur dan survei lapangan di MTs Tanjunganom Nganjuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa teknologi telah membawa dampak positif dan negatif. Di satu sisi, teknologi mempermudah akses siswa terhadap sumber-sumber belajar agama, memfasilitasi interaksi virtual dalam komunitas keagamaan, dan mendukung pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual. Namun di sisi lain, teknologi juga berpotensi menimbulkan kecanduan, paparan konten tidak pantas, dan mengurangi interaksi sosial secara langsung. Peran guru PAI, orang tua, dan lingkungan sekolah menjadi kunci dalam memastikan teknologi dimanfaatkan secara bijak dan selaras dengan ajaran agama. Diperlukan upaya komprehensif untuk mengintegrasikan teknologi dalam pembelajaran PAI dengan tetap menjaga nilai-nilai spiritual dan moralitas siswa.</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Peserta didik Terhadap Soal Model HOTS pada Jenis Soal PG Komplek 2024-06-30T01:17:29+07:00 Neng Rohaeni <p>Kemajuan tekhnologi meningkat dengan pesat, daya kritis peserta didik pun meningkat pula, untuk mengimbangi keadaan tersebut dalam penilaian pendidikan &nbsp;diberlakukan pembuatan soal dengan model HOTS, sebuah model yang bertujuan peserta didik dalam pencapaian pembelajarannya tidak cukup menghapal dan mengingat saja, tapi harus sampai menganalisis, membandingkan, mengevaluasi sampai mencipta. Soal model HOTS terdapat &nbsp;didalamnya jenis soal pilihan ganda komplek, yang mana dalam satu butir soal terdapat jawaban lebih dari satu, sehingga peserta didik harus berpikir secara mendalam dan memahami materi secara utuh untuk manjawab soal PG komplek tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana analisis peserta didik terhadap soal model hots pada jenis soal pilihan ganda. Setelah dilakukan penelitian sebagian besar peserta didik menjawab bahwa PG Komplek lebih sulit dari PG biasa dengan alasan harus memahami materi secara utuh tidak bisa asal tebak . Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa jenis soal PG komplek sesuai dengan kriteria soal model HOTS. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi ,&nbsp; wawancara juga dokumentasi.</p> Copyright (c) LEARNING TO WRITE NEGOTIATION TE PEMBELAJARAN MENULIS TEKS NEGOSIASI DENGAN METODE SCAFFOLDING BERBANTUAN MEDIA FLIPBOOK PADA PESERTA DIDIK FASE E SMA PASUNDAN 1 BANDUNG 2024-06-29T04:13:21+07:00 Phia Nurfadiyah <p><em>This research was conducted because students did not have the ability to write negotiation texts and had difficulty compiling them. This includes the lack of educators who use innovative and creative learning methods and media. The following are the objectives of the research: 1) Explain the ability of students in Phase E of SMA Pasundan 1 Bandung to write negotiation texts using the scaffolding method assisted by flipbook media. 2) Explain the structure of the negotiation text using the scaffolding method and flipbook media and what is not. 3) Evaluate how effective the use of the scaffolding method and flipbook media is in learning to write negotiation texts in Phase E of SMA Pasundan 1 Bandung. This research uses a quasi-experimental method and a control group with a pretest and posttest design. The research results show that using the scaffolding method with the help of flipbook media can improve students’ ability to write negotiaton texts. The learning outcomes of students in the experimental class and the control class are significantly different. The average experimental pretest score was from 64 to 84,5 with an average posttest score for the experimental class, while the control class pretest average was from 60,3 to a posttest average of 73,3</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><em>Scaffolding, Negotiation Text, Flipbook</em></p> Copyright (c) DESAIN PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM TERPUSAT PADA MATA PELAJARAN 2024-06-29T03:26:20+07:00 fathunnajih <p>This article discusses the importance of the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) curriculum, which centers on subject matter that fosters students' character and moral values, aligning with national educational goals. The development of the PAI curriculum must consider principles of relevance, flexibility, continuity, efficiency, and effectiveness to meet the evolving needs and demands of society. Challenges in implementing the PAI curriculum include teachers' mastery of the teaching materials, the adaptation of effective teaching methods, and the provision of adequate facilities and infrastructure. The article emphasizes the need for collaboration among various stakeholders, including the government, schools, and the community, to ensure the successful implementation of the PAI curriculum. With the appropriate approach and full support, the PAI curriculum is expected to produce a generation that is faithful, devout, morally upright, and ready to face global challenges and contribute to solving social problems in the future.</p> Copyright (c) Evaluasi Pembelajaran Berbasis Project Based Learning pada Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dalam Mendukung Kompetensi Siswa 2024-06-26T09:45:28+07:00 Nilla Putri Salsabila <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini mengevaluasi penerapan pembelajaran berbasis proyek dalam Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dan dampaknya terhadap kompetensi siswa. Dengan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR), penelitian ini mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data dari artikel yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2022 hingga 2024. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Project Based Learning (PjBL) secara signifikan meningkatkan minat dan motivasi belajar siswa, serta mengembangkan keterampilan siswa. seperti kreativitas, berpikir kritis, kolaborasi, dan komunikasi. Meskipun efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman dan keterampilan praktis, penerapan Project Based Learning menghadapi beberapa kendala seperti keaktifan siswa dalam kerja kelompok dan konsistensi guru dalam proses pelaksanaannya. Kajian ini memberikan rekomendasi bagi guru untuk mendapatkan pelatihan yang memadai, sekolah memberikan dukungan dan fasilitas yang diperlukan, dan kurikulum disesuaikan untuk mengakomodasi metode Project Based Learning yang lebih fleksibel. Dengan demikian diharapkan Project Based Learning dapat terus memberikan manfaat yang optimal dalam menunjang kompetensi siswa sesuai dengan tujuan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar.</span></span></p> Copyright (c) REVOLUSI DIGITAL DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM: INTEGRASI E-LEARNING DI MADARASAH MODERN 2024-06-26T04:12:42+07:00 Nuryanti Siregar Nuryanti Siregar Supratman Zakir Supratman Zakir Siti Khamim Siti Khamim Siti Khamim Siti Khamim Helmi Rostiana Dasopang Helmi Rostiana Dasopang <p><strong>Abstract</strong> <strong>: </strong>This research examines the digital revolution in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning through the integration of e-learning in modern madrasas. Madrasas, as traditional Islamic educational institutions, are increasingly adopting digital technology to increase the effectiveness and accessibility of PAI learning. This article explores digital-based PAI teaching methods which include the use of learning videos, interactive modules, and e-learning platforms to support a more interactive and adaptive learning process. Case studies in several madrasas show that the integration of e-learning has succeeded in increasing student participation, enriching the learning experience, and increasing understanding of religious values. Despite facing several challenges such as infrastructure and training, the implementation of e-learning in madrasas is able to prepare students for global challenges in this digital era.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Islamic Religious Education, e-learning, modern madrasas, technology integration</p> Copyright (c) The INTEGRASI NILAI ISLAM DALAM MATA PELAJARAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM DAN SOSIAL (IPAS) DI KELAS IV MI DARUL HIKMAH KOTA MALANG 2024-06-25T13:35:12+07:00 Muhammad Nasir <p>Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dan Sosial (IPAS) sebagai bentuk penyatuan dua rumpun ilmu yang diterapkan dalam kurikulum merdeka di tingkat pendidikan dasar. Pelajaran IPAS juga diterapkan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) yang mengacu pada KMA RI No. 347 tahun 2022. Pentingnya penelitian ini karena dengan adanya integrasi nilai keislaman dalam pelajaran IPAS di MI dapat membawa manfaat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran serta pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis bentuk integrasi nilai keislaman yang dimuat dalam pembelajaran IPAS di madrasah ibtidaiyah. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan berupa bentuk integrasi nilai Islam dalam pelajaran IPAS di MI Darul Hikmah Kota Malang terdapat pada materi yang diajarkan pada materi uang yaitu; dalam menjelaskan materi mengenal uang, guru juga menjelaskan bahwa uang juga berlaku pada zaman Rasulullah dan para sahabat, yaitu uang dinar yang di buat dari emas, dan uang dirham yang dibuat dari perak. Selain itu dalam menjelaskan tentang tatacara mengelola uang dengan baik, guru juga mengaitkan penjelasannya dengan tafsir surat Al-Isra’ ayat 29<strong>.</strong></p> Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Literasi Kependidikan Anak Remaja di Era Modern melalui Gerakan Komunitas Ngobrol Manfaat 2024-06-25T12:36:32+07:00 Muhamad Ilham Ilham <p>Di era modern yang ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi dan informasi yang pesat, literasi kependidikan bagi anak remaja menjadi semakin penting untuk diperhatikan. Gerakan Komunitas Ngobrol Manfaat hadir sebagai inisiatif untuk meningkatkan literasi kependidikan di kalangan remaja melalui pendekatan yang inovatif dan interaktif. Komunitas ini mengadakan berbagai kegiatan seperti diskusi kelompok, seminar, dan lokakarya yang melibatkan para ahli dan praktisi pendidikan. Metode pembelajaran yang digunakan menekankan pada partisipasi aktif dan kolaborasi, sehingga remaja tidak hanya memperoleh pengetahuan, tetapi juga mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan analitis. Studi kasus yang diangkat dalam artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi dalam kegiatan Komunitas Ngobrol Manfaat dapat meningkatkan minat dan pemahaman remaja terhadap berbagai topik pendidikan, serta memotivasi mereka untuk terus belajar dan berkontribusi dalam masyarakat. Dengan demikian, gerakan ini berperan signifikan dalam mempersiapkan generasi muda yang literat dan siap menghadapi tantangan masa depan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) MEMAHAMI MUSYAWARAH DAN DEMOKRASI DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM: PRINSIP, PERBEDAAN, DAN IMPLEMENTASI DEMOKRASI PADA SISTEM PEMERINTAHAN 2024-06-24T09:15:43+07:00 Nafisah Dzawinnada Ahmad Raihan Bahrul Ilmi Mohammad Zainul ‘Ibad Romadhon <p><em>This article was written to provide an explanation regarding deliberation and democracy. There are differences in meaning between deliberation and democracy which makes the author discuss these two terms. Deliberation and democracy have their own principles. Democracy focuses more on material welfare, whereas deliberation focuses on spiritual morals. So this article aims to be a guide for Islamic Religious Education students to make it easier to understand the meaning of deliberation and democracy. This article is structured in such a way using qualitative research methods which refer to literature studies from journals on Google Scholar. The content of this article is a further discussion regarding deliberation and democracy from an Islamic perspective and its relation to the implementation of democracy in government systems.</em></p> Copyright (c) FILSAFAT KONSTRUKTIVISME DALAM MEMBERDAYAKAN LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI PONDOK PESANTREN DAARUL WAHYI SUMEDANG 2024-07-04T06:42:00+07:00 Andri Irawan <p>This research aims to express the philosophy of constructivism in empowering Islamic educational institutions at the Daarul Wahyi Islamic boarding school in Sumedang, West Java. This problem arises based on social realities that have not been able to empower an Islamic educational institution based on process orientation. Sometimes, the results of education are just a mere formality, without considering the urgency of the values contained in the educational goals themselves. The research methodology used in writing this article uses a qualitative approach and descriptive methods. This research concludes that constructivism is an idea in Islamic educational philosophy which argues that true knowledge comes from the results of human construction. In the context of Islamic education, this theory can be applied by students and educators to build a learning system that focuses on students. Educators act as facilitators, while students learn independently. The empowerment of Islamic educational institutions at the Daarul Wahyi Sumedang Islamic Boarding School, based on the philosophy of constructivism, emphasizes active and collaborative learning, where students are encouraged to build knowledge through experience and social interaction. This approach allows students to become more critical and reflective, and able to apply knowledge in real life. By prioritizing student initiative and creativity, Islamic boarding schools create a learning environment that supports the development of independent and adaptive character, so that Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools remains relevant to the demands of the times and is effective in forming a generation with morals and broad knowledge.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH DZIKIR RATIB AL-HADDAD TERHADAP KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL SISWA DI YAYASAN MI AL FALAH KECAMATAN PEDES KABUPATEN KARAWANG 2024-06-22T09:50:04+07:00 Putri Amelia <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah adanya pengaruh Dzikir Ratib Al-Haddad Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Di Yayasan MI Al-Falah Kecamatan Pedes Kabupaten Karawang.</span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ex Post Facto jenis Kausal Komparatif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 50 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Angket.</span></span></p> <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Berdasarkan hasil uji konstanta dan koefisien regresi persamaan regresi linier Ý = 0,085 + 0,859 X. dari hasil analisis diperoleh thitung = 11,207 dan p-value = 0.000/2 = 0 &lt; 0.05 hal ini berarti H0 ditolak. Dengan demikian, “Dzikir Ratib Al – Haddad berpengaruh positif Terhadap Kecerdasan Emosional Siswa di MI Al – Falah Kecamatan Pedes Kabupaten Karawang”.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS INKLUSIVISME BERAGAMA DALAM MERAWAT HARMONI KEBERAGAMAN DI SD TAMAN HARAPAN 2024-06-22T09:26:50+07:00 luqman hakim <p>This research addresses the increasing occurrences of radicalism and religious intolerance in Indonesia, particularly through the education sector. This issue arises from an educational paradigm that is exclusive towards diversity. This qualitative study aims to reveal and analyze how the concept of education based on religious inclusivism maintains harmony in diversity at Harapan Elementary School and how students of different religions maintain this harmony. The study employs field research design with a sociological approach. The findings conclude two main points. First, the concept of education based on religious inclusivism at Taman Harapan Elementary School is developed by the principal and stakeholders under the motto “unity in diversity” along with the school’s vision, mission, and policies, which include: (1) granting freedom for all religious adherents to practice their faiths, (2) providing facilities for worship with dedicated rooms for all religions, (3) offering equal religious education learning portions, (4) organizing religious holiday celebrations for all religions, (5) holding Friday worship programs, and (6) strengthening character education. Second, the students’ behavior in maintaining diversity harmony includes: (1) understanding religious teachings theologically and socially, (2) exhibiting respectful behavior, (3) showing empathy towards others, (4) being open and cooperative in positive matters.</p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh Penerapan LKPD Berbasis PjBL Terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kreatif Peserta Didik Pada Pembelajaran PAI Kelas VIII di SMP Al Islam Cikampek 2024-06-24T06:04:07+07:00 Mifa Rezkia Zanianti Kasja Eki Waluyo Tajudin Nur <p>The purpose of this study is to see how influential the application of LKPD -based PjBL is on students' creative thinking skills. The research method used is a quantitative experiment of the pseudo-experiment type with a non-equivalent group design which contains pretest, posttest, two treatments and observation. The tests carried out in this study were descriptive analysis, normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test with paired sample t-test. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that in the descriptive analysis between the experimental class there is an increase of 38.63 while the control class is 36.42, in the normality test of the experimental class and the control class can be said to be distributed normally because the data produced &gt; 0.05, in the homogeneity test of the pretest based on mean of 0.690 and the posstest of 0.690, it can be concluded that it is homogeneous,&nbsp; In the hypothesis test of the value of Sig. 0.0000 &lt; 0.05, therefore, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the implementation of LKPD -based PjBL on students' abilities on PAI learning.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Kepemimpinan dalam Pendidikan: Studi Kasus di SDN Cibogo Kabupaten Sukabumi 2024-06-21T12:53:52+07:00 Ahli Pena <p>Kepemimpinan dalam dunia pendidikan memainkan peran penting dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik kepemimpinan yang efektif, penerapan prinsip-prinsip kepemimpinan, serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas kepemimpinan di SDN Cibogo Kabupaten Sukabumi. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan transformasional yang diterapkan oleh kepala sekolah di SDN Cibogo mendukung pengambilan keputusan yang efektif dan berkontribusi terhadap pencapaian tujuan pendidikan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> kepemimpinan, pendidikan, pengambilan keputusan, SDN Cibogo, transformasional</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS HYBRID LEARNING DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR 2024-06-20T16:38:54+07:00 Zahra Putri Syawalia Fidrayani <p>This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of hybrid learning methods on primary school students' learning outcomes. Using the PRISMA method, this research analyzes various studies conducted between 2019 and 2024. The results show that hybrid learning has a significant effect on improving student learning outcomes compared to traditional learning methods. Hybrid learning offers flexibility in learning time and place, and supports the development of students' digital skills. The success of hybrid learning implementation is highly influenced by students' motivation, active engagement, and support from teachers and parents. However, there are some obstacles in implementing hybrid learning, such as technical issues and limited technology skills among educators. This study suggests that teachers should be given adequate technology training and parents should be actively involved in the learning process. With the provision of adequate technological infrastructure and appropriate learning strategies, hybrid learning can be an effective solution to improve student learning outcomes in the post-pandemic era. This research is expected to provide guidance for educators and policy makers in implementing and optimizing hybrid learning in the future.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> learning model;learning outcomes;meta-analysis.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS ASESMEN KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR DALAM BUKU TEKS CERDAS CERGAS BERBAHASA DAN BERSASTRA INDONESIA KELAS XI SMA 2024-06-20T12:56:42+07:00 Octaviani Istikharoh <p>Pembelajaran dan asesmen merupakan satu kesatuan yang sebaiknya tidak dipisahkan. Pendidik dan peserta didik perlu memahami kompetensi yang dituju sehingga keseluruhan proses pembelajaran diupayakan untuk mencapai kompetensi tersebut. Asesmen merupakan istilah yag digunakan juga dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, misalnya dalam mata pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Dengan penelitian ini, diharapkan kita dapat lebih jauh memahami bagaimana seharusnya asesmen dilakukan dengan baik, terutama asesmen yang terdapat dalam buku teks.</p> Copyright (c) THE IMPLEMENTATION OF BCBL MODEL ON INTEGRATED ECONOMIC EXPLORATION TO DEVELOP XXI CENTURY SKILLS 2024-06-20T00:54:25+07:00 Muhammad Putra Aprullah <p><em>This paper aims to find out how the application of the Brain Collaborative Based Learning (BCBL) learning model on Integrated Economic Exploration material to develop XXI Century Skills of Class X-3 MAN 1 Banda Aceh students. The application of this learning model involved 39 students. The achievement of learning targets for Integrated Economic Exploration material using the Brain Collaborative Based Learning (BCBL) learning model still varies. This learning model increases student motivation in the literacy of integrated economic exploration material on environmental, social and religious moderation issues. The absorption and target achievement of the curriculum on integrated economic exploration material with the target achievement of 21st century skills is 92.31%. Three out of thirty-nine students in class X-3 did not meet the completeness of the learning objective achievement criteria score (KKTP: 78-80). The Brain Collaborative Based Learning (BCBL) learning model is believed to be able to contribute to the development of XXI century generation skills in welcoming the Sustainability Development Goals.</em></p> Copyright (c) Peran Manajemen Sarana dan Prasarana dalam Pengembangan Potensi Ekonomi di Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo 2024-06-19T10:32:01+07:00 fitri nisa <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketersediaan fasilitas dan infrastruktur yang memastikan kenyamanan bagi seluruh penghuni pondok pesantren, sehingga mereka dapat melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar dengan optimal di lingkungan tersebut. Faktor kenyamanan saat proses belajar mengajar memiliki peran krusial dalam menentukan keberhasilan pendidikan di pondok pesantren. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo Piyungan Bantul.&nbsp; Sumber data penelitan ini adalah dokumentasi arsip pondok pesantren. Metode pengumpulan data adalah dokumentasi. Analisa data dilakukan dengan cara menelaah data yang ada, lalu melakukan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo Piyungan Bantul melaksanakan menejemen sarana dan prasarana dengan memulai dari tahap perencanaan yang dilakukan melalui rapat perencanaan program Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo, Pengadaan merupakan langkah untuk memperoleh sarana dan prasarana pondok pesantren sesuai dengan kesepakatan yang dihasilkan dalam proses perencanaan bersama, Inventarisasi melibatkan penataan yang sistematis dari semua barang kepemilikan Pondok Pesantren Lintang Songo ke dalam daftar inventaris yang terperinci, sedangkan pemeliharaan merujuk pada tanggung jawab kolektif seluruh penghuni pondok pesantren dalam menjaga kondisi sarana dan prasarana.</p> Copyright (c) HARMONISASI TRADISI DAN MODERNITAS DALAM METODOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM KH. HASYIM ASY’ARI 2024-06-17T15:08:39+07:00 Aldi Ferdiansyah Nur Saidah Yogi Sopian Haris Muhammad Syarqowi <p>Hasyim Asy'ari adalah tokoh pendidikan Islam yang berupaya mengharmonisasikan tradisi dan modernitas dalam metodologi pendidikan Islam. Beliau menekankan pentingnya mempertahankan tradisi keilmuan Islam klasik seperti pembelajaran kitab-kitab agama, namun juga mengadaptasi unsur-unsur modernitas seperti memasukkan pelajaran umum dan metode pengajaran yang lebih interaktif dan kritis. Di Pesantren Tebuireng, KH. Hasyim Asy'ari memadukan kurikulum agama dengan ilmu-ilmu umum seperti matematika dan bahasa asing. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode library research dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil temuan menunjukkanKH. Hasyim Asy'ari berupaya mengharmonisasikan tradisi keilmuan Islam yang telah berkembang di Nusantara dengan tuntutan modernitas pada masanya. Beliau mempertahankan pondasi pendidikan Islam melalui pembelajaran kitab-kitab klasik (kutub al-mu'tabarah) dan metode tradisional seperti sorogan dan bandongan. Namun, di sisi lain, beliau juga mengadaptasi kurikulum modern dengan memasukkan mata pelajaran umum serta mengadopsi metode pembelajaran modern seperti diskusi, debat, dan praktikum. KH. Hasyim Asy'ari mendirikan lembaga pendidikan modern seperti Madrasah Salafiyah yang mengintegrasikan pendidikan agama dan pendidikan umum. Beliau menekankan pembentukan akhlak dan karakter Islami di samping penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Kemampuan Literasi Digital Mahasiswa Dalam Memanfaatkan Aplikasi Screencastify Pada Pembuatan Konten Video Pembelajaran Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam 2024-08-12T02:15:35+07:00 Gina Nurvina Darise <p>This research aims to determine the digital literacy abilities pf students in utilizing the screencastify application for creating video content on the history of Islamic culture teaching. The research employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The research subjects consist of 30 active students from the 3<sup>rd</sup> semester of the Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education Program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Education, IAIN Manado. Data was collected through survey techniques and interviews. The research findings reveal that the majority students prossess proficient skills in using the Screencastify application to create video content related to the history of Islamic culture teaching. This proficiency encompasses the information technology serving as the transmitter medium of communication, and commad over content that is suitable for presentation or transmission within the realm of digital literacy. Despite inherent strengths and weaknesses the Screencastfy application proves highly advantageous in enhancing students’ digital literacy skills.</p> 2024-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Gina Nurvina Darise PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN STAD, THINK PAIR SHARE (TPS) DAN PEMBELAJARAN KONVENSIONAL TERHADAP CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS SISWA BERDASARKAN ASAL SEKOLAH PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI 2024-06-15T13:48:29+07:00 Yuliani <p>This research aims to describe; 1) the influence of implementing STAD, TPS and Conventional learning models on students' Critical Thinking Skills; 2) the effect of implementing STAD, TPS and Conventional learning models on students' Critical Thinking Skills based on the students' school origin; 3) find out whether there is an interaction between Learning Model and School Origin in determining Students' Critical Thinking Skills Scores in PAI Subjects. This research uses a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental methods and technical data analysis using two-way ANOVA analysis using the SPSS application. The population taken was 61 students from the Pertiwi Sukamandi Vocational School class X TBSM. The results of this research show that; 1) there are differences in students' Critical Thinking Skills in PAI subjects based on learning models (STAD, TPS and Conv); 2) There is no difference in students' Critical Thinking Skills in Islamic Education subjects based on school origin (SMP and MTS); 3) there is no interaction between Learning Model and School Origin in determining students' Critical Thinking Skills in Islamic Education subjects.</p> Copyright (c) LARANGAN PERGAULAN BEBAS : PERSPEKTIF QUR'AN DAN HADIST 2024-06-15T09:50:24+07:00 Nisa'u Nailil Izzah Imron Ma’aruf <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p><em>Before becoming a unified nation, Indonesia was comprised of various ethnic groups, customs, and cultures, each with its own customary laws and distinct ethical and moral values. However, in the modern era, Indonesia faces issues that sometimes clash with customary and national laws. One significant problem faced by adolescents is promiscuity and adultery. Nowadays, society often considers promiscuity as normal, and the practice of adultery is carried out openly and flaunted on social media. This study employs library research methods, involving the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data from various sources such as books, journals, and other documents. The aim is to gain an in-depth understanding of the topics of promiscuity and adultery from an Islamic perspective. The discussion includes Quranic and Hadith evidence on the prohibition of adultery and promiscuity, the contributing factors (both external and internal), and solutions for prevention. To prevent promiscuity and adultery, it is recommended to guard one's gaze, dress according to religious guidelines, draw closer to Allah SWT, choose friends with good religious values, and avoid places of vice. This study seeks to provide comprehensive solutions based on Islamic views to address the issues of promiscuity and adultery among adolescents.</em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Indonesia, sebelum menjadi negara kesatuan, terdiri dari berbagai suku, adat, dan budaya yang memiliki hukum adat serta nilai etika dan moral yang berbeda. Namun, di era modern, Indonesia menghadapi permasalahan yang terkadang berbenturan dengan hukum adat dan negara, Salah satu permasalahan signifikan yang dihadapi oleh remaja adalah pergaulan bebas dan zina. Masyarakat kini seringkali menganggap pergaulan bebas sebagai hal yang wajar, bahkan praktik zina dilakukan secara terang-terangan dan dipamerkan di media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research, yaitu pengumpulan, analisis, dan interpretasi data dari berbagai sumber seperti buku, jurnal, dan dokumen lainnya. Tujuannya untuk mendapatkan pemahaman mendalam tentang topik pergaulan bebas dan zina dalam pandangan Islam. Pembahasan mencakup dalil Al-Qur'an dan hadist tentang larangan zina dan pergaulan bebas, faktor penyebab (eksternal dan internal), serta solusi untuk pencegahannya. Untuk mencegah pergaulan bebas dan zina, disarankan untuk menjaga pandangan, berpakaian sesuai tuntunan agama, mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT, memilih teman yang baik agamanya, dan menjauhi tempat-tempat maksiat. Penelitian ini berupaya memberikan solusi komprehensif berdasarkan pandangan Islam untuk mengatasi permasalahan pergaulan bebas dan zina di kalangan remaja.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci :</strong> Zina, Pergaulan Bebas, Pendidikan Islam</p> Copyright (c) The PENGARUH MODEL ROLE PLAYING, TAKE AND GIVE DAN KONVENSIONAL TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL DAN HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2024-06-15T05:01:04+07:00 Nada Nabila Az-Zahra <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) Perbedaan penerapan model pembelajaran <em>Role Playing, Take &amp; Give</em> dan Konvensional terhadap hasil belajar PAI; (2) Mengetahui kemampuan sosialisasi siswa ditinjau dari factor parenting orang tua siswa dengan kategori ekonomi (atas, menengah dan bawah); (3) Melihat apakah terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan keterampilan social dalam menentukan hasil belajar PAI. Adapun pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode quasi eksperimen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 7 SMPN 2 Banjarsari Lebak Banten terdiri dari 91 siswa. Instrument yang digunakan terdiri dari; (1) Test menentukan hasil belajar PAI melalui lembar soal dengan 25 pertanyaan, meliputi; 20 Pilihan Ganda dan 5 Essay. (2) Test menentukan keterampilan social siswa, menggunakan pengukuran skala sikap berbentuk angket. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis ANOVA dua jalur. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa; (1) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar PAI berdasarkan ketiga model pembelajaran <em>(RP, T&amp;G dan Konv)</em>; (2) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar PAI berdasarkan keterampilan social siswa dengan parenting orang tua ekonomi (atas, menengah dan bawah); (3) Tidak terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaran dan keterampilan sosial dalam menentukan hasil belajar PAI siswa</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) A IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBIAYAAN FOUNDATION PLAN UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN 2024-06-14T22:00:08+07:00 Khamisah Nurdini <p>Salah satu dampak signifikan dari pembiayaan pendidikan adalah peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan mutu pendidikan, jika pengelolaan pembiayaan di sekolah tidak tepat, akan muncul berbagai masalah yang berdampak negatif pada kualitas pendidikan dan perkembangan siswa. Beberapa konsekuensi yang mungkin terjadi yiatu kekurangan fasilitas dan sumber daya. Sekolah mungkin tidak mampu menyediakan fasilitas yang memadai seperti ruang kelas yang layak, laboratorium, perpustakaan, dan peralatan belajar yang diperlukan. Tanpa model pembiayaan yang tepat, guru mungkin tidak mendapatkan pelatihan dan pengembangan profesional yang diperlukan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan mengajar mereka. Ini dapat mengakibatkan metode pengajaran yang kurang efektif dan menurunnya kualitas pendidikan. kami melakukan penelitian di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Integral Persatuan Islam (MIIPI) Arrahman Kecamatan Pameungpeuk Kabupaten Bandung dengan tujuan mendapatkan gambaran secara umum mengenai implementasi model pembiayaan foundation plan dilihat dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan di MIIPI Arrahman Kabupaten Bandung. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi,wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian Implementasi Model Pembiayaan Pendidikan Foundation Plan di MIIPI Arrahman, yang melibatkan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan, dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan dengan selaras dengan RKAM dan 8 standar pendidikan nasional.</p> <p>One of the significant impacts of education financing is improving the quality of human resources and the quality of education. If funding management in schools is not appropriate, various problems will arise that will have a negative impact on the quality of education and student development. Some possible consequences include a lack of facilities and resources. Schools may not be able to provide adequate facilities such as proper classrooms, laboratories, libraries and necessary learning equipment. Without appropriate funding models, teachers may not receive the training and professional development necessary to improve their teaching skills. This can result in less effective teaching methods and a decline in the quality of education. We conducted research at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Integral Islamic Unity (MIIPI) Arrahman, Pameungpeuk District, Bandung Regency with the aim of getting a general picture of the implementation of the foundation plan financing model in terms of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising to improve the quality of education at MIIPI Arrahman, Bandung Regency. The research approach used in this research uses a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. The research results of the Implementation of the Foundation Plan Education Financing Model at MIIPI ARRAHMAN, which involves planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring, can improve the quality of education in line with RKAM and 8 national education standards.</p> Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN LITERASI SAINS SISWA MA MELALUI PENGGUNAAN PETUNJUK PRAKTIKUM BIOLOGI DENGAN PENDEKATAN MIKIR 2024-06-14T10:25:46+07:00 Anna Shafiya Faizatunnisa' Ruswan Erna Wijayanti <p>Abstrac: Learning in the 21st century is designed to prepare future generations who are able to face increasingly complex global challenges. The design of the educational process is the key to student success in developing skills and cognitive areas. Like scientific literacy skills, students can develop the ability to use scientific knowledge to identify questions and draw conclusions based on evidence with the aim of understanding and helping make decisions about a problem.</p> <p>This research aims to analyze the effect of using practical instructions with the MIKiR approach on MA students' scientific literacy. The research design used was nonequivalent control group design and sampling using purposive sampling technique. The research results show that the use of practical instructions with the MIKiR approach has a significant effect on students' scientific literacy. The results of the t test show a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.000, which means that the use of practical instructions with the MIKiR approach has an effect on students' scientific literacy. The measurement test for increasing scientific literacy using an effect size showed a result of 3.463, which according to the Cohen's d scale is categorized as a very high increase. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence of the use of practical instructions with the MIKiR approach on the scientific literacy of MA students.</p> Copyright (c) INTEGRASI MODEL TARGHIB WA TARHIB DENGAN MODEL REWORD AND FUNISHMENT DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK 2024-06-13T12:10:54+07:00 Anggi Afrina Rambe <p>The targhib wa tarhib model is an approach in the form of encouragement to motivate learners to do positive actions (targhib) and to avoid negative actions (tarhib). Meanwhile, the reword and funishment model provides rewards for good behavior and punishment for bad behavior that aims to strengthen the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of learners. This study aims to examine the qurani targhib wa tarhib model which is integrated into the reword and funishment model in shaping the character of students with a more complex approach with a touch of religious values. The method used in this research is a literature study to explore information from several sources of writing in the form of books, journals, and articles and writings related to the research problem under study so that the data obtained is more accurate. The results of the research on the qurani targhib wa tarhib learning model collaborated with the reword and funishment model are effectively used in shaping the character of students for the better, because it uses an approach in the form of stimuli that lead to the motivation of students in getting the pleasure of Allah SWT., as well as getting rewards in the form of threats, reprimands or warnings when doing bad things and students can understand that the actions and behaviors taken will get good or bad rewards.</p> Copyright (c) p PENDIDIKAN BERKUALITAS KUNCI KEBERHASILAN DAN KESEJAHTERAAN GENERASI MENDATANG MELALUI PROGRAM BEASISWA DI SURABAYA 2024-06-13T11:08:16+07:00 Rahmah Hayati <p>Penulisan artikel penelitian ini membahas mengenai Pendidikan Berkualitas: Kunci Keberhasilan Dan Kesejahteraan Generasi Mendatang Melalui Program Beasiswa di Surabaya. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengungkapkan pentingnya pendidikan berkualitas untuk generasi mendatang. Pendidikan merupakan proses pengajaran maupun pelatihan dalam memberikan pembelajaran mengenai pengetahuan dan juga keterampilan dalam sekelompok yang kemudian akan terus diturunkan ke generasi seterusnya. Jenis metode penelitian yang digunakan kali ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian analisis studi kasus, observasi partisipatif dan wawancara. Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian terhadap fenomena sosial yang menggunakan informasi deskriptif yang bersumber dari pengalaman seseorang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kualitas pendidikan di Surabaya melalui kontribusi dari program beasiswa ini memiliki dampak positif terhadap keberhasilan akademik, pengembangan pribadi, dan kesejahteraan ekonomi generasi muda di kota tersebut. Penelitian ini juga menemukan beberapa faktor-faktor seperti ketersediaan fasilitas pendidikan, kualitas pengajaran, serta dukungan dari pemerintah dan masyarakat, semuanya berperan penting dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang kondusif, yang pada akhirnya membawa dampak positif terhadap masa depan siswa. Selain itu, dalam pendidikan berkualitas penting adanya investasi secara berkelanjutan dari berbagai aspek, adanya peningkatan dan perluasan terkait program beasiswa agar banyak siswa bisa merasakan manfaat yang sama, serta bisa untuk memastikan keberhasilan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik.</p> Copyright (c) Visi Pendidikan PENILAIAN MASYARAKAT TERHADAP URGENSI, RELEVANSI, DAN PELUANG IMPLEMENTASI VISI PENDIDIKAN CAPRES-CAWAPRES 03 PADA KAMPANYE PILPRES 2024 2024-06-13T04:57:34+07:00 Ali Daud Hasibuan M Sirozi Sirozi Sholihah Titin Sumanti <p>Pemilihan secara langsung Presiden dan Wakil Presiden di Indonesia telah dilaksanakan sejak 2004. Pada 14 Februari 2024 juga dilakukan pemilihan untuk periode 2024-2029. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penilaian masyarakat terhadap urgensi, relevansi, dan peluang implementasi visi misi pendidikan yang diusung pasangan (03) Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan <em>multistage random sampling </em>sebanyak 250 orang dengan berbagai latar belakang usia, jenis kelamin, profesi, dan daerah kab/kota di Sumatera Utara. Instrumen penelitian angket yang disebarkan melalui <em>google form. </em>Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase jawaban responden terhadap: 1) wajib belajar 12 tahun, pintar dan merata; 32% sangat urgent dan sangat relevan, dan 20% sangat berpeluang diimplementasikan; 2) satu keluarga miskin satu sarjana; 44% sangat urgent dan relevan, dan 20% sangat berpeluang diimplementasikan; 3) kesejahteraan, kualitas, dan kompetensi guru dan dosen; 48% sangat urgent dan sangat relevan, 28% sangat berpeluang diimplementasikan; 4) integrasi pendidikan, vokasi, dan industri: 20% sangat urgent dan sangat relevan, dan 16% sangat berpeluang diimplementasikan</p> Copyright (c) A KEBERTERIMAAN MEDIA MULTIMODALITAS BERBASIS WEBSITEDENGAN MENGGUNAKAN ALUR MERDEKA PADA MATERI PENGUKURAN PANJANG DI KELAS 4 SD 2024-06-12T14:43:28+07:00 Emiusremi Rudidja <p>Abstract: In the current digital era, children are accustomed to various types of media and technology. The use of multimodality media in education allows students to become familiar and skilled in using technology, which is an important skill for their future. However, teachers still do not fully use media that supports current developments. This research aims to describe teachers' acceptance of website-based multimodality media. The approach used is a review of The UTAUT Model, which identifies factors that influence technology adoption. This research involved teachers as the main respondents, 29 school principals and 80 teachers in the city of Bandung and its surroundings, using questionnaires to collect data, and using SmartPLS software as a tool for analyzing data. In this study, researchers analyzed four main factors in The UTAUT Model, namely perceived usefulness, ease of use, social norms, and behavioral beliefs. The results of this research provide deeper insight into the factors that influence teacher acceptance of website-based multimodality media. These findings can help in designing appropriate strategies to promote the use of multimodality media in educational contexts.</p> Copyright (c) KEBERTERIMAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS WEBSITE “BELHA” DENGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MERDEKA GURU SE-KOTA BANDUNG 2024-06-11T18:26:29+07:00 Gantina <p>Memasuki abad ke-21, teknologi berkembang dengan cepat. Di era modern ini, kemajuan teknologi yang terus berubah setiap hari mempengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan teknologi terbaru dalam pendidikan adalah media pembelajaran berbasis web, yang digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar dengan teknologi digital. Penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi penerimaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Website dengan Model Pembelajaran Guru Mandiri di Jawa Barat untuk mengukur sejauh mana para guru menguasai pembuatan media pembelajaran berbasis digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei korelasional dan analisis jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa variabel yang diuji, seperti Self-Efficacy (Keyakinan Diri), memiliki hubungan dengan Behavioral Intention (Niat Perilaku), Perceived Learning Opportunities (Peluang Belajar), dan Social Influences (Pengaruh Sosial), sebagaimana terlihat dari proses pengelolaan data. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi yang efektif akan mempengaruhi penerimaan teknologi, penggunaan yang bijak, dan pengaruh sosial, terutama bagi para guru di Kota Bandung</p> Copyright (c) Penguatan Nilai Karakter Jujur dan Disiplin Melalui Ekstrakurikuler Pramuka di MTs Negeri 2 Kudus 2024-06-11T16:04:57+07:00 Kharisma Fatimatuzzahroh <p>Pendidikan karakter adalah suatu aspek penting dalam pendidikan, Jujur dan Disiplin adalah salah satu karakter yang perlu ditanamkan pada siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan dan peran ekstrakurikuler pramuka dalam penguatan nilai karakter sikap jujur dan disiplin pada siswa di MTs Negeri 2 Kudus. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian lapangan atau Field research dengan jenis pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Ekstrakurikuler pramuka memiliki peranan penting dalam penguatan nilai karakter sikap jujur dan disiplin siswa yaitu sebagai wadah pengembangan karakter melalui beberapa cara diantaranya; melalui pendekatan pembiasaan, materi-materi kepramukaan, keteladanan atau pemberian contoh serta pemberian sanksi dan penghargaan. Dengan adanya penguatan nilai karakter jujur dan disiplin siswa melalui ekstrakurikuler pramuka di MTs Negeri 2 Kudus, diharapkan kegiatan tersebut menjadi kebiasaan rutin siswa, dan dengan adanya dukungan dari lingkungan sekolah, maka perilaku jujur dan disiplin dapat terwujud baik di sekolah maupun dalam tindakan sehari-hari.</p> Copyright (c) KEBERTERIMAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS WEBSITE DENGAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MERDEKA GURU SE-JAWA BARAT 2024-06-11T15:25:39+07:00 Waryanti <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Entering the 21st century, technological developments are currently developing steadily. Entering the modern era which is marked by technological developments that continue to change every day, all aspects of life are now affected by advances in digital technology. Web-based learning media is a form of utilizing the latest technology in the educational context, which is implemented in the teaching and learning process using technology. Therefore, researchers will study and research the acceptability of Website-Based Learning Media with the Independent Teacher Learning Model throughout West Java to see the extent to which teachers have mastered the creation of digital-based learning media. This research uses a quantitative approach with correlational survey methods and path analysis. The research results show that Self E Self-Efficacy (Self Application) has a relationship with Behavioral Intention (Acceptance of technology). This can be seen from the p value which gets a value of 3.82 and the T Value with a value of 0.00 which exceeds the minimum and maximum limits set. determined, and it can be concluded that this variable is said to have a significant effect.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Acceptance, Website, Independence</p> Copyright (c) POTRET UPAYA KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM AKSELERASI PENERAPAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI SMP N 7 KOTA JAMBI 2024-06-11T05:50:12+07:00 monica <p><em>Education has an important role in sustainable nation building. In Indonesia, the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum aims to create independent, creative, and character individuals. The principal plays a key role in accelerating the implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in every school, especially at SMP N 7 Jambi City. The main challenge in implementing Merdeka Belajar is adjusting to the times. The focus of the Merdeka curriculum is to develop high-quality human resources that can be used both locally and globally. The Movers School program is an important component in this effort. The qualitative research method using case study research is used to understand the strategies, constraints, and solutions in Merdeka curriculum. The principal country and other applications, namely teachers, students, parents, and the community, are fully involved. Teacher training, CP awareness, and completion batan are important components in the process of implementing the new curriculum. The findings of this study have a significant impact on the advancement of education in Indonesia. One of the most important factors in the success of Merdeka curriculum is the environment and students' access to it. Overall, the implementation of Merdeka curriculum at SMP N 7 Jambi City has shown the effectiveness of the principal in improving student achievement.</em></p> Copyright (c) TRANSFORMASI PEMBELAJARAN FIKIH MELALUI KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR 2024-07-04T06:28:39+07:00 hafidaa <p>This study aims to investigate a discussion on the implementation of the independent learning curriculum at madrasah tsanawiyah. This research uses a qualitative descriptive qualitative research method using the independent curriculum theory which is based on constructivism learning theory. According to the principle of independent learning, curricula can be tailored to meet the needs and abilities of students, enabling them to participate more actively and creatively in the learning process. Regarding data collection techniques, it consists of conducting interviews with fikih subject teachers. Based on the research, the independent curriculum for learning fikih at MTs Hasyim Asy'ari Bangsri has been implemented since the 2023/2024 school year, but the implementation has not been perfect. When the autonomous learning curriculum for fikih learning was implemented, a number of difficulties and issues were discovered, namely educators or teachers have the responsibility of compiling teaching modules for learning, but the teacher has not found specific reference material for making teaching modules. Information is still limited regarding fikih learning in the independent learning curriculum. Even though the ministry of religion has an independent curriculum platform called Sikurma, the Ministry of Religious Affairs' autonomous learning curriculum which includes learning fikih, has not been fully covered by this platform. Because there aren't many independent curriculum textbooks available for Islamic Religious Education in madrasahs, pupils are still using the 2013 curriculum books.</p> Copyright (c) MANFAAT MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN DAN PELATIHAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 2024-06-10T18:07:13+07:00 Firman Hadi <p>Studi ini mengeksplorasi manfaat manajemen pendidikan dan pelatihan dari perspektif Islam. Dalam Islam, pendidikan dan pelatihan dipandang sebagai bagian dari upaya manusia untuk mengembangkan potensi tersembunyi dengan bimbingan, bimbingan, dan pelatihan bagi siswa. Manajemen pendidikan yang didasarkan pada Al-Quran dan Sunnah menghasilkan nilai lebih, seperti proses perencanaan futuristik, eksekusi yang kuat, dan proses manajemen diri yang kuat. Oleh karena itu, manajemen dan pelatihan pendidikan berbasis Islam dapat meningkatkan kualitas manajemen lembaga pendidikan dan kemampuan karyawan. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen dan pelatihan pendidikan berbasis Islam dapat meningkatkan prestasi kerja dan kemampuan karyawan dalam berbagai aspek, termasuk komunikasi, kerja tim, dan kemampuan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> Manajemen, pendidikan, pelatihan, membumi, Islami, kemampuan.</p> Copyright (c) The COMMUNITY LEARNING MANEJEMEN PROGRAM COMMUNITY LEARNING ILMU NAHWU DAN SHOROF DI PONDOK PESANTREN SUNAN DRAJAT LAMONGAN 2024-06-10T14:53:50+07:00 Rodli al-Anshori <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan proses menejemen program belajar bersama Mozaik of Life ilmu nahwu dan shorof di pondok pesantren sunan drajat Lamongan berdasarkan prinsip manajemen pembagian tugas, kesatuan arah, inisiatif dan prinsip semangat kesatuan menurut Henry Fayol. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teori Miles &amp; Huberman, yang mencakup pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan atau verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa belajar bersama Mozaik of Life menerapkan prinsip pembagian kerja dengan mengelompokkan pengajar berdasarkan kemahiran yang dimiliki dan mengelompokkan halaqoh sesuai dengan kemampuan para santri. Prinsip kesatuan arah berupa pembelajaran dan penggunaan bahan ajar yang sama sesuia dengan kemampuan para santri. Prinsip inisiatif diterapkan dengan pembuatan bahan ajar yang menyesuaikan kebutuhan para santri pada serta inovasi pembuatan akun intagram yang dirilis pada tahun 2021 yaitu @mozaik_of_lifr_for_everything. Prinsip semangat kesatuan diterapkan dengan evaluasi bulanan yang melibatkan semua anggota, mendukung dan menghargai setiap kontribusi individu dan memberikan tanggung jawab yang jelas dan sesuai dengan kemampuan. Penerapan prinsip-prinsip inilah yang mejadikan komunitas ini tetap ada dan tetap eksis diminati oleh para santri.</p> Copyright (c) The MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DAN HASIL BELAJAR DENGAN METODE MINDMAPPING MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI GITMIND PADA MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN IPS 2024-06-08T08:28:32+07:00 Raza Syarif Zaharah Zaharah <p>The influence of globalization in Indonesia today has a wide impact on education, especially technology. Many students in the current era have decreased motivation and interest in learning due to addiction to technology. In addition, teachers/lecturers who teach in the current era still do not understand technology, so the learning process still uses old learning media and a few media variations. The lack of media variations used in learning results in students getting bored and less interested in learning. Therefore, this research is expected to reference teachers/lecturers on the importance of variations in media, methods, and strategies used in learning. This study aims to implement the mind mapping method using the gitmind application so that learning is effective and can improve student learning outcomes. The research method used is a descriptive quantitative method using smartPLS as a data processing tool, and the data is collected by questionnaire, observation, and literature study. This study found that using the gitmind application in social studies learning proved effective and could improve students' learning outcomes. The implication of this research is expected to be applied in all courses and departments other than at the Jakarta State Islamic University.</p> Copyright (c) Program Satu Jam Berjuang untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Peserta Didik Kelas 6 di MI Darunnajah Kota Tegal 2024-06-07T18:03:47+07:00 MUHAMMAD FADHLURROHMAN <p>The aim of this research is to analyze the achievements of 6<sup>th</sup> grade students after participating in ‘satu jam berjuang’ program at MI Darunnajah Kota Tegal. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this research included madrasah headmaster, accompanying teachers and 6<sup>th</sup> grade students. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions, using Bloom's taxonomy theory which divides it into three domains, namely cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Data validity using triangulation techniques. The results of the research showed that student achievement increased after ‘satu jam berjuang’ program was held, as indicated by achievement of memorization targets, improvement in morals and behavior as well as students getting used to reading the Al-Quran in their daily lives.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi Penyusunan Modul Ajar Kelas 8 di MTsN Kota Madiun 2024-06-07T14:02:48+07:00 Syifa' Aulia Rohmah Laura Rohmatul Azkiya' Yumna Nazih irawan <p>The teaching modules in the independent curriculum are an important component in adapting a differential learning approach that focuses on meeting individual learning needs as well as ensuring that each student can successfully understand the material according to their abilities. MTsN Madiun City is one of the schools that has implemented an independent curriculum. However, the application of this curriculum is not always going perfectly, especially in relation to the teaching module. Zakiyatu Rosyidah, as a master teacher, has his own solutions and strategies for dealing with this challenge so that the learning process can go well. This research aims to identify and analyze the strategies used in the preparation of class 8 teaching modules at the Madiun City MTsN. The research method used is qualitative research through observation and interviews. This article discusses the strategy of preparation. The research method used is qualitative research through observation and interviews. class 8 teaching module in MTsN Madiun City as well as its implementation in support of the learning process.</p> Copyright (c) Efektivitas Manajemen dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Pendidikan di SDN Kotaparis 2024-06-05T14:10:45+07:00 Rejeki Handayani <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><strong>: </strong>Efektivitas manajemen merupakan kunci mencapai keberhasilan organisasi salah satunya dengan meningkatnya layanan pendidikan. Dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen, organisasi dapat mencapai tujuan yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Hal yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini bahwa diperlukan sebuah gambaran mengenai efektivitas manajemen dalam kelembagaan sekolah untuk meningkatkan layanan pendidikan. Tujuan dalam penelitaian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran secara umum mengenai peran manajemen sekolah dalam layanan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Kotaparis Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran manajemen terhadap layanan pendidikan di SDN Kotaparis Kota Sukabumi sudah efektif dan efisien. Akan tetapi, perlu adanya pengembangan dalam hal manajemen untuk bisa lebih meningkatkan kualitas dalam layanan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, manajemen sekolah yang efektif menjadi landasan fundamental dalam mewujudkan pendidikan berkualitas. Sekolah dengan manajemen yang baik akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap layanan pendidikan, baik bagi peserta didik, guru, maupun stakeholders lainnya.</p> Copyright (c) A MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN DALAM MERESPON ERA GLOBALISASI DI SD NEGERI BOJONGKAWUNG HILIR 2024-06-05T13:39:53+07:00 Resna Agustini <p>Globalisasi telah menjadi salah satu fenomena yang menentukan pada zaman ini. Salah satu sektor yang paling terkena dampak globalisasi adalah sektor pendidikan. Karena arus informasi yang tidak terbatas, perubahan teknologi yang cepat, dan meningkatnya mobilitas manusia, pendidikan menghadapi tantangan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, namun juga menawarkan peluang baru yang tidak terduga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak globalisasi terhadap manajemen pendidikan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik manajemen perubahan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Merumuskan strategi yang tepat untuk menerapkan manajemen perubahan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan untuk memahami fenomena sosial secara mendalam, melalui pengumpulan data deskriptif, analisis interpretatif, dan pemahaman konteks sosialnya. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk menunjang penelitian ini dengan cara: wawancarca, Obsevasi, Analisis Dokumen. Kesimpulannya perkembangan dunia yang dipicu oleh globalisasi telah membawa implikasi yang signifikan terhadap manajemen pendidikan. Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan peluang yang dihadirkan oleh globalisasi, manajemen pendidikan harus memperkuat keterampilan dan pengetahuan, serta mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai baru yang muncul dalam konsep dan praktik. Dengan demikian, kita dapat memastikan bahwa sistem pendidikan tetap relevan dan efektif dalam menghadapi realitas dunia yang semakin terhubung.</p> Copyright (c) P PERENCANAAN STRATEGIK DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN DI SDN SRIWIDARI 1 2024-06-05T13:05:42+07:00 Mita Martinah <p>Perencanaan strategik adalah proses menentukan arah, prioritas, dan alokasi sumber daya untuk organisasi pendidikan. Perencanaan ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa organisasi pendidikan dapat mencapai tujuannya secara efektif dan efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: bagaimana cara meningkatkan pemahaman akan pentingnya perencanaan startegik di SDN Sriwidari 1,&nbsp; bagaimana cara mengembangkan perencanaan strategik yang efektif dan efisien dengan sumber daya di SDN Sriwidari 1, strategi apa yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan manajemen dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategik yang baik di SDN Sriwidari 1. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif merupakan pilihan yang tepat bagi penelitian yang ingin memahami makna dan pengalaman seseorang. Pendekatan ini dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari berbagai fenomena seperti budaya, perilaku dan interaksi sosial. Perencanaan strategis sekolah merupakan suatu proses sistematis untuk menentukan arah dan tujuan jangka panjang sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kami melakukan kegiatan analisis dokumen mengenai perencanaan strategik di SDN Sriwidari 1 di tengah globalisasi dan perubahan besar yang terjadi, termasuk apa yang dinamakan era disrupsi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perencanaan strategis sekolah merupakan suatu proses sistematis untuk menentukan arah dan tujuan jangka panjang sekolah. Kegiatan analisis dokumen mengenai perencanaan strategik di SDN Sriwidari 1 di tengah globalsisasi dan perubahan besar yang terjadi, termasuk apa yang dinamakan era disrupsi.</p> Copyright (c) Sebuah Telaah Teori Syura dan Etika Pengambilan Keputusan Al-Mawardi di pkbm 2024-06-05T12:20:40+07:00 Moh. Ramdan Nurul Ikhsan H Moh. Ramdan NIH <p>Laporan ini memaparkan hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk Telaah Teori Syura dan Etika Pengambilan Keputusan Al-Mawardi di pkbm. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi partisipan, wawancara mendalam, dan analisis dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme pengambilan keputusan di PKBM Melati bersifat sentralistik, dengan Direktur PKBM sebagai pengambil keputusan utama. Keputusan yang diambil Direktur PKBM biasanya didasarkan pada pertimbangan pribadi dan masukan dari beberapa tutor senior. Mekanisme pengambilan keputusan ini memiliki beberapa kelebihan dan kekurangan. Kelebihannya adalah proses pengambilan keputusan yang cepat dan efisien. Kekurangannya adalah kurangnya partisipasi dari pemangku kepentingan lainnya, seperti tutor, staf, dan orang tua murid.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Hubungan Antara Pendidikan Karakter dan Perilaku Sosial Remaja Sekolah Menengah Atas di Kota Surabaya 2024-06-05T11:00:07+07:00 Galuh Amelia Ragil Rahmanda Amelia <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali hubungan antara pendidikan karakter dan perilaku sosial remaja sekolah menengah atas di Kota Surabaya. Fokus utama adalah memahami bagaimana pembentukan karakter melalui pendidikan dapat memengaruhi perilaku sosial remaja, khususnya dalam konteks lingkungan sekolah dan interaksi dengan teman sebaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam studi ini meliputi survei melalui kuesioner dan wawancara dengan remaja serta pengamatannya terhadap dinamika sosial di lingkungan sekolah. Temuan dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan yang lebih mendalam tentang pentingnya pendidikan karakter dalam membentuk perilaku sosial yang positif pada remaja sekolah menengah atas, serta memberikan rekomendasi bagi lembaga pendidikan dan orang tua dalam mengoptimalkan peran mereka dalam mengembangkan karakter dan perilaku sosial yang sehat pada generasi muda.</p> <p><em>Keyword :Pendidikan , Karakter , Remaja Sekolah</em></p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Implementasi Metode Al Ikhtishor Dalam Pembelajaran Nahwu Di Ponpes Durrotu Ahlissunnah Waljama’ah Semarang 2024-06-05T07:55:17+07:00 Agus Sulaiman <p>This study aims to evaluate the level of learning nahwu, measure the ability of students in nahwu, and assess the effectiveness of using the Al Ikhtishor method in nahwu learning at Durrotu Ahlissunnah Waljama'ah Islamic Boarding School. This research uses quantitative methods with experimental design, involving control classes and experimental classes. Data collection techniques include tests, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out through normality tests, homogeneity tests, and T tests (<em>Paired Sample T Test and Independent Sample T-Test</em> ). The results showed that the level of use of the Al Ikhtishor method was adequate, the ability of students in learning nahwu science was very good, and the use of the Al Ikhtishor method proved effective in increasing understanding and mastery of nahwu among students. The Al Ikhtishor method significantly increases the understanding and mastery of nahwu among students. The conclusion of this study is that the Al Ikhtishor method is effective in improving the quality of nahwu learning, and this method is recommended for use in teaching nahwu science in Islamic boarding schools.</p> Copyright (c) Curriculum Updates and Their Impact on School Management Practices 2024-06-24T06:03:49+07:00 Muhammad Sabri Latif Jannatul Firdausi Nuzula Marno Marno <p>Curriculum renewal influences not only educational content, but also overall school management practices. In this study, we investigate the impact of curriculum reform on school management practices with an interdisciplinary approach. Through a literature review, we identified various forms of impact, including changes in management paradigm, organizational structure, school culture, teacher skills, education quality, community involvement, management skills, resource quality, student involvement, and service quality. Our findings suggest that school management must adapt planning, training, resource provision, and community involvement to manage change. Regular evaluations are needed to develop more effective education policies and school management practices, with policy adjustments based on evaluation findings. Good communication and involvement of all stakeholders is the key to implementing significant changes in increasing educational effectiveness.</p> 2024-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Sabri Latif, Jannatul Firdausi Nuzula, Marno Marno DIFFERENCES IN LEARNING MOTIVATION IN STUDENTS WITH HIGH AND LOW POCKET MONEY AT MODERN BOARDING SCHOOLS YOGYAKARTA 2024-06-05T00:15:35+07:00 Hanny Nur'aliya Ahmad Asron Mundofi <p>The objective of this study is to ascertain the disparities in learning motivation among students with substantial and limited financial resources at Yogyakarta Modern Islamic Boarding School. The desire of students to learn can be impacted by economic issues related to their parents, such as the availability of pocket money, which is considered a fundamental necessity in the learning process. This study employs a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the personal experiences of santri. The data was gathered by administering questionnaires, doing observations, and conducting interviews with a sample of 60 female students from the Pondok Pesantren Ali Maksum complex in Q Krapyak Yogyakarta. The findings indicated that there were disparities in learning motivation between the two groups of santri. Specifically, santri with a higher amount of pocket money exhibited greater levels of learning motivation in comparison to santri with a lower amount of pocket money. Providing pocket money has been demonstrated to have a significant impact on students' learning motivation and performance, as well as fostering responsibility and independence in financial management. This research significantly contributes to the advancement of more efficient tactics aimed at enhancing students' motivation to learn.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) EKPLORASI PEDAGOGICAL CONTEN KNOWLEDGE: Studi kasus Guru Matematika SMA 2024-06-04T17:48:38+07:00 Muhammad Ihsan <p>This study investigates the manifestation of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) elements in the teaching practices of mathematics teachers, particularly focusing on the topic of derivatives. The research aims to identify which PCK elements are evident in teachers' lesson plans and classroom instruction. Data were collected through lesson plans and classroom observations.. The findings revealed that teachers exhibited various PCK components, including knowledge of subject matter (KSM), teaching strategies (KTS), students' conceptions (KSC), and curriculum (KC). Teachers demonstrated strong KSM and KTS, employing diverse instructional strategies to enhance student engagement and comprehension. However, gaps were identified in some teachers' ability to integrate problem-solving skills (KSM) and connect derivative material with other curriculum topics (KC). These findings highlight the need for targeted professional development to address these gaps and improve instructional practices. The study underscores the importance of comprehensive PCK integration for effective teaching, contributing valuable insights into the practical application of PCK in mathematics education. Future research should explore the dynamic nature of PCK and its impact on teaching outcomes, focusing on longitudinal studies and challenges faced by novice teachers.</p> Copyright (c) THE PRINCIPAL'S EFFORTS IN INCREASING THE EXISTENCE OF EDUCATION IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS 2024-06-04T08:59:27+07:00 Muhammad Sabri Latif <p><em>The failure of educational institutions to maintain the quality of education in elementary schools is caused by the lack of role of school principals in maintaining the existence of education. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach.&nbsp; The objectives of this research are: 1) Describe the role of the principal in designing, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating to maintain the existence of education through school management at State Elementary School (SDN) 068/XI Kerinci-Jambi, 2) Explain the impact of the role of the principal in designing, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating to maintain the existence of education through school management at State Elementary School (SDN) 068/XI Kerinci-Jambi.&nbsp; This research instrument consists of two instruments, namely key instruments and supporting instruments. The key instruments in this research while the supporting instruments in this research are teachers, students, parents. The data collection techniques in this research include 3 methods, namely: Observation, Interview, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis techniques in this research include 4 methods, namely: Data collection, data presentation, data condensation, and giving conclusions to the data. The findings of this research include: 1) establishing the school's vision and mission as well as determining intracurricular, extracurricular activities and organizing meetings, which is a design carried out to maintain the existence of education in the school, 2) providing coordinators with subject teachers and supervising teachers for extracurricular activities increasing the existence of education in the 068/XI Kerinci State Elementary School, 3) providing Rewards and Motivation to teachers and students who excel have a positive impact in maintaining the Existence of Education in the School, 4) providing Weekly, Quarterly and Semester Evaluations has a good impact in maintaining The Existence of Education and the Success of Students at School. The conclusion of the research is that the role of the principal as a whole greatly influences the success of educational institutions in maintaining the existence of education in elementary schools.</em></p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS PARADIGMA PRAKSIS PENDIDIKAN NONFORMAL DI PKBM KOTA YOGYAKARTA 2024-06-02T23:24:21+07:00 m_wagio <p>Permasalahan tentang kemiskinan struktural masyarakat idealnya dapat diselesaikan dengan pendidikan, namun realitanya Kota Yogyakarta yang telah digelar sebagai kota pelajar menjadi daerah dengan penduduk miskin terbanyak, hal tersebut dimungkinkan terjadi karena lembaga pendidikan yang terdampak neoliberal, sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat (PKBM) yang memiliki kedekatan dengan masyarakat miskin, apakah terdampak neoliberal, dengan fokus melihat paradigma praksis lembaga, mulai dari arah paradigma lembaga, faktor pertimbangan pembuatan/pengembangan program, dan program yang dilaksanakan oleh PKBM. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah dokumentasi, observasi, dan wawancara. Sumber datanya terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu primer dan sekunder yang diambil dari penelitian sebelumnya dan lembaga PKBM Sejahtera, PKBM Surya Nusantara, PKBM Reksonegaran, dan PKBM HSPG. Teknik analisis datanya adalah analisis deskriptif dengan model Miles dan Huberman yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil yang ditemukan bahwa keempat PKBM tersebut, (1) arah paradigma lembaga membesarkan lembaga dan pelayanan untuk warga belajar, tidak terdampak neoliberal, (2) faktor pertimbangan perumusan dan pengembangan program adalah kebutuhan masyarakat/warga belajar, tidak terdampak neoliberal, (3) program yang dilaksanakan PKBM adalah kesetaraan dan keterampilan, tidak terdampak neoliberal.&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN KOLABORATIF DENGAN METODE NOTE-TAKING PAIRS PADA MATERI ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION TEXT DI KELAS XI SMKN 1 BATAM 2024-06-02T10:48:07+07:00 Taufik Kurniawan Suroso <p><em>Memahami analytical exposition text ini dapat membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dalam menganalisis argumen dan mengevaluasi bukti yang disajikan. Namun, Memahami dan mengevaluasi argumen yang disajikan dalam teks dapat menjadi sulit bagi siswa yang belum terlatih dalam keterampilan berpikir kritis dan analisis. Penelitian ini mengevaluasi efektivitas pembelajaran kolaboratif dengan metode note-taking pairs dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi analytical exposition text. Dilakukan terhadap siswa kelas XII Teknik Permesinan 2 di SMKN 1 BATAM, penelitian ini menggunakan metode experimental dengan one group pre-test and post-test.</em></p> <p><em>Setelah implementasi note-taking pairs, terjadi peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman siswa. Sebelumnya, hanya 27 siswa (42%) yang lulus dengan nilai di atas 75 dalam pre-test. Namun, setelah post-test, jumlah siswa yang lulus meningkat menjadi 38 siswa (90%). Rata-rata nilai siswa juga meningkat dari 70 menjadi 85. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa metode note-taking pairs efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap analytical exposition text. Kolaborasi antara siswa dalam mencatat informasi dan berdiskusi membantu mereka untuk memproses materi secara lebih mendalam. Diskusi antara pasangan juga memungkinkan siswa untuk saling melengkapi pemahaman mereka dan membantu satu sama lain dalam memahami konsep yang sulit.</em></p> <p><em>Metode pembelajaran kolaboratif dengan menggunakan teknik note-taking pairs dapat menjadi strategi yang efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman siswa pada materi analytical exposition text. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan tentang pentingnya melibatkan siswa secara aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan menggunakan metode yang mendorong interaksi dan kolaborasi antara siswa.</em></p> Copyright (c) SEBUAH STUDI KASUS DENGAN ANALIS MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA KELAS 2 SD MELALUI METODE BERMAIN DAN BERNYANYI 2024-06-02T08:32:43+07:00 Amalia Distiningtyas <p>Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas 2 SD menghadapi tantangan untuk melibatkan siswa yang masih dalam tahap perkembangan kognitif yang menyukai aktivitas bermain dan bernyanyi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektivitas metode bermain dan bernyanyi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa kelas 2 SD. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus di satu kelas dengan jumlah 20 siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode bermain dan bernyanyi meningkatkan motivasi dan partisipasi siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, yang berdampak pada peningkatan kemampuan kosakata, tata bahasa, dan pengucapan.</p> Copyright (c) implementasi sistem informasi manajemen terhadap efektivitas kerja tenaga kependidikan di smkn 2 jombang 2024-06-01T17:42:19+07:00 Leni Maesaroh illazahrohluthfita <p>The increasingly rapid globalization technology with the internet can now receive various information with the SIAP website and application, which is one of the implementations of the management information system at SMKN 2 Jombang. The effectiveness of the work of the educational staff is increasingly quality and increasing. Apart from that, management at the institution is also made easier with the SIAP website and application provided by the institution. The creation of the SIAP website and application is in accordance with the needs of schools and users. The quality of the system applied is complete and connects quickly. The quality of information on the SIAP website and application is information that is accurate, easy to understand and in accordance with user needs. Because it is easy to operate and uses language that is easy to understand. The SIAP application and existing website have provided satisfaction to users, so it can be said that a quality information system will increase the work effectiveness of quality educational staff as well. The focus of the research is to find out: 1. How is the Management Information System implemented at SMKN 2 Jombang. 2. How effective is the work of educational staff at SMKN 2 Jombang. 3. What are the inhibiting and supporting factors for implementing management information systems on work effectiveness at SMKN 2 Jombang.The type of method used in this research is qualitative descriptive research using a descriptive analysis approach, data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. After getting the data needed, the writer describes the data and then analyzes it. The results of the research conducted by the author show that the implementation of the information management system carried out by SMKN 2 Jombang Sudan is going well and the effectiveness of the work of the education staff often encounters problems at first. Now, with the SIAP application and institutional website, the work effectiveness of existing educational staff has increased<strong>.</strong></p> Copyright (c) Efektivitas Manajemen dalam Meningkatkan Layanan Pendidikan di SDN Kotaparis 2024-06-01T06:29:37+07:00 Rejeki Handayani <p>Efektivitas manajemen merupakan kunci mencapai keberhasilan organisasi salah satunya dengan meningkatnya layanan pendidikan. Dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen, organisasi dapat mencapai tujuan yang lebih efektif dan efisien. Hal yang melatar belakangi penelitian ini bahwa diperlukan sebuah gambaran mengenai efektivitas manajemen dalam kelembagaan sekolah untuk meningkatkan layanan pendidikan. Tujuan dalam penelitaian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana gambaran secara umum mengenai peran manajemen sekolah dalam layanan Pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN Kotaparis Kota Sukabumi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran manajemen terhadap layanan pendidikan di SDN Kotaparis Kota Sukabumi sudah efektif dan efisien. Akan tetapi, perlu adanya pengembangan dalam hal manajemen untuk bisa lebih meningkatkan kualitas dalam layanan pendidikan. Oleh karena itu, manajemen sekolah yang efektif menjadi landasan fundamental dalam mewujudkan pendidikan berkualitas. Sekolah dengan manajemen yang baik akan memberikan dampak positif terhadap layanan pendidikan, baik bagi peserta didik, guru, maupun stakeholders lainnya.</p> Copyright (c) Sumber Daya Pendukung Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Untuk Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus di Sekolah Inklusi 2024-09-18T07:13:38+07:00 Qonitah Cahyaning Tyas Marno Marno <p>Children with special needs need more attention in education, because they also have potential within themselves. Parents, teachers and the government are resources that are expected to support the implementation of the curriculum for children with special needs. This research seeks to explore the role of parents, schools and government in implementing the curriculum for children with special needs, as well as any weaknesses in its implementation. Data was obtained from resource room observations, interviews with school principals and special support teachers and documentation. The results of the research show that parents, schools and the government have supported the implementation of the curriculum for children with special needs well, although there are several weaknesses in its implementation. From these results it can be concluded that parents and schools play an active role in implementing the curriculum for children with special needs, while the government is still not optimal for several reasons. Therefore, government policies must be properly enforced in their implementation<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-09-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Qonitah Cahyaning Tyas, Marno Marno MENUMBUHKAN KEBIASAAN SHOLAT DHUHA SEBAGAI KUNCI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA DAN SISWI DI SMK 3 PGRI KOTA SERANG 2024-05-31T10:52:10+07:00 Raihan Fadhilah Raihan Fadhilah Firman Robiansyah Firman Prena sanja amalia prena Salman syalwa fala salman <p>Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam. In fact, prayer is the pillar of religion, meaning that whoever establishes prayer has established the religion of Islam and whoever leaves prayer has knocked down the religion of Islam. Prayer is one of the main components in Islam. Therefore, as a Muslim, you must strengthen this main component by establishing prayer. This study aims to examine the effect of implementing Dhuha prayer on student learning motivation at SMK 3 PGRI Serang. Prayer is one of the pillars of Islam which has an important role in the life of a Muslim. In addition to the five daily obligatory prayers, Muslis are also encouraged to perform sunnah prayers, one of which is Dhuha prayer. Dhuha prayer is performed in the morning and has many benefits, including improving discipline and motivation. In adolescence, students experience many psychological and social changes that can affect their learning behavior and motivation. Therefore, it is important to understand the right approach to increase learning motivation in students. SMK 3 PGRI Serang has implemented a program of implementing Dhuha and Dhuhur prayers in congregation as part of the school's routine activities. This program is mandatory for all students and is expected to increase their learning motivation. This study uses quantitative methods with data collection through questionnaires distributed to students. The results showed that the implementation of Dhuha prayer in congregation has a positive influence on student learning motivation. Students who regularly perform Dhuha prayer show increased motivation and discipline in learning, both at school and at home. This study concludes that the implementation of Dhuha prayer can be an effective way.</p> Copyright (c) MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN DALAM MERESPON ERA GLOBALISASI DI SD NEGERI BOJONGKAWUNG HILIR 2024-05-31T08:24:59+07:00 Resna Agustini <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Globalisasi telah menjadi salah satu fenomena yang menentukan pada zaman ini. Salah satu sektor yang paling terkena dampak globalisasi adalah sektor pendidikan. Karena arus informasi yang tidak terbatas, perubahan teknologi yang cepat, dan meningkatnya mobilitas manusia, pendidikan menghadapi tantangan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, namun juga menawarkan peluang baru yang tidak terduga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis dampak globalisasi terhadap manajemen pendidikan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Mengidentifikasi karakteristik manajemen perubahan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Merumuskan strategi yang tepat untuk menerapkan manajemen perubahan di SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan untuk memahami fenomena sosial secara mendalam, melalui pengumpulan data deskriptif, analisis interpretatif, dan pemahaman konteks sosialnya. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan untuk menunjang penelitian ini dengan cara: wawancarca, Obsevasi, Analisis Dokumen. Kesimpulannya perkembangan dunia yang dipicu oleh globalisasi telah membawa implikasi yang signifikan terhadap manajemen pendidikan. Dalam menghadapi tantangan dan peluang yang dihadirkan oleh globalisasi, manajemen pendidikan harus memperkuat keterampilan dan pengetahuan, serta mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai baru yang muncul dalam konsep dan praktik. Dengan demikian, kita dapat memastikan bahwa sistem pendidikan tetap relevan dan efektif dalam menghadapi realitas dunia yang semakin terhubung.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Manajemen Perubahan, Globalisasi.</p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: Globalization has become one of the defining phenomena of this era. During this time, geographical boundaries were lost and relations between countries, cultures, and economies became increasingly integrated. One of the sectors most affected by globalization is the education sector. Due to the unlimited flow of information, rapid technological change, and increasing human mobility, education faces unprecedented challenges, but also offers unexpected new opportunities. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of globalization on education management in SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Identify the characteristics of a new perspective in education management at SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. Formulate the right strategy to implement a new perspective in education management at SD Negeri Bojongkawung Hilir. This research uses a qualitative approach, namely a research approach used to understand social phenomena in depth, through descriptive data collection, interpretive analysis, and understanding the social context. Data collection used to support this research is by: wawancarca, Obsevasi, Document Analysis. In conclusion, the development of the world triggered by globalization has brought significant implications for education management. In the face of the challenges and opportunities presented by globalization, education management must strengthen skills and knowledge, as well as integrate new emerging values in concepts and practices. By doing so, we can ensure that education systems remain relevant and effective in the face of the realities of an increasingly connected world.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Change Management, Globalization.</p> Copyright (c) P PERENCANAAN STRATEGIK DALAM MENINGKATKAN MUTU PEMBELAJARAN DI SDN SRIWIDARI 1 2024-05-29T15:20:37+07:00 Mita Martinah <p>Perencanaan strategik adalah proses menentukan arah, prioritas, dan alokasi sumber daya untuk organisasi pendidikan. Perencanaan ini penting untuk memastikan bahwa organisasi pendidikan dapat mencapai tujuannya secara efektif dan efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: bagaimana cara meningkatkan pemahaman akan pentingnya perencanaan startegik di SDN Sriwidari 1,&nbsp; bagaimana cara mengembangkan perencanaan strategik yang efektif dan efisien dengan sumber daya di SDN Sriwidari 1, strategi apa yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan manajemen dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategik yang baik di SDN Sriwidari 1. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif. Pendekatan kualitatif merupakan pilihan yang tepat bagi penelitian yang ingin memahami makna dan pengalaman seseorang. Pendekatan ini dapat digunakan untuk mempelajari berbagai fenomena seperti budaya, perilaku dan interaksi sosial. Perencanaan strategis sekolah merupakan suatu proses sistematis untuk menentukan arah dan tujuan jangka panjang sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, kami melakukan kegiatan analisis dokumen mengenai perencanaan strategik di SDN Sriwidari 1 di tengah globalisasi dan perubahan besar yang terjadi, termasuk apa yang dinamakan era disrupsi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perencanaan strategis sekolah merupakan suatu proses sistematis untuk menentukan arah dan tujuan jangka panjang sekolah. Kegiatan analisis dokumen mengenai perencanaan strategik di SDN Sriwidari 1 di tengah globalsisasi dan perubahan besar yang terjadi, termasuk apa yang dinamakan era disrupsi.</p> Copyright (c) INTERNASIONALISASI PENDIDIKAN TINGGI DAN PROSPEK PERGURUAN TINGGI KEAGAMAAN ISLAM (PTKI) MENUJU WORLD CLASS UNIVERSITY 2024-05-28T08:43:52+07:00 Fathur Rohman <p>Internationalization is a necessity for every university, not only for the sake of quality improvement but also to face global competition. Internationalization is seen as a positive and planned means to respond to global forces, not based on economic gain, but rather on campaigning for the sociocultural values ​​of higher education. With internationalization, Islamic religious universities can reach the world much farther, faster, deeper, and cheaper to campaign for moderate Islamic values ​​promoted by PTKI (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam). This article discusses the policy of internationalization of universities in Indonesia and the prospects of Islamic religious universities along with the emergence of the digital revolution which was then followed by the independent learning program and independent campus. This article is a conceptual article using the library method, namely digging into the literature, both books and articles related to the internationalization of higher education. The data analysis used a descriptive analysis technique with a SWOT approach. The results of the analysis show that Indonesian Islamic religious universities have strengths in the form of moderate Islamic education and the integration of science and religion which is the hallmark of Islamic universities in Indonesia. As for the weakness, apart from the inadequate facilities, there has also been no concrete step from the government to create an international Islamic religious university. The existence of digital transformation provides opportunities for Islamic campuses to reach the international level. This is also supported by the existence of an internationalization policy and an independent learning program for independent campuses. As for the challenge, if the internationalization program is not carried out wisely, it will fall into westernization which eliminates the character of the university itself.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN MOTIVASI DALAM MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DI ERA GLOBALISASI 2024-05-28T06:37:18+07:00 NUR Hidayah <p><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara motivasi dan efektivitas pembelajaran dari perspektif psikologi melalui metode kepustakaan. Motivasi dianggap sebagai faktor kunci yang mempengaruhi pencapaian akademik dan keterlibatan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan menganalisis literatur yang ada, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi berbagai teori dan model psikologis yang menjelaskan bagaimana motivasi internal dan eksternal dapat meningkatkan atau menghambat efektivitas pembelajaran. Studi ini juga menyoroti strategi dan intervensi yang dapat digunakan oleh pendidik untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa, yang pada gilirannya dapat meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran. Temuan ini menunjukkan pentingnya memahami dinamika motivasi dalam konteks pendidikan untuk merancang program pembelajaran yang lebih efektif dan holistik.</em></p> Copyright (c) PEMANFAATAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM PADA MATERI MENGENAL NAMA ALLAH DAN KITAB-NYA KELAS 5 DI SD NEGERI REJOWINANGUN 1 YOGYAKARTA 2024-05-27T06:22:02+07:00 Ihda Husnul Khotimah Djamaluddin Perawironegoro <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pemanfaatan media dalam pembelajaran PAI yang belum optimal. Faktanya pembelajaran dilakukan lebih condong menggunakan sistem teacher oriented dan metode ceramah sehingga kurangnya kreatifitas guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pemanfaatan media pembelajaran PAI pada jenjang kelas 5 materi Mengenal Nama Allah dan Kitab-Nya. Lokasi penelitian di SD Negeri Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta terbilang strategis sehingga memudahkan seluruh elemen sekolah untuk menjangkaunya. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian lapangan dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran PAI pada materi Mengenal Nama Allah dan Kitab-Nya kelas 5 di SD Negeri Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta memanfaatkan perangkat laptop dan proyektor serta memanfaatkan media Youtube dan Quizizz. Dalam penerapannya, menggunakan berbagai model disesuaikan dengan keadaan masing-masing kelas. Faktor yang mempengaruhi pemanfaatan media pembelajaran PAI di SD Negeri Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta adalah proyektor sekolah yang mendukung, wifi yang terletak di berbagai titik, ketersediaan laboratorium komputer sebagai alternatif dan kejenuhan proses pembelajaran di siang hari. &nbsp;Adapun Outcome dari pembelajaran PAI merupakan sesuatu yang terukur yang didukung dengan pemanfaatan media dan teknologi di SD Negeri Rejowinangun 1 Yogyakarta.</p> Copyright (c) ENHANCING ENGLISH LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR DYSGRAPHIA STUDENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS THROUGH MICROSOFT ONENOTE-ASSISTED LEARNING 2024-05-27T05:56:36+07:00 Wahyudn din <p>This mini research explores the effectiveness of Microsoft OneNote in enhancing English learning experiences for students with dysgraphia in public schools. It focuses on personalization and autonomy, utilizing OneNote's features like Immersive Reader and Dictation to support students in overcoming dysgraphia challenges. The study also examines how OneNote facilitates student-centered learning, encouraging active participation and critical thinking, ultimately contributing to inclusive educational practices catering to diverse needs of dysgraphia students.</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI PENINGKATAN KUALITAS LAYANAN SEKOLAH MELALUI DEMING CYCLE 2024-05-27T04:56:40+07:00 Dian Erika Putri Achmad Supriyanto <p>This research describes the strategies carried out by schools to improve the quality of school services through total quality management. The strategy used includes plan, do, check and act (PDCA) from the Deming Cycle as a concrete step to improve the quality of program activities and services. Several strategic steps were found, namely: (1) <strong>plan</strong> step was carried out by the management team consisting of the Principal, Deputy Principal (Waka) Curriculum, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, Deputy Head of Infrastructure, Deputy Head of Public Relations, School Committee, and School Treasurer through common perceptions regarding standard operating procedures (SOP) used in each activity and also commitments that must be carried out until the end, (2) the <strong>do</strong> step is carried out by coordinating and determining the job desk according to existing procedures. Coordination with the parties is carried out through several routine activities, namely official meetings, committee meetings and other forums, (3) the <strong>check</strong> is carried out to see what constrains occur in the implementation of activity programs and try to find solutions to resolve these obstacles, and (4) At the <strong>act</strong> step, evaluation and follow-up are carried out based on the previous stages and carried out within a maximum period of one academic year, this aims to ensure that improvement efforts can be implemented as soon as possible</p> Copyright (c) Efektivitas Penggunaan Media Evaluasi Berbasis Google Form Pada Pembelajaran PAI dalam Penilaian Akhir Semester (PAS) 2024-05-27T01:56:21+07:00 Widad Sef <p>Pada era digital ini Teknologi Informasi dan&nbsp; Komunikasi memegang peranan krusial dalam dunia pendidikan, yang menuntut seorang pendidik untuk mampu menggabungkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas penggunaan Google Form sebagai media evaluasi dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di kelas X SMA Nahdlatul Athfal Bangkalan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif-deskriptif dengan melibatkan 10 siswa kelas X B sebagai subjek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, dokumentasi, dan angket yang berisi 16 item pertanyaan mengenai pengalaman siswa dalam menggunakan Google Form untuk evaluasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Google Form dalam evaluasi PAI membantu siswa dalam memahami materi, membuat proses belajar lebih menarik, dan meningkatkan motivasi belajar. Evaluasi dengan Google Form juga dinilai lebih efisien dan dapat mengurangi tingkat kecurangan selama ujian. Temuan ini menyarankan bahwa Google Form adalah alat yang efektif dan praktis untuk digunakan dalam evaluasi pembelajaran di era digital.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Teori Belajar Kognitif dalam Mewujudkan Merdeka Belajar dan Profil Pelajar Pancasila: Sebuah Tinjauan pada Praktik Pembelajaran Abad-21 di Kelas X MA NIPA Rakha Amuntai, Kalimantan Selatan 2024-05-26T14:25:45+07:00 Najmi Jailani Abin <p>This research aims to investigate the implementation of cognitive learning theory in the context of achieving independent learning and strengthening the Pancasila student profile through 21st-century learning practices. The focus of this research is on class X at MA NIPA Rakha Amuntai, South Kalimantan. A qualitative approach is used in this research, with data collection through classroom observation, interviews with teachers and students, and analysis of learning documents. The findings of this research are expected to provide a deep understanding of how cognitive learning theory can be applied in 21st-century learning to achieve independent learning and strengthen the Pancasila student profile. The findings of this research are expected to provide valuable insights for educators and policymakers in designing and implementing effective and relevant learning in line with the demands of the times. Additionally, this research is also expected to contribute to the development of cognitive learning theory in the context of 21st-century learning, as well as provide a better understanding of how learning practices that integrate cognitive aspects and Pancasila values ​​can shape the character and positive attitudes of students. In conclusion, this research highlights the importance of integrating cognitive learning theories in 21st-century learning to achieve the goals of independent learning and strengthen the Pancasila student profile, and underscores the important role of education in shaping competent and moral generations.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN KELUARGA DALAM MENDORONG KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR SISWA: PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI PENDIDIKAN 2024-05-26T12:42:58+07:00 lidya <p><sub>Keluarga mempunyai peran yang sangat penting dalam membentuk kemandirian belajar pada siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali peran keluarga dalam mendorong kemandirian belajar siswa dari perspektif sosiologi pendidikan. Pendekatan kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini, melalui wawancara mendalam dengan orang tua siswa dan analisis konten dari hasil wawancara tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keluarga memainkan peran kunci dalam memberikan dukungan, motivasi, dan lingkungan yang mendukung untuk mengembangkan kemandirian belajar siswa. Implikasi dari penelitian saat ini menyoroti bagaimana pentingnya peran keluarga dalam pendidikan anaknya dan memberikan pandangan yang lebih komprehensif tentang bagaimana keluarga dapat berkontribusi dalam meningkatkan kemandirian belajar pada siswa. </sub></p> <p><sub>Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Kemandirian Belajar, Siswa, Sosiologi Pendidikan, Dukungan Pendidikan</sub></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN FLASHCARD SEBAGAI MEDIA INTERVENSI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERBENDAHARAAN KOSAKATA ISYARAT ANAK TUNAGANDA 2024-05-25T02:37:42+07:00 Mutiara Nur <p>Children with multiple disabilities are children who have more than one obstacle both physically and mentally. Based on the results of observations, it was found that there were children with hearing impairments who were deaf and mentally retarded who had barriers in communicating, especially in their sign language skills. This article aims to determine the effectiveness of using flashcard media as an intervention media to increase the sign vocabulary of children with multiple barriers. Based on these objectives, this research is useful as input to teachers regarding the use of flashcard media. This research is quantitative research using the single subject research method. The results of this study show that there is an increase in sign vocabulary in children with multiple disabilities with the use of flashcard media in intervention.</p> Copyright (c) Dampak Praktik Pembelajaran Abad-21 Berbasis Teori Belajar Kooperatif dan Kolaboratif dalam Pengembangan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas 7 SMPN 1 Malangbong: Suatu Tinjauan Kualitatif 2024-05-24T15:18:54+07:00 Wawang Santika Agustini - <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>Students' motivation in learning English increases significantly when they engage in cooperative and collaborative learning practices. This collaboration fosters a greater sense of involvement and increases students’ interest in the subject matter. The contribution of 21st century learning practices based on cooperative and collaborative learning theory to improving students' English language skills is clearly visible. Through learning activities that involve social interaction, students have more opportunities to practice using English in real and relevant situations. Collaboration in problem solving and joint projects also helps students develop critical and creative thinking skills in using English. In addition, students' perceptions of the effectiveness of 21st century learning practices based on cooperative and collaborative approaches are very positive. They consider this approach to be more interesting, relevant, and provide a more meaningful learning experience compared to conventional teaching methods. Collaborating with peers is also seen as helping them learn more effectively. Thus, the findings of this research provide evidence that 21st century learning practices based on cooperative and collaborative learning theory can be an effective approach in developing the English language skills of grade 7 students at SMPN 1 Malangbong. The implications of this research emphasize the importance of integrating learning practices that encourage collaboration and cooperation in English language teaching to increase student motivation, engagement, and academic achievement.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN TEKNIK THINK PAIR SHARE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN BERFIKIR KRITIS MENULIS PESERTA DIDIK DI KELAS VIII MTS IBNU SINA BENGKAYANG 2024-05-24T07:10:01+07:00 PUTRI PURWANINGSIH PUPUT <p><strong>Abstract<em>: </em></strong><em>This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementing the cooperative learning model with the Think Pair Share technique to improve students' critical thinking skills in writing, and explore the factors that influence students' critical thinking skills in writing and find out their reactions during the process of implementing this method.</em> <em>The application of collaborative learning using the Think Pair Share technique is suitable for 21st century learning, especially the ability to think critically and solve problems (critical thinking and problem solving skills), the ability to communicate and work together (communication and collaboration skills).</em> <em>skills), creativity and innovation abilities (creativity and innovation), mastery of information and communication technology (knowledge of information and communications technology), skills in the field of information and communication education (Wijaya, 2016).</em> <em>This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods, conducting research from the perspective of Louis Cohen, Lawrence Manion and Keith Morrison.</em> <em>The population of this study was all students in class VIII MTS Ibnu Sina Bengkayang for the 2023/2024 academic year, totaling 38 students.</em> <em>The research instruments used were student worksheets (written test instruments), observations, and interviews.</em> <em>The results of the research show that the application of the cooperative learning model with the Think Pair Share technique is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills when writing descriptive texts for class VIII MTS Ibnu Sina Bengkayang.</em> <em>By implementing a collaborative learning model with the Think Pair Share technique, students can interact and collaborate with their classmates to complete learning assignments.</em> <em>The Think Pair Share technique encourages students to think independently (Think), work together with a partner (Pair), and share the results of discussions with the group (Share)</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong><strong>Keywords:</strong> Cooperative Learning, Think Pair Share, Critical Thinking Ability, Descriptive Text</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN METODE PEMBELAJARAN KOLABORATIF DAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN TEKNIK THINK-PAIR-SHARE DI KELAS VII SMP NEGERI 3 BINTAN 2024-05-24T04:00:04+07:00 LYZA YUSTIKA <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh penerapan metode pembelajaran kolaboratif dan kooperatif dengan teknik Think-Pair-Share terhadap kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri 3 Bintan. Penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi kendala yang dihadapi guru dan siswa dalam penerapan metode tersebut. Metode pengambilan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner, yang diberikan kepada 34 orang siswa kelas VII. Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan metode pembelajaran kolaboratif dan kooperatif dengan teknik Think-Pair-Share memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan berbahasa Inggris siswa. Siswa merasa lebih termotivasi, aktif, dan percaya diri dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Metode ini juga membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi pembelajaran dan memperluas kosa kata mereka. Namun, ditemukan beberapa kendala dalam penerapan metode ini, seperti kurangnya pemahaman awal siswa tentang kolaborasi, tantangan dalam mengorganisir&nbsp; kegiatan kelompok, dan perbedaan tingkat kemampuan siswa. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi acuan bagi guru dan sekolah dalam merencanakan pembelajaran yang lebih interaktif dan kolaboratif.</p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN SITUS WEB TANYA JAWAB ANONIM UNTUK MENDUKUNG PENDEKATAN KONSTRUKTIVISME DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS 2024-05-23T17:03:57+07:00 Gabriella Angeline <p><strong>:</strong> The use of technology in education is something that is inevitable in this digital era. Anonymous question and answer websites are one example of technology that is used in the classroom. The use of technology is believed to support the implementation of learning theory approaches such as constructivism in the classroom. Using qualitative methods, three students were selected to share their experiences using an anonymous question and answer website. The interview results show that the use of anonymous question and answer websites is effective in increasing student participation and also supports the implementation of the constructivist approach. Through the use of anonymous question and answer websites, students feel comfortable and free to express their opinions and questions. The use of anonymous question and answer websites was also said to help participants understand English concepts and skills better. Thus, the use of technology, especially anonymous question and answer websites, can be considered as the right step in supporting English language learning in class 10 SMAK IPEKA Tomang to have effective learning and also have active participation from students in accordance with the principles of constructivism.&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN TEHNIK JIGSAW PADA MATERI RECOUNT TEXT DI KELAS VIII SMP NEGERI 2 BINTAN 2024-05-23T14:13:47+07:00 Setya Rochmad Catur Cahyadi <p>This research aims to determine the impact of implementing the cooperative learning model using the jigsaw technique on the English learning process of recount text material for class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bintan for students, as well as to identify factors that support or hinder the implementation of this learning model. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach to describe events, experiences and student interactions in the learning process. The results of the research show that there are several positive impacts from implementing the cooperative learning model with the jigsaw technique in the English learning process of recount text material for class VIII SMP Negeri 2 Bintan for students, namely: Increasing student motivation and participation, Increasing student understanding, Developing interpersonal skills, and Improving learning outcomes and quality of learning. The research results also show that there are factors that support and hinder the application of the cooperative learning model using the jigsaw technique in the English learning process for class VIII recount text material at SMP Negeri 2 Bintan. Supporting factors include: teacher competency, student motivation, collaboration between students, relevant and contextual material, and facilities and resources. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are: Time limitations, differences in student abilities, and students' lack of ability to manage emotions.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> cooperative learning, jigsaw technique, recount text, SMP Negeri 2 Bintan</p> Copyright (c) THE ROLE SOCIAL SUPPORT AND SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE ON STUDENTS’ MORALS IN ISLAMIC STUDENTS: PLS-SEM ANALYSIS 2024-05-23T13:10:50+07:00 Khafid Abdullah <p>This research aims to explore the role of Social Support in influencing the development of spiritual and moral intelligence in Islamic Studies. The research method used is in-depth interviews and observations of students at the relevant educational level. Research findings show that interactions with Social Support have a significant influence in shaping understanding of spiritual values ​​and ethical behavior. Social Support act as socialization agents who facilitate the learning process and moral growth of students. The implications of this research highlight the importance of paying attention to social dynamics in curriculum design and learning program development to improve the spiritual and moral dimensions of religious education. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire consisting of a Likert scale with 5 alternative answers 1 (strongly disagree) — 5 (strongly agree). PLS-SEM analysis was used to analyze data and test the conceptual model to searching data from existing variabels. The most dominant item representing the success of Spiritual Intelligence is emotional balance at 89.0%. The weakest construct is the construct of avoiding negative behavior at 71.10%. The path analysis test shows that the four variables have a data negative insignificant effect on Spiritual Intelligence and a data positive and significant effect on Spiritual Intelligence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Kualitatif Respon Siswa Angkatan 79 Celebes International School terhadap Pembelajaran Percakapan Bahasa Inggris dengan Metode Belajar Kolaboratif dan Kooperatif 2024-05-23T07:52:03+07:00 Darlis Darlis <p><em>Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dengan metode kolaboratif dan kooperatif menjadi fokus utama di Celebes International School untuk menyiapkan siswa menghadapi tantangan global. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi respons siswa Angkatan 79 terhadap pendekatan pembelajaran tersebut. Melalui metode kualitatif, tiga siswa dipilih secara acak untuk diwawancarai secara individu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa siswa memberikan respons positif terhadap pendekatan tersebut, mengungkapkan keterlibatan aktif, ekspansi pemahaman bahasa melalui diskusi kelompok, dan peningkatan motivasi belajar. Mereka menyoroti manfaat interaksi sosial yang kuat dalam memperkaya pengalaman belajar. Ditemukan bahwa pendekatan kolaboratif dan kooperatif secara signifikan mendukung proses pembelajaran siswa dan meningkatkan keterlibatan mereka dalam pembelajaran. Rekomendasi diajukan untuk menerapkan metode ini lebih luas dalam kurikulum Bahasa Inggris di Celebes International School guna mencapai efektivitas pembelajaran yang lebih baik. Dengan demikian, metode ini diharapkan dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan keterampilan komunikasi lintas budaya yang penting dalam masyarakat global saat ini. Penelitian ini memberikan sumbangan penting bagi pengembangan kurikulum dan praktik pengajaran di lembaga kursus tersebut, menegaskan pentingnya pendekatan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa dalam mencapai keberhasilan akademis dan sosial. Sebagai kesimpulan, metode kolaboratif dan kooperatif menjanjikan potensi besar dalam meningkatkan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di Celebes International School dan institusi pendidikan lainnya</em></p> Copyright (c) Analisis Butir Soal ANALISIS TINGAT KESUKARAN, DAYA BEDA, DAN EFEKTIFITAS PENGECOH SOAL ULANGAN TENGAH SEMESTER SEJARAH INDONESIA KELAS XI-H SMAN 1 KALIANGET TAHUN AJARAN 2023/2024 2024-05-22T08:55:44+07:00 Satrio Wibowo <p>Proses evaluasi merupakan proses kegiatan mencari sebuah fakta dalam proses pembelajaran melalui analisis pengukuran dan penilaian. Evaluasi juga memiliki banyak jenis baik berupa alat atau instrimen. Untuk melihat efektif tidaknya instrumen yang digunakan, maka perlu adanya analisis terhadap instrumen evaluasi tersebut. Diantaranya ada tingkat kesukaran, daya beda, dan efektivitas pengecoh. Dengan melihat menggunakan 3 jenis analisis tersebut terhadap butir soal dalam kegiatan evaluasi akan memberikan gambaran mengenai keefektifan dari soal yang digunakan dalam kegiatan evaluasi. Umumnya instrumen yang penilaian yang baik dan benar adalah yang dapat mengungkap data sesuai dengan faktanya. Memiliki tingkat kesukaran yang berfariasi, tingkat pengecoh yang afektif, dan bersifat tetap serta dapat dipercaya. Maka perlu adanya analisis terhadap soal dalam kegiatan evaluasi untuk melihat hal tersebut.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN SARPRAS TERHADAP MUTU LAYANAN INKLUSI DI SDN 1 SAMBIJAJAR 2024-05-20T17:12:34+07:00 Teresma Pangesti Novita Trianjari <p>The lack of adequate management of educational facilities and infrastructure in inclusive schools for students with special needs is the main reason underlying this research. There is a belief that inclusive schools can improve the quality of their services by providing appropriate facilities and infrastructure to support the needs of students with special needs. The aim of this research is to identify how the implementation of facilities and infrastructure management can have a positive impact on the quality of inclusion services in the educational environment. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a focus on collecting data through interviews. The results of this research reveal that the process of implementing facilities and infrastructure in inclusion services is carried out through management which includes planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the procurement of facilities and infrastructure. This aims to support the quality of inclusion services in schools that provide education for students with special needs</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN SARPRAS TERHADAP MUTU LAYANAN INKLUSI DI SDN 1 SAMBIJAJAR 2024-05-20T17:04:22+07:00 Teresma Pangesti Achmad Supriyanto Rochmawati <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kurang memadainya pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di sekolah inklusif bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus menjadi alasan utama yang mendasari penelitian ini. Ada keyakinan bahwa sekolah inklusif dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanannya dengan menyediakan sarana dan prasarana yang sesuai untuk mendukung kebutuhan siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana penerapan pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap kualitas layanan inklusi di lingkungan pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa proses penyelenggaraan sarana dan prasarana layanan inklusi dilakukan melalui manajemen yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan evaluasi pengadaan sarana dan prasarana. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendukung kualitas layanan inklusi di sekolah yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus</span></span></p> Copyright (c) MENGGALI PERSEPSI GURU BIOLOGI TERHADAP PENGGUNAAN LEMBAR KERJA PESERTA DIDIK (LKPD) BERBASIS LITERASI NUMERASI DALAM MENYIKAPI ASESMEN KOMPETENSI MINIMUM (AKM) 2024-05-20T17:00:46+07:00 Waliyyatu Azzahra Sariwulan Diana Eni Nuraeni <p>This research reveals biology teachers' perceptions regarding the use of Student Worksheets (LKPD) which are integrated with numeracy literacy as an effort to face the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM). This research collected data from 25 respondents using questionnaires and interview sheets. The research results revealed that all respondents agreed that LKPD based on numeracy literacy was important to implement and most respondents had started to adopt it. Even though assessment with the AKM question type has been recognized and used by all respondents, the frequency of use still varies, with this AKM question type being used "frequently" by 36% of respondents in learning. Other results show that 43% of respondents consider the essay question type to be the most difficult for students. Based on these findings, several things are recommended, including the development and implementation of LKPD which continues to be adapted to curriculum needs and scientific developments. Apart from that, there is a need for more support and training to integrate biological numeracy literacy questions with various types of questions into assessments.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN SARPRAS TERHADAP MUTU LAYANAN INKLUSI DI SDN 1 SAMBIJAJAR 2024-05-20T16:54:05+07:00 Teresma Pangesti Achmad Supriyanto Rochmawati <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">Kurang memadainya pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di sekolah inklusif bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus menjadi alasan utama yang mendasari penelitian ini. Ada keyakinan bahwa sekolah inklusif dapat meningkatkan kualitas layanannya dengan menyediakan sarana dan prasarana yang sesuai untuk mendukung kebutuhan siswa berkebutuhan khusus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi bagaimana penerapan pengelolaan sarana dan prasarana dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap kualitas layanan inklusi di lingkungan pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan fokus pengumpulan data melalui wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa proses penyelenggaraan sarana dan prasarana layanan inklusi dilakukan melalui manajemen yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pemantauan dan evaluasi pengadaan sarana dan prasarana. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mendukung kualitas layanan inklusi di sekolah yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan bagi siswa berkebutuhan khusus</span></span></p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI PENINGKATAN KUALITAS LAYANAN SEKOLAH MELALUI DEMING CYCLE 2024-05-19T23:50:09+07:00 Dian Erika Putri Achmad Supriyanto <p>This research describes the strategies carried out by schools to improve the quality of school services through total quality management. The strategy used includes plan, do, check and act (PDCA) from the Deming Cycle as a concrete step to improve the quality of program activities and services. Several strategic steps were found, namely: (1) <strong>plan</strong> step was carried out by the management team consisting of the Principal, Deputy Principal (Waka) Curriculum, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, Deputy Head of Infrastructure, Deputy Head of Public Relations, School Committee, and School Treasurer through common perceptions regarding standard operating procedures (SOP) used in each activity and also commitments that must be carried out until the end, (2) the <strong>do</strong> step is carried out by coordinating and determining the job desk according to existing procedures. Coordination with the parties is carried out through several routine activities, namely official meetings, committee meetings and other forums, (3) the <strong>check</strong> is carried out to see what constrains occur in the implementation of activity programs and try to find solutions to resolve these obstacles, and (4) At the <strong>act</strong> step, evaluation and follow-up are carried out based on the previous stages and carried out within a maximum period of one academic year, this aims to ensure that improvement efforts can be implemented as soon as possible.</p> Copyright (c) Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Akhlak dalam Buku “Maaf Tuhan, Aku Hampir Menyerah” Karya Alfialghazi 2024-05-16T09:57:28+07:00 Rizka Aida Fitri <p>The aim of this research is to describe the moral education values taught in Alfialghazi's book “Maaf Tuhan, Aku Hampir Menyerah". The type of research used is library research which is equipped with content analysis methods to investigate the values of moral education in the book "Maaf Tuhan, Aku Hampir menyerah" by Alfialghazi as the main data source and books and articles from the internet as secondary data sources. The research results show that the book teaches moral education. First, there are moral education values related to the relationship with God, such as faith, prayer, husnuzan, gratitude, trust, sincerity and repentance. Second, there are moral education values related to relationships with oneself, such as courage, patience, endeavor, responsibility and self-confidence. Third, there are moral education values related to relationships with fellow humans, such as friendship, loyalty, and helping each other.</p> Copyright (c) The EFEKTIVITAS MEDIA POSTER UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK MATERI BUMI DAN SISTEM TATA SURYA 2024-05-15T07:57:05+07:00 Rully Queenta Balqis Amalia <p>One way to facilitate the learning process is that educators must use appropriate learning media during the teaching and learning process. Because learning media is a learning resource that can convey messages. This helps overcome disturbances that occur during the learning process. Learning media is expected to improve learning outcomes. This research is intended to determine the level of student learning outcomes and find out how effective the use of poster media is to improve student learning outcomes. The research method used is quantitative descriptive with a One Group Pretest and Posttest Design. The research was conducted at SMPN 1 Bojonegoro. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK) which consists of Pre-cycle, cycle 1, and Cycle 2. In this research the researcher used data collection techniques in the form of Pretest and Posttest methods. The population of this research was 32 students of class VII-B SMPN 1 Bojonegoro as the main subject. It is known that based on the average N-Gain obtained from the Pre-Cycle, it is 0.3, then increases in Cycle 1 to 0.5, and in Cycle 1 it becomes 0.8. So it can be concluded that this research reveals that learning using poster media is effective or can achieve the target of improving student learning outcomes in science subjects with material on the Earth and the Solar System in class VII SMPN 1 Bojonegoro.</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI GURU MEMBANGUN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK DI PONDOK PESANTREN DALAM MENDUKUNG PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA 2024-05-14T18:38:15+07:00 Pariska Ananda Sari <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi guru dalam membangun karakter peserta didik di MTS Pondok Pesantren Ar-Rahman Palembang dalam mendukung Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Uji keabsahan data menggunakan teknik uji kredibilitas, uji transferabilitas, dependabilitas, dan konfirmabilitas. Analisis data menggunakan teknik reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data. Berdasarkan dari analisis data yang telah dilakukan, maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa strategi guru dalam membangun karakter peserta didik di MTS Pondok Pesantren Ar-Rahman Palembang dalam mendukung Profil Pelajar Pancasila yaitu: 1) pembelajaran, dengan mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai karakter Profil Pelajar Pancasila ke dalam materi pembelajaran, kegiatan pembelajaran, dan proyek, 2) melalui keteladanan, guru memberikan contoh berperilaku dan bersikap yang baik, 3) melakukan pembiasaan, dibiasakan menerapkan adab dan mengikuti kegiatan rutin, 4) hukuman, memberikan hukuman yang membangun, 5) melakukan refleksi, guru mengelolah hasil evaluasi pembelajaran, memberikan pujian, menerima saran dan masukan. Strategi ini dilaksanakan dengan dukungan dan kerjasama dari pihak madrasah, guru, dan lingkungan mandrasah.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) The The Effect of Using Podcasts on Learning Motivation In Grade XI Students at SMA Negeri 10 Palembang 2024-05-14T12:42:24+07:00 Yessy Farinda <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the use of podcast media on learning motivation in grade XI students of SMA Negeri 10 Palembang. This study used a quantitative approach with a descriptive method. The population in this study was all class XI amounting to 640 people and the sample of this study was class XI.1 totaling 46 people. This study used Probability Sampling technique, namely Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation. Based on the results of the study , it shows that the use of Podcast media on learning motivation in grade XI students of SMA Negeri 10 Palembang is a positive category of four components of learning motivation by obtaining an average score based on attention 68.40%, based on relevance 62.97%, on confidence 67.19%, on satisfaction 73.71% and the overall average score of 68.07% so that it can be proven that the results of this study show positive criteria regarding the use of podcast media on learning motivation in students in Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction (ARCS).</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH GADGET TERHADAP PENGENDALIAN EMOSI DAN AKHLAK SEORANG ANAK 2024-04-22T14:35:14+07:00 Nafisah Dzawinnada <p>I have a lot of trouble seeing how a child's behavior or emotions nowadays are very difficult to control. When I investigated, it turned out that this was the result of excessive gadget influence. The purpose of this article is to make us as readers aware of how to overcome the impact of excessive gadget use. The method used in writing this article is the method of observation and searching for several other articles. So in this article we will explain some of the influences, impacts and countermeasures of gadgets on controlling emotions and forming moral beliefs.</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Metode Pembelajaran Akidah Akhlak dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Peserta Didik 2024-04-22T13:48:06+07:00 Nafisah Dzawinnada <p><sub>Religious education has a very influential role in shaping the caracter and morals of students. Focusing on understanding aqidah and morals is a strong key in an individual’s spiritual foundaton and morality. Aqidah it self means the science that studies beliefs and beliefs, aqidah also comes aims from the Al-Qur’an and Hadith. This research aims to anyze the effectivitiness off various methods of learning moral beliefs in incresing student’s understanding. And we can find out how important it is to learn moral beliefs that we can instill and develop in children regarding these religious values and morals.</sub></p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI PEMBINAAN AKHLAK PADA SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN 2024-04-22T13:15:40+07:00 Ahmad Ghozali <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The work of this article is created by the author to explain that in the world of education, it's not just about cognitive issues; personality education is also very important and deserves special attention. One of the best places to cultivate someone's character is the Islamic boarding school (pondok pesantren). Because within the Islamic boarding school, there is a very supportive atmosphere for shaping the character of its students. Since its establishment, Islamic boarding schools have had the goal of producing generations with depth in understanding religious knowledge and possessing good manners. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to use appropriate methods or strategies to ensure optimal results. In obtaining this information, the author uses the literature review method, wherein the author reads several journals as reference sources.</p> <p><em>Keywords:personality education, islamic boarding school</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Copyright (c) Peran Orang Tua dalam Penerapan Akidah Akhlak untuk mendidik anak dalam mencegah akhlak tercela 2024-04-22T10:14:19+07:00 Nafisah Dzawinnada <p>This article was written to provide an explanation regarding the role of parents in forming a child's morals. Lack of communication in the family can affect a child's morals. So the role of parents is very important in educating their children so that they avoid despicable morals. Among the despicable morals are arrogance, hasad, riya' and nifaq. These despicable morals are not good in life either from humans or from God. In educating children to avoid despicable morals, they need to frequently give advice, practice and be good role models. So this article aims to be used as a guide for anyone, especially parents, in educating their children. This article was prepared using a qualitative research method that uses references based on literature studies from journals obtained via Google Schoolar.</p> Copyright (c) Media Evaluasi Berbasis Google Form Pada Pembelajaran PAI di Kelas X SMA Nahdlatul Athfal Bangkalan 2024-04-02T13:33:00+07:00 Widad Sef <p>Pada era digital ini Teknologi Informasi dan<br>Komunikasi memegang peranan krusial dalam dunia<br>pendidikan, yang menuntut seorang pendidik untuk mampu<br>menggabungkan dan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi dan<br>komunikasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Penggunaan media<br>Google form ini bertujuan untuk memudahkan para guru dan<br>peserta didik dalam evaluasi pembelajaran PAI yang masih<br>menggunakan media konvensional, dengan adanya<br>pemanfaatan media teknologi seperti Google form dapat<br>menghemat waktu dan biaya hal ini dikarenakan evaluasi<br>pembelajaran berbasis google form ini dilaksanakan secara<br>paperless. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode<br>deskriptif-kualitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan teknik<br>wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sedangakan teknis<br>analisis data menggunakan validasi keabsahan data dengan<br>triangulasi. Subyek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas<br>X B SMA Nahdlatul Athfal Bangkalan. Hasil penelitian<br>menunjukkan bahwa dalam penggunaan google form memiliki<br>beberapa tahapan meliputi pembuatan, publikasi, dan<br>petunjuk penggunaan. Berdasarkan pemanfaatan media Google<br>form ini mendapatkan respon positif dari guru karena menilai<br>efektivitas metode pengajaran, dan bagi peserta didik hal ini<br>dapat dilihat dari analisis kesulitan soal serta jawaban peserta<br>didik.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PEMBINAAN MORAL PADA KELAS BINAAN DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS NEGERI 4 KOTA BIMA 2024-03-24T09:07:12+07:00 Ama Rusu <p>One of the alternative solutions to overcome the declining moral quality of students used by teachers and schools at SMAN 4 Kota Bima, one of which is the implementation of guided classes. The target class is a school program at SMAN 4 Kota Bima which is intended to foster the morale of troubled students at SMAN 4 Kota Bima. This study aims to find out how the implementation of student moral development at SMAN 4 Kota Bima, describes the obstacles in implementing student moral development and to know the results of implementing student moral development programs. The type of research that researchers use is qualitative research. Qualitative methods are research methods used to research the state of natural objects. The results of this study reveal that: 1) implementation of the student moral development program at SMAN 4 Kota, namely the transformation of religious values ​​in students, congregational dhuha prayers, congregational dhuhur prayers, motivation by the guidance counselor and vice principal, learning to recite the Koran, and providing motivation by deputy chief. 2) obstacles in the implementation of the moral development program, namely the lack of room facilities, lack of coaches, materials and support from other teachers. 3) the results of the implementation of the moral development program are that it gives the result that students experience changes in behavior in a better direction after being coached in the target class, this shows that moral coaching in the target class is effectively carried out.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Pembelajaran Pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Kelas 1 SD/MI 2024-03-23T13:27:56+07:00 Mazrur setria utama rizal Muhammad Syabrina Nurul Hikmah <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pelaksanaan pembelajaran pada masa pandemi Covid 19 kelas I di SD/MI. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Informan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kepala sekolah dan Guru kelas I yang terdiri dari 4 SD/MI yang tersebar di Kota Palangka Raya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Miles and Huberman dengan teknik pengabsahan data triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam pembelajaran daring dari 4 SD/MI yang diteliti melakukan pengurangan jam belajar selama 10 menit, adapun media yang digunakan didominasi oleh <em>Whats App, </em>dan <em>video call WA. </em>Dalam pembelajaran PTMT diketahui dari 4 SD/MI yang diteliti 50% menggunakan pergantian jam atau sesi, sedangkan 50% lainnya menggunakan pergantian hari masuk. Adapun strategi yang digunakan dalam PTMT diantaranya dengan penggunaan <em>double camera. </em>Selanjutnya dalam pembelajaran luring beberapa kegiatan sebagai usaha pencegahan <em>learning loss </em>yaitu dengan program Jam ke Nol dan matrikulasi.</p> Copyright (c) TANTANGAN PEMBINA PRAMUKA DI ERA MODERN 2024-03-20T01:19:50+07:00 dinipurnamasari Yudi Pratama Alif Bahtiar Pamulaan Syarifuddin <p><strong>Abstract: </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">In writing this article, the intention is to analyze the challenges of scout leaders in the modern era.&nbsp; From the results of the author's observations and interviews with one of the scout coaches at SMPN 3 Gelumbang, it was concluded that the main challenge in coaching scouts in this modern era is that technology is increasingly developing.&nbsp; This is because scout leaders need to integrate technology in scout activities to remain relevant to the younger generation who are connected to technology.&nbsp; Scout leaders are expected to take an open approach in designing scout programs and activities that are relevant to today's young generation.&nbsp; By understanding the values </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">​​</span><span style="font-weight: 400;">of scouting and using technology wisely, the younger generation can gain great benefits from scouting activities which are a comprehensive knowledge of various sciences.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong><span style="font-weight: 400;"> Tantangan, Pembina Pramuka, Era Modern</span></p> Copyright (c) TANTANGAN PEMBINA PRAMUKA DI ERA MODERN 2024-03-19T13:02:30+07:00 dinipurnamasari Syarifuddin Alif Bahtiar Pamulaan <p>Abstract: In writing this article, the intention is to analyze the challenges of scout leaders in the modern era. From the results of the author's observations and interviews with one of the scout coaches at SMPN 3 Gelumbang, it was concluded that the main challenge in coaching scouts in this modern era is that technology is increasingly developing. This is because scout leaders need to integrate technology in scout activities to remain relevant to the younger generation who are connected to technology. Scout leaders are expected to take an open approach in designing scout programs and activities that are relevant to today's young generation. By understanding the values of scouting and using technology wisely, the younger generation can gain great benefits from scouting activities which are a comprehensive knowledge of various sciences.</p> <p>Keywords: Tantangan, Pembina Pramuka, Era Modern</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) TAWHID AS A PARADIGM OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION 2024-03-16T03:05:36+07:00 Solehudin Syaf <p>Tauhid is the essence of the whole theory and practice of muslims in particular and humanity. Islamization of knowledge is meaningful if the effort is based on tauhid. It’s understood as an effort to affirm that Allah is one, the creator of nature and the controller of nature, thus all the mindsed and social activities of the community must be come from tauhid values. The values of islamic teaching summarized with the theory and practice of islamic education. This becomes a necessity for muslims to be separated from hegemony of the theory of secular education.</p> Copyright (c) MENDIDIK GENERASI KRITIS DENGAN SPIRIT FILSAFAT MELALUI PENDEKATAN TRANFORMASIONAL 2024-03-13T16:20:24+07:00 Muhammad Najih Afify Najih Afify NASIKHIN NASIKHIN FAHRURROZI FAHRURROZI <p>Pendidikan adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam pembentukan karakter dan kepribadian individu. Dalam era globalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi yang pesat, pendidikan juga harus mampu menghadapi tantangan-tantangan baru yang muncul. Oleh karena itu, pendidikan harus lebih menekankan pada pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif, serta membantu individu untuk memahami dan mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan. Konsep mendidik generasi kritis dengan spirit filsafat (educating a critical generation with philosophical spirit) dapat menjadi sebuah pendekatan transformasional dalam pendidikan. Pendekatan ini menekankan pada pentingnya pengembangan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip filsafat dalam proses pendidikan. Pendekatan mendidik generasi kritis dengan spirit filsafat melibatkan beberapa tahapan, yaitu pengenalan konsep filsafat pada usia dini, pengembangan kemampuan berpikir logis dan kreatif, serta diskusi tentang konsep-konsep etika, kebenaran, keadilan, dan kesetaraan. Selain itu, pendekatan ini juga menekankan pada pentingnya pengembangan kemampuan untuk memahami kebenaran objektif, kebebasan berekspresi, dan kebahagiaan yang tidak hanya bersifat materi. Dalam pendekatan mendidik generasi kritis dengan spirit filsafat, pendidikan dianggap sebagai sebuah alat untuk mencapai keadilan sosial dan politik. Konsep ini juga sejalan dengan prinsip-prinsip pedagogi kritis (critical pedagogy) yang dikembangkan oleh Paulo Freire dan Henry Giroux. Pedagogi kritis menekankan pada pentingnya pendidikan yang berpusat pada siswa, dialog, dan refleksi kritis, serta membantu siswa memahami dan mengubah dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik dan adil. Dalam konteks pendidikan, pendekatan mendidik generasi kritis dengan spirit filsafat dapat membantu individu mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis dan kreatif, serta memahami konsep-konsep filsafat yang mendasar. Pendekatan ini juga dapat membantu individu memahami dan mengatasi berbagai masalah yang dihadapi dalam kehidupan, serta membantu individu mencapai kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN HAM PADA MATA PELAJARAN PKN MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN INTEGRATIF 2024-03-10T04:07:59+07:00 Syahru Ramadhan <p>Learning human rights is a priority in answering various humanitarian and national problems in Indonesia. By looking at the level of crime and discriminatory behaviour as well as disrespect for fellow children of the nation, it is necessary to make efforts to increase understanding of the importance of maintaining, protecting and respecting human rights. In the application of Civics learning, teachers have not been able to fully implement it in an integrated manner, this results in the birth of an understanding that is not holistic and factual. In this study, researchers collected information, studied, analysed in descriptive qualitative form from various respondents, namely teachers and students about the implementation of human rights learning using an integrative learning model. Data sources in this study were collected using observation, interviews and documentation, while data analysis was carried out based on the facts that occurred during the research which were described in a structured and in-depth manner. The results showed that human rights learning can be implemented using an integrative learning model by integrating Civics subjects with various subjects such as social studies, Islamic education, science, and Indonesian language and has a positive impact on the development of student competencies in knowledge, attitudes and skills.</p> Copyright (c) T Telaah Akhlak Mulia dalam Al-Qur’an dan Hadits menurut ‘Ali bin Wahb AL-QAHT}A<NI DALAM KITAB AL-AKHLA<Q FI> AL-ISLA>M FI> D}AI AL-KITA<B WA AL-SUNNAH WA ATHAR AS-S}AH}A<BAH 2024-03-08T07:45:25+07:00 Arinda Rosalina Basuki <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Morals in the Qur'an and hadith are behavior that is based on individual feelings and conscious and good environmental influences according to Islamic law. This article is motivated by the increasing phenomenon of deviant behavior among young people due to moral decadence. This article will focus on the analysis of morals in the Koran and hadith according to 'Ali bin Wahb al-Qaht}a&gt;ni in the book <em>al-Akhla&gt;q fi&gt; al-Isla&gt;m fi&gt; d}ai al-Kita&gt;b wa al-Sunnah wa athar as-S}ah}a&gt;bah</em><em>. </em>This article uses a library research approach with primary sources in the form of the book <em>al-Akhla&gt;q fi&gt; al-Isla&gt;m fi&gt; d}ai al-Kita&gt;b wa al-Sunnah wa athar as-S}ah}a&gt;bah</em> by 'Ali bin Wahb al-Qaht}a&gt;ni. Secondary data is in the form of books, e-books, journals, and other literature, both theories and methods that specifically explain morals in the Al-Qur'an and hadith. Data analysis in this article uses the content analysis method. This article shows that the main points of noble morals according to the Qur'an and hadith include (1) the meaning of noble morals; (2) the virtue of noble morals; (3) how to have noble morals; and (4) branches of noble character.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Morals, ' Ali bin Wahb </em><em>al-Qaht}a&gt;ni,</em><em> how to have noble morals</em></p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN DINIYAH TAKMILIYAH AWALIYAH TERHADAP PENGUASAAN MATERI PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2024-03-07T04:58:19+07:00 Tri Yugo Yugo <p>Madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah merupakan lembaga pendidikan keagamaan non formal yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka melengkapi atau sebagai pelengkap pengetahuan ajaran agama Islam yang dilaksanakan di sekolah umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode eksperimen. Sample penelitian adalah siswa kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar Desa Bojongmalaka Kecamatan Baleendah Kabupaten Bandung sebanyak 78 orang kemudian dibagi menjadi kelas 6A dan 6B. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Independent Sample t Test, dimana apabila hasil Uji Independent Sample t Tes. Berdasarkan hasil Uji Independent Sample t Test diperoleh data nilai signifikasi (Asymp-sig (2 tailed) yaitu 0,001 berarti lebih kecil dari taraf signifikasi 0,05 dan juga nilai t hitung diperoleh 4,102 lebih besar dari tabel, dimana t tabel dengan df (38) adalah 1,68595, dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05 maka t hitung lebih besar dari&nbsp; t tabel yaitu 4,102 lebih besar dari 1,68595. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pendidikan MDTA terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar. Dengan demikian hipotesis alternatif diterima dan hipotesis nol ditolak.</p> Copyright (c) Warisan Ide BJ. Habibie hingga Lahirnya MAN Insan Cendekia Padang Pariaman (1996-2022) 2024-03-03T19:01:41+07:00 Ray Silva Ofianto Siti Fatimah Hendra Naldi Cyindi Noviani Finni Fajri Mulyani <p>The label attached to B.J. Habibie is a technology expert. Not many people know that he was Minister of State for Research and Technology (MENRISTEK) for 20 years with a term of office from 29 March 1978 to 11 March 1998. In 1996 he attempted to establish a school by applying science and technology and IMTAQ in a balanced manner so that the school became a magnet school. in Indonesia today. This research uses historical research with several steps including Heuristics (Data Collection Process), Verification (Source Criticism), Interpretation (Interpretive Activities) and finally the historiography step (Historical Writing). This research shows that B.J.Habibie has a legacy of educational ideas that reflect his identity as an intelligent person who is devoted to God. MAN Insan Cendekia has a vision of realizing high quality human resources in faith and piety, mastering science and technology. Until 2024, MAN Insan Cendekia is spread across 23 schools, one of which is in Padang Pariaman Regency. The presence of MAN Insan Cendekia in Padang Pariaman in 2016 created new history as a district producing superior schools in West Sumatra. This school also has an economic and social impact on the surrounding community.</p> Copyright (c) the STUDI KOMPARASI NILAI PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK DALAM BUKU TAHDZÎB AL AKHLÂQ KARYA IBNU MISKAWAIH DAN AYYUHĀ AL WALAD KARYA AL GHAZĀLῙ 2024-03-03T15:16:52+07:00 SISKA ITANIYAH <p><strong>Siska Itaniyah: 212621027.</strong> Studi Komparasi Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak Dalam Buku <em>Tahdzîb al Akhlâq</em> Karya Ibnu Miskawaih Dan <em>Ayyuhâ al Walad</em> Karya Al Ghazâlî</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep pendidikan akhlak, materi pendidikan akhlak dan metode pendidikan akhlak dalam buku <em>Tahdzîb al Akhlâq</em> Karya Ibnu Miskawaih dan <em>Ayyuhâ al Walad</em> Karya Imam Al Ghazâlî. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif atau analisis teks dan Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Teknik studi literatur (pustaka), dan sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah buku <em>Tahdzîb al Akhlâq</em> karya Ibnu Miskawaih dan <em>Ayyuhâ al Walad</em> karya Imam Al Ghazâlî. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada kesamaan dalam nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak yang ditekankan oleh Ibnu Miskawaih dan Al Ghazâlî, seperti kesabaran, kejujuran, kedermawanan, dan kasih sayang. Kedua buku ini juga menekankan pentingnya memiliki rasa tanggung jawab dan kesadaran sosial dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Namun, terdapat perbedaan dalam pendekatan dan metode yang digunakan oleh kedua tokoh ini dalam mengajarkan pendidikan akhlak. Ibnu Miskawaih cenderung menggunakan pendekatan filosofis dan mendorong refleksi diri yang mendalam, sementara Al Ghazâlî lebih mengutamakan pendekatan praktikal dan memberikan petunjuk yang jelas mengenai tindakan konkret yang harus diambil dalam mengembangkan akhlak yang baik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan akhlak adalah aspek penting dalam kehidupan individu dan masyarakat. Melalui pemahaman dan pengajaran nilai-nilai pendidikan akhlak yang ditemukan dalam buku-buku ini, diharapkan dapat membantu dalam membentuk individu yang berakhlak baik dan masyarakat yang lebih baik.</p> <p>Kata kunci: Studi Komparasi, Nilai Pendidikan Akhlak, Buku <em>Tahdzîb al Akhlâq</em> Karya Ibnu Miskawaih, Buku <em>Ayyuhâ al Walad</em> Karya&nbsp;Al&nbsp;Ghazālî</p> Copyright (c) Warisan Ide BJ. Habibie hingga Lahirnya MAN Insan Cendekia Padang Pariaman (1996-2022) 2024-02-29T08:27:31+07:00 Ray Silva Ofianto Siti Fatimah Hendra Naldi Cyindi Noviani Finni Fajri Mulyani <p>The label attached to B.J. Habibie is a technology expert. Not many people know that he was Minister of State for Research and Technology (MENRISTEK) for 20 years with a term of office from 29 March 1978 to 11 March 1998. In 1996 he attempted to establish a school by applying science and technology and IMTAQ in a balanced manner so that the school became a magnet school. in Indonesia today. This research uses historical research with several steps including Heuristics (Data Collection Process), Verification (Source Criticism), Interpretation (Interpretive Activities) and finally the historiography step (Historical Writing). This research shows that B.J.Habibie has a legacy of educational ideas that reflect his identity as an intelligent person who is devoted to God. MAN Insan Cendekia has a vision of realizing high quality human resources in faith and piety, mastering science and technology. Until 2024, MAN Insan Cendekia is spread across 23 schools, one of which is in Padang Pariaman Regency. The presence of MAN Insan Cendekia in Padang Pariaman in 2016 created new history as a district producing superior schools in West Sumatra. This school also has an economic and social impact on the surrounding community.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN DINIYAH TAKMILIYAH AWALIYAH TERHADAP PENGUASAAN MATERI PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2024-02-28T07:18:37+07:00 Tri Yugo Yugo <p>Madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah merupakan lembaga pendidikan keagamaan non formal yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka melengkapi atau sebagai pelengkap pengetahuan ajaran agama Islam yang dilaksanakan di sekolah umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode eksperimen. Sample penelitian adalah siswa kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar Desa Bojongmalaka Kecamatan Baleendah Kabupaten Bandung sebanyak 78 orang kemudian dibagi menjadi kelas 6A dan 6B. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Independent Sample t Test, dimana apabila hasil Uji Independent Sample t Tes. Berdasarkan hasil Uji Independent Sample t Test diperoleh data nilai signifikasi (Asymp-sig (2 tailed) yaitu 0,001 berarti lebih kecil dari taraf signifikasi 0,05 dan juga nilai t hitung diperoleh 4,102 lebih besar dari tabel, dimana t tabel dengan df (38) adalah 1,68595, dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05 maka t hitung lebih besar dari&nbsp; t tabel yaitu 4,102 lebih besar dari 1,68595. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pendidikan MDTA terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar. Dengan demikian hipotesis alternatif diterima dan hipotesis nol ditolak.</p> Copyright (c) IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI TENGAH IDEOLOGI PENDIDIKAN KONSERVATIF 2024-02-26T10:47:10+07:00 Muhammad Zamroji Robi'ul Afif Nurul 'Aini <p>Islamic education ideology is a systemic concept based on the Koran, al-Hadith, and ijtihad which aims for the happiness of human life in this world and the hereafter. The curriculum includes material from religious studies (aqidah, syari’ah, and morals) as well as general subjects such as mathematics. The methods used are classical and modern methods. Meanwhile, conservative educational ideology places more emphasis on conventional teachings which assume that everything humans do is God's will. The curriculum places more emphasis on moral aspects and the methods used also tend to be conventional, such as lectures. This is different from the ideology of liberal education which prioritizes individual freedom to develop educational concepts. The curriculum places more emphasis on practical matters and the teaching methods are free to suit individual wishes</p> Copyright (c) Challenges In The World Of Education & Their Implications For The Development Of The Islamic Education Curriculum 2024-02-20T10:15:06+07:00 Fani Azfar Muhammad Fathurrozaq <p>This research reviews the challenges of the world of education and their implications for efforts to develop the Islamic Education curriculum. Bearing in mind, that curriculum development efforts are a preventive step to advance the quality of education and superior student output to keep pace with current developments. To obtain the required data, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive method with a library research approach. Researchers took data from books, and journals, as well as the results of previous research and then carried out reduction, display and analysis efforts to obtain complete, systematic and structured data based on the research focus that has been determined. The results show that four main aspects are challenges and benchmarks for the development of the Islamic Education curriculum, namely the quality of human resources, education costs, curriculum problems, and the flow of globalisation.</p> Copyright (c) Analisis ANALISIS KESIAPAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENERAPKAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 BERBAH 2024-02-19T08:53:01+07:00 Heni Fitriana <p>This study will analyze the principal's preparation in implementing the independent curriculum. The independent curriculum is a curriculum that is currently being discussed and implemented in various schools in Indonesia. This research uses a phenomenological research approach. This type of research is qualitative research that looks and listens more closely and in detail to individual explanations and understandings of their experiences. This research was conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Berbah. The informants in this research are the principal and teachers of Al-Islam, Kemuhammadiyahan and Arabic (ISMUBA) SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Berbah. Data collection was carried out with several techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. In independent curriculum activities, the process that must be considered is planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the study include planning 1) Planning Curriculum Changes, 2) Managing Resources, 3) Monitoring Progress, 4) Facilitating Community and Stakeholder Involvement. For the implementation process, the principal is required to be the most important figure including: 1) Principal as executor, 2) Principal as a Supervisor, 3) Principal as a Leader and 4) Principal as an infrastructure enhancer. Finally, the evaluation process used at SMP Muhamamdiyah 1 Berbah uses monitoring evaluation, with regular meetings once a month.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR SISWA MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH KELAS 4 2024-02-18T08:48:17+07:00 Rabiyahtul Adawiyah Muhammad Yusuf <p>Learning independence is the desire to learn individually and not depend on others. This study aims to reveal the learning independence of 4th grade students of madrasah ibtidaiyah. The research method used was descriptive quantitative. Data were obtained through surveys and teacher interviews. The samples used were 4th grade students of MI Nurul Iman Mendahara Ilir. The results revealed that the learning independence of grade 4 students was in the sufficient category. The aspects of self-confidence, responsibility, and time management are important focuses for efforts to improve learning independence. Madrasah and family collaboration has also been implemented and optimization is needed.</p> Copyright (c) Kualitas Soal Ujian Akhir Berstandar Nasional Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Di MDTA 2024-02-28T02:33:30+07:00 Siti Nurbaitillah Mohammad Zaka Al Farisi Hikmah Maulani <p>This research aims to evaluate the quality of Arabic language examination questions in the National Standardized Final Examination (Ujian Akhir Berstandar Nasional - UABN) at the Nurul Amal Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah (MDTA), Karawang, for the academic year 2022/2023. The evaluation involves aspects of validity, reliability, difficulty level, item discrimination, distractor effectiveness, and Bloom's Taxonomy cognitive level. The research method employs a quantitative approach with an ex post facto design. Data were obtained from the documentation of examination questions and answer sheets, as well as interviews with teachers and students. The participants comprised 14 fourth-grade students of MDTA, selected using a saturated sampling technique. Analysis was conducted using Microsoft Office Excel for validity and reliability, and Anbuso Ver.8 software for difficulty level, item discrimination, and distractor effectiveness. The validity analysis results showed that only 20% of the items were valid, highlighting the need for structural improvements in item formulation. The test reliability met the desired standard, with 8 valid items yielding higher reliability. The difficulty level exhibited variation, ranging from difficult to easy. Evaluation of students' and teachers' perceptions revealed differences in assessing the difficulty level of the questions. Item discrimination analysis identified items with good discrimination, but some were inadequate. The effectiveness of distractors in 67.5% of the items required revision due to unsatisfactory performance. This study contributes to understanding the quality of Arabic language examination questions at MDTA and offers improvement suggestions. HOTS and LOTS) indicate that 21 questions fall under the LOTS category, while 19 other questions fall under the HOTS category. The findings are expected to positively influence the development of Arabic language learning evaluations, especially at MDTA</p> 2024-03-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Siti Nurbaitillah, Mohammad Zaka Al Farisi, Hikmah Maulani STRATEGI PENANAMAN KEDISIPLINAN SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN DARUL FALAH 2024-02-10T08:51:12+07:00 hevie Setia Gunawan hevie <p>Pondok pesantren mengajarkan dan menanamkan nilai-nilai keagaamaan kepada para santri yang dapat diamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, santri diharuskan untuk disiplin dan patuh terhadap peraturan yang ada di pondok pesantren. Namun tidak jarang fenomena santri yang tidak patuh dan kurang disiplin masih saja ditemukan. Dalam penelitian ini berpokus pada kondisi kedisiplinan santri pondok pesantren Darul Falah yang merupakan bagian penting dalam proses pendidikan di pondok pesantren, kedua Strategi pengurus Iksan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan santri di pondok pesantren Darul Falah, dan yang ke tiga Faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam mengimplementasikan strategi pengurus Iksan di pondok pesantren Darul Falah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pengurus Iksan dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan para santri di pondok pesantren Darul Falah. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menyimpulkan kondisi kedisiplinan santri di pondok pesantren Darul Falah sudah cukup baik, hal ini dapat dibuktikan dari banyaknya santri yang patuh dan taat terhadap eraturan yang ada di pondok pesantren Darul Falah. Faktor pendukung strategi pengurus Iksan di pondok pesantren Darul Falah diantaranya seperti kesesuaian strategi pengurus Iksan dengan visi dan misi pondok pesantren,&nbsp; kesadaran diri santri, dan sarana prasarana yang mendukung . Sedangkan kedisiplinan santri dan faktor lingkungan merupakan factor utama yang menghambat pengimplementasian dalam strategi pengurus Iksan di pondok pesantren Darul Falah.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENDIDIKAN DINIYAH TAKMILIYAH AWALIYAH TERHADAP PENGUASAAN MATERI PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2024-02-06T06:39:51+07:00 Tri Yugo Yugo <p>Madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah merupakan lembaga pendidikan keagamaan non formal yang diselenggarakan dalam rangka melengkapi atau sebagai pelengkap pengetahuan ajaran agama Islam yang dilaksanakan di sekolah umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan madrasah diniyah takmiliyah awaliyah terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di sekolah. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif, dengan metode eksperimen. Sample penelitian adalah siswa kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar Desa Bojongmalaka Kecamatan Baleendah Kabupaten Bandung sebanyak 78 orang kemudian dibagi menjadi kelas 6A dan 6B. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yaitu purposive sampling. Uji hipotesis dilakukan dengan menggunakan Uji Independent Sample t Test, dimana apabila hasil Uji Independent Sample t Tes. Berdasarkan hasil Uji Independent Sample t Test diperoleh data nilai signifikasi (Asymp-sig (2 tailed) yaitu 0,001 berarti lebih kecil dari taraf signifikasi 0,05 dan juga nilai t hitung diperoleh 4,102 lebih besar dari tabel, dimana t tabel dengan df (38) adalah 1,68595, dengan taraf signifikasi 0,05 maka t hitung lebih besar dari&nbsp; t tabel yaitu 4,102 lebih besar dari 1,68595. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada pengaruh pendidikan MDTA terhadap penguasaan materi pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) di kelas 6 SDN Jatimekar. Dengan demikian hipotesis alternatif diterima dan hipotesis nol ditolak.</p> Copyright (c) Peran Takmir Masjid Ar-Rayan Dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Agama ISlam MAsyarakat Desa Morang Kare Madiun 2024-02-04T23:20:51+07:00 Paqih Mufidin <p>Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran Ta’mir Masjid Ar Rayyan dalam Meningkatkan Penegatahuan Agama Islam Masyarakat Desa Morang Kare Madiun serta untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambat Ta’mir Masjid Ar-Rayyan Dalam Meningkat Penegtahuan Agama Islam Masyarakat Desa Morang Kare Madiun.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif bersifat deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari panitia Ketua Ta’Mir masjid, tokoh masyarakat sekitaran mesjid, dan ketua remaja Masjid. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi.Penelitian juga menggunakan metode kualitatif. Maka penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mendeskripsikan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, data-data, situasi-situasi atau kejadian dan karakteristik populasi, yaitu mengenai peran Ta’mir Masjis Ar-Rayyan Dalam Meningkkatkan Pengetahuan Agama Islam Masayarakat Desa Morang Kare Madiun.Berdasarkan temuan penelitian, diketahui bahwa Takmir berperan penting dalam peningkatan Peengetahuan masyarakat Masjid Ar-Rayyan dengan memberikan pelajaran agama seperti pengajian umum dan kelompok, Sholat Jum'at, membantu anak yatim dan dhuafa, merencanakan kegiatan pendidikan TPA dan Madrasah, merencanakan kegiatan sosial keagamaan seperti menyembelih kurban dan mengadakan akad nikah, serta merencanakan hari raya Islam seperti Maulid Nabi, Isra' Mi'raj, dan lain-lain. contoh kerja bakti. Kurangnya dana dan sumber daya manusia adalah hambatan utama Takmir untuk memperluas komunitas Islam Masjid Ar-Raya.</p> Copyright (c) Gambaran Stres Pada Prokrastinasi Akademik Mahasiswa Asal Sulawesi Di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 2024-02-01T03:00:48+07:00 Wa Ode Hono <p>Kebanyakan orang tentu pernah menunda-nunda pekerjaan ataupun tugas. Mungkin beberapa orang akan menyertakan alasan mengapa mereka menunda pekerjaan tersebut, misalnya mengerjakan prioritas mereka terlebih dahulu. Namun, beberapa orang justru melakukannya dengan sengaja. Dimana mereka menunda sebuah pekerjaan tersebut karena memang malas. Penelitian ini berfokus pada stress terhadap mahasiswa asal sulawesi yang mengalami prokrastinasi akademik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui gambaran stress serta faktor yang yang menyebabkan terjadinya prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa asal sulawesi di Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.</p> <p>Jenis metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu suatu cara yang peneliti gunakan untuk meneliti kondisi objek yang alamiah, dimana peneliti berperan sebagai instrument kunci. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan menggunakan cara gabungan atau triangulasi. Pengumpulan data dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan melalui reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwha tingkat stress yang dialami mahasiswa asal sulawesi yang berproktastinasi cukup berat sehingga memicu prokrastinasi akademik, serta faktor yang menyebabkan prokrastinasi akademik mahasiswa asal sulawesi adalah faktor internal dan eksternal yang mena meliputi kemalasan dan kondisi lingkunga.</p> Copyright (c) PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MENGHAFAL AL-QUR’AN DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH QUROTA A’YUN PONOROGO MENGGUNAKAN METODE WAFA OTAK KANAN 2024-01-31T19:41:21+07:00 Renti Amelia <p>langkah-langkah, perencanaan, dan pelaksanaan. faktor evaluasi dan penyebab terhambatnya proses berlangsungnya kegiatan belajar mengajar metode wafa. Berdasarkan konteks penelitian tersebut maka peneliti mengambil penelitian tentang “Model Implementasi Metode Wafa Otak Kanan Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menghafal Al-Qur’an Di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun&nbsp; Ponorogo”.</p> <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan hafalan al-qur’an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun&nbsp; Ponorogo. (2) Untuk mengetahui hasil model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan hafalan&nbsp; al-qur’an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun&nbsp; Ponorogo. (3) Untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambat dalam model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menghafal Al-Qur’an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun&nbsp; Ponorogo.</p> <p>Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: (1) Model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan hafalan al-qur’an &nbsp;di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah &nbsp;Qurota A’yun Ponorogo dimulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan penilaian. (2) Hasil model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun Ponorogo yaitu dengan adanya metode wafa tersebut dapat meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun Ponorogo, hal ini dibuktikan dengan prestasi yang diraih oleh siswa Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun Ponorogo dalam lomba tahfidz Qur’an. (3) Faktor pendukung dan penghambat model implementasi metode wafa otak kanan dalam meningkatkan hafalan Al-Qur’an di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Qurota A’yun Ponorogo adalah sebagai berikut: a) Faktor pendukung adalah alat peraga wafa, buku jilid wafa, buku ghorib, dan dukungan dari orang tua. b) Faktor penghambat adalah gerakan dalam menghafal Al-Qur’an khususnya memakai metode wafa dan kelas rame saat&nbsp; setoran sedang berlangsung.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM (PAI) DALAM MENANAMKAN NILAI KARAKTER RELIGIUS DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0 PERSPEKTIF ALQURAN DAN HADIS 2024-01-31T13:26:20+07:00 Firmansyah - <p>Kemajuan teknologi di Era Society 5.0 secara tidak langsung berpengaruh terhadap perubahan moral dan akhlak generasi penerus bangsa. Apabila tidak dibarengi dengan pendampingan dan pengajaran oleh guru maka akan berdampak negatif terhadap tujuan pencapaian pendidikan. Peran guru sangat diperlukan untuk membangun cara berpikir peserta didik dalam mengikuti perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat dengan cara menanamkan pendidikan karakter bagi peserta didik. Terutama guru PAI. Jenis penelitian ini berfokus pada penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan studi kepustakaan (<em>library research</em>). Artikel ini betujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana peran yang dilakukan guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam menanamkan bilai karakter religius peserta didik di Era Society 5.0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pentingnya peran guru PAI dalam membentuk karakter di era society 5.0 meliputi peran sebagai fasilitator, motivator, pembimbing, pengajar, dan demonstrator. Selain itu, guru merupakan teladan (<em>role model</em>) bagi peserta didiknya. Pendidikan karakter saat ini tidak hanya berpusat pada ranah sikap saja namun perlu diimbangi dengan pengetahuan mengenai teknologi di era society 5.0.</p> Copyright (c) Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Literasi Digital Peserta Didik Di SMK Manadi Kota Bekasi 2024-01-31T04:45:45+07:00 eviliyani evi <p>This study aims to determine the efforts of Islamic religious education teachers in improving students' digital literacy at SMK Mandiri Bekasi City. This research is motivated by the development of digital technology in the current era. The application and utilization of digital media certainly has positive and negative impacts. Therefore, it requires the ability and awareness in using digital media properly and correctly.</p> <p>This research is a descriptive qualitative research.&nbsp; The method used in this research uses descriptive qualitative methods, namely research conducted to understand human or social phenomena by creating a comprehensive and complex picture that can be presented in words, reporting detailed views from informant sources and conducted in a natural setting. The main data sources in this study are the principal, deputy head of curriculum, Islamic religious education teachers, students and also additional data sources in the form of documents owned by the school.</p> <p>The results of this study show that the efforts made by Islamic religious education teachers in improving students' digital literacy in several ways, namely (1) using and utilizing digital media in the learning process, (2) getting students used to reading 5 to 15 minutes of material through e-books or other online books, (3) digital training, and (4) adequate school infrastructure. infrastructure.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> efforts of Islamic religious education teachers, digital literacy.</p> Copyright (c) Hubungan Kebiasaan Menonton Korean Pop dan Drama dengan Motivasi Belajar Remaja pada Generasi Z 2024-01-31T02:01:22+07:00 Nabilah Nabilah Nur Laila <p><sup>Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya hubungan </sup></p> <p><sup>kebiasaan menonton korean pop dan korean drama dengan motivasi </sup></p> <p><sup>belajar remaja pada generasi z, seberapa besar kontribusi kebiasaan </sup></p> <p><sup>menonton korean pop dan korean drama dengan motivasi belajar </sup></p> <p><sup>remaja, dan apakah memiliki signifkansi atau tidak. Metode penelitian </sup></p> <p><sup>yang digunakan penelitian kuantitaif dengan pendekatan korelasional. </sup></p> <p><sup>Populasi penelitian ini mencakup seluruh peserta didik kelas XI di SMA </sup></p> <p><sup>18 Bekasi tahun pelajaran 2022/2023. Sampel yang diteliti sebanyak 94 </sup></p> <p><sup>siswa dari kelas XI. 1, XI. 4, dan XI. 8. Pengumpulan data menggunakan </sup></p> <p><sup>angket yang dibagikan secara online melalui google formulir. Instrumen </sup></p> <p><sup>penelitian sebelum diberikan kepada sampel dilakukan uji validitas dan </sup></p> <p><sup>reliabilitas terlebih dahulu dengan jumlah soal yang di uji coba sebanyak </sup></p> <p><sup>100 soal. Perhitungan pada penelitian ini menggunakan program SPSS </sup></p> <p><sup>Versi 25. Uji validitas yang diperoleh dari item Total Correlation </sup></p> <p><sup>sebanyak 80 soal yang valid, sedangkan uji realibilitas dengan cronbachs </sup></p> <p><sup>alpha 0,913 yang lebih besar dari rtabel 0,349. Uji prasyarat analisis yang </sup></p> <p><sup>dilakukan yaitu uji normalitas dan homogenitas, dengan taraf signifikansi </sup></p> <p><sup>(alpha) 0, 05 kemudian diperoleh data yang berdistribusi normal Sig.= </sup></p> <p><sup>0,200 &gt; 0,05. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana </sup></p> <p><sup>menghasilkan Sig. 2 tailed= 0,004 Yang mengatakan bahwa H0 ditolah </sup></p> <p><sup>H1 diterima. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat </sup></p> <p><sup>hubungan yang siginifikan terhadap kebiasaan menonton korean pop </sup></p> <p><sup>dan korean drama (variabel X) dengan Motivasi belajar remaja pada </sup></p> <p><sup>generasi z (variabel Y) di SMAN 18 Bekasi pada siswa kelas XI. </sup></p> Copyright (c) Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Menegakkan Disiplin Anak Untuk Melaksanakan Ibadah Salat Wajib Di Rt.007/019 Desa Mangun Jaya Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi 2024-01-31T01:27:37+07:00 Topik Taufiq Zaki <p>Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Menegakkan Disiplin Anak Untuk Melaksanakan Ibadah Salat Wajib Di Rt.007/019 Desa Mangun Jaya Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi<br>Taufiq Zaki, Npm : 41182911190147. Pola Asuh Orang Tua Dalam Menegakkan Disiplin Anak Untuk Melaksanakan Ibadah Salat Wajib Di Rt.007/019 Desa Mangun Jaya Kecamatan Tambun Selatan Kabupaten Bekasi.<br>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola asuh yang diterapkan oleh orang tua dalam menegakkan disiplin anak untuk melaksanakan ibadah salat wajib, untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan ibadah salat wajib anak saat berada di rumah, Untuk mengetahui kendala yang dihadapi oleh orang tua dalam mendidik anak untuk disiplin menegakkan ibadah salat wajib. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode analaisis data yang diperoleh selama kegiatan penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan dan memaparkan masalah dan tujuan penelitian secara objektif dan rasional.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif (field research), yang berarti bahwa penelitian bertujuan untuk mengamati fenomena dalam lingkungan alami. Penelitian ini merumuskan, Bagaimana pola asuh orang tua dalam menegakkan disiplin salat wajib anak, Bagaimana pelaksanaan ibadah salat wajib anak, Apa kendala orang tua dalam mendidik anak untuk menegakkan disiplin ibadah salat wajib.<br>Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pola asuh orang tua mendidik anak melibatkan memberi mereka contoh yang baik, memberi mereka informasi yang tepat, dan mengajak mereka dengan sabar untuk melakukan salat wajib. Di rumah dan di mushola, tindakan orang tua, lingkungan, dan kegiatan sehari-hari memengaruhi pelaksanaan salat wajib anak. Pengaruh lingkungan, ketergantungan anak pada perangkat elektronik, dan kesulitan mengawasi anak saat orang tua bekerja adalah beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi orang tua. Orang tua tetap penting dalam membimbing anak menuju ketaatan ibadah. Studi ini memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang upaya orang tua untuk membangun sikap religius anak mereka dengan memaksa mereka untuk melakukan salat wajib.<br><br></p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM IMAN DAN AL-QUR’AN DI KUTTAB AL-FATIH YOGYAKARTA 2024-01-29T09:45:27+07:00 Ahmad Azzam Nouvaldi <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat mengetahui perihal perbedaan kurikulum iman dan al-Qur’an di Kuttab Al-Fatih Yogyakarta dengan kurikulum nasional, implementasi kurikulum iman dan al-Qur’an dan hasil dari proses penerapan kurikulum iman dan al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan untuk memperoleh data penelitian ini menggunakan metode wawancara, observasi serta dokumentasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ialah terdapat perbedaan kurikulum antara Kuttab Al-Fatih Yogyakarta yang menggunakan kurikulum iman dan kurikulum al-Qur’a, proses Implementasi kurikulum dalam kegiatan belajar-mengajar di kelas seperti kapastitas peserta didik dalam kelas, modul pembelajaran seperti modul alam, modul manusia dan modul tadabbur. Hasil dari pola pendidikan kurikulum iman dan kurikulum al-Qur’an yakni peserta didik memiliki pola pikir yang cerdas.</p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci</strong><strong>:</strong> Implementasi, kurikulum, kuttab, kuttab Al-Fatih, pendidikan Islam</p> <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>: </em>The purpose of this study is to learn about the differences between the curriculum of the faith and Al- Qur'an at Kuttab Al-Fatih Yogyakarta and the national curriculum, the implementation of the faith and Al-Qur'an curriculum, and the results of the implementation process of the faith and Al-Qur'an curriculum. This is qualitative research with a case study approach. The data were obtained by employing interviews, observation, and documentation. The conclusion of the study conveys that there are differences in the curriculum between Kuttab Al-Fatih Yogyakarta which uses the curriculum of the faith curriculum and the Al-Qur'an and the national curriculum, the process of curriculum implementation in teaching and learning activities in the class such as the capacity of students in class, learning modules such as nature modules, human modules, and <em>tadabbur</em> modules. The results of the curriculum of the faith and Al-Qur’an teaching patterns is that students own intelligent thinking patterns.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong><em>: Implementation, curriculum, kuttab, kuttab Al-Fatih, Islamic education</em></p> Copyright (c) Penafsiran Ayat-Ayat Mutasyabihat Dalam Al-Qur’an (Studi Komparatif Atas Makna Istawa Dalam Kitab Al-Misbah Karya M. Quraish Shihab dan Kitab Al-Azhar Karya Abdul Malik Abdulkarim Amrullah) 2024-01-29T08:29:35+07:00 bayu wahyu maulana <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The Qur'an is a divine word revealed to the Prophet Muhammad as a guide for his people. The various aspects of the beauty and uniqueness of the language of the Qur'an, sometimes actually give rise to differences in understanding among scholars'. The cause of differences in understanding is that there are verses expressed in general or specific, global or detailed language styles. The Qur'an has meanings that are easy to understand, and difficult to understand too. including things that are important to research and discuss regarding the mutasyabihat verses in the Al-Qur'an. This research aims to describe the interpretation and methods of M. Quraish Shihab and Abdul Malik Abdulkarim Amrullah regarding the word istawa in the Al-Qur'an. Library research (library research) as a type of research. All data obtained from this research comes from scientific articles, books, narratives from educational experts and so on. This research is descriptive analysis, analyzing data qualitatively using inductive methods. is a method that starts from detailed and individual matters in the field, then produces a general (deductive) conclusion.Quraish Shihab's interpretation in interpreting the Istawa verse prefers and tends towards the Khalaf ulama, namely using the ta'wil method, while Abdul Malik Abdulkarim Amrullah's interpretation in interpreting the Istawa verse prefers the interpretation of Salaf ulama, namely using the tafwid method.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Mutasyabihat verse, Al-Qur'an, Istawa.</p> Copyright (c) FARID ESACK; HERMENEUTICS OF LIBERATION OF THE QURAN AND EDUCATION 2024-01-27T14:48:17+07:00 Laila Rohmah <p>This research discusses "Farid Esack's Hermeneutics of Al-Qur'an Liberation" with a focus on the method of interpreting the Al-Qur'an proposed by Farid Esack in the context of liberation. Farid Esack, a contemporary Muslim thinker, proposed a hermeneutical approach that creates a new understanding of the holy text of the Koran, with the aim of fighting for social justice, gender equality and human liberation. The main challenge faced in this research involves a deep understanding of Farid Esack's thought, as well as its application to the text of the Koran. The interpretation process involving social, political and cultural contexts requires criticality and caution so that the results can achieve the desired goal of liberation. The relevance of this topic in the world of education today is very important considering the complexity of the challenges faced by Muslim communities. A deep understanding of the liberation hermeneutics of the Koran can make a significant contribution in forming views that are inclusive, progressive and support human rights. Therefore, this research is not only an academic contribution, but also has a practical impact in guiding thought and action in realizing a more just and harmonious society.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN ETIKA GURU DAN MURID DALAM PERSPEKTIF KITAB ADABUL ‘ALIM WAL MUTA’ALIM KARYA KH. HASYIM ASY’ARI 2024-01-27T09:05:11+07:00 uswatun Muslim Siti Asiah <p>Pendidikan merupakan salah satu hal terpenting dalam proses kehidupan manusia; Pendidikan ini merupakan upaya untuk mengembangkan dan membina seluruh aspek kepribadian manusia menjadi lebih baik. Pendidikan merupakan wadah terbentuknya manusia seutuhnya yang mampu bersaing dengan manusia lainnya baik dalam mata pelajaran akademik maupun non-akademik. Agar proses pendidikan dapat berjalan dengan baik, maka pendidik dan peserta didik harus mempunyai sifat-sifat yang baik berdasarkan ajaran agama Islam. Kitab Adabul 'Alim Wal Muta'allim karya KH. Hasyim Asy’ari dapat dijadikan pedoman bagi pendidik dan peserta didik dalam proses pendidikan yang sedang berlangsung, sehingga pendidik dan peserta didik mempunyai pedoman yang baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pengumpulan data berdasarkan teks pustaka. berupa buku, jurnal, dan karya ilmiah lain yang relevan dengan pembahasan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Konsep Pendidik dalam Kitab Edebul Alim Vel Muta’allim; Terungkap bahwa ia mempunyai ciri-ciri mensucikan niat, merasa puas dalam segala aspek kehidupan, berperilaku Tavadhu, bertapa dalam hidupnya dan menjauhi segala bentuk. Ada maksiat disekelilingnya. Sedangkan dalam kitab Edebul Alim Vel Muta'alim konsep murid adalah murid harus membersihkan hatinya dari segala macam maksiat, mengembangkan niatnya dalam mempelajari ilmu, tidak menunda-nunda dalam memperoleh ilmu, ikhlas dan beramal. wira'i, mohon petunjuknya kepada Allah. S.W.T. Dengan demikian, guru yang tepat dipilih. Pandanglah guru dengan kekaguman dan rasa hormat.</p> Copyright (c) GURU DALAM PANDANGAN KITAB AL-‘ALIM WAL MUTA’ALLIM KARYA IMAM NAWAWI 2024-01-26T15:13:05+07:00 rosyid <p><em>Many problems in the world of education start with teachers who do not apply educational principles, which results in many discrepancies in desired expectations. Even more ironically, most teachers in Indonesia do not have the competence to carry out learning, such as teacher ethics towards their students, so that many students experience a decline in their learning motivation. The emergence of undesirable incidents such as cases of sexual abuse is something that can reduce the dignity of a teacher as a noble profession. The thinking in this article aims to understand the concept of a good teacher in the view of the book al-alim wal mutaallim by Imam Nawawi. In his work, Imam Nawawi explains the ethics of someone being a teacher and even creates a shared ethic between teachers and students. He also explained several teacher ethics when studying, this illustrates that teachers must not stop seeking knowledge. The explanations in his work are mostly based on the Koran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. Thus, the perspective expressed by Imam Nawawi reminds teachers of the path of Allah Ta’ala.</em></p> Copyright (c) Jurnal Analisis Opini Masyarakat tentang Transportasi Online 2024-01-26T07:30:15+07:00 Irgy Fahrezi <p>Jurnal Analisis Opini Masyarakat tentang Transportasi Online</p> Copyright (c) APAKAH BUDAYA DAPAT DIJADIKAN SEBAGAI BAHAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER ISLAM TERHADAP ANAK? 2024-01-25T10:01:34+07:00 Muhammad Raihanzein <p>Islamic character education in children through culture is a complex process that can be realized through various approaches. Integration of religion and culture is the main key in efforts to achieve this goal. In the context of culture-based learning, the application of constructivism theory becomes a significant basis. This theory emphasizes the formation of knowledge through social interaction and active thinking, which is directed towards Islamic character values. Starting from interactions with family to the school environment, this process forms an important foundation for a child's character. Islamic character values ​​instilled at this level will form a strong basis for the development of good character. Culture, as a medium for character formation, is able to make a positive contribution to the formation of children's morality and attitudes. In this way, the Islamic character that is formed will become valuable capital for children in interacting in society and facing life as a whole.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH LAYANAN BIMBINGAN KONSELING TERHADAP DISIPLIN BELAJAR SISWA DENGAN LATIHAN ASERTIF 2024-01-25T00:28:05+07:00 Siti Julaeha <p>The essence of assertive behavior is honesty, which is a way of life or a form of communication that is based on honesty from the bottom of the heart as a form of appreciation for others, in positive ways. Which is characterized by the ability to express oneself without insulting, injuring, offending or hurting the feelings of others without fear and anger. Whether someone shows assertive behavior or not will be very visible in the responses given as a form of self-defense. But the fact is that in everyday social life many are reluctant to behave assertively, such as harboring their feelings, pretending to hold back differences of opinion. This reluctance is generally based on fear and worry of disappointing others, fear of not being accepted by their social group, fear of being considered impolite and fear of hurting other people's feelings.</p> Copyright (c) A PENINGKATAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA DENGAN PENDEKATAN ISLAMIC HOPE QUESTIONS DI MAN 1 BANDUNG KAB BANDUNG 2024-01-24T21:06:29+07:00 Neng Rohaeni <p>Belajar adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa di sekolah untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan yaitu menjadi manusia dewasa yang bertaqwa dan berakhlakulkarimah.Dengan pendidikan maka harapan dan cita-cita akan terpelihara sehingga terpelihara juga motivasi siswa dalam belajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; (1) untuk mengetahui harapan – harapan siswa dalam hidupnya bauk jangka panjang ataupun jangka pendek. (2) untuk menumbuhkan dan memelihara motivasi belajar siswa dengan pengajuan pertanyaan tentang harapan – harapan siswa disertai penguatan penguatan islami oleh guru PAI di MAN 1 Bandung Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini di lakukan di MAN 1 Bandung yang mana madrasah&nbsp; ini mempunyai jargon pencetak generasi unggul dengan menjunjung karakter islami, disiplin tinggi &nbsp;dan berakhlakulkarimah. Peneliti menggunakan metode kualitatif sebagai metode. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan &nbsp;siswa-siswi kelas 11 dan 12 yang diambil beberapa orang sebagai sampel dari setiap angkatan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan Islamic Hope Questions berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan motivasi belajar siswa</p> Copyright (c) EKSPLORASI PELAKSANAAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DISIPLIN PADA KOMPONEN MORAL ACTION : STUDI KAJI TEORI THOMAS LICKONA 2024-01-24T08:13:19+07:00 nurhakiky <p>The aim of this research is to describe the implementation of disciplinary character in the moral action component of learning. This research used qualitative research with the subjects being the principal, deputy principal in the field of Habituation and Character Development (PPK), teachers, and students at SD Muhammadiyah 2 GKB Gresik. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this research indicate that the implementation of disciplined character education in the moral action component includes three aspects, namely (a) competence, namely the student's ability to control themselves to overcome events around them, (2) the will that underlies a person's willingness to full awareness of doing good, (3) habits of good behavior that are carried out continuously will become habits that will lead to good character. The strategy that can be applied to internalize disciplined character education in moral action is that teachers can become caregivers, role models and mentors. Apart from that, applying appropriate methods is also needed, including inquiry based learning and collaborative and cooperative learning approaches.</p> Copyright (c) UPAYA GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DALAM MENUMBUHKAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL SISWA 2024-01-24T02:13:54+07:00 Khotibul Umam <p>Penelitian ini meneliti langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh guru pendidikan agama Islam dalam mengembangkan kecerdasan spiritual siswa di sekolah melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan beberapa metode yang diterapkan oleh guru, antara lain: menjadi contoh bagi siswa, membantu siswa merumuskan tujuan hidup mereka, membaca Al-Qur'an bersama dengan siswa dan menjelaskan maknanya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, menceritakan kisah-kisah para nabi dan tokoh-tokoh spiritual, mengajak siswa berdiskusi dengan perspektif ruhaniah, melibatkan siswa dalam kegiatan keagamaan, menikmati keindahan alam, dan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosial. Temuan ini memberikan wawasan tentang berbagai strategi yang digunakan oleh guru pendidikan agama Islam untuk mencapai tujuan pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual siswa di dalam konteks sekolah.</p> Copyright (c) Website Wordwall merupakan... Pemanfaatan Website Wordwall Dalam Meningkatkan Inovasi Mengajar Guru Fiqih Dalam Mengajar 2024-01-23T15:59:18+07:00 fathor_rohman surati <p>Penelitian ini membahas sebuah cara meningkatkan <br>inovasi mengajar guru melalui pemanfaatan website wordwall, <br>website wordwall merupakan suatu platfrom pembelajaran yang <br>bebasis digital yang dapat dimanfaatakan saat pembelajaran <br>berlangsung. Pemanfaatan platfrom pembelajaran berbasis <br>digital harus diterapkan mengingat perkembangan zaman <br>yang tidak dipisahkan dengan teknologi harus dimanfaatkan<br>dalam menunjang pendidikan yang bermutu dan berkualitas. <br>Dalam hal ini pemanfaatan website wordwall merupakan suatu <br>hal yang memberikan dampak positif dalam meningkatkan <br>inovasi menagajar pendidik sehingga ketika pendidik <br>mempunyai jiwa mengajar yang inovatif maka akan <br>menumbuhkan antusiasme belajar siswa, lalu bagaimana <br>untuk meningkatkan inovasi mengajar guru fiqih melalui <br>pemanfaatan website wordwall di MTS At-Taqwa 17 Babelan <br>bekasi ? yaitu dengan cara memanfaatkan banyaknya fitur <br>yang dalam website wordwall seperti kuis, anagram, tebak kata <br>dll. Selain itu website wordwall dapat dijadikan sebagai aset <br>pembelajaran, media, dan perangkat penilaian yang <br>menyenangkan bagi siswa, sehingga gaya mengajar pendidik<br>didalam kelas tidak monoton dan tidak terkesan <br>membosankan serta membantu pendidik untuk<br>memanfaatkan waktu untuk hal yang produktif. Hal inilah yang menjadi suatu keunggulan dari website wordwall sehingga <br>guru dapat berinovasi dalam mengajar</p> Copyright (c) INTERNALISASI NILAI-NILAI KARAKTER ISLAMI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SMA MARTIA BHAKTI 2024-01-23T14:22:51+07:00 Rifqi Alfahrizy <p>Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh merosotnya sikap, etika dan moral siswa. Peran lembaga sekolah SMA Martia Bhakti yang tidak hanya menciptakan insan berprestasi, tetapi juga berjiwa Islami. Penanaman nilai karakter islami yang diterapkan di SMA Martia Bhakti melalui pembiasaan kegiatan-kegiatan untuk menanamkan nilai karakter religius, akhlakul karimah, sopan santun, dan disiplin bagi siswa. Sehingga dengan hal tersebut, menjadikan siswa mudah dalam proses pembelajaran. Internalisasi karakter islami merupakan sekumpulan tindakan yang mewujudkan dalam perilaku, tradisi, kebiasaan sehari-hari yang dipraktekkan dalam konteks di dalam sekolah maupun di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter islami dalam pembelajaran PAI di SMA Martia Bhakti, dan mengetahui nilai-nilai karakter islami yang diinternalisasikan dalam lingkungan sekolah.</p> <p>&nbsp;Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Prosedur pengumpulan data yang digunakan menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses internalisasi nilai-nilai karakter islami melalui kegiatan pembiasaan keagamaan di SMA Martia Bhakti untuk menumbuhkan karakter Islami pada siswa sudah berjalan dengan baik dan menggunakan strategi tersendiri. Tahapan kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan sekolah SMA Martia Bhakti meliputi kegiatan di dalam kelas dan di luar kelas diantaranya: 1)&nbsp; Membaca Al-Qur’an&nbsp; juz 30 sebelum pembelajaran berlangsung, 2) kegiatan&nbsp; senyum, salam, sapa, sopan, dan santun (5S) , 3) Kegiatan shalat dzuhur dan ashar berjamaah, 4)&nbsp; Kegiatan mabit</p> Copyright (c) Studi Komparatif Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Umum dan Madrasah 2024-01-23T05:47:58+07:00 Muhammad Raja Iqbal Fahri <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research investigates the implementation of Islamic Religious Education in public schools and madrasah using a qualitative approach and literature review as the primary source of data. The study focuses on identifying differences in curriculum structure, teacher roles, teaching methods, and their impact on students' understanding of religion and moral values. In this method, literature review serves as the main data source to analyze the concepts, curricula, and approaches to Islamic education in both types of schools. In-depth analysis is conducted to comprehend the distinctions and similarities in the delivery of religious content and its influence on student development. The findings of this research indicate that while public schools provide a foundational understanding of religion, madrasahs have an advantage in delving deeper into Islamic teachings and guiding towards a more profound implementation of religious values. The implications of these findings can serve as a foundation for developing contextual and impactful policies in Islamic education. The literature review as a data source provides comprehensive and in-depth insights into the development of Islamic Religious Education in the contemporary era.</p> Copyright (c) Persepsi Perkuliahan Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan (AIK) Bagi Mahasiswa Non Muhammadiyah di PTMA 2024-03-07T04:36:07+07:00 Afaf Wafiqoh Nusaibah Muhammad Lailan Arqam Badru Tamam <p>Perception of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah lectures for non-Muhammadiyah students as a course. The aim of this research is to find out students' knowledge regarding Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah lectures, do non-Muhammadiyah students feel they understand the lectures given or vice versa? To find out whether in attending Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah lectures non-Muhammadiyah students really internalize it or even just as a formality? This research approach uses qualitative research. Meanwhile, data collection in this research uses the interview method. The findings from this research are that after attending AIK lectures, non-Muhammadiyah students have increased understanding. The majority of non-Muhammadiyah students after attending AIK lectures did not change their previous attitudes or understanding. So most non-Muhammadiyah students consider AIK lectures to be just an academic formality.</p> 2024-03-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afaf Wafiqoh Nusaibah, Muhammad Lailan Arqam, Badru Tamam KESELARASAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA DENGAN KURIKULUM ISMUBA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI DI SMP MUHAMMADIYAH PK KOTTABARAT SURAKARTA 2024-01-21T03:35:54+07:00 umma lathifah <p>The curriculum is the foundation for learning activities, without a curriculum in the world of education the learning process will not run smoothly because one of the successes of a curriculum it’s apparent from the process of learning. then in the implementation of learning in Muhammadiyah-based schools such as at SMP Muhammadiyah PK Kottabarat Surakarta, In PAI learning, the use of the curriculum does not only use the independent curriculum but is also combined with the ISMUBA curriculum. The independent curriculum policy is a mandate from the Ministry of Education and Culture, while the ISMUBA curriculum is a curriculum that is under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah basic education council. Therefore, the focus of research is to know whether the application of independent curriculum with the ISMUBA curriculum in PAI learning can run in harmony and balance. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods at SMP Muhamamdiyah PK Kottabarat Surakarta. Data collection in this research used interviews, observation and documentation. Furthermore, analysis of data techniqu by means of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The study's findings indicate that the use of the independent curriculum with the ISMUBA curriculum in PAI learning can run in harmony and balance and does not cause obstacles.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> independent curriculum, ISMUBA curriculum and PAI learning .</p> Copyright (c) Peran Bimbingan Konseling Islam dalam Pendidikan 2024-01-20T14:58:21+07:00 Pasya Zulpa Nabila Zulfa <p><em>This </em><em>article discusses the role of Islamic counseling guidance in education. The method used is a qualitative research method, which is a research method used to examine the condition of scientific objects. Based on the object of study, this research includes literature research. Library research is research carried out by collecting data, information and various other types of data contained in the library. The role of Islamic counseling guidance in education is important. Because through Islamic counseling, students are not only guided and advised on how they should behave and behave, but also as a Muslim who has a need for God’s presence</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI GURU DALAM MENANAMKAN KARAKTER KEPEMIMPINAN DI MTs FATAHILLAH KOTA CIMAHI 2024-01-20T13:47:49+07:00 muhaeminalgifari algifari <p>Abstrak: Zaman modern menuntut transformasi dalam sektor pendidikan, terutama dalam menghasilkan lulusan berkualitas. Kini, keahlian dan karakter yang dimiliki lulusan menjadi sangat penting. Salah satu aspek yang ditekankan adalah kepemimpinan. Di era ini, lulusan harus memiliki kemampuan mengelola, memimpin, dan mengambil keputusan dengan cepat agar dapat bersaing secara efektif. Sebuah penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisis bagaimana karakter kepemimpinan ditanamkan pada siswa, dengan fokus pada strategi yang diterapkan oleh di MTs Fatahillah Kota Cimahi. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi deskriptif, melibatkan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Guru pendidikan agama Islam dan siswa menjadi informan penelitian. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa strategi penanaman karakter kepemimpinan terutama difokuskan pada hubungan antar sesama siswa dan lingkungan sosial. Strategi tersebut melibatkan pembiasaan, keteladanan, dan kerjasama dengan guru lain. Contohnya adalah guru memberikan contoh baik dalam disiplin waktu ibadah dan mendorong siswa untuk beribadah bersama, menciptakan tanggung jawab dan dampak positif dalam jangka panjang di lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstracth: </strong>The modern era demands a transformation in the education sector, particularly in producing quality graduates. Currently, the skills and character possessed by graduates have become crucial. One emphasized aspect is leadership. In this era, graduates must have the ability to manage, lead, and make decisions quickly to compete effectively. A study was conducted to analyze how leadership qualities are instilled in students, focusing on the strategies implemented at MTs Fatahillah Kota Cimahi. The research utilized a qualitative method with a descriptive study approach, involving observation, interviews, and documentation as data collection techniques. Islamic religious education teachers and students served as research informants. The results indicated that the strategy for instilling leadership qualities primarily focused on relationships among students and the social environment. This strategy involved habituation, role modeling, and collaboration with other teachers. For instance, teachers set a good example in the discipline of worship time and encouraged students to worship together, creating responsibility and positive long-term impact in both family and community environments.</p> Copyright (c) A Peran Guru PAI dalam Bimbingan Konseling Siswa 2024-01-20T08:24:46+07:00 Nazwa Amalia Dewi Nazwa <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran guru PAI dalam program bimbingan konseling. Metode yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah studi Pustaka (library research), yaitu dalam menggabungkan data memerlukan pemahaman yang mendalam dan harus mempelajari isi dari berbagai sumber yang berhubungan dengan penelitian. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa peran guru PAI dalam program bimbingan konseling yaitu selain mengajar dikelas juga berperan untuk membimbing, memotivasi, menasihati, dan berperan menjadi konselor untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa. Pada bimbingan dan konseling ini tidak berfokus pada permasalahan saja, tetapi juga mengupayakan pada perkembangan tertentu contohnya seperti meningkatkan potensi, memilih cita-cita, merancang masa depan, mengembangkan diri untuk menentukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan kemampuan yang dimiliki. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu guru PAI diharapkan dapat menjadi tauladan yang baik untuk para peserta didiknya. Karena setiap apa yang dilakukan oleh guru dapat ditiru oleh siswa.</p> Copyright (c) Peningkatan Literasi Melalui Program Study Tour di Sekolah Dasar 2024-03-05T07:31:31+07:00 Ahmad Ahmad Abdul Haris Hermansyah Hermansyah Wahyu Mulyadi <p>The purpose of this service activity is motivated by the low literacy culture of students which can be seen from the low interest in reading of children in Kalampa Village, the low interest in reading is caused by several factors including family, environment, peers, and mobile phones. As an effort to improve children's literacy in Kalampa Village, a programme called Study Tour was designed with an integrated learning concept and outclass learning activities were carried out. The parties involved in this service activity are elementary school children in Kalampa Village, and students of PGMI Study Programmes of IAI Muhammadiyah Bima. In this service, the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method is used, which consists of several implementation phases, such as observation, planning, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the implementation of the study tour are very influential on increasing children's literacy and can foster children's learning motivation. through Study Tour activities children can express themselves through several games applied in learning. With intense guidance and an individualised approach, it has made a difference in improving children's literacy.</p> 2024-03-19T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Haris, Ahmad Ahmad, Hermansyah Hermansyah, Wahyu Mulyadi A The Role of Islamic Guidance and Counseling in Increasing Students' Religiosity 2024-01-19T07:53:20+07:00 Sani Nisfia Nursiyam Sani <p>Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah bahwa perilaku remaja saat ini yang kurang memiliki rasa dan jiwa tentang keagamaan. Begitu juga yang terjadi di sekolah saat ini dimana terdapat aspek-aspek religiusitas yang mempengaruhi tingkat religiusitas siswa di sekolah seperti aspek keyakinan, aspek praktik agama, aspek pengalaman, aspek pengetahuan agama, dan aspek konsekuensi. Maka dengan adanya bimbingan dan konseling Islam dapat meningkatkan religiusitas siswa disekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi religiusitas siswa di sekolah dan analisis pelaksanaan bimbingan dan konseling Islam dalam meningkatkan religiusitas siswa di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Penelitian kualitatif diskriptif adalah sebagai prosedur penelitian yang menghasilkan data deskriptif yang berupa kata-kata atau lisan dari orangorang yang perlunya diamati. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah Observasi, Wanwancara, dan Dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan model Milles dan Hubberman, meliputi data reduction,data display, dan verification. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kondisi religiusitas siswa di sekolah terdapat aspek religiusitas seperti aspek keyakinan, praktik agama, pengalaman, pengetahuan agama, dan konsekuensi.</p> Copyright (c) Hubungan Penggunaan Metode Habituasi Dengan Karakter Peserta Didik SDIT Assalaamah Jakarta Timur 2024-01-19T05:06:24+07:00 Azubariana Azzahra <p>Azubariana Azzahra. NPM 41182911190130. Hubungan Penggunaan Metode Habituasi dengan Karakter Peserta Didik SDIT Assalaamah Jakarta Timur. Program studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Islam 45 Bekasi.</p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan metode habituasi dengan pembentukan karakter peserta didik SDIT Assalaamah Jakarta Timur tahun ajaran 2023-2024.</p> <p>Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Korelasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah siswa SDIT Assalaamah Jakarta Timur. Teknik pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik random sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan kuesioner dan observasi. Instrumen utama dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah dengan rumus korelasi Pearson product moment.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukan Hubungan Penggunaan Metode Habituasi dengan Pembentukan karakter Peserta Didik dari hasil angket 20 butir soal dengan jumlah sampel 42 siswa mendapatkan nilai Pearson Correlation 0,710 (r)&nbsp; yang artinya terdapat pengaruh korelasi yang kuat dan nilai koefisien Determasi (R)&nbsp; sebesar 50,41% mempengaruhi antara metode habituasi terhadap pembentukan karakter peserta didik, sedangkan sisanya 50% disebabkan oleh variabel lain.</p> <p>Untuk menguji signifikansi diketahui bahwa nilai&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; sebesar 6,380 &lt;&nbsp; &nbsp;1,681 maka dapat diambil Keputusan bahwa&nbsp; &nbsp;ditolak &nbsp;diterima yang artinya ada hubungan yang signifikan antara Metode Habituasi dengan Karakter Peserta Didik SDIT Assalaamah Jakarta Timur.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci :Habituasi, Karakter</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Copyright (c) NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK DALAM AL-QURAN SURAT YUSUF AYAT 13-25 KAJIAN TAFSIR AL-MISBAH KARYA M. QURAISH SHIHAB 2024-01-19T02:16:35+07:00 zahid zahid <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>: </strong>Moral education is a means of Islamic religious education which has the most important position in human life. As the Messenger of Allah was sent to perfect behavior, that’s able to elevate the degree and deliver happiness both in the world and in the hereafter. To achieve that all Muslims must be guided by the Qur'an which is a guide in living. In the Qur'an there are various stories that can serve as guidelines and good role models, one of them is about story of the Prophet Yusuf as. The purpose of this study to describe the values ​​of moral education contained in Al-Quran surah Yusuf verse 13-25 and its relevance to daily activity. Type of this research in this study is library research. Data collection method uses the documentation method. Data analysis method used is content analysis which depth study and analyzes the meaning in collected data was contained a literature review. The results of this study are the values ​​of moral education in letter Yusuf verses 13-25, there are: morals to oneself including the values ​​of Honesty, Forbearance, Trust and Keeping Promises, Independence, <em>Tawadhu'</em>/ Humility, Responsibility, Strong Determination, <em>Iffah</em>/ Keep Honor. While the morality to Allah includes the value of worries of doing evil / <em>Khouf</em>, and <em>Ihsan</em>, all the moral values ​​are very relevant to be instilled in students through exemplary methods or story of the prophets methods, that is can be guidelines in daily activity.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Moral Education Values, Prophet Yusuf Story’s, Surat Yusuf Verses 13-25</p> Copyright (c) 5255-1 PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN WHOLE CLASS CHOLA TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA PADA SISWA SDS MUHAMMADIYAH 31 MEDAN 2024-01-17T08:23:41+07:00 qahira madani <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai dampak penerapan strategi paduan suara seluruh kelas terhadap peningkatan kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa di SDS Muhammadiyah 31 Medan. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan bersifat kuantitatif. Penelitian kuantitatif melibatkan pemanfaatan pengukuran, penghitungan, rumus, dan penanganan data numerik yang aman melalui berbagai tahapan proses penelitian, termasuk pengembangan proposal, perumusan hipotesis, pengumpulan data, analisis, dan dokumentasi. Populasi sasaran penelitian ini terdiri dari 42 siswa dari kelas V dan VI, dan teknik pengambilan sampel digunakan secara acak untuk memilih peserta. Fokus penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi keefektifan model pembelajaran Whole Class Chola dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa. Setelah pengumpulan data dari seluruh responden dan sumber lain yang relevan, analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik statistik dengan bantuan software SPSS. Dalam penelitian ini data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan lembar observasi yang dijadikan sebagai instrumen penelitian. Lembar observasi dirancang khusus untuk mengumpulkan data dari variabel-variabel yang diteliti. Untuk menguji hipotesis penelitian, dilakukan uji hipotesis berdasarkan hasil uji baik kelas eksperimen maupun kelas kontrol. Uji ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah mean kedua kelompok berasal dari populasi yang sama dan dapat digunakan untuk mendukung hipotesis penelitian. Jika nilai signifikansi (dua sisi) melebihi 0,05 maka hipotesis nol (H0) ditolak dan hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima. Jika hasil belajar siswa meningkat setelah diterapkan model pembelajaran paduan suara seluruh kelas, maka hipotesis dianggap diterima. Oleh karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran paduan suara seluruh kelas mempunyai dampak positif terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa. Temuan ini diperoleh dari analisis data yang dikumpulkan melalui observasi, dokumentasi, dan metode pengumpulan data lainnya. Pada SDS Muhammadiyah 31 Medan, peneliti akan terlibat dalam diskusi penelitian yang berfokus pada pemanfaatan strategi membaca paduan suara seluruh kelas sebagai sarana untuk meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman membaca siswa.</p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI SEBAGAI UPAYA MENDORONG KESETARAAN GENDER DALAM PENDIDIKAN 2024-01-16T15:00:44+07:00 Ahmad Fauzi <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research aims to investigate and analyze the use of technology in promoting gender equality in the context of education. Technological advancements have created new opportunities in efforts to achieve gender equality, particularly in terms of access, participation, and student achievement. By detailing research findings and relevant scholarly thoughts, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of technology's contribution to enhancing gender equality in the education sector. This research adopts a literature review approach with a qualitative methodology. The technique utilized is documentation with descriptive analysis. From the literature review results, it is found that technology has significant potential to be a catalyst for change in supporting gender equality in education. However, the findings also highlight existing barriers and challenges that need to be addressed, including aspects such as accessibility, gender-inclusive technology design, and a profound understanding of the impact of technology on gender perceptions. The contribution of this research provides profound insights for researchers, education practitioners, and policymakers regarding the potential of technology in addressing gender inequality in the education sector. By comprehensively understanding the role of technology, it is hoped that society can develop more effective strategies and policies to achieve gender equality across all levels of education.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Technology Usage, Gender Equality, Education</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki dan menganalisis penggunaan teknologi dalam mendorong kesetaraan gender dalam konteks pendidikan. Perkembangan teknologi telah menciptakan peluang baru dalam upaya mencapai kesetaraan gender, terutama dalam hal akses, partisipasi, dan pencapaian siswa. Dengan merinci temuan-temuan penelitian dan pemikiran-pemikiran ilmiah terkait, penelitian ini mencoba menyusun gambaran yang komprehensif mengenai kontribusi teknologi terhadap peningkatan kesetaraan gender di dunia pendidikan. &nbsp;Penelitian ini adalah penelitian studi literatur dengan metode kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi dengan analisis diskriptif. Dari hasil studi literatur, ditemukan bahwa teknologi memiliki potensi besar untuk menjadi katalisator perubahan dalam mendukung kesetaraan gender di pendidikan. Meskipun demikian, temuan ini juga menyoroti adanya hambatan dan tantangan yang perlu diatasi, termasuk aspek-aspek seperti aksesibilitas, desain teknologi yang inklusif secara gender, dan pemahaman mendalam terkait dampak teknologi pada persepsi gender. Kontribusi penelitian ini memberikan wawasan mendalam bagi para peneliti, praktisi pendidikan, dan pembuat kebijakan terkait potensi teknologi dalam mengatasi ketidaksetaraan gender di dunia pendidikan. Dengan memahami peran teknologi secara komprehensif, diharapkan masyarakat dapat mengembangkan strategi dan kebijakan yang lebih efektif untuk mencapai kesetaraan gender di seluruh lapisan pendidikan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Penggunaan Teknologi, Kesetaraan Gender, Pendidikan</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Copyright (c) LEADERSHIP DAN ADMINITRASI PENDIDIKAN DALAM PERSPEKTIF AL- QUR’AN 2024-01-15T02:37:39+07:00 Izzatun Nada Izzatun Nada <p>Surah Al-Baqarah stanza 30 is one of the letters that talks about authority/administration and Surah Al Hasyr section 18 is one of the letters that examines our dedication to Allah and our activities before and how we can work on these things later on. The translation of this section can be applied in different fields, including Islamic training. This study aims to reexamine the meaning of leadership in Al-Baqarah verse 30 and educational administration in Q.S. Al Hasyr verse 18 from the perspective of the Qur'an in relation to the objectives of adaptive Islamic education for the Khairu Ummah generation. This study employs the Tafsir Maudhui method, which is a thematic approach to the library research method (Library Research). The consequences of this exploration show that most of mufassirin concur that in Surah Al-Baqarah stanza 30, to be a pioneer you should can act genuinely as per general standards; must have the knowledge necessary to handle a variety of issues and make sound decisions. On the other hand, in verse 18 of Surah Al Hasyr, a number of educational concepts are discussed, including planning, organizing, evaluating, and objectives. Aside from that, it likewise clarifies how for become a devout person and ponder the past to turn into a Khairu Ummah individual.</p> <p>Surat Al- Baqarah ayat 30 adalah salah satu surat yang membahas tentang kepemimpinan/leadearship dan Surat Al Hasyr ayat 18 adalah salah satu surat yang membahas tentang ketaqwaan kita kepada Allah dan perbuatan kita di masa lalu serta bagaimana kita dapat memperbaiki hal tersebut di masa depan. Interpretasi dari ayat ini dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk pendidikan Islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memahami ulang arti leadership perspektif Al- qur’an dalam surat Al- baqarah ayat 30 dan administrasi pendidikan Q.S Al Hasyr ayat 18 tentang tujuan pendidikan Islam yang adaptif untuk generasi Khairu Ummah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kepustakaan (Library Research) dengan pendekatan metode tematik (metode tafsir maudhui). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mufassirin menyetujui bahwa dalam surat Al- Baqarah ayat 30 untuk menjadi pemimpin harus memiliki kemampuan untuk berlaku adil sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip universal; harus memiliki pengetahuan yang diperlukan untuk menangani berbagai masalah dan membuat keputusan yang tepat sedangkan dalam Surat Al Hasyr ayat 18, ada beberapa konsep yang dibahas dalam konteks pendidikan, yaitu konsep perencanaan, pengorganisasian, evaluasi, dan tujuan. Selain itu, juga dijelaskan bagaimana menjadi manusia yang bertaqwa dan bermuhasabah dari masa lalu agar menjadi manusia yang Khairu Ummah.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN AKHLAKUL KARIMAH PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PENERAPAN NILAI - NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL DI MADRASAH ALIYAH WALI SONGO LUMAJANG 2024-01-13T04:00:51+07:00 Yusron Al Fajri <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai peran pengembangan Akhlakul Karimah di tengah kalangan remaja yang terjadi di MA Wali Songo Lumajang. Fokus penelitian dalam penelitian ini, yaitu Bagaimana bentuk-bentuk pengembangan Akhlakul Karimah siswa melalui Penerapan Nilai - Nilai Kearifan Lokal lokal di MA Wali Songo Tekung Lumajang. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kualitatif deskriptif untuk menggambarkan informasi tentang gambaran secara menyeluruh MA Wali Songo Lumajang. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan bahwa Upaya pengembangan akhakul karimah siswa MA Wali Songo Lumajang melalui Penerapan Nilai - Nilai Kearifan Lokal local tercermin dalam kegiatan pendahuluan yang berisikan perencanaan. Hingga pada akhirnya diadakan evaluasi untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penerapan program tersebut. Nilai – nilai keraifan local yang diterapkan di MA Wali Songo Lumajang yang diterapkan adalah sikap disiplin, mengucapkan salam, sholat berjamaah, gemar berdoa, dan suka memaafkan. Bentuk – bentuk pengembangan Akhlakul Karimah siswa di MA Wali Songo Lumajang melalui Penerapan Nilai - Nilai Kearifan Lokal lokal adalah dengan mengadakan program – program pembiasaan yang secara rutin dan sistematis.</p> Copyright (c) strategi strategi pembinaan keagamaan lembaga dakwah sosial asy-syabab dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai religius pada masyarakat desa Banaran kecamatan Pulung kabupaten Ponorogo 2024-01-10T03:57:57+07:00 darsini <p>Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari strategi pembinaan keagamaan yang digunakan oleh Lembaga Dakwah Sosial Asy-syabab dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai religius pada masyarakat Desa banaran. Untuk mengetahui strategi yang digunakan dalam melakukan pembinaan keagamaan di masyarakat Desa Banaran, hasil dari strategi pembinaan keagamaan bagi masyarakat, sekaligus mengetahui hambatan-hambatan dan cara penyelesaiannya.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Hasil penelitian di Lembaga Dakwah Sosial Asy-syabab diantaranya sebagai berikut: 1) Strategi yang digunakan dakwah lembaga dakwah sosial asy-syabab dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai religius pada masyarakat Desa Banaran melalui strategi dakwah <em>bil hal</em> yaitu sebuah strategi yang dilakukan dengan cara pendekatan perbuatan nyata yang memanfaatkan situasi dan kondisi masyarakat sehingga hasilnya dapat langsung dirasakan oleh masyarakat Desa Banaran. 2) Dampak strategi dakwah lembaga dakwah sosial asy-syabab dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai religius pada masyarakat Desa Banaran ada dampak yang signifikan,dampak tersebut bisa dilihat dari masyarakat yang aktif melaksanakan sholat berjamaah di masjid, masjid sudah mulai ramai dengan lantunan adzan, anak-anak sudah terbiasa dengan masjid dan masyarakat juga sudah terbiasa mengikuti kegiatan pengajian yang diadakan oleh Lembaga Dakwah Sosial Asy-syabab. 3) Adapun faktor pendukung dalam kegiatan Lembaga Dakwah Sosial Asy-syabab yaitu semangat dari tim dakwah itu sendiri kemudian dari perangkat desa, donatur dan juga masyarakat yang antusias dengan kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh lembaga dakwah. Untuk faktor penghambatnya ada pada pendanaan yang kurang atau kurangnya donatur, sehingga lembaga dakwah sosial asy-syabab merasa kesulitan ketika akan menyelenggarakan kegiatan-kegiatan, baik itu kegiatan bulanan ataupun kegiatan tahunan</p> <p>Kata Kunci : Strategi, Lembaga Dakwah, Nilai Religius Masyarakat.</p> Copyright (c) KECERDASAN NATURALISTIK DALAM PERSPEKTIF HADIS DAN IMPLEMENTASINYA PADA PEMBELAJARAN 2024-01-08T15:51:12+07:00 Zulfa Laila Fitri Mhd Lailan Arqam <p>Manusia diciptakan dengan dilengkapi akal pikiran untuk mengelola bumi dan isinya sebagai khalifah dan kesempurnaan akal yang mendasarinya dalam memperoleh ilmu. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membedah konsep kecerdasan naturalis dan menghimpun hadis-hadis yang berkaitan dengannya guna menjadi pondasi pada implementasi terhadap pembelajaran yang ideal. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif-analitis, yaitu melakukan pengumpulan data, kemudian diuji melalui pendekatan yang sesuai dengan topik serupa dan dianalisis isinya, selanjutnya membuat kesimpulan dari hasil interpetasi yang telah dilakukan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Rasulullah Saw memberikan isyarat melalui hadis yang membahas berkenaan dengan alam, gejala alam, dan ilmu alam lainnya. Hadis-hadis tersebut antara lain tentang penciptaan alam semesta (HR Muslim no. 4997), manusia sebagai pengembara di bumi (HR Bukhari no. 5937), perumpamaan petunjuk dan ilmu (HR Bukhari no. 77), unsur-unsur kompenen bumi berupa tanah (HR Muslim no. 2862), air (HR Ibnu Majah no. 3674) dan udara (HR Abu Daud no. 4433). Implementasi yang dapat diterapkan pada pembelajaran berbasis naturalistik ialah dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasis naturalistik, menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek, mengembangkan kurikulum yang berbasis kecerdasan naturalis.</p> Copyright (c) S Al Qur’an Dengan Metode Tafsir Maudlu’i 2024-01-08T12:09:08+07:00 masud masud <p>Metode tafsir maudhu’i adalah metode tafsir yang berusaha mencari jawaban al-Qur’an dengan cara mengumpulkan ayat-ayat al-Qur’an yang mempunyai tujuan yang satu, yang bersama-sama membahas topik/judul tertentu dan menertibkannya sesuai dengan masa turunnya selaras dengan sebab-sebab turunnya, kemudian pemperhatikan ayat- ayat tersebut dengan penjelasan-penjelasan, keterangan-keterangan dan hubungan-hubungannya dengan ayat-ayat yang lain, kemudian mengistimbatkan hukum-hukum.</p> Copyright (c) MENINGKATKAN PRATEK IBADAH MENINGKATKAN PRAKTEK IBADAH SANTRI MBS PROF. HAMKA KOTA MADIUN MELALUI PROGRAM UNGGULAN AL-QUR’AN 2024-01-08T09:41:35+07:00 Abu Bakar <p>Latar belakang masalah yaitu masih banyak anak-anak, orang dewasa, bahkan para orang tua yang belum bisa membaca Al-Qur’an dengan baik dan benar apalagi menghafal, memahaminya dan mengamalkannya. Itu semua terjadi karena kurangnya perhatian dari mereka itu sendiri khususnya orang tua yang mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh atas diri anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses integrasi program unggulan Al-Qur’an dalam meningkatkan praktek ibadah santri MBS Prof. Hamka Kota Madiun. Hasil program unggulan Al-Qur’an meliputi ibadah wudhu shalat dan puasa dan faktor pendukung serta penghambat proses program unggulan Al-Qur’an. Metode yang dipakai oleh peneliti yaitu melalui pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus, penelitian ini bermaksud mengungkap dan memahami kenyataan-kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan sebagaimana adanya. Adapun metode penggalangan data atau penghimpunan data dalam skripsi kali ini melalui observasi wawancara dan dokumentasi. Peneliti menganalisa data yang dihimpun oleh peneliti akan dianalisa melalui cara pemilahan data menjadi unit-unit yang dapat dikelola, mensintesisnya dan mengidentifikasi pola dan memutuskan apa yang akan terjadi. &nbsp;Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa proses integrasi dari program unggulan Al-Qur’an dalam meningkatkan praktik ibadah santri MBS Prof. Hamka meliputi ke dalam tiga lini yaitu Intra kurikuler, Ko-kulikuler dan Ekstra kurikuler, Hasil integrasi dari tiga unit ini adalah dalam segi pertama pemahaman dari syarat sah, rukun, sunnah, makruh, maupun pembatal shalat, bacaan shalat, makna bacaan surat Al-Qur’an yang dibaca dan juga praktek gerakannya semakin bagus dan rajin shalat berjama’ah.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Integrasi progam, program unggulan, praktek ibadah</p> Copyright (c) Artikel PERSPEKTIF ISLMAIL RAJI’ AL-FARUQI: TAUHID SEBAGAI DASAR PENGEMBANGAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN DALAM ISLAM 2024-01-05T13:15:27+07:00 citra mastika <p>fenomena sempat berkembang adalah pemisahan antara ilmu dan agama, dengan melihat sains modren yang berisikan unsur sekular, yaitu memisahkan diri dengan nilai teologis atau agama sehingga terjadinya dikatomi agama. Maka berdasarkan hal itu peneliti menggunakan studi pustaka, untuk mengkaji bagaimana menjadikan tauhid sebagai dasar pengembangan ilmu sains. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut munculah ilmuan yaitu Ismail Raji’ al-Faruqi, berkenaan adanya langkah Islimasasi ilmu pengetahuan. Ide islamisasi tersebut berlandaskan tauhid. Tauhid yaitu memiliki makna bahwa sebuah ilmu pengetahuan harus mempunyai kebenaran. Tauhid dan Ilmu berkorelasi sehingga terbentuknya pondasi agama Islam yang kuat yaitu keesahaan tuhan dan kesatupaduan kebenaran, kebenaran wahyu dan akal, menuju interelasi ilmu dalam islam.. Adapun nilai tauhid dalam islam yaitu metode ilmiah dengan pemanfaatan panca indera, keanekeragaman hayati yaitu mengkaji kenugerahan keindahan tuhan, ekologi atau ekosistem yaitu melihat hubungan keseimbangan dan keteraturan alam semesta.</p> Copyright (c) TRANSFORMASI KURIKULUM 2013 MENUJU IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA DI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH KALASAN 2024-01-05T09:29:24+07:00 Firmansyah - <p>Kurikulum bersifat dinamis dan tidak statis. Seperti yang terjadi saat ini, kurikulum 2013 mulai mengalami perubahan menjadi kurikulum mandiri. Dalam Kurikulum 2013 fokusnya adalah pada pengembangan dan keseimbangan antara kompetensi sikap, keterampilan, dan pengetahuan. Sedangkan kurikulum mandiri difokuskan pada pengembangan karakter, kompetensi siswa, dan mengasah bakat siswa sedini mungkin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perubahan dan tahapan penerapan kurikulum mandiri sebagai pelengkap kurikulum 2013 untuk kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kalasan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perubahan pada saat penerapan kurikulum mandiri di kelas X SMA Muhammadiyah Kalasan. Penerapan Kurikulum Mandiri Kelas Ada tiga tahapan dalam penerapan kurikulum, yaitu pertama, perencanaan pembelajaran kurikulum mandiri, pelaksanaan kurikulum mandiri, dan ketiga, evaluasi pembelajaran kurikulum mandiri.</p> Copyright (c) MELANGKAH BERSAMA MASA DEPAN PENDIDIKAN: EKSPLORASI INOVATIF DALAM MODEL PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM KTSP, K13, DAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA (LITERATURE REVIEW) 2024-01-04T10:32:32+07:00 st rohmah <p>Riset ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi model inovatif dalam pengembangan kurikulum ktsp, k13, dan kurikulum merdeka. Tipe riset adalah studi literatur, memanfaatkan jurnal yang sudah diakumulasi. Dan diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut, evolusi kurikulum dari KTSP hingga K13 dan Kurikulum Merdeka menunjukkan perubahan dari pendekatan tradisional ke inovatif, responsif terhadap kebutuhan zaman, dan pentingnya penyesuaian dengan konteks lokal dan karakteristik siswa. Kesuksesan model kurikulum melibatkan perhatian terhadap aspek sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. Pengintegrasian teknologi, keterlibatan stakeholder, evaluasi efektivitas, dan pembaruan berkelanjutan juga menjadi fokus untuk menciptakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masa depan</p> Copyright (c) STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN PAI PADA ANAK BERKEBUTUHAN KHUSUS DI SLB NEGERI JEPARA 2024-01-04T04:08:07+07:00 Fitri Ummah <p>The lack of PAI educators in special schools has resulted in minimal learning of Islamic Religious Education among children with special needs. Therefore, the Ministry of Religion will add Islamic Religious Education teaching staff to special schools. This is because there is still a lack of professional Islamic Religious Education educators among special schools. Because the teaching staff who teach in SLb must be graduate teaching staff who are aligned. Likewise with the Jepara State SLB, Islamic Religious Education teaching staff must be teachers who are professionals in their field. Therefore, researchers want to know what strategies PAI teachers use in Jepara State SLB. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. Because this research is not supported by statistical data. Therefore, this research cannot use quantitative research. The results of this research are that the PAI learning strategy used is quite good. Because it is in accordance with the learning procedures. Namely starting with planning before learning, selecting appropriate methods, and understanding the conditions of each student.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Children with Spesial Needed, Islamic Education Religious, Spesial School.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Copyright (c) Implementasi dan Tantangan Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Penggerak 2024-01-04T03:33:14+07:00 Rochman Hadi Mustofa Erlintang Alfin Nurjanah <p>The implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum, especially in the Exemplary Schools, faces various challenges. The aim of this research is to depict the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Exemplary Schools in the Central Java Province along with its challenges. The method employed in this research is qualitative with a case study design at three Senior High Schools (SMA), namely SMA PGRI Wirosari in Grobogan Regency, SMAN 1 Gondang in Sragen Regency, and SMAN 1 Sambungmacan in Sragen Regency. Data collection is conducted through interviews with the School Principals and Learning Committee Teachers. The findings of this research indicate that the three schools have implemented the Strengthening Student Pancasila Profile (P5) Project as an effort to instill character values. This is done by involving external practitioners, implementing differentiated learning focused on students, and utilizing the Merdeka Mengajar Platform (PMM) as a means to share best practices. The challenges in the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum found include the need for adaptation for students regarding project-based learning, misconceptions about differentiated learning, and the need for further guidance for each educational unit regarding the creation of independent teaching modules to adjust to the needs and phases of students. This research contributes to a more comprehensive understanding of the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum at the school level.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KREATIVITAS PADA SISWA KELAS IV SDS MUHAMMADIYAH 21 2024-01-04T02:06:12+07:00 Adelia Yuliana Monika Rambe <p>Education is a series of learning for students to be able to</p> <p>understand, understand, and make people more critical in thinking. The learning model is a series that forms a unified whole between approaches, strategies and methods that are depicted from beginning to end presented by the teacher. The PjBL learning model is learning that prioritizes modeling a project that has an output in the form of a product. This research approach uses a quantitative approach. Quantitative research is Quantitative research is a type of research that produces new findings that can be achieved (obtained) using statistical procedures or other means of quantification (measurement). The population in this study was class IV and class V students, totaling 42 people. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of the project based learning model on class IV &amp; V students at SDS Muhammadiyah 21 Medan. The results of this research are that by using the project based learning method students appear to be more creative in conveying their ideas and more active in learning.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEAKTIFAN BELAJAR SISWA KELAS 3 MUHAMMADIYAH 25 2024-01-04T01:40:12+07:00 Wafiq Azizah Wafiq <p>The execution of realizing which will in general be dreary without focusing on the dynamic cooperation of understudies is one of the reasons for the low decisive ability to reason of understudies. This study plans to portray the growing experience utilizing the project based learning model and to depict the improvement of decisive reasoning abilities utilizing the task based acquiring model. This exploration strategy is Study hall Activity Exploration (Vehicle) with an examination plan of Kurt Lewin's model which is done in two cycles. This exploration comprises of four phases, specifically arranging, activity, perception, and reflection. Class III members at Muhammdiyah 25, adding up to 8 young men and 4 young ladies. Information assortment methods were done by meetings, perceptions, and tests. Information assortment devices use interview sheets, perception sheets and composed test questions. The information investigation method was completed quantitatively spellbindingly. The outcomes showed that there was an expansion in the exercises of educators and understudies during the exploration. This is in accordance with the typical worth of decisive reasoning abilities which has expanded after the execution of venture based learning. Hence, it tends to be inferred that the utilization of the project based learning model can further develop the decisive reasoning abilities of Muhammdiyah 25.</p> Copyright (c) implementasi metode ceramah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman santri pada materi aqidah akhlak di pondok pesantren al-halmiyah bahrul ulum, tambakberas beras jombang 2024-01-03T06:58:49+07:00 Mochamad zaky maulana <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang metode ceramah serta faktor penghambat dan pendukungnya dalam meningkatkan pemahaman santri tentang materi aqidah akhlak di Pondok Pesantren Al- Halimiyah Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui efektivitas metode ceramah sebagai cara penyampaian materi pembelajaran sehingga santri dapat memahami dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analitik, data yang digunakan berupa kata-kata, gambar yang diperoleh dari naskah, wawancara, catatan lapangan, dokumen, dan dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Sedangkan teknik kontrol data yang digunakan yaitu trianggulasi dan mencari bahan referensi. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan diperoleh data bahwa Pondok Pesantren Al-Halimiyah Bahrul Ulum, Tambakberas Jombang telah mewujudkan pemahaman santri tentang Aqidah akhlak dengan baik, dinilai dari kesamaan jawaban antara pengasuh, guru, dan santri, serta perilaku para santri yang menunjukkan bahwa mereka telah menerapkan tentang materi aqidah akhlak yang diajarkan.</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Korelasi Metode Ekspositori Dan Kooperatif Think Pair Share Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila 2024-01-03T02:26:48+07:00 Wahyu Firman Syah <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Learning methods are the spearhead of teachers in facilitating teaching and learning activities in the classroom. The selection of this method relates to the teacher's steps in compiling material or topics for discussion with students. In the subject of Pancasila education, application with the surrounding environment is needed. This is also closely related to student character. The combination of student-based and problem-based learning methods to overcome problems in the surrounding environment is needed. This study discusses the combination of expository and Think Pair Share methods in Pancasila education subjects. The purpose of this research is to analyze the two methods in the student learning process. The research used a descriptive qualitative approach. with data collection methods on interviews and observations at MI Islamiyah Paweden. The results of this study indicate that the combination of the two learning methods increases learning activeness and especially in the application of character in Pancasila education subjects.</p> Copyright (c) assalamu'alaikum hadits dan ilmu hadits dalam tinjauan historis 2024-01-02T07:53:47+07:00 andrisaputra andrisaputra <p>Penelitian ini mengkaji perihal ilmu-ilmu hadis, baik pembagianya, yang dilihat dari kuantitasperiwayat atau kualitasnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitianpustaka atau library research dengan berbagai pengumpulan buku, jurnal dan karya ilmiahlainnya. Hasil dari pembahasan ini yaitu perkembangan hadis pada masa ini masyarakat umat</p> <p>Islam masih terbilang kurang memahami hadis maupun menulis hadis.</p> <p>Perjalanan hadis telah mengalami masa yang panjang dimana proses periwayatannya pada awalnya lebih banyak berlangsung secara lisan dibandingkan dengan tulisan sebagai akibat dari upaya menghindari bercampur baurnya ayat-ayat al-Qur’an dan hadis.Upaya pembukuan hadis secara resmi dilakukan oleh ‘Umar bin ‘Abd al-Azīs setelah wilayah kekuasaan Islam semakin meluas dan upaya pemalsuan hadis telah muncul, ditambah dengan banyaknya penghafal hadis yang meninggal dunia. Selain itu, umat Islam membutuhkan tuntunan selain al-Qur’an dalam bentuk kitab-kitab hadis standar sebagaimana yang kita dapat saksikan hingga kini.</p> <p>Rasulullah selalu menekankan kepada sahabat agar selalu memahamihadis dan menyampaikanya kepada umat Islam. Para sahabat sendiri terbilang ada yang banyakmenerima hadis dan juga ada yang sedikit dikarenakan faktor tempat tinggal, daerah, usia dansebagainya. Salah satu kebijakan terbesar Nabi terkait pemeliharaan kedunya adalah denganmemerintahkan para shahabat untuk menghafal dan menulis Al Qur’an,. Para sahabat Nabisudah banyak yang mengoleksi hadis-hadis Nabi, maka para tabi’in yang notabenya para muridsahabat juga banyak mengoleksi hadis-hadis Nabi bahkan pengoleksian inidisusun di dalamkita- kitab yang beraturan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PERAN GURU SEBAGAI FASILITATOR DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL ANAK USIA SEKOLAH DASAR DALAM PERSPEKTIF TEORI TRANSPERSONAL 2024-01-02T03:08:36+07:00 Syaibatul Aslamiah <p>Sebagai seorang guru, tentu mempunyai tujuan yang sangat penting dalam proses pendidikan, yaitu menghasilkan generasi baru peserta didik yang mempunyai kualitas intelektual, sosial, dan spiritual yang tinggi, serta mendukung perkembangan peserta didik untuk mencapai tujuan hidupnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi dan penjelasan yang lebih spesifik tentang peran yang dapat dimainkan oleh guru dalam memfasilitasi kecerdasan spiritual dengan pendekatan teori transpersonal. Pada penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan Jenis penelitian kepustakaan (<em>library research</em>). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan menyatakan bahwasanya guru berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam menciptakan kecerdasan spiritual peserta didik adalah sangat penting untuk pengembangan holistik siswa. Guru tidak hanya memberikan pengetahuan akademis, akan tetapi berperan juga untuk membentuk karakter dan kecerdasan spiritual peserta didik. Maka dari itu, pendidik berperan sebagai fasilitator tercermin dalam membantu siswa mencari, mengolah, dan memakai informasi dengan berbagai cara, termasuk melalui kegiatan keagamaan bersama. Melalui kegiatan seperti sholat berjamaah di mushola sekolah, guru dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung pengembangan kecerdasan spiritual siswa. Selain itu, memberikan tugas yang mendorong Siswa harus mencari dan menggunakan berbagai referensi, memanfaatkan internet, memanfaatkan hasil cetakan, mengetik dokumen di komputer, dan mempresentasikan temuannya, adalah cara yang efektif untuk memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran yang holistik.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Peran Guru, Kecerdasan Spiritual, Teori Transpersonal</p> Copyright (c) KEGIATAN ORIENTASI MAHASISWA BARU DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN 2024-02-27T01:55:29+07:00 Jannatul Firdausi Nuzula Ulfaturrahmah M Munirul Abidin Nur Arifah <p>The implementation of new university student orientation often results in a series of violations such as bullying. This is not by the nature of orientation which aims as an introduction to the campus environment. This research aims to find out that orientation activities can be one of the strategies to improve the quality of the initial stage of service that new university students will get before the learning process occurs. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this research are data collection, data coding, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Data validity checking used in this research is data triangulation and data sources.</p> Copyright (c) PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOSOSIAL ANAK YANG DIDAMPINGI DI SEKOLAH DAN KERJASAMA GURU DAN ORANGTUA DALAM MENGATASINYA 2023-12-30T07:18:55+07:00 Aulia16 <p>This study aims to determine the psychosocial development of children who are accompanied at school, the factors that cause children to always want to be accompanied, and the cooperation of teachers and parents in dealing with children who are still accompanied at Kindergarten of Kasih Bunda, Praya District. This research is a research that uses a qualitative descriptive approach method. Collecting data in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the psychosocial development of children who are accompanied by their parents while studying at Kasih Bunda Kindergarten does not develop normally, because there are still many children who depend on their parents during school hours. This can hinder the psychosocial development of children, of the four children who are assisted, two children who have developed and two others who have not yet developed. Factors that cause children to always want to be accompanied are Trauma, lack of confidence, fear of the new environment, parenting styles and physiological conditions (congenital diseases). And forms of cooperation between teachers and parents include: being open to children's behavior at school and at home, motivating children, taking children to heart, making children happy at school and trusting teachers.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS KEBIJAKAN PENDIDIKAN KONTEMPORER DENGAN PENDEKATAN MODERASI 2023-12-29T22:46:59+07:00 Indra Devi Darul Ilmi Aisyah Syafitri <p>This research aims to analyze contemporary education policies using a moderation approach to comprehend the dynamics of change within the education system. The research objective is to identify the contribution of the moderation approach in shaping and implementing education policies in line with the demands of the times. The study involves various levels of educational institutions, ranging from elementary schools to higher education, and engages key stakeholders such as teachers, students, parents, and school principals. The research methods include policy analysis, surveys, interviews, and literature reviews to detail various perspectives related to the implementation of contemporary education policies. The results of the research reveal new findings regarding the effectiveness of education policies and the positive impact of moderation on the implementation process. These findings encompass increased student participation, improved teaching quality, and enhanced student well-being. The research concludes that the moderation approach provides a solid foundation for managing changes and tensions in contemporary education policies. Policy implications emphasize the importance of a moderation approach in formulating education policies that are responsive to various needs and dynamics within the contemporary education system.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Analysis, Policy, Contemporary Education, Moderation Approach.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi Sekolah dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa di SDN 4 Tilango Kabupaten Gorontalo 2023-12-29T04:39:51+07:00 nadia putri posangi <p>This&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; research aims&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; determine&nbsp; the school's strategyinformingthecharacterofclassVstudents at SDN 4 Tilango, Gorontalo Regency through the formation&nbsp;&nbsp; of&nbsp;&nbsp; religious,&nbsp; disciplined and environmentallycaringcharacter.The methodused in this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach using the steps of observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research concluded that the school's strategic planning in shaping the character of class V students, seen from the planning,wasgood, starting fromactivities inside&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; and outside&nbsp; the classroom, adequate facilities&nbsp; and&nbsp; infrastructure&nbsp;&nbsp; to&nbsp;&nbsp; support the implementation of the school's strategy in shaping</p> <p>student characterthroughtheformationofreligious character, discipline and care about the environment.</p> Copyright (c) EVALUASI SISTEM PENILAIAN BERBASIS GOOGLE FORM TERHADAP EFEKTIVITAS PENILAIAN 2023-12-28T13:24:10+07:00 Amelia Fikri Nurillah AMELIAFIKRINURILLAH@GMAIL.COM <p>Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, beberapa sekolah mencari alternatif media atau alat evaluasi pembelajaran yang dapat diakses oleh pendidik dan&nbsp; peserta didik. <em>Google Form </em>menjadi salah satu media daring yang banyak digunakan bersamaan dengan platform seperti <em>Zoom </em>dan <em>Google Classroom</em>. Maka dari itu, kami ingin mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas penggunaan <em>Google Form</em> sebagai alat ukur evaluasi pembelajaran terhadap evaluasi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode <em>Literatur Review</em> sebagai pengumpul data dari berbagai jurnal terkait judul sehingga menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa penggunaan Google Form dapat dikatakan efektif sebagai alat ukur evaluasi pembelajaran karena berbagai keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh <em>Google Form.</em></p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN POP UP BOOK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA DI SEKOLAH DASAR 2023-12-26T16:01:14+07:00 NURMAYULIANA <p style="text-align: justify; text-indent: -49.65pt; margin: 0cm 1.0cm .0001pt 49.65pt;"><span style="font-family: 'Garamond','serif';">This classroom action research is motivated by the teacher's teaching and learning process being less able to create active and enjoyable learning, the use of learning media which is still conventional and monotonous resulting in the learning process in the classroom making students bored and inactive, and students' learning results are still below the KKM. Classroom action research is the method used in this research, the research subjects were 23 students in class V of SD Negeri 1 Lubuk Seberuk. The research instruments used were observation, tests and documentation. The results of this research show that the implementation of learning science subjects using Pop Up Book learning media can improve student learning outcomes, this can be seen from the results of each cycle that has been implemented. In the pre-cycle it was only 39.13% (8 students completed) with an average score of 67%, cycle I 73.91% (16 students completed) with an average score of 73.91%, cycle II 95.65% ( 22 students completed) with an average score of 98.6%.</span></p> Copyright (c) MEMAHAMI HAKIKAT KURIKULUM DALAM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-12-26T15:26:58+07:00 Husnul Amalah Mala <p>Theicurriculumiis the most importanticomponent in thei sustainability of the educationisystem to achieve educational goals. Meanwhile, the religious education curriculum is closely related toi theigoals of religion, namely to form individuals who are devout and have good morals. However, if the religious education curriculum is reviewed again, many obstacles occur because the curriculum is often limited to programs outlined in documents such as modules and the flow of learning objectives. However, education actors only focus on the written curriculum but other aspects that are not written are considered unnecessary, even though they are important aspects for achieving learning goals based on changes in students' characteristics. This article is research in the nature of a library research using descriptive analytical methods and relevant sources such as the nature of the curriculum, the Islamic religious educationi curriculumiandiseveral books and articles related to the topic studied. The result of this writing is that the essence of the Islamic religious educationicurriculumiis a process that includes various learning plan activities, teaching materials, learning process strategies for students so that they can move in a good direction. In implementing Islamic religious education learning, of course it is not only guided by the written (ideal) curriculum, there is an actual and hidden curriculum that influences the students' learning experience. While the ideal curriculum provides guidance for teachers in learning activities, the actual and hidden curriculum forms an instillation of the material that has been taught such as the Dhuha prayer and the implementation of morning prayers. In implementing the Islamic religious education curriculum, it is based on thei principle of monotheism and guides students towards their goals through the accumulation of knowledge, attitudes and skills.</p> Copyright (c) STANDAR PENILAIAN PADA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-12-25T22:52:59+07:00 M Rifqi Abdul <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This study aims to determine the assessment standards in Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning. Assessment is an important component of the education system. Clear and practical standards must be used for educational assessment.&nbsp; The term "assessment" refers to a series of actions used to collect, examine, and interpret data about student learning outcomes and processes to provide useful information for decision makers. Educators, education units and governments can use the school assessment standards as guidelines for the development of education units for primary and secondary schools. According to the Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia No. 000 912 of 2013, Permendikbud 66 in 2013 and Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs No. 2 of 2008, as mentioned. Each topic is unique in that the assessment needs to be tailored to the topic. Likewise, the evaluation of learning outcomes for the topic options of religion and praiseworthy morals. This research uses the literature study method with analysis techniques in the form of content analysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Assessment, Learning Assessment, PAI Assessment Standards</p> Copyright (c) PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MUKTI ALI DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM KONTEMPORER 2023-12-25T03:22:37+07:00 muhammad hibban wijdan <p>Tujuan penelitian ini: 1) Mengetahui biografi Mukti Ali. 2) Mengetahui pemikiran Mukti Ali tentang Pendidikan Islam. 3) Menganalisis relevansi pemikiran Mukti Ali dengan pendidikan Islam kontemporer. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif historis dan filosofis dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik dokumentasi. Sumber data primer yang digunakan adalah 3 buku karya Mukti Ali yang berjudul “Memahami Beberapa Aspek Ajaran Islam,” “Metode Memahami Agama Islam,” dan “Ilmu Perbandingan Agama di Indonesia,” buku karya Singgih Basuki yang berjudul “Pemikiran Keagamaan Mukti Ali,” buku karya Mohammad Damami yang berjudul “Lima Tokoh IAIN Sunan Kalaijaga Yogyakarta: Prof. Dr. H.A. Mukti Ali, M.A,” serta buku karya Azyumardi Azra dan Saiful Umam yang berjudul “Menteri-Menteri Agama RI: Biografi Sosial-Politik.” Sedangkan sumber data sekunder yang digunakan adalah artikel, jurnal, dan buku-buku karya penulis lain. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data, kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa konsep pemikiran pendidikan Islam Mukti Ali memiliki peran penting dalam perkembangan pendidikan Islam untuk berupaya membangun peradaban dan pendidikan melalui hasil keputusan SKB 3 Menteri, yaitu adanya kesamaan derajat lulusan sekolah umum dan madrasah sehingga tidak ada lagi dikotomik serta melahirkan integrasi nilai pendidikan antara agama, manusia dan masyarakat.</p> Copyright (c) the DEVELOPMENT OF A TEXTBOOK "CONTEMPORARY ARABIC LANGUAGE IN ONLINE MEDIA" BASED ON HOTS TO IMPROVE ARABIC LANGUAGE STUDENTS' EXTENSIVE READING SKILLS 2023-12-23T02:02:44+07:00 Afif Kholisun Nashoih Afif <p>This research is motivated by weak skills in reading contemporary Arabic texts. This weakness is caused by the lack of references from students regarding modern Arabic which is different from classical Arabic. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of developing a contemporary Arabic language textbook based on the HOTS approach. It is hoped that the textbook resulting from this research will be able to contribute to improving the extensive reading skills of Arabic language learners. The method used in this research is R&amp;D by adopting the development model of Prof. Sugiyono. Data collection in this research was carried out using observation, questionnaires and tests. This research produced a contemporary Arabic textbook containing 14 chapters. Each chapter consists of a reading text, a list of difficult vocabulary, a conclusion to the text content, and 5 types of exercises arranged based on HOTS theory. This textbook is categorized as very worthy. This is based on a value of 91% from the first validator, and 88% from the second validator. Meanwhile, the results of field trials stated that this textbook was able to improve student learning outcomes, which was indicated by the pre-test score of 60.89% and the post-test score of 87.32%. So it is known that there is a difference of 26.43% which is a sign of a significant increase. In this way, this textbook is able to improve Arabic text reading skills at an advanced level.</p> Copyright (c) Penilaian Autentik Berbasis Portofolio 2023-12-22T21:07:32+07:00 Sholihatul Ummah Nur Laili Suparto <p>Authentic assessment is a type of assessment that is carried out comprehensively on student learning outcomes which includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills. The use and selection of appropriate assessments techniques can influence the achievements of learning objectives. Therefore, authentic assessment does not have a tendency to assess on knowledge aspect, but it is more emphasis on student’s ability in applying their knowledge in real context. One type of authentic assessment is portfolio assessment. Portfolio assessment is an assessment technique carried out by assessing student’s work that obtained in a certain period. The portfolio work is quite diverse ant the work can be done individually or in groups. Th portfolio assessment process can be carried out collaboratively between teachers and students, so the preparation of portfolio assessment steps can be design as well as possible. The research aim is to describe the concept of authentic and portfolio assessment along with the steps. The research method is library research by utilizing several sources, such as books and journal articles related to the topic. The technique of data analysis is content analysis by creating final conclusions after processing the data comprehensively.</p> Copyright (c) AYIK BELAJAR MEMBUAT PEWARNA MAKANAN: IMPLEMENTASI CT DENGAN PENDEKATAN STEAM 2023-12-22T18:28:22+07:00 Helena Evi Weningtyas <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="118"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>After and Before: 1 cm</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>: </strong><em>Abstract in English version, written using Times New Roman 12, italic, justify, and single space. Abstract contains 200-250 words. Abstract contains background/problem of the research, purpose, method, result, and conclusion of the research. Abstract should be written in 1 paragraph only.</em></p> <p><em>STEAM is an innovative learning model implemented in the 21st century. The STEAM learning model is capable of providing stimuli for student development in schools at various educational levels. The purpose of this research is to identify the computational thinking abilities of children after participating in STEAM learning and to test the child's computational thinking process through direct practice. The research method we used is a qualitative method. The results we obtained from this research indicate that through STEAM learning, children are able to develop creativity, critical thinking, innovation, and cooperation. The conclusion of this research implies that the experiment with natural food coloring using plants represents a learning activity that involves students in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) activities infused with Computational Thinking.</em></p> <p>send to: <a href=""></a> atau <a href=""></a> Contact Person: 0857-3165-0471</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> STEAM, <em>Computasional Thinking</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>STEAM merupakan model pembelajaran inovasi yang diimplementasikan pada abad 21. Model pembelajaran STEAM mampu memberikan stimulus untuk perkembangan siswa di sekolah pada berbagai jenjang pendidikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi kemampuan berpikir komputasional anak setelah mengikuti pembelajaran STEAM dan menguji proses berpikir komputasional anak dengan melakukan praktek secara langsung. Metode penelitian yang kami gunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil yang kami dapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah lewat pembelajaran STEAM anak mampu mengembangkan kreativitas, berpikir kritis, inovatif, dan kooperatif. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menyiratkan bahwa eksperimen pewarna makanan alami menggunakan tumbuhan menggambarkan sebuah kegiatan pembelajaran yang melibatkan peserta didik dalam aktivitas STEAM <em>(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics)</em> yang diinfuskan dengan <em>Computational Thinking.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> STEAM, berpikir komputasional</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) HUMANISASI PENDIDIKAN DALAM GERAKAN DAKWAH JAMAAH TABLIGH BAGI MASYARKAT TUNARUNGU 2023-12-22T08:48:50+07:00 hayyun lathifaty yasri Muhammad Muhsin Arumawan <p>The deaf disabled community is a group of people who are marginalized not only in the social aspect of society, but also in the aspect of educational accessibility, especially Islamic education. This article reviews the importance of special attention for the religious development of the deaf community through the tabligh congregation's da'wah movement. This practice is a form of humanization of education for deaf people who essentially have the same rights in developing themselves, both psychologically, mentally and spiritually, one of which is through non-formal education activities. This research found that the practice of da'wah carried out by the <em>Tablighi Jamaah</em>&nbsp;has an important role in developing the spirituality of deaf people, both in terms of their faith.</p> Copyright (c) penerapan teori sibernetik dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa 2023-12-21T17:31:07+07:00 wahyudi syofyan <p><strong>: </strong>Cybernetic theory is a learning theory that focuses on processes. This is proven in this learning where priority is given to the level of information provided by educators to students. The aim of the researcher is to find out the concept of learning that will be carried out by educators. Therefore, in this theory, it will be seen in project activities to develop the profile of Pancasila students to increase students' creativity. With the results used, this theory can make it easier for teachers to provide information to their students. Before learning, the teacher carries out a teaching module, where this teaching module becomes a teacher's design for carrying out learning activities. After the teacher makes a plan, learning activities can be carried out according to the plan the teacher has made. The learning activities carried out by the teacher also provide information to students to explain the learning activities that will be carried out. Meanwhile, the development of student creativity can be seen by educators, namely from the recipient of the information obtained by students. The development process carried out by students will be assessed according to predetermined indicators.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI METODE UMMI DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA AL-QUR'AN SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR ISLAM TERPADU WIDYA CENDEKIA 2023-12-21T12:36:19+07:00 Sulistyaningsih Sulistyaningsih Firman Robiansyah Fitri Alfarisa <p>Salah satu aspek penting dalam mempelajari Al-Qur’an ialah membacanya sesuai dengan kaidah tajwid atau tartil. Namun ketika melihat realita yang terjadi pada saat ini, masih banyak ditemukan siswa yang memiliki kemampuan membaca alqur’an secara baik yang terbilang masih rendah. Pengajaran Al-Qur’an dianjurkan untuk dilakukan sejak usia dini, supaya kelak melahirkan generasi qur’ani yang berkualitas dalam membaca alquran di masa yang akan datang. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Widya Cendekia Serang berupaya untuk membantu siswa agar dapat membaca alquran secara tartil dengan menyediakan program unggulan pembelajaran alquran menggunakan metode ummi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui proses penerapan serta implikasi dari metode ummi dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an siswa. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses penerapan pembelajaran Alquran metode ummi di SDIT Widya Cendekia sudah diterapkan secara baik dan maksimal untuk semua tahapan pembelajaran dan program-program pembinaan yang dilakukan, dan tentunya sudah menggunakan pengajar khusus alquran yang berkompeten. Adapun implikasi dari penerapan metode ummi terhadap peningkatan kemampuan membaca alquran siswa mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan baik dalam aspek ketartilan serta capaian kenaikan jilid atau halaman anak.</p> Copyright (c) A Jurnal pendidikan 2023-12-20T04:37:35+07:00 Irma Camelia Irma <p><sub>Abstrak </sub></p> <p><sub>Gangguan neurologi adalah penyakit pada sistem saraf pusat dan sistem saraf perifer. Penyakit ini mempengaruhi banyak bagian di sistem saraf, seperti otak, sumsum tulang belakang, saraf kranial, akar saraf, sambungan neuromuskular, dan lainnya. Ada banyak jenis gangguan saraf, seperti stroke dan demensia. Dengan adanya gangguan neurologi tersebut maka dibutuhkan pengobatan untuk menyembuhkannya seperti melakukan terapi. Maka dari itu diperlukan studi tentang psikoterapy gangguan neurologis. </sub></p> <p><sub>Kata Kunci : Psikoteraphy, Gangguan Neurologis </sub></p> <p><sub>Abstract </sub></p> <p><sub>Neurological disorders are diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. This disease affects many parts of the nervous system, such as the brain, spinal cord,cranial nerves, nerve roots, neuromuscular junctions, and more. There are many types of neurological disorders, such as stroke and dementia. With If there is a neurological disorder, treatment is needed to cure it, such as doing therapy. Therefore a study is needed about the psychotherapy of neurological disorders. </sub></p> <p><sub>Keywords : Psychotherapy, Neurological </sub></p> <p><sub>&nbsp;</sub></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) A Psikologi 2023-12-20T04:26:41+07:00 Irma Camelia Irma <p>Dalam pengelolaan pembelajaran, guru memegang peran yang sangat penting. Guru merupakan pelaksana proses belajar-mengajar sehingga keberhasilan pengajarannya sangat menentukan keberhasilan pendidikan pada umumnya. Hasil kajian teoretik menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan pembelajaran (learning management) dalam tugas-tugas fungsional guru akan terlaksana secara efektif dan efisien apabila guru mampu melakukan perannya sebagai manajer of instruction dalam menciptakan situasi belajar melalui pemanfaatan fasilitas belajar-mengajar. Terutama peran guru dalam menghadapi siswa yang memiliki kesulitan dalam belajarnya. Maka dari itu diperlukan studi tentang peran guru dalam menghadapi siswa yang mengalami gangguan neurologi.</p> <p>Kata Kunci : Guru, Siswa, Gangguan Neurologis</p> <p>Abstract</p> <p>In managing learning, the teacher plays a very important role. The teacher is the executor of the teaching and learning process so that The success of teaching determines the success of education in general. The results of the theoretical study show that learning management is in functional assignments the teacher will be carried out effectively and efficiently if the teacher is able to carry out his role as manager of instruction in creating learning situations through teaching and learning facilities. Especially the role of the teacher in dealing with students who have learning difficulties. Therefore it is necessary to study the role of teachers in dealing with students who experience neurological disorders.</p> <p>Keywords : Teachers, Student, Neurological Disorder</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI CANVA UNTUK MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA PADA MATERI DONGENG KELAS 4 DI SDIT AL-ZAHIRA SERANG 2023-12-20T04:06:37+07:00 Eka Tiara Aryanti Radhwa Alya Rahmatunia Hamdan Rosyada <p>Learning media at this time has increasingly developed as time goes by, where many teachers at this time do not use conventional learning media, they are already engaged in learning and are accustomed to using learning media that is technology or application based. One of them is the Canva application, with this application it is easier for teachers nowadays to create learning media, because by using Canva students, especially students in elementary schools, will be interested and focused on learning. There are lots of templates that teachers can use to create interesting and innovative learning media</p> Copyright (c) Fatimha,Yesa PERAN GURU DALAM MENGATASI LEARNING DISFUNTION (KESULITAN BELAJAR PADA ANAK) 2023-12-20T04:01:36+07:00 Yesa Fatimah yesa <p>Pembelajaran adalah suatu proses yang dilakukan dalam sebuah Pendidikan,dimana didalamnya ada proses penstransferan ilmu pegetahuan dari seorang pendidik ke peserta didik.Namun prosesnya tidak selalu terjadi dengan mulus,ada hambatan dan tantangan yang dihadapi yaitu Kesulitan anak dalam memahami pembelajaran.Dari permsalahan tersebut maka seorang guru dibutuhkan perannya untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar ini..Oleh karena itu penulisan artikel ini dilakukan beryujuan untuk mengetahui Peran Guru dalam mengatasi <em>Learning disfuntion </em>( Kesulitan Belajar pada anak).Metode yang digunakan adalah <em>content analysis( </em>Analisis isi),Metode ini dilakukan dengan cara pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan Teknik mencari,membaca dan mengkaji buku-buku atau referensi sesuai dengan judul yang akan diteliti.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Solusi yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru dalam mengatasi kesulitan belajar adalah:a) Faktor Guru,Gaya mengajar guru harus lebih menarik.2)Penggunaan alat bantu atau media harus jelas dan siswa langsung diajak ke situasi nyata,karena pembelajarannya lebih banyak realita dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.c) Pola interaksi yang bervariasi antara siswa dan guru yang akann membuat siswa dan guru lebih dekat</p> Copyright (c) Peranan PERANAN AKHLAK SEBAGAI SARANA MERAIH KEBAHAGIAAN DUNIA DAN AKHIRAT 2023-12-20T02:08:01+07:00 Miftahul Jannah Akmal <p>Morals are very important as a guide to good behavior, but in the modern era which is full of complexity, moral values are often tested by external influences and rapid changes in values. So, this research aims to fill the gaps in previous research and analyze the role of morals as a deep and integral means of achieving happiness in this world and the hereafter. In this research, the method used is a literature study which provides insight into the concept of morals in scientific disciplines, the relationship of religion to morals and happiness, a multidimensional view of the role of morals in achieving happiness and the implications in the context of everyday life which can be indicators of morals as a means of achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. In addition, this research provides a basis for further exploring the complex relationship between morals, well-being and happiness in a deeper and interdisciplinary context.</p> Copyright (c) Peningkatan Religiusitas Pada Anggota Komunitas Sang Musafir Melalui Program Kajian Islam Nonformal 2023-12-19T16:31:53+07:00 La Aslim <p>The Implementation of Nonformal Islamic Study Program in Enhancing Religious Devotion Among the Sang Musafir Community: Members of the Sang Musafir Community Increasing Their Knowledge of Islam through Active Participation in Nonformal Islamic Study Programs at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo, held at Masjid Al Manar and the Tapak Suci Student Activity Unit. The objectives of this research are: (1) To understand the implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program in enhancing religious devotion among the Sang Musafir community at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. (2) To comprehend the outcomes of the implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program in enhancing religious devotion among the Sang Musafir community at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. (3) To identify the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program in enhancing religious devotion among the Sang Musafir community at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. The objective description of the research subject or object is a core of descriptive research, aiming to methodically describe the characteristics and frequencies of the object under scrutiny. The findings of this research are: (1) The implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program in enhancing religious devotion among the Sang Musafir community at Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo involves the active participation of Sang Musafir community members in broadening their knowledge and understanding of Islam through the nonformal Islamic study programs held at Masjid Al Manar, UKMI Al Manar, and the Tapak Suci Student Activity Unit. (2) The outcomes of the implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program include an increased understanding of religion among Sang Musafir community members, the development of Mahdhah worship practices among them, the enhancement of Islamic attitudes and ethics, the reinforcement of Muslim identity, as well as social awareness and community empowerment. (3) Supporting factors for the implementation of the nonformal Islamic study program include the availability of pre-facility resources, transportation, qualified speakers, strong cooperation, peer support, and a high thirst for knowledge. Inhibiting factors encompass the relatively long distance, limited transportation options for Sang Musafir community members, and challenges in effective time management.</p> Copyright (c) Analisis Kurikulum MBKM PBA Universitas Negeri Malang 2023-12-18T06:27:50+07:00 ilham Fatkhu Romadhon Sutiah <p><strong>: </strong>The MBKM (Independent Learning and Free Campus) policy is one of the innovative education system reforms in Indonesia, encompassing primary, secondary, and tertiary levels. In connection with the "Merdeka Belajar dan Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)" policy, the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture has launched several learning programs for university students. These learning activities include: 1) Student Exchange, 2) Internships/Work Placements, 3) Teaching Assistance in Educational Units, 4) Research, 5) Humanitarian Projects, 6) Entrepreneurial Activities, 7) Independent Study/Projects, and 8) Village Development/Thematic Real Work Lecture. In implementing the MBKM program, the Arabic Language Education program at State University of Malang collaborates with MBKM and reciprocally "exchange" students to take courses outside their respective campuses. The purpose of this paper is to explore the curriculum of the Arabic Language Education program at the State University of Malang in implementing the eight MBKM programs (Student Exchange, Internships/Work Placements, Teaching Assistance in Educational Units, Research, Humanitarian Projects, Entrepreneurial Activities, Independent Study/Projects, and Village Development/Thematic Real Work Lecture). The research method employed is a qualitative descriptive approach. The research design uses a qualitative approach to provide a description of the phenomenon regarding the responses of students, lecturers, administrative staff, and field supervisors to the curriculum implementation of the MBKM program for Arabic Language Education students at the State University of Malang.</p> Copyright (c) A Pembelajaran Direct Instruction berbasis Mind Mapping Terhadap Minat dan Hasil Belajar 2023-12-18T04:47:05+07:00 rizainaya inaya Anggoro Putranto <p>This study aims to find out two main things (1) Mind mapping-based Direct Instruction Model learning on interest in learning class VIII social studies at SMPN 1 Srengat, (2) knowing the effect of mind mapping-based Direct Instruction Model learning on the achievement of class VIII social studies learning achievement at SMPN 1 Srengat. This study used a pseudo-experimental method with a nonequivalent post-test only control design. This study involved all grade VIII students as a population, involving two classes as samples, namely class VIII-I (Control Group) and VIII-J (experimental group). Data collection through questionnaires and posttests and SPSS.20 as data analysis, data analysis in the form of prerequisite tests through normality tests and homogeneity tests as prerequisites are carried out t-tests. The results obtained in this study: (1) There is a relevant influence on the application of the mind mapping-based direct instruction model on the interest in learning social studies class VIII at SMPN 1 Srengat. This results in the t-test obtained Sig. (2-tailed) values of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. (2) The relevant influence of the mind map-based direct instruction model on the achievement of class VIII social studies learning achievements at SMPN 1 Srengat. This is evident from the results of the t-test obtained Sig. (2-tailed) values of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, then H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.</p> Copyright (c) The Pengaruh Bimbingan Belajar Terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa 2023-12-18T04:46:38+07:00 rina kusuma Anggoro Putranto <p>This research was conducted with the intent: (1) Can determine the influence of extramural guidance on student learning motivation in social studies subjects. (2) Can determine the influence of extramural guidance on student learning outcomes in social studies subjects. The research method applied is quasi experiment with Single subject design research design. In general, this study provides results that highlight the situation of one or several groups. The population in the study was all class IX students, the samples used were 2 classes IX-I as an experimental class and classes IX-J as a control class. The method of data collection in research is questionnaire and documentation. To measure both using validity and rehabilitation instrument tests, prerequisite tests with normality and homogeneity tests, and hypothesis tests using T-tests. The results of research conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Srengat are: (1) A significant influence was found between extramural tutoring on learning motivation. This is evidenced by the results of the T-test Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000, based on the principle of decision making 0.000 &lt; 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. (2) A significant influence was found between extramural tutoring on learning outcomes. This is verified by the results of the T-test Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.000, then based on the decision-making criteria of 0.000 &lt; 0.05 means Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS PROGRAM PENDUKUNG UNTUK MELAHIRKAN CALON GURU KIMIA DARI PTN DAN PTKIN YANG MAMPU MENGINTEGRASIKAN NILAI-NILAI ISLAM DALAM MATA PELAJARAN KIMIA 2023-12-18T00:34:20+07:00 Tuti Nursadiah Riza Anggraini Zahra Gita Indahcahyani Eka Putri Ilham Maulana Rohmat Achmad Faqihhudin <p><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span style="vertical-align: inherit;">: Kesadaran untuk mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam pendidikan semakin meningkat. Namun masih terdapat perbedaan upaya pendidikan yang dilaksanakan oleh PTN (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) dan PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Negeri) dalam melatih calon guru kimia yang memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang nilai-nilai Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pendukung di PTN atau PTKIN yang membantu calon guru kimia dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam mata pelajaran kimia, mengetahui tantangan dan kesulitan calon guru kimia dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kimia, peran dosen di PTN dan PTKIN serta saran dan rekomendasi pengembangan program pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa pada salah satu PTN dan PTKIN yang ada di Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendukung di PTN yang efektif membantu dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kimia lebih sedikit dibandingkan di PTKIN sehingga calon guru kimia dari PTN merasa kesulitan dan tertantang dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam dalam kimia. Sementara itu, calon guru kimia dari PTKIN tidak kesulitan dalam mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai Islam ke dalam mata pelajaran kimia.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span class="" style="vertical-align: inherit;">Abstrak:</span></span></strong><span style="vertical-align: inherit;"><span class="" style="vertical-align: inherit;"> Kesadaran mengintegrasikan nilai nilai keislaman dalam pendidikan semakin meningkat. Akan tetapi, upaya yang dilakukan masih terdapat perbedaan pada pendidikan yang diterapkan oleh PTN (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) dan PTKIN (Perguruan Tinggi keagamaan Islam Negeri) dalam melatih calon guru kimia yang memiliki pengetahuan yang mendalam tentang nilai-nilai islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program pendukung di PTN ataupun PTKIN yang membantu calon guru kimia untuk mengintegrasikan nilai-nilai islam pada mata pelajaran kimia, mengetahui tantangan dan kesulitan dalam mengintegrasikan nilai nilai islam pada kimia, peran dosen di PTN dan PTKIN serta saran dan rekomendasi pengembangan program pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, observasi dan studi literatur. Adapun subjek penelitian yaitu mahasiswa di salah satu PTN dan PTKIN yang ada di Bandung. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program pendukung di PTN lebih sedikit yang efektif membantu calon guru kimia dalam mengintegrasikan nilai nilai islam pada kimia dibandingkan di PTKIN sehingga calon guru kimia dari PTN merasa kesulitan dan memiliki tantangan dalam mengintegrasikan nilai nilai islam pada kimia. Sedangkan calon guru kimia dari PTKIN tidak merasa kesulitan dalam mengintegrasikan nilai nilai islam pada mata pelajaran kimia.</span></span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) PERAN TUTORIAL PAI DALAM MENGHADAPI TANTANGAN GERAKAN ISLAM TRANSNASIONAL DI PERGURUAN TINGGI 2023-12-18T00:19:04+07:00 Firman Robiansyah Wawan Wahyuddin Muhajir <p>Globalisasi membawa tantangan baru di dunia pendidikan tinggi, terutama terkait dengan munculnya gerakan Islam transnasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki peran tutorial Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) sebagai strategi dalam menghadapi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh gerakan Islam transnasional di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif analitik tipe studi kasus, peneliti menempatkan diri sebagai human instrument. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa UPI Kampus Serang semester 1 tahun 2023/2024 yang mengontrak MK PAI. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul peneliti analisis dengan cara mereduksi data, penyajian data, kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi praktis bagi perguruan tinggi dalam meningkatkan peran tutorial PAI sebagai instrumen efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan gerakan Islam transnasional, dengan memperhatikan keberagaman, inklusivitas, dan pendekatan yang mempromosikan pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap ajaran Islam.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN TUTORIAL PAI DALAM MENGHADAPI TANTANGAN GERAKAN ISLAM TRANSNASIONAL DI PERGURUAN TINGGI 2023-12-18T00:04:27+07:00 Firman Robiansyah <p>Globalisasi membawa tantangan baru di dunia pendidikan tinggi, terutama terkait dengan munculnya gerakan Islam transnasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki peran tutorial Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) sebagai strategi dalam menghadapi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh gerakan Islam transnasional di lingkungan perguruan tinggi. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode deskriptif analitik tipe studi kasus, peneliti menempatkan diri sebagai human instrument. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa UPI Kampus Serang semester 1 tahun 2023/2024 yang mengontrak MK PAI. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Teknik dokumentasi dan kuesioner. Data yang terkumpul peneliti analisis dengan cara mereduksi data, penyajian data, kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan rekomendasi praktis bagi perguruan tinggi dalam meningkatkan peran tutorial PAI sebagai instrumen efektif dalam menghadapi tantangan gerakan Islam transnasional, dengan memperhatikan keberagaman, inklusivitas, dan pendekatan yang mempromosikan pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap ajaran Islam.</p> Copyright (c) HAKIKAT DAN KEDUDUKAN KURIKULUM PEMBELAJARN 2023-12-17T06:03:23+07:00 nysaa nailil <p>Abstrak: This article was written to provide an explanation and description of the nature,<br>meaning and position of the curriculum in madrasas/schools. Discusses the status of the<br>curriculum in more depth in schools, including important aspects such as the role of teachers,<br>student participation, and its impact on the quality of education today. This article is structured<br>in such a way using qualitative research methods that refer to literature studies from journals<br>on Google Scholar. This article was prepared with the hope that it can become a guide for<br>Islamic Religious Education students to make it easier to understand the nature, meaning and<br>position of the curriculum in madrasas/schools. The greatest hope is that all readers can get<br>an easy picture and understanding by reading this article, so that this article can always live<br>with readers who always refer to this article. The content of this writing is a further discussion<br>regarding the nature, meaning and position of the curriculum in madrasas/schools<br>Keywords: Essence, Position, Learning Curriculum<br>Abstrak: Artikel ini ditulis untuk memberikan penjelasan dan gambaran mengenai tentang<br>hakikat, pengertian dan kedudukan kurikulum di madrasah/sekolah. Mengupas status<br>kurikulum secara lebih mendalam disekolah, termasuk aspek-aspek penting seperti peran guru,<br>partisipasi siswa, dan dampaknya terhadap kualitas pendidikan saat ini. Artikel ini dirangkai<br>sedemikian rupa menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang merujuk pada studi pustaka<br>dari jurnal-jurnal yang terdapat pada google scholar. Artikel ini tersusun dengan harapan agar<br>dapat menjadi pegangan bagi mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam untuk memudahkan dalam<br>memahami tentang hakikat, pengertian dan kedudukan kurikulum di madrasah/sekolah.<br>Harapan yang paling besar adalah seluruh pembaca dapat mendapatkan gambaran dan<br>pemahaman yang mudah dengan membaca tulisan ini, sehingga tulisan ini dapat selalu hidup<br>dengan pembaca yang senantiasa merujuk tulisan ini. Isi dari penulisan ini yaitu pembahasan<br>lebih lanjut mengenai tentang hakikat, pengertian dan kedudukan kurikulum di<br>madrasah/sekolah.<br>Kata Kunci: Hakikat, Kedudukan, Kurikulum Pembelajaran</p> Copyright (c) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN MUFRADAT BASIS MULTIPLE INTELEGENCE PADA PERGURUAN TINGGI 2023-12-17T00:24:03+07:00 M. Dzikrul Hakim Al Ghozali <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="82"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>After and Before: 1 cm</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>Abstrak: </strong>Pentingnya model pembelajaran dalam proses&nbsp; pembelajaran sangat merdampak pada pemahaman dan hasil belajar mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian ini mengidentifikasi, &nbsp;merekonstruksi dan menerapkan model pembelajaran Mufrodat sesuai dengan Multiple Intelligence. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Dari data yang diperoleh, disimpulkan dengan menggunakan trianggulasi. Hasil penelitian ini, munculnya kecerdasan verbal-linguistik, visual spasial, jasmani-kinestetik, dan logis-matematis direkonstruksi menjadi model pembelajaran mufrodat berbasis teori Multiple Intelligence tujuannya adalah untuk mempermudah peserta didik dalam menerima dan memahami materi sehingg pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif dan maksimal.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) MAD THABI’I, MAD FAR’I, DAN GHARIB 2023-12-16T05:12:16+07:00 Nafisah Dzawinnada <p><em>This article discusses the science of recitation. The science of recitation discusses many aspects, starting from ha letters, the nature of letters, makhorijul letters, and ahkamul letters. However, this article only focuses on explanations about mad thabi'i, mad far'i, and gharib. Discusses the distribution of mad, various types of gharib reading, how to read correctly, and the factors that cause gharib reading. This article is structured in such a way that it uses qualitative research methods. This research instrument was taken based on books and journals via Google Scholar as the data source that will be used. Some people still don't understand this material, especially elementary/MI children. So this article aims to help readers understand mad thabi'i, mad far,i and gharib easily. Because this article has been written using simple language so that readers can easily understand this article.</em></p> Copyright (c) PEMBINAN KEAGAMAAN DALAM MEMBENTUK AKHLAK SISWA DI SMP NEGERI 2 JOGOROTO 2023-12-15T12:44:53+07:00 Ana Uswatin <p>This research is motivated by a phenomenon that there are still many students who pay little attention to the commandments of their religious teachings and are polite low manners. Religious formation is important for carried out for the sake of realizing morals in students. Focus The research in this study is: 1) How to develop student morals in SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang?, 2) What is the method used by PAI teacher in developing student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang?, 3) What is the positive impact of developing student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang? The aims of this research are: 1) To look at coaching student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang, 2) To see the method used by PAI teachers in developing student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang, and 3) to see the positive impact of developing student morals at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang. &nbsp; This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of research, namely case study. The research location chosen was SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis used is according to the stages explained by Miles and Huberman, namely, Data Model (Data Display), Reduction Data, Drawing/Verifying Conclusions. The results of the research and discussion in this research are: 1) religious formation at SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang in the form of dhuha prayers, dhuhur prayers congregation, PHBI activities. 2) the PAI teacher's method of conducting coaching is in the form of set an example, often give advice and give rewards and punishments. 3)The positive impact of moral development is changes in behavior and internal awareness carrying out religious obligations by students of SMP Negeri 2 Jogoroto Jombang.</p> Copyright (c) MAKIYAH DAN MADANIYAH 2023-12-15T12:32:53+07:00 aliya putri anggreini <p><strong>: </strong>Artikel ini akan mencoba untuk menguraikan konsep penting dalam Al-qur’an yang berhubungan dengan konsep pernyataan. Mayoritas ulama membaginya menjadi dua waktu. Yaitu waktu ketika nabi belum melakukan hijrah dan ketika nabi melakukan hijrah atau setelah berhijrah. Terdapat beberapa perbedaan yang menjadi pembeda mengenai perbedaan dua masa yang telah disepakati. Yaitu perbedaan mengenai cara bahasa, perbedaan pembahasan, perbedaan teori. Adanya pembagian waktu ini menjadikan para individu memiliki aturan karena apa yang tertulis dan isi yang disampaikan merupakan hukum dan aturan yang diberikan oleh Allah. Sehingga pada masa ini beberapa permasalahan kehidupan dapat terungkap</p> Copyright (c) Ayat Al-qur'an dan Hadis Tentang Pelestarian Lingkungan 2023-12-15T03:29:09+07:00 sarah maulani fauziyah <p><em>The environment and conservation are global issues that can attract attention, including in the context of Islamic teachings. Islam as a religion that covers various aspects of life from spirituality to social procedures, provides clear guidelines regarding the protection and preservation of nature. This article reviews Islamic views on the environment and nature conservation efforts. In Islam, the universe is considered a creation of Allah that has many wisdom.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Humans, as caliphs (leaders) on earth, are given the responsibility to care for and protect the environment. The Qur'an and hadith of the Prophet Muhammad SAW provide instructions that it is important for us to protect and preserve the environment, and respect other living creatures. Apart from the ethical aspects, Islam also provides a moral and practical basis for nature conservation, there are still challenges in implementing these values consistently in Muslim societies. Education, awareness and cooperation between government, society and religious organizations are the keys to changing behavior and ensuring nature conservation in accordance with Islamic teachings. By understanding and internalizing environmental values in Islamic teachings, Muslims are expected to play an active role in maintaining the sustainability of the universe, creating harmony between humans and the creator.</em></p> Copyright (c) Kulliyatu-L-Mu'allimin AL-Islamiyyah: Kontribusi K.H. Imam Zarkasyi dalam Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia 2023-12-15T03:24:15+07:00 Farhad Muhammad Muhammad Yunus Abu Bakar Abd Rachman Assegaf <p>Islamic boarding schools experienced various developments over time, K.H. Imam Zarkasyi with Kulliyatu-l-Mu'allimin Al-Islamiyyah (KMI) is trying to present a new madrasa model in the Islamic boarding school environment and is a major contribution to the world of Islamic education. This article aims to describe KMI as a product of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi in Islamic boarding school reform, this article uses a literature study methodology on journals and articles relevant to the research topic. The research results show the contribution of K.H. Imam Zarkasyi in Islamic Education in Indonesia through KMI in the form of First, a balance between religious and general knowledge and the abandonment of scientific dichotomies to produce intellectual scholars. Second, the implementation of education is based on three characteristics: comprehensive, integrative and independent. third, the use of discipline as the main instrument in the process of instilling values ​​in Islamic boarding schools. Fourth, the use of classical methods in the learning process at Islamic boarding schools which previously used the traditional sorogan and bandongan methods in learning classical books. Fifth, the importance of being enthusiastic about teaching duties is more important than carrying out these duties. Sixth, environmental conditioning by making the mosque the central point for the inspiration of Islamic boarding school activities.</p> Copyright (c) Pengertian Pembagian dan Sejarah Singkat Periodesasi Hadis 2023-12-15T03:14:23+07:00 sarah maulani fauziyah <p><em>This article was created to provide an explanation of hadith as well as what types of hadith exist and a brief history of hadith periodization. Hadith is the second source of the Koran which has been applied by Muslims in everyday life. In general, various hadiths have different characteristics from each other. Hadith is an important source in the understanding and practice of Islam, along with the Koran. Hadiths can be grouped into several groups which, based on their content, can be qudsi hadiths (containing the word Allah), marfu' hadiths (referred to the Prophet), mauquf hadiths (stopping at the statements of friends), maqtu' hadiths (stopping at tabi'in statements), and Mursal hadith (narrated by tabi'i directly from the Prophet). Apart from there being various types of hadith, this article also discusses the concept of hadith periodization which understands the collection, dissemination and compilation of hadith which developed after the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Hadith periodization is an approach to classifying hadiths in Islam based on time periods and historical developments. This is important in understanding how Islamic teachings developed and were maintained throughout history.</em></p> Copyright (c) Hadis Dilihat Dari Aspek Kuantitas Periwayat 2023-12-14T14:55:59+07:00 LAILA NUR LAILATUS SHOLIKHA <p>Artikel ini mendalami hadis-hadis dalam Islam dengan mempertimbangkan aspek kuantitas periwayat. Pemahaman terhadap kuantitas periwayat menjadi fokus utama untuk mengevaluasi kevalidan dan keakuratan suatu hadis. Penelitian ini menganalisis peran dan dampak jumlah periwayat dalam mengukur keautentikan hadis serta mengidentifikasi metode kuantitatif yang digunakan dalam studi hadis. Melalui pendekatan ini, artikel bertujuan untuk memberikan wawasan mendalam tentang relevansi dan kepercayaan hadis berdasarkan jumlah periwayat yang terlibat, sehingga dapat memberikan kontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih baik terhadap warisan hadis dalam tradisi Islam.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH KEIKUTSERTAAN PROJEK PENGUTAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA DALAM PENINGKATAN KREATIVITAS DAN INOVASI PESERTA DIDIK 2023-12-14T09:35:59+07:00 Wita Wahyu Mardiningrum Wita <p>This study aims to determine (1) the effect of students' participation in the learning project of Pancasila student profile enhancement on increasing students' creativity at SMAN 4 Pasuruan City; (2) the effect of Pancasila student profile enhancement project on increasing students' innovation at SMAN 4 City. This study uses a quantitative approach with multiple regression research design. The data analysis process uses the help of IBM SPSS statistic 22.0. The population in this study was class X students at SMAN 4 Pasuruan City which amounted to 285 people. The sampling technique used the Slovin formula (Darmawan, 2016) where the sample size was obtained 167 people. Therefore, researchers used 167 XI grade students at SMA Negeri 4 Pasuruan City. The results showed that: (1) The participation of students in project learning to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students affects the increase in student creativity. (2) Participation of students in project learning to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students affects the increase in student innovation.</p> Copyright (c) Ulul Albab dalam Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Hadis 2023-12-14T09:03:54+07:00 Anis Mahshunatul Mahmuda <p><em>This article discusses the meaning of ulul albab, its characteristics, and the concept of ulul albab. The Koran is the first reference for Muslims and after that there are hadiths which are also the main source of law for Muslims. These two sources of law contain guidelines for human life. One of them is that in the Qur'an there is a command to take advantage of the advantages that Allah SWT has given to humans in the form of reason which is used for good. The terminology for humans who are gifted with reason in the Al-Qur'an is given the term ulul albab, this term is mentioned in the suras and verses of the Al-Qur'an sixteen times. Islamic figures in their thinking show that ulul albab means humans who have strength in religion, thought and social intelligence who can bring change on earth in a better direction based on the Al-Qur'an and Hadith.</em></p> Copyright (c) Hadis Tentang Salat Berjamaah, Persaudaraan, Takwa, Niat, Dan Silaturrahmi 2023-12-14T08:21:55+07:00 Anis Mahshunatul Mahmuda <p><em>This article aims to increase readers' understanding, especially elementary/MI children, about congregational prayers, brotherhood, piety, intention and friendship. Using language that is easy to understand, research is carried out through literature studies from relevant sources. It is hoped that the five hadiths reviewed will provide additional knowledge to readers who may not be familiar with more in-depth details. This article bases its information on the importance of understanding these concepts in the lives of Muslims, both spiritually and socially. Congregational prayer, as a mahdhah act of worship, has the virtues explained in the hadith, with greater rewards than praying alone. The concept of brotherhood is illustrated in the hadith as a strong basis that strengthens each other. Intention, as an important element in worship, has a significant role in the success of a practice. Taqwa, as a quality of the soul to distinguish glory, is realized through worship, maintaining behavior, and doing good. It is hoped that a deep understanding of these concepts can guide Muslims to live lives according to Islamic teachings and obtain the promised spiritual and social benefits.</em></p> Copyright (c) A ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTIVENESS AND RELEVANCE OF THE USE OF K13 TEXTBOOKS IN THE INDEPENDENT CURRICULUM ON STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES AT SDI DAARUL FIKRI JETIS DAU MALANG 2023-12-13T07:34:56+07:00 imma yatiana <p>The study is based on the use of the K13 handbook on Merdeka curriculum. The purpose of this study is to see the effectiveness and relevance of the use of the K13 book on the Merdeka curriculum against students' study results. The object of this research is students and teachers at SDI Daarul Fikri Jetis Mulyoagung Dau Malang. The study used a qualitative approach with a case study type because it assesses the problem as unique to study. With the teaching module on the free curriculum able to get a good enough response from the student, whose components are already neatly assembled and students are easier to understand. The involvement of the K13 handbook in the Merdeka curriculum has had no significant impact on the learning process nor on the students' learning results. Students can more easily understand the lesson lesson because an example of the material will be drawn with something closer to the student. The use of a K13 teach book on the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in schools is used only as a teacher's handbook. This means that books are used only as material reference resources that were once taught in curriculum 2013. While on the practice of learning in the classroom, students are no longer using the K13 handbook</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) RELEVANSI KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ISLAM PERSPEKTIF KH. A. WAHID HASYIM DI ERA SOCIETY 5.0 2023-12-13T05:24:21+07:00 Risma Yoga Noviana <p>The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the concept of Islamic education from the perspective of KH. A. Wahid Hasyim, to describe and analyze the relevance of the concept of Islamic Education from the perspective of KH. A. Wahid Hasyim in the era of society 5.0. This research method is (Library Research) by tracing books or writings about KH. A. Wahid Hasyim. Data collection techniques in this study using documentation techniques. Documentation techniques can take the form of records of past events. The results of the discussion can be concluded that the concept of Islamic education from the perspective of KH. A. Wahid Hasyim, namely about the basis of education that uses logic, the goal he initiated was to make students who have noble character and skills, while regarding principles including religion, developing potential students, socializing, and national spirit as well as renewal of Islamic education including methods, curriculum and establishment of madrasas. The relevance of the concept of Islamic education is in accordance with today's times, by carrying out updates so that they are not left behind by western science and are able to face the Society 5.0 era.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Islamic Education, Society 5.0.</p> Copyright (c) Nasikh & Mansukh 2023-12-11T15:46:57+07:00 annisa wahyu rahmawat <p>Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyumbangkan pengetahuan yang dimiliki penulis kepada pembaca tentang keberadaan konsep atau metode nasakh dalam Al-Qur’an. Secara garis besar konsep nasakh dalam Al-Qur’an terdiri dari dua teori besar yakni teori mansukh (yang menghapus) serta teori nasikh (yang dihapus). Meskipun keberadaan nasikh-mansukh dalam Al-Qur’an sangat vital, akan tetapi dalam pengaplikasiannya membutuhkan beberapa syarat serta hukum dari nasakh sendiri ini masih diperdebatkan. Maka dari itu dalam menulis karya, kami menggunakan metode studi pustaka dengan menggunakan sumber buku serta jurnal yang relevan dengan materi yang kami bahas agar bahasa yang kami pakai mudah dipahami oleh kaum awam yang belum pernah sama sekali menjumpai istilah nasikh-mansukh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.</p> Copyright (c) Surat Pendek Surat-Surat Pendek Pilihan 2023-12-11T15:45:07+07:00 Andini Munaindana Subandi <p><em>The aim of writing this article is to provide additional knowledge for readers by providing a complete explanation of selected short letters, namely letters Al-Fatihah, An-Nas, Al-Falaq, Al-Ikhlas, An-Nashr, Al-Kafirun, and Al -Ma'un. Since the subject we are targeting is children at elementary/MI age or equivalent, the material we present is covered in language and sentences that are easy to digest and easily understood by children of that age. We use the library study method using book and journal sources that are relevant to the material we discuss. It is hoped that the seven selected short letters that we are discussing will be able to provide additional information and knowledge for readers who previously did not know the in-depth explanations of these selected short letters.</em></p> Copyright (c) O OPTIMALISASI PEMBELAJARAN MUHADATSAH MATERI AL-MIHNAH PADA KELAS IV MINU TROPODO WARU SIDOARJO MELALUI PENERAPAN METODE ROLE PLAYING 2023-12-11T12:56:17+07:00 muhammad Alifi <p>Pelnelliltilan ilnil dillakukan karelna adanya kellelmahan dalam keltelrampillan belrbilcara Bahasa Arab dil kellas IlV MIlNU Trolpoldol Waru Sildolarjol, melskilpun nillail kolgniltilf pelselrta dildilk cukup bailk. Kurangnya latilhan belrbilcara dalam bahasa Arab melnyelbabkan kurangnya kelpelrcayaan dilril pelselrta dildilk saat belrbilcara. Ollelh karelna iltu, pelnelliltil telrtarilk untuk melnelrapkan meltoldel <em>ro</em><em>l</em><em>le</em><em>l</em><em> playi</em><em>l</em><em>ng</em> guna melnilngkatkan keltelrampillan belrbilcara melrelka dalam matelril Al-Milhnah. Pelnelliltilan ilnil belrtujuan untuk: 1) Melnillail keltelrampillan <em>muhadatsah</em> matelril <em>Al-Mi</em><em>l</em><em>hnah</em> dil kellas IlV MIlNU Trolpoldol Waru Sildolarjol selbellum dan seltellah pelnelrapan meltoldel <em>ro</em><em>l</em><em>le</em><em>l</em><em> playi</em><em>l</em><em>ng.</em> 2) Melnillail elfelktilviltas meltoldel <em>ro</em><em>l</em><em>le</em><em>l</em><em> playi</em><em>l</em><em>ng</em> dalam melnilngkatkan kelmampuan muhadatsah matelril <em>Al-Mi</em><em>l</em><em>hnah</em> dil kellas IlV MIlNU Trolpoldol Waru Sildolarjol. Pelnelliltilan ilnil melnggunakan pelndelkatan kuantiltatilf delngan delsailn <em>quasi</em><em>l</em><em> e</em><em>l</em><em>xpe</em><em>l</em><em>ri</em><em>l</em><em>me</em><em>l</em><em>nt no</em><em>l</em><em>ne</em><em>l</em><em>qui</em><em>l</em><em>vale</em><em>l</em><em>nt co</em><em>l</em><em>ntro</em><em>l</em><em>l gro</em><em>l</em><em>up</em>, dil mana meltoldel rollel playilng dilbelrilkan pada kellas elkspelrilmeln (IlV B), selmelntara kellas kolntroll (IlV A) melnelrilma pelmbellajaran kolnvelnsilolnal. Ilnstrumeln pelnelliltilan belrupa tels lilsan, delngan preltelst selbellum pelrlakuan dan <em>po</em><em>l</em><em>stte</em><em>l</em><em>st</em> seltellah pelrlakuan, untuk melnillail pelnilngkatan keltelrampillan <em>muhadatsah</em> pelselrta dildilk. Analilsils data mellilbatkan ujil valildiltas, ujil rellilabilliltas, statilstilk delskrilptilf, ujil nolrmaliltas, ujil holmolgelniltas, dan ujil hilpoltelsils. Hasill pelnelliltilan melnunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nillail preltelst kellas elkspelrilmeln adalah 81.78 dan kellas kolntroll adalah 81.37, selmelntara rata-rata nillail polsttelst kellas elkspelrilmeln adalah 86.38 dan kellas kolntroll adalah 82.96. Ujil-t melnunjukkan bahwa H1 diltelrilma, melngilndilkasilkan adanya pelnilngkatan silgnilfilkan pada skolr nillail kellas elkspelrilmeln yang melnggunakan meltoldel <em>ro</em><em>l</em><em>le</em><em>l</em><em> playi</em><em>l</em><em>ng</em> dilbandilngkan delngan kellas kolntroll yang melnelrilma pelmbellajaran kolnvelnsilolnal pada mata pellajaran bahasa Arab, matelril Al-Milhnah, kellas IlV A dan IlV B MIlNU Trolpoldol Waru Sildolarjol.</p> Copyright (c) Farida,Asa PENURUNAN KONSENTRASI BELAJAR SERTA KRISIS MORAL PADA GENERASI Z DI ERA MODERN 2023-12-11T12:52:01+07:00 Farida Farida Rahma Fitri Ningrum <p>Diera modern saat ini banyak mengalami perkembangan zaman, perkembangan yang terjadi<br>umumnya dalam bidang kebudayaan, perkembangan pendidikan hingga perkembangan dalam<br>bidang teknologi. Namun dalam perkembangan tersebut tidak selamanya berdampak baik<br>bagi kehidupan manusia. diera modern saat ini, banyak sekali terjadi permasalahan moral<br>pada Generasi Z, dimana kebanyakan dari mereka mengalami krisis moral dan penurunan<br>fokus pada saat pembelajaran. Akan sangat disayangkan pada era modern sekarang dengan<br>berbagai kemajuan di banyak sektor yang tidak dimanfaatkan dengan baik sehingga membuat<br>Generasi Z minim moral dan kefokusan dalam dirinya. Adapun metode penulisan artikel ini<br>dengan metode literatur dimana data-data dari sumber bacaan artikel dan jurnal dikumpulkan<br>dan dianalisis dengan permasalahan diatas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan,<br>adapun hasil yang dibahas dalam artikel yaitu tentang kefokusan dalam belajar dan moral,<br>kedua tentang fenomena penurunan fokus belajar dan krisis moral pada Generasi Z yang<br>disebabkan oleh perkembangan zaman, ketiga pentingnya membangun kefokusan dan<br>mengedepankan moral pada Generasi Z melalui pendidikan di sekolah<br><br></p> Copyright (c) Peran Media Sosial dalam Mnegubah Pola Interaksi Sosial 2023-12-11T09:41:20+07:00 Malinda Nita Silvia Silvia <p>Penelitian ini menginvestigasi peran media sosial dalam mengubah pola interaksi sosial di era digital. Melibatkan analisis mendalam terhadap perilaku pengguna media sosial, penelitian ini mencoba mengidentifikasi dampak media sosial terhadap cara individu berinteraksi dan membentuk relasi sosial. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa media sosial memainkan peran sentral dalam memodifikasi dinamika komunikasi antarpribadi, memperluas jaringan sosial, dan mengubah pola interaksi sehari-hari. Implikasi dari perubahan ini terhadap dinamika sosial dan hubungan interpersonal menjadi sorotan utama dalam artikel ini.</p> Copyright (c) Peran wanita karir dalam pendidikan anak di desa kramat kabupaten Lamongan 2023-12-11T07:10:11+07:00 13najwa_08 <p>Peran wanita karir dalam pendidikan anak di desa kramat kabupaten Lamongan</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN PERKEMBANGANNYA: REKONSTRUKSI KONSEP PEMIKIRAN K.H. HASYIM ASY’ARI 2023-12-11T03:33:42+07:00 Ilham Aly Ardhana <p>This research aims to explore: (1) Life History of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari. (2) The nature of Islamic education according to K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari (3) The relevance of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari's thoughts to current Islamic education. Presented with descriptive content analysis framed in a literature study. Then in the technical analysis of data through the process of processing data from various libraries systematically, by searching, researching, and compiling data taken from various notes, documents, fields. This activity is carried out so that the data is easy to understand. Based on the results of the research, the results obtained are; (1) K.H. Hasyim Asy'Ari is a great scholar who has intellectual and religious authority. (2) The purpose of Islamic education of K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari is that everyone involved in the educational process will develop into a fully intelligent human being and always get closer to Allah SWT in order to obtain happiness both on earth and in the hereafter (3) K.H. Hasyim Asy'ari's thinking is relevant to the current education system because it rests on the values of the Qur'an and al-Hadith, so that it is able to form a comprehensive education system, covering cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.</p> Copyright (c) O OPTIMALISASI PEMBELAJARAN MUHADATSAH MATERI AL-MIHNAH PADA KELAS IV MINU TROPODO WARU SIDOARJO MELALUI PENERAPAN METODE ROLE PLAYING 2023-12-10T13:56:51+07:00 muhammad Alifi <p><strong>: </strong>Penelitian ini dilakukan karena adanya kelemahan dalam keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Arab di kelas IV MINU Tropodo Waru Sidoarjo, meskipun nilai kognitif peserta didik cukup baik. Kurangnya latihan berbicara dalam bahasa Arab menyebabkan kurangnya kepercayaan diri peserta didik saat berbicara. Oleh karena itu, peneliti tertarik untuk menerapkan metode <em>role playing</em> guna meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara mereka dalam materi <em>Al-Mihnah</em>. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Menilai keterampilan muhadatsah materi <em>Al-Mihnah</em> di kelas IV MINU Tropodo Waru Sidoarjo sebelum dan setelah penerapan metode <em>role playing</em>. 2) Menilai efektivitas metode <em>role playing</em> dalam meningkatkan kemampuan muhadatsah materi <em>Al-Mihnah</em> di kelas IV MINU Tropodo Waru Sidoarjo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain <em>quasi experiment nonequivalent control group</em>, di mana metode <em>role playing</em> diberikan pada kelas eksperimen (IV B), sementara kelas kontrol (IV A) menerima pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen penelitian berupa tes lisan, dengan pretest sebelum perlakuan dan posttest setelah perlakuan, untuk menilai peningkatan keterampilan <em>muhadatsah</em> peserta didik. Analisis data melibatkan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, statistik deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata nilai pretest kelas eksperimen adalah 81.78 dan kelas kontrol adalah 81.37, sementara rata-rata nilai posttest kelas eksperimen adalah 86.38 dan kelas kontrol adalah 82.96. Uji-t menunjukkan bahwa H1 diterima, mengindikasikan adanya peningkatan signifikan pada skor nilai kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan metode <em>role playing</em> dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol yang menerima pembelajaran konvensional pada mata pelajaran bahasa Arab, materi <em>Al-Mihnah</em>, kelas IV A dan IV B MINU Tropodo Waru Sidoarjo.</p> Copyright (c) KONTRUKSI SOSIAL ANAK PEREMPUAN TERHADAP BUDAYA PATRIARKI DALAM KELUARGA 2023-12-10T04:17:42+07:00 Halimatus Sa'diyah <p>Keluarga merupakan institusi pertama bagi seorang anak bertumbuh dan belajar perihal kehidupan. Namun masih banyak ditemui keluarga yang menerapkan budaya patriarki dimana hal tersebut merupakan ketimpangan bagi seorang perempuan. Pada artikel ini tujuan penulis adalah ingin menegetahui bagaimana kontruksi sosial anak perempuan terhadap budaya patriarki yang terdapat dalam keluarga, serta strategi untuk mengubah budaya patriarki dalam keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan metode wawancara terstruktur dan informan yang dibutuhkan diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh&nbsp; yaitu : 1) Dalam proses eskternalisasi anak perempuan mulai dikenalkan kepada ajaran dan perilaku yang menerapkan budaya patriarki, 2) Pada tahap objektivasi anak&nbsp; perempuan mulai terbiasa dengan ajaran dan perilaku patriarki meskipun tidak secara langsung tahu bahwa hal tersebut termasuk ke budaya patriarki dan mulai berinteraksi dengan dunia sosio-kulturalnya, 3) Pada tahap internalisasi anak perempuan mulai mengidentifikasi diri mereka terhadap budaya patriarki dan mencari tahu realitas dari ajaran yang mereka dapatkan sejak kecil , kemudian ketika mereka mengetahui mereka mmebuat rekasi lain yaitu dengan penolakan terhadap budaya patriarki, 4) Strategi-strategi dalam mengubah budaya patriarki dalam keluarga diantaranya mengubha cara berpikir untuk lebih terbuka, berperilaku adil, memberikan kesempatan yang sama dalam hal pendidikan dan lainnya.</p> Copyright (c) DAMPAK PENGGUNAAN KECERDASAN BUATAN/AI BAGI PENDIDIKAN TINGGI 2023-12-09T13:08:39+07:00 Sehan Rifky <p>This article aims to find out and recognize the impact of the use of artificial intelligence, which has developed very rapidly in recent years. The method used in this research is a phenomenological study approach. Artificial intelligence (AI) has had a significant impact on higher education. AI enables personalization of learning, where systems can design learning experiences according to individual student needs, increasing learning effectiveness. The use of chatbots and other interactive technologies enriches the student learning experience, making it more engaging and efficient. AI also plays a role in automated evaluation, reducing educators' workload in grading assignments and providing faster feedback. Managing student data and efficient learning management is also helped by AI. Distance education (e-learning) is becoming more affordable and quality using AI, opening wider access to education. AI also helps detect and prevent plagiarism, improving academic integrity. Despite its great potential, challenges such as privacy and security of student data need to be considered in AI implementation. In addition, the role of educators is changing, requiring adaptation to AI technology. In higher education, the use of AI, such as chatbots, has helped improve administrative efficiency and the quality of service to students. However, personal data protection and good chatbot maintenance remain a concern. Overall, AI is having a positive impact on higher education by improving learning personalization, automated evaluation, and management efficiency, but it must be accompanied by careful ethical and data security considerations.</p> Copyright (c) Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Perspektif Media Sosial Analisis Dokumen dalam Konteks Komunikasi dan Keterlibatan 2023-12-07T13:37:34+07:00 Kukuh Nursanto Sukmawardana <p>This research aims to investigate the role of social media in the context of educational leadership, focusing on how educational leaders utilize digital platforms to communicate, empower and motivate the educational community. The research method used is a qualitative document study, which involves analyzing online documents such as posts, comments and publicly accessible presentations of educational leaders.<br>The research findings show that educational leaders actively use social media as a strategic communication tool. They create open, clear and accessible messages, creating strong relationships with members of the education community. Empowerment through online engagement also proved to be a key aspect, with leaders encouraging active participation and interaction in online discussions and activities.<br>The analysis also highlighted intensive motivational strategies, with education leaders utilizing inspirational narratives, quotes and rewards to stimulate positive spirits within the education community. The positive impact of communication through social media is reflected in the leader's image and reputation, creating a positive perception among followers.<br>The results of this study provide a deep insight into the practice of educational leadership through social media and its implications for communication skills development and online engagement. The study also presents practical suggestions for educational leaders who want to utilize social media more effectively in support of their educational goals.</p> Copyright (c) LEARNING DESIGN UTILIZING DISCORD AND JIGSAW STRATEGY TO ENHANCE LISTENING SKILLS 2023-12-07T08:03:10+07:00 Iqbal Ramadhan Made Duanda Kartika Degeng Hendry Praherdhiono <p>Discusses the challenges faced by the education system in Indonesia as it adapts to the changes brought about by the development of technology and communication. The emergence of Industry 5.0 poses a significant challenge, forcing educational institutions to implement remote learning processes. Terms such as blended learning, hybrid learning, flip-classroom, and others have become ways to integrate online and offline teaching and learning activities. This integration presents new challenges in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement in designing learning that combines various media and strategies.</p> <p>According to Prof. Punaji (2020) in his book on learning design, learning design is a process that involves planning the needs and objectives of learning, developing teaching media, and systematically implementing an effective and efficient learning system to achieve predetermined learning goals. Various factors, such as materials and activities, student characteristics, curriculum, experimentation, teaching methods and media, and learning evaluation, need to be considered in the development of learning design. Combining learning design with technology is expected to make learning more effective and efficient, leading to optimal results</p> Copyright (c) CERITA RAKYAT SEBAGAI RESILIENSI SISWA DASAR: KAJIAN ETNOPEDAGOGI (SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW) 2023-12-07T03:27:49+07:00 Putri Pebriana Toto Nusantara Aynin Mashfufah <p>Studi literatur ini bertujuan untuk melakukan tinjauan sistematis terhadap peran cerita rakyat dalam mengembangkan resiliensi siswa dasar melalui pendekatan etnopedagogi. Resiliensi adalah kemampuan individu untuk mengatasi stres, kesulitan, dan tantangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Siswa dasar sering menghadapi berbagai tantangan yang dapat mempengaruhi kesejahteraan mental dan prestasi akademik mereka. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mengidentifikasi apakah penggunaan cerita rakyat dalam konteks etnopedagogi dapat menjadi strategi yang efektif untuk mengembangkan resiliensi siswa dasar. Pengambilan data menggunakan POP (Publish or Perish). Kemudian database awal diperoleh artikel dengan jumlah 1027 dan Scopus berjumlah 32. Selanjutnya di screening berdasarkan <em>Ethnopedagogy, Folkfore, Reselience, Student</em> diperoleh data artikel berjumlah 21 hingga dikerucutkan menjadi 4 artikel yang akan di analisis akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cerita rakyat dapat menjadi alat yang efektif dalam membangun resiliensi pada siswa dasar melalui pendekatan etnopedagogi.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA PADA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SMAN 1 TULAKAN JEPARA 2023-12-07T02:28:00+07:00 Sukarman <p>This research aims: (1) To analyze how the concept of independence is implemented by studying pie learning at SMAN 1 Donorojo Jepara. (2) To find out factors supporting and inhibiting the application of the concept of independent learning in pai di learning SMAN 1 Donorojo Jepara. Data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews, and documentation. To find out how to apply the concept Merdeka studied PAI learning at SMAN 1 Donorojo using interview techniques, observation, and documentation, to find out what the supporting and inhibiting factors are using interview and observation techniques. The collected data is analyzed using techniques of data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification, and concluding. Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that: 1) the application of the concept of independent learning in PAI learning at SMAN 1 Donorojo is carried out by implementing the independent curriculum study for class 10, 2). Supporting factors are divided into two, namely internal factors, namelyschool infrastructure, and educators. The external supporting factor is the availability of the platform The Ministry of Education and Culture is free to teach. Internal inhibiting factors are student characteristics. External factors include a lack of financial support from the government.</p> Copyright (c) Peran Kearifan Lokal Dalam Sistem Pendidikan Di SMK Kesehatan Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo 2023-12-04T00:47:04+07:00 Nur Ariyani Pratama Putri Dewi Russhinta Pratiwi Khoirun Nikmah <p>Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif untuk menganalisis kearifan lokal dalam sistem pendidikan di SMK Kesehatan Bina Karya Medika Ponorogo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bentuk kearifan lokal yang ada dalam sistem pendidikan, menggambarkan nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan mengevaluasi implementasi kearifan lokal dalam kegiatan kependidikan. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan melibatkan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kearifan lokal termanifestasi dalam nilai-nilai seperti keharmonisan, gotong royong, kebersamaan, penghargaan terhadap tradisi, dan ketahanan budaya. Bentuk kearifan lokal tercermin dalam pelaksanaan kurikulum berbasis kearifan lokal, program pengajaran di lapangan, keterlibatan aktif dengan masyarakat lokal, Pemanfaatan praktisi kesehatan lokal sebagai narasumber, penggunaan materi ajar yang relevan secara lokal, pengembangan proyek kesehatan komunitas, dan mendorong inovasi berbasis kearifan lokal. Tujuan pendidikan berbasis kearifan lokal melibatkan pemahaman siswa terhadap keunggulan lokal di daerah tempat tinggal mereka, rasa cinta tanah kelahiran, pengembangan kemampuan mengelola sumber daya lokal. Dalam penelitian ini sendiri memberikan kontribusi dalam memahami implementasi kearifan lokal dalam konteks pendidikan, terutama di SMK Kesehatan, dengan menyoroti nilai-nilai dan bentuk konkret kearifan lokal yang dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam sistem pendidikan. Implementasi kearifan lokal dalam sistem pendidikan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan relevansi dan keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran serta memperkaya budaya sekolah dengan nilai-nilai lokal.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH KEIKUT PENGARUH KEIKUTSERTAAN PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PROGRAM P5 TERHADAP PERILAKU ANTI-BULLYING DAN SIKAP BHINEKA TUNGGAL IKA DI SMA NEGERI SE-KOTA PASURUAN 2023-12-03T18:24:47+07:00 Vika Ardianti Agus Timan Prani Prahastiwi Wita Wahyu Mardiningrum narmayani <p>Education is one of the intermediaries in the process of developing individual abilities. Education in Indonesia aims as stated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System article 3. The implied meaning conveyed that education has a function in the process of forming the character and personality of students through the learning process of learning, training, guidance so that students are able to avoid deviant actions. Compensating for the character building process, it is necessary to instill an attitude of Unity in Diversity in the character of students. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence given by the P5 program on anti-bullying behavior and the attitude of Unity in Diversity. The population of this study was 1030 public high school students in Pasuruan City with a sample size of 309 students.&nbsp; The analysis techniques used are the T test, F test and R Square determination test. The results showed that student participation in P5 activities had an effect on anti-bullying behavior. This is in accordance with the results of the research sig value of 0.00, which means that student participation in P5 activities is in accordance with the Ministry of Education and Culture's goal of creating the P5 program. In addition, student participation in the Bhinneka Tunggal Ika attitude can provide positive benefits so that students can understand and accept differences in diversity around them. Antibullying behavior with a Unity in Diversity attitude has a relationship to create character education that is in accordance with the values of Pancasila</p> Copyright (c) DAMPAK PENDEKATAN PERSUASIF TERHADAP OPTIMASI MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA 2023-12-01T15:16:47+07:00 Novena Widayani Noven <p>The aim of classroom action research to determine the impact of applying a persuasive approach to increasing the learning motivation of grade 1 students of SD Negeri Dalem Kota Yogyakarta. The study was conducted in 2 cycles, with 28 students. The action given is the application of a persuasive approach in the form of giving praise, symbolic gifts, and interesting invitations during learning activities. Teachers who apply a persuasive approach successfully create an environment that stimulates learning motivation, minimizes stress, and helps students cope with negative emotions. During the learning process, data collection is carried out by using learning motivation observation sheets, field notes, and documentation. The results showed that the application of persuasive approaches significantly increased student motivation in cycle I by 68%, increasing to 86% in cycle II. In conclusion, the persuasive approach effectively optimizes the learning motivation of elementary school students.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Persuasive approach, Learning motivation, Math</p> Copyright (c) POLA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MADRASAH NIZHAMIYAH DAN KONTRIBUSINYA TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN INDONESIA 2023-12-01T06:25:50+07:00 rozi <p><em>Madrasah Nizhamiyah is an educational institution founded in 457-459 H/1065 AD (IV Century) by Nizham al-Mulk from the Seljuq Dynasty. Nizhamiyah Madrasah is the first madrasah to appear in the history of Islamic education in the form of primary to tertiary educational institutions managed by the government. Nizham al-Mulk's madrasa is called Nizhamiyah and is famous throughout the world, of which the most famous and most important madrasa is Nizhamiyah in Baghdad (apart from the Balkh, Naisabur, Jarat, Ashfahan, Basrah, Marw, Maulus madrasas, etc.). The Nizhamiyah Madrasah can be compared to today's faculties or universities, considering that the teachers were well-known great scholars. It is not wrong that many people say that madrasas grow and develop from the bottom up. Since the glory of the Abbasid government until the emergence of the Bani Seljuq government, Islamic society has always been enveloped and colored by conflict, expansion and war. Then, in conditions like this, how could an educational institution (madrasah) exist, even become a prototype of Islamic education, how scientific traditions could develop, and how Islamic intellectuals could be born through amazing, spectacular works.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Dan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar: Transformasi Dan Efektivitas Dalam Manajemen Kurikulum Di SMPN 2 Bojong 2023-11-30T16:15:08+07:00 Adella Wito <p>Kurikulum dalam pendidikan berfungsi untuk menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang efektif agar tujuan pendidikan dapat tercapai, baik tujuan filosofis, kurikuler, institusional, maupun instruksional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan manajemen pembelajaran kurikulum, baik kurikulum 2013 maupun kurikulum merdeka belajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik mengumpulkan data menggunakan dengan cara observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian kali ini adalah kepala sekolah, waka kurikulum, dan guru PAI di SMPN 2 Bojong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kurikulum merdeka belajar ini kurang efektif diterapkan di tingkat SMP, sehingga SMPN 2 Bojong lebih nyaman menggunakan kurikulum 2013. SMPN 2 Bojong menerapkan 2 kurikulum sekaligus dimana kelas VII dan VIII menggunakan kurikulum merdeka sedangkan kelas IX menggunakan kurikulum 2013. Saat ini penerapan kurikulum di SMPN 2 Bojong pun belum stabil karena masih bertahap. Dalam penerapannya sendiri kurikulum merdeka ternyata memerlukan lebih banyak sarana dan prasarana dimana SMPN 2 Bojong kurang dalam hal itu. Menurut pendapat Waka kurikulumnya sendiri mengatakan bahwa kurikulum merdeka ini kurang tepat diterapkan pada tingkat SMP.</p> Copyright (c) PEMIKIRAN SYEIKH SALIM BIN SUMAIR AL-HADRAMI TENTANG TATA CARA SHOLAT DALAM KITAB SAFINATUN NAJAH DAN RELEVANSINYA TERHADAP PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK 2023-11-30T16:04:18+07:00 umar karyadi <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang tatacara sholat pada kitab Safunatun Najah karangan Syeikh Salim bin Sumair Al-Hadrami, dan relevansinya terhadap pendidikan akhlak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan bahwa sholat yang dilaksanakan dengan kesungguhan hati akan menumbuhkan nilai perilaku, dan tuturkata yang baik yaitu akhlak. Nilai pendidikan akhlak ini tersimpan pada setiap gerakan dan bacaan sholat, serta hikmah dari sholat itu sendiri.</p> <p>Sholat bukan hanya pembeda orang islam dan orang kafir. Sholat bukan hanya sekedar gerakan dan bacaan, namun sholat adalah perjalanan rohani yang menghubungkan hamba dengan penciptanya. Setiap gerakan dan bacaan sholat mengandung makna tertentu. Sholat yang dilakukan dengan khusyu akan melahirkan jiwa yang bersih sehingga menjadikan pelakunya memiliki akhlak dan budi pekerti yang baik. Sholat seperti inilah yang harus diterapkan oleh seorang muslim. Sholat yang khusyu, menghayati, akan menuntun pada perilaku yang baik.</p> <p>Kata kunci: pemikiran Syeikh Salim bin Sumair Al-Hadrami, tatacara sholat, Safinatun Najah, pendidikan akhlak.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Mempraktikkan Sholat Pada Peserta Didik Berkebutuhan Khusus Tunarungu di Filial SLB Negeri Bekasi Jaya 2023-11-30T14:00:18+07:00 Puput Novita Sari <p>Penelitian ini membahas tentang Strategi guru dalam mengajarkan praktik sholat pada siswa yang memiliki keterbatasan mendengar dan berbicara atau bisa disebut tunarungu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan bahwa shalat merupakan rukun Islam yang paling utama setelah kalimat syahadat. Shalat juga merupakan ibadah yang paling baik dan sempurna dan wajib untuk dilaksanakan, begitu juga dengan anak-anak tunarungu, yang berkewajiban melaksanakan shalat seperti anak-anak normal lainnya. Memberikan pemahaman kepada anak tunarungu tentu merupakan kewajiban orang tua, yang di mana rumah atau keluarga adalah madrasah pertama bagi seorang anak. Masalah yang dikaji pada penelitian ini ada dua sesuai dengan rumusan masalah yaitu Bagaimana strategi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam mengenai sholat pada peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di Sekolah Filial (SLB) Negeri Bekasi Jaya. Bagaimana hasil pembelajaran &nbsp;praktik sholat bagi siswa tunarungu peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di Sekolah Filial (SLB) Negeri Bekasi Jaya? Hasil penelitian data yaitu hasil dari strategi yang digunakan guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam pembelajaran praktik sholat bagi siswa tunarungu peserta didik berkebutuhan khusus di Sekolah Filial (SLB) Negeri Bekasi Jaya yaitu anak-anak sudah bisa melaksanakan sholat dengan gerakan yang baik dan benar namun dari segi bacaan dan nama gerakan sholat tersebut belum mengetahui dan memahaminya dikarenakan guru kelas tidak memprioritaskan bacaan sholat karena keterbatasan siswa dalam berbicara dan mendengar dan akan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam mengajarkannya untuk siswa bisa memahami bacaan sholat.</p> Copyright (c) FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEBERHASILAN PROSES PEMBELAJARAN 2023-11-28T18:34:54+07:00 Zulfi Idayanti <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the success of the learning process. Data was obtained through the 2018 edition of the PISA database with code numbers SC017 and SC061. Data were analyzed with the help of the JASP (Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program) application with the CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) analysis method. This study uses primary data with a total of 335 schools in Indonesia as respondents. The indicators used to measure the influence of the success of the learning process are KS1 the teaching staff lacks quality, KS2 lacks educational materials, KS3 lacks school infrastructure, FM1 students leave class, FM2 students lack respect for teachers, and FM3 students intimidate other students. CFI = 0.999, NFI = 0.985, IFI = 0.999 and RNI = 0.999 also match the criteria applied to obtain a fit model. Thus the model is fit or it means that the proposed model is fit because it is supported by data. This shows that the overall model is acceptable.</p> Copyright (c) Pengembangan Desain Pengelolaan Metode Mudarosah di Pesantren Tahfidz Bani Yusuf Malang 2023-12-05T04:17:09+07:00 Satria Amir Makmun Gunawan <p>In the current era, memorizing the Qur'an is not an easy matter, because humans are busy with their respective activities, making it difficult to prioritize memorization time, and memorization activities are fairly monotonous. This study aims to overcome the problems in managing the mudarosah method at Pesantren Tahfidz Bani Yusuf so that the mudarosah method can run regularly and get maximum results. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Researchers chose observation, interview and documentation techniques in collecting data, then chose purposive sampling techniques in determining informants. The data analysis technique used the Miles and Huberman data analysis model. Researchers used triangulation techniques with the type of source triangulation as a data validity check. The results showed that the concept of developing a management design for the mudarosah method at Pesantren Tahfidz Bani Yusuf consisted of four stages, namely planning, organizing, implementing and controlling/supervising. Supporting factors in the implementation of the mudarosah method, namely the enthusiasm and consistency of the students, the existence of mudarosah supervisors and attendance, a clean recitation place and the role of the management in reminding students. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are the students' busyness, memorization partners who are unable to attend and the full capacity of the mudarosah place.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Satria Amir Makmun Gunawan Perilaku Memilih Madrasah dari Kacamata Teori Bounded Rationality 2023-11-25T02:28:51+07:00 fatin azzahrah Anshori Isa <p><em>Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesi</em><em>a.</em> <em>Sebagai institusi pendidikan yang telah lama berdiri dan cukup banyak jumlahnya di Indonesia, maka bisa dikatakan bahwa madrasah diminati oleh masyarakat, terutama yang beragama Islam dan menginginkan pendidikan yang islami untuk anak-anak mereka. Keberadaan madrasah, sangat membantu masyarakat untuk memiliki banyak pilihan dalam mencari tempat untuk mendidik anak-anaknya di sekolah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan mereka masing-masing. </em><em>Terutama untuk masyarakat yang berkeinginan untuk menanamkan pendidikan Islam pada anak sejak dini serta keinginan adanya lingkungan sekolah yang islami. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang madrasah sebagai sebuah Lembaga Pendidikan serta meninjau factor-faktor yang mendorong masyarakat untuk menyekolahkan anaknya ke madrasah melalui pendekatan teori rasional berikat.</em></p> Copyright (c) RELEVANSI KONSEP PENDIDIKAN IMAM AL-GHAZALI DENGAN KONSEP NITENI, NIROKKE, NAMBAHI DARI AJARAN KI HADJAR DEWANTARA DALAM KONTEKS PEMBELAJARAN IPA 2023-11-24T18:33:39+07:00 Akmal Fahrurrozi <p>This research examines and compares two main concepts of thought in education, namely Imam Al-Ghazali's thoughts about education and Ki Hadjar Dewantara's (Niteni, Niroke, Nambahi) thought concepts. Imam Al-Ghazali emphasized the importance of morality, ethics and spiritual values in education, while Ki Hadjar Dewantara promoted a student-centered approach and the cultivation of cultural values. Apart from that, this paper also analyzes the relationship between these two concepts and learning Natural Sciences (science/science). Al-Ghazali's concept emphasizes the importance of ethics in science, while Niteni, Niroke, Nambahi Ki Hadjar Dewantara's concept emphasizes active learning and cultural values in education. This connection forms the basis for a holistic approach to science/science learning that combines scientific mastery with character, ethical and cultural development. This paper concludes that by combining Al-Ghazali's thoughts and Ki Hadjar Dewantara's concepts in science/science learning, education can become more sustainable and meaningful, creating individuals who are intelligent in science and responsible in society</p> Copyright (c) MENGUKIR KEBERHASILAN: BAGAIMANA ORANG TUA DAPAT MENINGAKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA PADA ANAK 2023-11-23T11:28:27+07:00 Vera Safira <p>The Islamic religion has deep values, and religious education is an important aspect in children's development. Parents have a crucial role in shaping children's understanding and motivation towards the Islamic religion. This research method involves surveys and interviews with parents as well as observations of children. First, through example and consistent religious practice, parents provide a strong example to their children. Second, open communication and dialogue about Islamic values ​​increases children's understanding of religious teachings. Apart from that, the emotional support provided by parents in understanding children's challenges and questions about the Islamic religion also helps strengthen motivation to learn. Active involvement in religious activities such as congregational prayers, attending studies, or other religious activities is an important factor in building children's motivation and involvement in learning about the Islamic religion.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) ChatGPT, Education Problem Moralitas atas Perkembangan AI dalam Dunia Pendidikan: Studi Kasus Perihal ChatGPT 2023-11-23T01:05:48+07:00 Saddan Yasir yasir Aldy Pradhana <p>Penggunaan Teknologi marak digunakan dalam dunia pendidikan, salahsatunya ChatGPT. Teknologi kecerdasan buatan ChatGPT banyak dimanfaatkan dalam rangka memudahkan pembelajaran, pengajaran, dan kepenulisan. Namun, apakah pemanfaatan itu dijadikan sebagai tujuan bukan alat. Memandang hal ini, kiranya adab dapat dijadikan pedoman dalam etika penggunaan ChatGPT dalam pendidikan. Sehingga, hubungan manusia dan teknologi seperti ChatGPT dapat selaras dengan tujuan pendidikan, yaitu menciptakan manusia baik dan beradab. Adapun tujuan penerapan adab agar tidak loss of adab dan kemaslahatan alam.</p> Copyright (c) Kepemimpinan Kiai dalam Menanamkan Nilai-Nilai Moderasi Beragama di Pondok Pesantren At Tahdzib Rejoagung Ngoro Jombang 2024-02-27T02:15:38+07:00 Sutrisno Sutrisno Moh. Ifan Fahmi <p>The emergence of the term religious moderation in Indonesia in recent times is closely related to various phenomena of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism that occur in Indonesia. Moderation is a life view that always prioritizes the attitude of tolerance and always takes the middle road from two opposing attitudes.</p> <p>Islamic boarding schools are an integral part of the institutions that exist in Indonesia which instill religious values and practices in their students for the advancement of national development. As a subculture rooted in Islamic culture in Indonesia, Education in boarding schools, not only provides educational facilities and practices, but also instills a number of values or norms. One of them is the Islamic boarding school At-Tahdzib Rejoagung in Ngoro district.</p> <p>The Islamic boarding school At-Tahdzib as an educational institution has proven to be quite excellent in producing generations of the nation who have good character. One of the proofs is the large number of alumni of At-Tahdzib pesantren who are trusted by the community to become educators in various formal and non-formal educational institutions. This is certainly inseparable from the role of kiai leadership who are also teachers in the educational process. The role of leadership is an attitude and behavior in influencing human resources, so that they are willing to carry out their duties to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently.</p> <p>This study aims to examine the leadership of kiai in instilling the values of religious moderation in Islamic boarding schools. More specifically, this article intends to identify strategies and analyze the influence of kiai leadership in instilling the values of religious moderation at the Islamic boarding school At Tahdzib Ngoro Jombang</p> 2024-03-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sutrisno Sutrisno Analisis Metode Kontemplatif Dalam Memahami Aspek Pengajaran Filsafat Pendidikan Islam 2023-11-20T04:57:16+07:00 Bryna Azarine Rozyan Anis Yuni Maulida <p><em>Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis metode kontemplatif dalam memahami aspek pengajaran filsafat pendidikan Islam. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendapatkan wawasan mendalam mengenai efektivitas metode ini dalam menggali makna dan nilai-nilai filosofis dalam konteks pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan fokus pada analisis metode kontemplatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode kontemplatif secara signifikan memberikan kontribusi dalam pemahaman yang lebih dalam terhadap aspek pengajaran filsafat pendidikan Islam. Para peserta didik melaporkan peningkatan dalam refleksi diri, pemahaman konsep filosofis, dan pengembangan spiritualitas mereka. Berdasarkan temuan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode kontemplatif adalah pendekatan yang efektif dalam konteks pengajaran filsafat pendidikan Islam. Penerapan metode ini dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep-konsep filosofis dan memperkaya pengalaman spiritual peserta didik. Oleh karena itu, disarankan untuk mempertimbangkan integrasi metode kontemplatif dalam strategi pengajaran untuk memperkaya pembelajaran filsafat pendidikan Islam.</em></p> Copyright (c) Madrasah: Sebuah Kajian Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam 2023-11-17T08:56:48+07:00 fatin azzahrah <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong><em>. Madrasah is an educational institution that is no longer foreign to the Indonesian people. As educational institutions that have been established for a long time and are quite numerous in Indonesia, it can be said that madrasah are in demand by the public, especially those who are Muslim and want an Islamic education for their children. The existence of madrasah really helps people to have many choices in finding a place to educate their children in schools that suit their individual needs and abilities. Especially for people who want to instill Islamic education in their children from an early age and want an Islamic school environment. This research examines madrasah as an educational institution and reviews the factors that encourage people to send their children to madrasah from the perspective of bounded rationality theory</em>.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords – </em></strong><em>Madrasah; Islamic Educational Institution, Bounded Rationality Theory, Islamic Educational Sociology</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong><em>.</em> <em>Madrasah merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesi</em><em>a.</em> <em>Sebagai institusi pendidikan yang telah lama berdiri dan cukup banyak jumlahnya di Indonesia, maka bisa dikatakan bahwa madrasah diminati oleh masyarakat, terutama yang beragama Islam dan menginginkan pendidikan yang islami untuk anak-anak mereka. Keberadaan madrasah, sangat membantu masyarakat untuk memiliki banyak pilihan dalam mencari tempat untuk mendidik anak-anaknya di sekolah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kemampuan mereka masing-masing. </em><em>Terutama untuk masyarakat yang berkeinginan untuk menanamkan pendidikan Islam pada anak sejak dini serta keinginan adanya lingkungan sekolah yang islami. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang madrasah sebagai sebuah Lembaga Pendidikan serta meninjau factor-faktor yang mendorong masyarakat untuk menyekolahkan anaknya ke madrasah melalui pendekatan teori rasional berikat.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci – </em></strong><em>Madrasah, Lembaga Pendidikan Islam, Teori Rasional Berikat, Sosiologi Pendidikan Islam</em></p> Copyright (c) LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN: TUGAS DAN PERANNYA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER ANAK 2023-11-17T03:23:50+07:00 Walidatul Mustaghfirah Moch. Tolchah Mohammad Nu'man <p><em>The environment has an inseparable connection with human creation. The environment has a big influence on the formation of the human soul, character, body and psychology. Therefore, if environmental conditions are good, then humans will develop into good conditions and vice versa. Because the environment influences human development, the environment is also directly related to education. Where an educational environment must be created so that the educational process can occur. The educational environment is defined as an educational institution. In the Qur'an there are 3 types of educational institutions over time, namely family, school or madrasah and community educational institutions. We know this term as informal, formal and non-formal education</em></p> Copyright (c) LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN: TUGAS DAN PERANNYA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER ANAK 2023-11-17T02:52:14+07:00 Walidatul Mustaghfirah <p><em>The environment has an inseparable connection with human creation. The environment has a big influence on the formation of the human soul, character, body and psychology. Therefore, if environmental conditions are good, then humans will develop into good conditions and vice versa. Because the environment influences human development, the environment is also directly related to education. Where an educational environment must be created so that the educational process can occur. The educational environment is defined as an educational institution. In the Qur'an there are 3 types of educational institutions over time, namely family, school or madrasah and community educational institutions. We know this term as informal, formal and non-formal education</em></p> Copyright (c) Mustaghfirah, Walidatul LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN PERSPEKTIF AL-QUR’AN: TUGAS DAN PERANNYA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KARAKTER ANAK 2023-11-17T02:30:28+07:00 Walidatul Mustaghfirah <p><em>The environment has an inseparable connection with human creation. The environment has a big influence on the formation of the human soul, character, body and psychology. Therefore, if environmental conditions are good, then humans will develop into good conditions and vice versa. Because the environment influences human development, the environment is also directly related to education. Where an educational environment must be created so that the educational process can occur. The educational environment is defined as an educational institution. In the Qur'an there are 3 types of educational institutions over time, namely family, school or madrasah and community educational institutions. We know this term as informal, formal and non-formal education.</em></p> Copyright (c) Analisis Penanaman Karakter dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di SD 2023-12-04T02:44:56+07:00 Sri Wahyuni Darsinah Darsinah Anatri Desstya <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This research aims to analyze the character values ​​instilled in mathematics learning activities in elementary school. This research includes qualitative descriptive research with a case study approach, which was carried out at SDN Somomorodukuh 2, Plupuh, Sragen. The subjects of this research were 9 students in class IV. The object of the research carried out is character cultivation in mathematics learning. In testing the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. Data collection uses observation, interviews and documentation methods. There are three steps in the research carried out, including: condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification.The results of the research show that there are 12 character values ​​contained in mathematics learning, including:disciplined, religious, love of the country, communicative,, likes to read, curious, responsible, hard working, independent, honest, democratic, appreciates achievement.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sri Wahyuni, Darsinah Darsinah, Anatri Desstya Filsafat Perenialisme dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam 2023-11-07T15:00:50+07:00 Afiyatul Maulidiyah, Syifa' Aulia Rohmah, M Yunus Abu Bakar <p>Masa kini berawal dari masa lalu yang telah meninggalkan banyak catatan sejarahnya. Masa lalu memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan masa kini, dianggap sebagai periode yang suci di mana nilai-nilai murni terbentuk dan jauh dari pengaruh negatif. Prinsip ini mencerminkan filsafat perenialisme, yang juga diterapkan dalam Islam sebagai agama yang memberikan pengaruh positif pada pengikutnya melalui proses pembelajaran. Kurikulum pendidikan Islam, yang erat kaitannya dengan nilai-nilai agama, perlu dihubungkan dengan prinsip perenialisme untuk membentuk moral yang baik pada pelajar saat ini. Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai masa lalu dapat berperan dalam membentuk moral positif pada masa sekarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan dengan buku, artikel, dan jurnal sebagai sumber referensi, serta mengulas hubungan antara filsafat perenialisme yang mendasari masa lalu dengan konsep kurikulum pendidikan Islam saat ini.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci : </strong>Masa Lalu, Nilai, Pendidikan Islam</p> Copyright (c) ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL: PROGRAM KHUSUS PEMBINAAN KARAKTER DISIPLIN SISWA DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH 2023-11-07T07:23:23+07:00 wahyu hidayat Nur Hidayat <p><strong>Abstra</strong><strong>c</strong><strong>t:</strong> This study aims to reveal how to foster the disciplinary character of students through Islamic Boarding School. This research is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The subjects in this study were students at Attariq MI Al Ma'had An Nur Ngrukem Dormitory, Bantul. The data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use concepts given by Miles, and Huberman in the form of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. Data validity checking techniques use observational persistence, field participation, and method triangulation. The result of this study is the development of disciplinary character at Attariq MI Al Ma'had An Nur Ngrukem Dormitory, Bantul through 3 stages, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. The planning phase includes goal setting planning, program determination, and program support. The implementation phase includes special programs, rewards, and punishments. The Evaluation Phase includes evaluating the performance of the management.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Coaching , Character Discipline, Islamic Boarding School.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana pembinaan karakter disiplin peserta didik melalui <em>Islamic Boarding School</em>. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik di Asrama Attariq MI Al Ma’had An Nur Ngrukem, Bantul. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan konsep yang diberikan Miles, dan Huberman berupa pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Teknik pengecekan keabsahan data menggunakan ketekunan pengamatan, keikutsertaan lapangan, dan triangulasi metode. Hasil penelitian ini adalah pembinaan karakter disiplin di Asrama Attariq MI Al Ma’had An Nur Ngrukem, Bantul melalui 3 tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Tahap perencanaan meliputi perencanaan penentuan tujuan, penentuan program, dan penunjang program. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi program khusus, adanya <em>reward,</em> dan adanya <em>punishment</em>. Tahap Evaluasi meliputi evaluasi kinerja pengurus.</p> <p><strong>K</strong><strong>ata Kunci</strong><strong>:</strong> Pembinaan, Karakter Disiplin, <em>Islamic Boarding School</em>.</p> Copyright (c) PENTINGNYA LINGKUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG KONDUSIF DALAM MENDORONG SISWA BELAJAR AKTIF : PERSPEKTIF ADRIENNE MACK KIRSCHNER 2023-11-07T04:59:20+07:00 Dedi ardiansyah <p>Creating a conducive learning environment is very important to improve the quality of education. In t he ever-evolving educational landscape, a shift from a teacher-centric approach to one that prioritizes student engagement has become increasingly important. A conducive learning environment creates conditions where students feel comfortable, motivated, and actively involved in the learning process. This, in turn, allows them to achieve deeper understanding and develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills. This research explores the importance of a conducive learning environment in encouraging students' active learning, with a particular focus on the views of Adrienne Mack Kirschner. Adrienne Mack Kirschner emphasizes that students who are actively involved in learning experience more meaningful learning. To illustrate the importance of this, we use the literature study method. In this research, a comprehensive analysis of theoretical sources written by Adrienne Mack Kirschner and relevant theoretical literature was carried out. These sources include books, journal articles, conference papers, and other writings that discuss Kirschner's views and theories regarding the importance of a conducive learning environment. In addition, this research researchers refer to</p> <p>&nbsp;to relevant literature and previous research that explains related concepts to provide a strong theoretical foundation for this research. By reviewing and analyzing this literature, this research aims to provide deeper insight into Adrienne Mack Kirschner's views and her contribution to creating a learning environment that supports students' active learning. This research offers a deeper understanding of the key aspects that constitute a conducive learning environment, forming the foundation for better and more effective educational practices.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Pemikiran Syekh Az-Zarnuji Dalam Kitab Ta'lim Muta'allim Untuk Meningkatkan Akhlakul Karimah di Pondok Pesantren Darul Muallamah 2023-11-05T17:42:31+07:00 M Irvan Ependi Rudi <p>This research aims to find out the values of moral education contained in the book Ta'lim Muta'allim to apply the learning content contained in the book Ta’lim Muta’allim so that students can have moral character. The focus of the problem that will be studied is: 1) How does Sheikh Az-Zarnuji think in the book Ta’lim Muta’allim to improve student morals. 2) How to implement Sheikh Az-Zarnuji's thoughts in the book Ta’lim Muta’allim to students at the Darul Muallamah Islamic Boarding School. To achieve the above objectives, a descriptive qualitative approach was used, with the type of field research, namely field research conducted at the Darul Muallamah Islamic boarding school. The qualitative descriptive research method is a method used by researchers to discover knowledge or theories regarding research at a certain time. From the results of this research it can be seen that: 1) Sheikh Az-Zarnuji’s thoughts in the book Ta’lim Muta’allim to improve students' morals are explained in the book covering 4 aspects, namely; a) morals towards Allah b) morals towards oneself c) patience d) morals towards knowledge and scientific experts including how to respect teachers. 2) The Ustadz who teaches the book Ta’lim Muta’allim has tried well to provide understanding and teaching to the students at the Darul Muallamah Islamic Boarding School. From the results of research on fifty students, it was found that forty of them were able to apply the moral education concepts taught, while ten others were still unable to do so. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the majority of students have been able to apply this concept, although there are students who have not been fully able to apply it. This is a common thing that not all students have the same level of morals. However, this is a good achievement and can be used as a positive example for other educational institutions, because this Islamic Boarding School has succeeded in creating students who can become role models for students in general.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Islamic boarding school, Book of Ta'lim Muta'allim, Morals of Santri.</p> Copyright (c) Peran Keluarga Dalam Pembentukan Kesehatan Mental Remaja Melalui Pendidikan Agama (Telaah Pemikiran Zakiah Daradjat) 2023-11-05T06:51:46+07:00 nabilah07 nabilah juhairyah <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The background to the problem of this research is that the problems that occur in teenagers are none other than because their mental health is unhealthy and one of the parties who is also responsible for this is the family. Family is the closest person who can guide and direct teenagers to become individuals who have a good mentality and religious foundation. Zakiah Daradjat is one of the figures who has deep thoughts on this matter. She was the first female Islamic psychology figure to research in depth on mental health in adolescents. This research aims to: (1) To determine the mental health of adolescents according to Prof. Dr. Zakiah Daradjat, (2) To find out the role of the family in shaping adolescent mental health through religious education according to Prof. Dr. Zakiah Daradjat. This research is a type of library research with documentation data collection methods and data analysis methods using descriptive analysis, while the data sources used by researchers consist of primary sources such as books by Zakiah Daradjat, and secondary sources, namely books and other documents. The research results show that: (1) The influence of the family environment is very large on the formation of adolescent mental health. What families can do include: understanding teenagers, being a good listener to teenagers, not interfering in teenagers' personal affairs, and avoiding punishment and threats to teenagers. (2) Islamic religious education carried out in the family environment is a very important force in the formation of adolescent mental health. With a healthy mind, juvenile delinquency can be prevented. Families must be able to create inner peace for their children who are in their teens. Such as providing understanding, advice, guidance on the problems being faced by teenagers through Islamic religious education provided in the family environment so that they avoid ongoing mental disorders.</p> Copyright (c) Dewi Ananda Ramadhanty IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM BPI (BINA PRIBADI ISLAM) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KARAKTER ISLAMI PESERTA DIDIK DI SMAS IT THORIQ BIN ZIYAD BEKASI 2023-11-05T04:34:58+07:00 Ananda Ramadhanty <p>Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad dan meneliti pelaksanaan program (BPI) bina pribadi Islam dalam meningkatkan karakter Islami siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan program BPI di Thariq Bin Ziyad dan juga untuk menentukan apakah program BPI dapat digunakan sebagai referensi di sekolah lain. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis induktif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Program BPI (Bina Pribadi Islam) adalah program unggulan yang berada di bawah naungan JSIT dan program turunan dari A3B di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad. Tujuan Program Bina Pribadi Islami (BPI) di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad adalah untuk membangun karakter Islami dan menjadikan para peserta didik berkarakter Islami dan menjadi calon khalifah/kepemimpinan, dan bertujuan untuk membentuk para peserta didik yang mendukung dan menegakkan nilai-nilai Islami, serta membentuk para peserta didik yang siap menghadapi tantangan masa depan dan menjadi bagian dari masyarakat. Kegiatan ini diadakan setiap Senin, dimulai jam 13:30 dan berakhir jam 16:00 WIB. Implementasi program BPI (Bina Pribadi Islami) di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad menerapkan pendekatan pembinaan dengan nasihat, keteladanan, dan pembiasaan dalam program kegiatan pembelajaran, pembinaan dengan keteladanan dan pembinaan dengan pembiasaan. Dalam pelaksanaan program BPI ditemukan beberapa masalah, durasi pembelajaran yang lama, sehingga para peserta didik menjadi&nbsp; bosan, jenuh, dan lelah. Namun, Program ini berjalan dengan baik dan mencapai hasil yang optimal berkat upaya guru pembina dan mentor program.</p> Copyright (c) Lita Afrilia PENGARUH REINFORCEMENT DAN METODE RESITASI TERHADAP TANGGUNG JAWAB BELAJAR SISWA SMK NEGERI 6 KOTA BEKASI 2023-11-05T04:28:42+07:00 Ananda Ramadhanty <p><em>Reinforcement</em> merupakan penguatan yang dilakukan oleh guru kepada muridnya, namun penguatan tersebut masih jarang dilakukan kepada murid sehingga murid tidak merasakan penguatan tersebut dan Metode Resitasi adalah penugasan yang diberikan kepada murid akan tetapi guru lebih sering memberikan tugas dan membuat anak menyepelehkan akan hal itu. Berkaitan dengan masalah tersebut, peneliti tertarik untuk meneliti, mengetahui, dan menganalisis pengaruh <em>reinforcement</em> dan resitasi pembelajaran terhadap tanggung jawab belajar siswa SMKN 6 Kota Bekasi. Penelitian ini kuantitatif dengan pendekatan eksperimen. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah total sampling yaitu 70 orang. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan instrument non-test, yaitu kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala likert untuk variabel X dan variabel Y.</p> <p>Hasil analisis data menggunakan uji statistik SPSS versi 20. Dalam pengujian normalitas menghasilkan nilai 0,29 &gt; 0,05 sehingga dapat diambil keputusan bahwa sata tersebut berdistribusi normal. Dan dalam uji homogenitasn menghasilkan nilai 0,25 &gt; 0,05 menunjukkan bahwa data penelitian tersebut adalah homogenatau dikatakan mempunyai varian yang sama. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat pada uji regresi linier berganda.</p> <p>Y1 = 1,276 + 0,373 (X1) + 0,944 (X2) dan diperoleh nilai Koefisien Determinan (<em>R Square</em>) sebesar 0,574 yang mengandung arti bahwa 57,4% terdapat pengaruh <em>reinforcement</em> dan resitasi pembelajaran terhadap tanggung jawab belajar siswa SMKN 6 Kota Bekasi, dan sisanya 42,6 dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain. dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif antara <em>reinforcement</em> dan resitasi pembelajaran terhadap tanggung jawab belajar siswa SMKN 6 Kota Bekasi.</p> Copyright (c) PENTINGNYA LINGKUNGAN PEMBELAJARAN YANG KONDUSIF DALAM MENDORONG SISWA BELAJAR AKTIF : PERSPEKTIF ADRIENNE MACK KIRSCHNER 2023-11-02T05:35:07+07:00 22ardiansyah22 <p>Creating a conducive learning environment is very important to improve the quality of education. In t he ever-evolving educational landscape, a shift from a teacher-centric approach to one that prioritizes student engagement has become increasingly important. A conducive learning environment creates conditions where students feel comfortable, motivated, and actively involved in the learning process. This, in turn, allows them to achieve deeper understanding and develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity skills. This research explores the importance of a conducive learning environment in encouraging students' active learning, with a particular focus on the views of Adrienne Mack Kirschner. Adrienne Mack Kirschner emphasizes that students who are actively involved in learning experience more meaningful learning. To illustrate the importance of this, we use the literature study method. In this research, a comprehensive analysis of theoretical sources written by Adrienne Mack Kirschner and relevant theoretical literature was carried out. These sources include books, journal articles, conference papers, and other writings that discuss Kirschner's views and theories regarding the importance of a conducive learning environment. In addition, this research researchers refer to</p> <p>&nbsp;to relevant literature and previous research that explains related concepts to provide a strong theoretical foundation for this research. By reviewing and analyzing this literature, this research aims to provide deeper insight into Adrienne Mack Kirschner's views and her contribution to creating a learning environment that supports students' active learning. This research offers a deeper understanding of the key aspects that constitute a conducive learning environment, forming the foundation for better and more effective educational practices.</p> Copyright (c) Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berbicara Melalui Permainan Tradisioanal “Cublak-Cublak Suweng” di Madrasah Ilmu Al-qur’an Tembelang Jombang 2023-10-30T02:43:22+07:00 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas Nana <p>This research aims to describe the application of speaking skills through the traditional game cublak cublak suweng as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this game in improving Arabic speaking skills. In this research, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research by explaining the stages of implementing the cublak cublak suweng game in Arabic speaking skills and the steps of the game. With this cublak cublak suweng game which makes female students more enthusiastic and active in learning, the female students' speaking skills tend to improve because they are more confident in expressing their opinions using Arabic with more fluent makhorijul letters than before and correct intonation. Meanwhile, the advantage of implementing this game is that female students are more enthusiastic, focused and active while learning speaking skills. On the other hand, the disadvantage of implementing the cublak cublak suweng game is that the sound of female students' laughter and cheering can disrupt the implementation of learning in other classes, and this game is still not considered a language learning program, but only as a distraction.</p> Copyright (c) PERSEPSI KEMANFAATAN TIK TERHADAP KINERJA GURU DI SMP SANTA LUSIA SEI ROTAN 2023-10-26T01:59:42+07:00 Hotmaida Sidabutar Saud Purba Irsan Rangkiti <p><em>Santa Lusia Junior High School is a junior high school in Medan City, precisely in Sei Rotan, where this school is located in the Batang Kuis area, Desli Serdang District, North Sumatra. In the application of the learning process carried out by several existing teachers, there are still many teachers who apply learning models that do not apply digital-based information and communication technology (ICT), where the learning models and methods carried out still use learning methods that are no longer relevant to the development of learning, so that it will affect the ability of students to understand, describe,&nbsp; and mastering the material taught which in the end students follow the old system by remembering and memorizing, not understanding the learning material, because teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School apply a memorization and remembering system instead of increasing literacy skills to master the existing material. In addition, some teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School still do not understand the use and benefits of information and communication technology for the learning process and can be used as new learning models and methods, where the lack of understanding makes teachers at Santa Lucy Junior High School less understand and know that the benefits of information and communication technology are very important for improving the quality of learning,&nbsp; and improve the quality and capacity of teachers for the better. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive research method, where the results of the study explain that the benefits of ICT have a positive and significant effect on teacher performance at Santa Lusia Sei Ratan Junior High School, where by utilizing ICT in the learning process is expected to improve teachers' ability to understand learning material used to increase students' understanding and ability to master learning material</em></p> Copyright (c) Efektivitas Pembelajaran PAI dalam Meningkatkan Emotional Intellegence Siswa di SMKN 1 Cikarang Barat 2023-10-20T06:31:26+07:00 Siti Nur Afifah Abdul Ghofur <p><sub>Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetauhui efektivitas pembelajaran PAI di SMK Negeri 1 Cikarang Barat. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi bahwa dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tidak semua masalah dapat diselesaikan hanya dengan kemampuan intelektual. Terlihat adanya kecenderungan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat kecerdasan intelektual seseorang, tanpa diimbangi dengan kesadaran emosi, maka semakin besar resiko terjadinya kekosongan atau kekeringan jiwa pada individu tersebut. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat dirangkum sebagai berikut: 1) kecerdasan emosional siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Cikarang Barat memiliki tingkat kecerdasan yang berbeda, beberapa siswa memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang rendah, dan beberapa siswa memiliki kecerdasan emosional yang tinggi. 2) Efektivitas pembelajaran PAI dalam meningkatkan emotional intelligence siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Cikarang Barat dapat terlihat perubahannya, melalui kegiatan yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran PAI, seperti nasihat, pengajaran nilai-nilai agama, dan praktik agama. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran PAI di SMK Negeri 1 Cikarang Barat efektif dalam mengembangkan pemahaman agama dan memotivasi siswa untuk menerapkan nilai-nilai agama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, serta tidak hanya berfokus pada pengetahuan teoritis saja, tetapi juga pada pengalaman dan praktik agama Islam dalam kehidupan siswa.&nbsp;</sub></p> Copyright (c) striayu Peran guru pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dan inklisi sosial di Sman 6 Tambun Selatan 2023-10-19T08:27:34+07:00 stri ayu striayu <p>Abstract: This study aims to analyze the role played by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers <br>in an effort to improve gender equality and promote social inclusion within SMAN 6 <br>Tambun Selatan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. <br>Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with PAI teachers, <br>observation, and analysis of documents related to curriculum and school policies that <br>support gender equality and social inclusion. The results of the study show that PAI <br>teachers play an important role in promoting gender equality through discussing <br>content that encourages a fair and inclusive understanding of gender roles. In addition, <br>PAI teachers also play a role in creating an inclusive classroom environment by <br>encouraging open discussion on gender issues and respecting the diversity of student <br>identities.<br>Key words: : PAI teachers, gender equality, social inclusion, Islamic Religious Education.</p> Copyright (c) striayu Peran guru pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dan inklisi sosial di Sman 6 Tambun Selatan 2023-10-19T08:25:40+07:00 stri ayu striayu <p>Abstract: This study aims to analyze the role played by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers <br>in an effort to improve gender equality and promote social inclusion within SMAN 6 <br>Tambun Selatan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. <br>Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with PAI teachers, <br>observation, and analysis of documents related to curriculum and school policies that <br>support gender equality and social inclusion. The results of the study show that PAI <br>teachers play an important role in promoting gender equality through discussing <br>content that encourages a fair and inclusive understanding of gender roles. In addition, <br>PAI teachers also play a role in creating an inclusive classroom environment by <br>encouraging open discussion on gender issues and respecting the diversity of student <br>identities.<br>Key words: : PAI teachers, gender equality, social inclusion, Islamic Religious Education.</p> Copyright (c) striayu Peran guru pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dan inklisi sosial di Sman 6 Tambun Selatan 2023-10-19T08:04:25+07:00 stri ayu striayu <p>Abstract: This study aims to analyze the role played by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers <br>in an effort to improve gender equality and promote social inclusion within SMAN 6 <br>Tambun Selatan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. <br>Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with PAI teachers, <br>observation, and analysis of documents related to curriculum and school policies that <br>support gender equality and social inclusion. The results of the study show that PAI <br>teachers play an important role in promoting gender equality through discussing <br>content that encourages a fair and inclusive understanding of gender roles. In addition, <br>PAI teachers also play a role in creating an inclusive classroom environment by <br>encouraging open discussion on gender issues and respecting the diversity of student <br>identities.<br>Key words: : PAI teachers, gender equality, social inclusion, Islamic Religious Education.</p> Copyright (c) striayu Peran guru pendidikan agama islam dalam meningkatkan kesetaraan gender dan inklisi sosial di Sman 6 Tambun Selatan 2023-10-19T08:02:04+07:00 stri ayu striayu <p>Abstract: This study aims to analyze the role played by Islamic Religious Education (PAI) teachers</p> <p>in an effort to improve gender equality and promote social inclusion within SMAN 6</p> <p>Tambun Selatan. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method.</p> <p>Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews with PAI teachers,</p> <p>observation, and analysis of documents related to curriculum and school policies that</p> <p>support gender equality and social inclusion. The results of the study show that PAI</p> <p>teachers play an important role in promoting gender equality through discussing</p> <p>content that encourages a fair and inclusive understanding of gender roles. In addition,</p> <p>PAI teachers also play a role in creating an inclusive classroom environment by</p> <p>encouraging open discussion on gender issues and respecting the diversity of student</p> <p>identities.</p> <p>Key words: : PAI teachers, gender equality, social inclusion, Islamic Religious Education.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi Kepala Sekolah SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Informasi 2023-10-18T12:19:02+07:00 Alfrida Prita Abdul Khoir <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses perencanaan strategi kepala sekolah SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui penerapan teknologi informasi, untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan strategi kepala sekolah melalui penerapan teknologi informasi di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran dan untuk mengetahui apa saja faktor-faktor yang menghambat dan mendukung penerapan teknologi informasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode penelitian fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah, admin IT, guru pembelajaran, dan tiga orang siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan, observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Rencana yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad, (2) Pelaksanaan yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad, (3) Faktor penghambat dan pendukung terhadap strategi pelaksanaan yang dilakukan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui penerapan teknologi informasi sebagai media pembelajaran di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad. Dari hasil penelitian di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi kepala sekolah melalui penerapan teknologi informasi sangat berpengaruh dan penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran yang ada di SMAS IT Thariq Bin Ziyad.</p> Copyright (c) Peran kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan 2023-10-13T05:52:31+07:00 nadia_05 Azka <p>The role of school principals in efforts to improve</p> <p>the quality of education. This research explains how the</p> <p>principal's leadership can have a significant influence on the</p> <p>quality of learning in schools. In this research, the library</p> <p>research or library study method is used, namely data</p> <p>collection techniques by conducting a review study of library</p> <p>data collection, reading, taking notes and processing the study</p> <p>material. The research results show that effective school</p> <p>principals can motivate educational staff, develop innovative</p> <p>learning strategies, and build a school culture that is conducive</p> <p>to learning. Strong leadership and focus on the quality of</p> <p>education can contribute positively to achieving student</p> <p>learning outcomes. This article provides important insights</p> <p>for educational practitioners, school principals, and policy</p> <p>makers to continue to improve the quality of education in</p> <p>schools.</p> Copyright (c) KETERSINAMBUNGAN KONSEP BELAJAR PIAGET DENGAN KONSEP MANUSIA SEMPURNA ABDUL KARIM AL-JILLI 2023-10-09T06:15:29+07:00 Reza Wasilul Umam <p>Studies on the world of education will never end and will continue to grow. This study aims to describe and compare the thoughts of Abdul Karim al- Jilli and Piaget, especially in the learning aspect. This research is library research, where the data sources are examined through literature such as books, scientific articles etc. From the acquisition of data then carried out a comparative analysis. Piaget's theory emphasizes the learning process according to the pattern of individual cognitive development stages. The learning process according to Piaget consists of three stages, namely assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Meanwhile, to achieve insan Kamil there are 3 stages namely, 1) Al-Bidayah 2) at-Tawasuth and</p> <p>Al-Khitam. From each stage of becoming a perfect human being, there are parts of the stages that humans must go through, namely mujahadah, riyadoh, ma;rifat, mortal',mukasyafah and muusahadah. In the world of education there are at least 6 methods applied in shaping human behavior, namely; Exemplary Methods (Uswah Hasanah), Training and Habituation, Taking Lessons (ibrah), Advice (mauidzah), Discipline, and independence.</p> Copyright (c) Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pendidik Berbasis Sistem Pendidikan Nasional di Mts As-Subkiyah Bekasi 2023-10-09T01:48:03+07:00 Nidaul Choiriyah Rabiyannur Lubis <p>Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala</p> <p>sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik berbasis sistem pendidikan</p> <p>nasional di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh</p> <p>banyaknya pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa kompetensi guru di Indonesia sangat</p> <p>rendah atau kurang memadai, hal tersebut sebagai akibat langsung dari</p> <p>kesejahteraan guru yang mana tinggi rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia</p> <p>banyak dipengaruhi dari berbagai faktor salah satunya kualitas proses pembelajaran</p> <p>yang dilakukan oleh guru dan itu menjadi tanggung jawab kepala sekolah dalam</p> <p>peningkatan kompetensi mereka yang sesuai dengan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.</p> <p>Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif</p> <p>dengan penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Cara untuk mencari datanya dengan</p> <p>teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun objek penelitian ini</p> <p>dilaksanakan di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi.</p> <p>Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran kepala sekolah</p> <p>dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi mengacu pada</p> <p>ketentuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas) yaitu sebagai “pendidik,</p> <p>manajer, administrator, supervisor, pemimpin, pencipta iklim kerja/motivator dan</p> <p>wirausahawan” yang disimpulkan dalam gaya kepemimpinannya berorientasi pada</p> <p>tugas dan berorientasi pada manusia. Selain itu terdapat faktor pendukung kepala</p> <p>sekolah yaitu dukungan pihak sekolah, akses sumber belajar, kolaborasi antar guru,</p> <p>dan program pelatihan. Terdapat pula faktor penghambatnya yaitu keterbatasan</p> <p>waktu, kurangnya sumber daya, dan kurangnya kesadaran guru.</p> Copyright (c) Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pendidik Berbasis Sistem Pendidikan Nasional di Mts As Subkiyah Bekasi 2023-10-09T01:11:02+07:00 Nidaul Choiriyah <p>Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala</p> <p>sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pendidik berbasis sistem pendidikan</p> <p>nasional di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh</p> <p>banyaknya pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa kompetensi guru di Indonesia sangat</p> <p>rendah atau kurang memadai, hal tersebut sebagai akibat langsung dari</p> <p>kesejahteraan guru yang mana tinggi rendahnya mutu pendidikan di Indonesia</p> <p>banyak dipengaruhi dari berbagai faktor salah satunya kualitas proses pembelajaran</p> <p>yang dilakukan oleh guru dan itu menjadi tanggung jawab kepala sekolah dalam</p> <p>peningkatan kompetensi mereka yang sesuai dengan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.</p> <p>Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif</p> <p>dengan penelitian lapangan (Field Research). Cara untuk mencari datanya dengan</p> <p>teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun objek penelitian ini</p> <p>dilaksanakan di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi.</p> <p>Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa peran kepala sekolah</p> <p>dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MTs As-subkiyah Bekasi mengacu pada</p> <p>ketentuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (Depdiknas) yaitu sebagai “pendidik,</p> <p>manajer, administrator, supervisor, pemimpin, pencipta iklim kerja/motivator dan</p> <p>wirausahawan” yang disimpulkan dalam gaya kepemimpinannya berorientasi pada</p> <p>tugas dan berorientasi pada manusia. Selain itu terdapat faktor pendukung kepala</p> <p>sekolah yaitu dukungan pihak sekolah, akses sumber belajar, kolaborasi antar guru,</p> <p>dan program pelatihan. Terdapat pula faktor penghambatnya yaitu keterbatasan</p> <p>waktu, kurangnya sumber daya, dan kurangnya kesadaran guru.</p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER BERBASIS COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) DI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 AL-MUJAHIDIN BALIKPAPAN 2023-09-21T10:24:27+07:00 Agus Mujahidin <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>With the development of increasingly modern and digital technology systems, the learning evaluation process can be carried out in a modern and digital manner. Which requires the use of web applications or third-party applications in their implementation. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the Computer Based Test (CBT) final semester exam application at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Mujahidin Balikpapan. So this study used a qualitative research method with a case study design. In this study, data collection was carried out by interviews and documentation. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Mujahidin Balikpapan High School which is on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta KM. 10 RT. 008 Karang Joang North Balikpapan Balikpapan City with the research subject being a CBT technician. The results of this study are to make it easier for students and teachers in the learning evaluation process, and do not need to use a lot of paper in semester exams so that they can save budgets and processing grades does not take a long time, thus allowing for remedial for scores below the KKM.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Application; Computer Based Test;&nbsp;Semester exams</p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER BERBASIS COMPUTER BASED TEST (CBT) DI SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2 AL-MUJAHIDIN BALIKPAPAN 2023-09-21T10:14:37+07:00 Agus Mujahidin <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>With the development of increasingly modern and digital technology systems, the learning evaluation process can be carried out in a modern and digital manner. Which requires the use of web applications or third-party applications in their implementation. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the Computer Based Test (CBT) final semester exam application at SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Mujahidin Balikpapan. So this study used a qualitative research method with a case study design. In this study, data collection was carried out by interviews and documentation. This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 2 Al-Mujahidin Balikpapan High School which is on Jalan Soekarno-Hatta KM. 10 RT. 008 Karang Joang North Balikpapan Balikpapan City with the research subject being a CBT technician. The results of this study are to make it easier for students and teachers in the learning evaluation process, and do not need to use a lot of paper in semester exams so that they can save budgets and processing grades does not take a long time, thus allowing for remedial for scores below the KKM.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Application; Computer Based Test;&nbsp;Semester exams</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS KONTEKS DAN ISTILAH KHUSUS TERHADAP KAMUS AT TAUFIQ “ARAB-JAWA-INDO” MELALUI PENDEKATAN LEKSIKOLOGI 2023-09-16T16:05:26+07:00 Fatimatuz Zahro' Kusnan <p>The At Taufiq Arabic-Javanese-Indonesian Dictionary is a unique multilingual dictionary because it combines three languages, namely Javanese, Indonesian and Arabic, into one unit. This research aims to analyze the context and special terms in this dictionary through a lexicological approach. This research is a library research study that involves systematic exploration of various library sources, including books, academic journals, and internet sources. The research process involves several stages, such as data reduction, data display, and finding conclusions. The results of the research are First, to understand the context or content of the At Taufiq Dictionary "Arabic-Javanese-Indonesian". This dictionary is divided into three main parts, namely the beginning with Muqoddimah, introduction, and word search instructions, the middle part which contains vocabulary in three languages, and the end part with additional information. The context of the dictionary is critical to understanding and effective use. Second, to understand the special terms contained in this dictionary, especially in the context of fiqhiyah. This dictionary contains terms that are relevant to Islamic literature, and understanding these terms is very important in the study of fiqh.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) The Implementasi Teknologi Pendidikan dalam Proses Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi 2023-09-03T15:02:08+07:00 Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p>Technology in the world of education is used as a tool to provide convenience in the learning process. The Merdeka curriculum is one of the education policies in Indonesia that provides policies for schools to be more independent in determining content and learning methods that suit the needs of students. The diversity of these students is a challenge for an educator to make various efforts to ensure that the learning process carried out brings success to every student in the class. One strategy that an educator can use to ensure that learning takes place in the most effective way to meet the diverse learning needs of students is differentiated learning. Differentiated learning as an approach allows educators to consider differences in learning styles, interests, and abilities of students, and provide learning experiences that suit their individual needs. The research method that the author used to create this article is library research. .learning technology exists based on the reasons (1) learning technology can more accurately describe the function of technology in education; (2) learning technology shows more emphasis on learning and teaching problems. One of the learning problems in the independent curriculum faced by educators is the differentiated learning model. Differentiated learning is a learning model that responds to the ongoing progress of each student's learning model based on what students already know and have learned, and then students can choose a learning model according to their passion. Their them imagine confabulate invent plan contrive differentiated learning includes 1) content differentiation; 2) process differentiation; 3) product differentiation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords :</strong> Educational Technology, Differentiated Learning</p> Copyright (c) P PEMBENTUKAN NILAI-NILAI AGAMA DAN MORAL DI KELOMPOK A2 STUDI KASUS DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK AL KARIMAH 2023-09-03T09:06:28+07:00 wilda firdianti wilda <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi permasalahan bahwa anak nakal suka berkata-kata kasar,anak tidak mengikuti saat berdoa,anak yang bermain pada saat sholat, &nbsp;dan kesulitan anak dalam menghapal surah pendek. Tujuan Penelitian perencanaan, pelaksanan, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini mengunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian 12 anak kelompok A2 dan 1 guru. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada perencanaan guru meyiapkan sarana dan prasarana mengunakan metode pembelajaran pembiasaan, ceramah, bercerita, bernyanyi, dan menonton video. Media yang digunakan buku cerita, kartu gambar, dan pazzel. Penataan kelas klasikal dikatakan cukup karena media,&nbsp; penyampaian pembiasaan, pengetahuan dan penataan kelas. Pelaksanaan pendidik membiasakan berdoa bersama-sama, adab makan dan kasih sayang. Nama Allah dan gerakan wudhu melalui bernyanyi dan gerakan pembentukan moral dan agama anak dikatakan baik 11 anak yang berkembang karena setiap hari guru memberikan pandangan kepada anak &nbsp;ada perkembangan&nbsp; baik pengetahuan dan perilaku . Pada saat evaluasi pendidik meriveu kegiatan yang dilakukan dan membuat catatan kecil disetiap perkembangan.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci :</strong> <em>Pembentukan nilai -nilai agama</em><em>, </em><em>dan moral</em><em>, Anak usia dini</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) P PEMBENTUKAN NILAI-NILAI AGAMA DAN MORAL DI KELOMPOK A2 STUDI KASUS DI TAMAN KANAK-KANAK AL KARIMAH 2023-09-03T09:00:19+07:00 wilda firdianti wilda <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi permasalahan bahwa anak nakal suka berkata-kata kasar,anak tidak mengikuti saat berdoa,anak yang bermain pada saat sholat, &nbsp;dan kesulitan anak dalam menghapal surah pendek. Tujuan Penelitian perencanaan, pelaksanan, dan evaluasi. Penelitian ini mengunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian 12 anak kelompok A2 dan 1 guru. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada perencanaan guru meyiapkan sarana dan prasarana mengunakan metode pembelajaran pembiasaan, ceramah, bercerita, bernyanyi, dan menonton video. Media yang digunakan buku cerita, kartu gambar, dan pazzel. Penataan kelas klasikal dikatakan cukup karena media,&nbsp; penyampaian pembiasaan, pengetahuan dan penataan kelas. Pelaksanaan pendidik membiasakan berdoa bersama-sama, adab makan dan kasih sayang. Nama Allah dan gerakan wudhu melalui bernyanyi dan gerakan pembentukan moral dan agama anak dikatakan baik 11 anak yang berkembang karena setiap hari guru memberikan pandangan kepada anak &nbsp;ada perkembangan&nbsp; baik pengetahuan dan perilaku . Pada saat evaluasi pendidik meriveu kegiatan yang dilakukan dan membuat catatan kecil disetiap perkembangan.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci :</strong> <em>Pembentukan nilai -nilai agama</em><em>, </em><em>dan moral</em><em>, Anak usia dini</em></p> Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PERMAINAN MONOPOLI DALAM MENINGKATKAN PENGUASAAN KOSAKATA 2023-09-04T04:17:08+07:00 Zakiah Nur Harahap Zakiah <p>This study aims to develop a game-based learning media and one of them is the monopoly game. This product is modified from the original game to an educational game that is used as a learning medium to help increase interest in learning to memorize Arabic vocabulary, especially at Mts Purbaganal Sosopan. researchers used the ADDIE development model which has five stages, analyze, planning, design, implementation and evaluation. Analysis data obtained through interviews and in-depth observation and processed using descriptive quantitative methods so as to obtain valid results for the product. The results of the study show that the monopoly game media is able to make it easier for students to memorize Arabic vocabulary as well as increase interest in learning and make the class atmosphere more enjoyable</p> Copyright (c) NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN KEBANGSAAN DALAM SYAIR YALAL WATHON 2023-08-30T08:51:27+07:00 Muhammad Izzuddin <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemaparan tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam dan pendidikan kebangsaan yang terkandung dalam rangkaian gubahan bait-bait atau syair <em>Yalal Wathon</em> yang ditulis oleh KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah (yang seterusnya ditulis oleh peneliti dengan Kiai Wahab). Penulisan syair yang gubah oleh Kiai Wahab adalah merupakan salah satu bentuk ikhtiar dan upaya yang dilakukannya dalam memberikan edukasi sekaligus membangun kesadaran warga bangsa dalam mencintai tanah air <em>(hubb al-Wathon),</em> membela negara dan bangsa, serta menamkan jiwa (rûh) patriotime maupun nasionalisme dalam diri mereka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan <em>(library research) </em>dengan menggunan metode dokumentasi yang dijadikan sebagai sumber data. Dalam menganilisis data-data yang telah diperoleh maka teknik yang digunakan adalah analisis isi <em>(content analysis)</em> dan juga analisis deskriptif <em>(descriptive analysis)</em> Adapun hasil temuan dan penilitian yang ditemukan dan dikaji oleh peneliti setidaknya terdapat tiga klaster <em>(cluster)</em> nilai pendidikan agama Islam, yaitu: (1) akidah, (2) syari’ah, dan (3) akhlak. Sedangkan nilai-nilai pendidikan kebangsaan yang ditemukan oleh peneliti dalam syair <em>Yalal Wathon</em> terdiri dari empath al, yaitu: (1) persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, (2) cinta tanah air, atau <em>hubb al-Wathon</em> (3) membela negara dan tanah air, (4) membangun kesatuan bangsa.</p> Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN ISTIMA’ DENGAN MEDIA PERMAINAN BAHASA 2023-10-03T02:51:54+07:00 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas Nana <p>We already know that Arabic is a foreign language that has been widely studied in educational institutions in Indonesia. Learning Arabic has four skills, namely maharah istima', maharah kalam, maharah qira'ah, and maharah kitabah. Of the four maharahs, the basic fence in learning Arabic is maharah istima'. Maharah istima' is very important in learning and teaching Arabic. Because Arabic is a foreign language. However, due to a lack of attention to learning istima' which is mostly caused by a lack of variation in learning. Therefore, the teacher's role is needed in this case, namely by trying to optimize learning in a fun class. One of them is the use of language game media in the learning process, because with game media it can create a fun atmosphere, and students will be enthusiastic, active and not boring. So that it can make it easier for students to master the material presented. There are lots of games that can be used as language learning media, such as what is this, do orders, say names, puzzles, chain whispers and numbered chairs according to students' abilities and material.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Istima' Learning, Media, Language Games</p> Copyright (c) - Penerapan Strategi Problem Based Learning (PBL) dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah 2023-08-26T16:31:32+07:00 Hanik Mahliatsussikah <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah merupakan bagian integral dari kurikulum pendidikan Islam yang memiliki nilai penting dalam memahami ajaran agama dan sastra Islam. Dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah, penerapan strategi Problem Based Learning (PBL) telah menjadi fokus perhatian. PBL adalah pendekatan pembelajaran yang memusatkan perhatian pada pemecahan masalah nyata sebagai metode inti dalam mengembangkan pemahaman dan keterampilan siswa. Artikel ini membahas penerapan PBL dalam konteks pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah. Pendekatan ini memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengaitkan Bahasa Arab dengan situasi-situasi dunia nyata, yang dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap bahasa dan budaya Arab. Selain itu, artikel ini juga mengevaluasi manfaat dari penerapan PBL dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Madrasah Aliyah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PBL dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa, kemampuan berpikir kritis, serta penguasaan Bahasa Arab mereka. Hal ini juga dapat membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berkolaborasi, komunikasi, dan pemecahan masalah yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan mereka.</p> Copyright (c) Strategi IPO (Input, Process and Output) Sebagai Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Di MIN 1 Kota Malang 2023-08-26T01:31:20+07:00 syamsulibad syamsulibad <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Strategi Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan yang ada di MIN 1 Kota Malang melalui pendekatan IPO (<em>Input, Process and Output</em>), Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan bentuk deskriptif kualitatif melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi sebagai alat pengumpulan data penelitian. Sumber datanya menggunakan <em>person</em> (orang), <em>place</em> (tempat) dan <em>paper</em> (kertas/simbol). Sedangkan Tehnik Analisis Datanya adalah analisis dan mengalir (<em>flow model</em>) dengan langkah-langkah: pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasannya MIN 1 Kota Malang didalam meningkatkan mutu Pendidikan telah menggunakan Strategi Analisis SWOT dengan pendekatan IPO didalam semua bidang sesuai dengan 8 standart Pendidikan yang terdiri dari kesiswaan, sumberdaya manusia, kurikulum, sarana dan prasarana, walimurid, masyarakat, kebijakan madrasah dan kebijakan pemerintah. Dengan kesimpulan bahwasannya MIN 1 Kota Malang merupakan sekolah yang memiliki mutu yang sangat baik dengan didasari motto tiada hari tanpa prestasi, Pengelolaan mutu itu tidak bisa terlepas dari aspek input, proses dan output, ketiganya saling berkesinambungan didalam mewujudkan visi dan misi sekolah.</p> Copyright (c) LEARNING METHOD WHILE PLAYING DALAM MENINGKATKAN VERBAL SMART ANAK 2023-08-30T04:42:36+07:00 Fathor Rozi Siti Muti’atul Habibah <p>This study aims to find out how the application of the learning method while playing or also called the learning method while playing in improving verbal smart language and speaking skills in early childhood. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study type. Data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out systematically starting with data display, condensation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the field research found that the learning process in which the learning while playing method was applied through role playing, playing flash cards, and singing while playing, was able to improve verbal smart children's language and speaking abilities. because the child will easily absorb, remember and get new vocabulary from the surrounding environment. The implication is that there is a need for an approach used by teachers using other game methods that are able to stimulate the development of language and speech in early childhood to optimize children's verbal smarts.</p> 2023-09-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Fathor Rozi, Siti Muti’atul Habibah NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN KEBANGSAAN DALAM SYAIR YALAL WATHON 2023-08-28T06:03:19+07:00 Muhammad Izzuddin Khoirotul Idawati <p>This study aims to provide an explanation of the values of Islamic religious education and national education contained in a series of verses or poems of Yalal Wathon written by KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah (later written by researchers with Kiai Wahab). The writing of poems composed by Kiai Wahab is one form of effort and effort he made in providing education as well as building awareness of the nation's citizens in loving the homeland (hubb al-Wathon), defending the state and nation, and adding the soul (rûh) patriotime and nationalism in them. The type of research used is library research using documentation methods that are used as data sources. In analyzing the data that has been obtained, the techniques used are content analysis and also descriptive analysis. The findings and research found and studied by researchers there are at least three clusters of Islamic religious education values, namely: (1) creed, (2) shari'ah, and (3) morals. While the values of national education found by researchers in the poem Yalal Wathon consist of empath al, namely: (1) unity and unity of the nation, (2) love of the motherland, or hubb al-Wathon (3) defending the country and homeland, (4) building national unity.</p> 2023-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Izzuddin, Khoirotul Idawati NILAI-NILAI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN PENDIDIKAN KEBANGSAAN DALAM SYAIR YALAL WATHON KARYA KH. ABDUL WAHAB HASBULLAH 2023-08-24T07:09:47+07:00 Muhammad Izzuddin <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemaparan tentang nilai-nilai pendidikan agama Islam dan pendidikan kebangsaan yang terkandung dalam rangkaian gubahan bait-bait atau syair <em>Yalal Wathon</em> yang ditulis oleh KH. Abdul Wahab Hasbullah (yang seterusnya ditulis oleh peneliti dengan Kiai Wahab). Penulisan syair yang gubah oleh Kiai Wahab adalah merupakan salah satu bentuk ikhtiar dan upaya yang dilakukannya dalam memberikan edukasi sekaligus membangun kesadaran warga bangsa dalam mencintai tanah air <em>(hubb al-Wathon),</em> membela negara dan bangsa, serta menamkan jiwa (rûh) patriotime maupun nasionalisme dalam diri mereka. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan <em>(library research) </em>dengan menggunan metode dokumentasi yang dijadikan sebagai sumber data. Dalam menganilisis data-data yang telah diperoleh maka teknik yang digunakan adalah analisis isi <em>(content analysis)</em> dan juga analisis deskriptif <em>(descriptive analysis)</em> Adapun hasil temuan dan penilitian yang ditemukan dan dikaji oleh peneliti setidaknya terdapat tiga klaster <em>(cluster)</em> nilai pendidikan agama Islam, yaitu: (1) akidah, (2) syari’ah, dan (3) akhlak. Sedangkan nilai-nilai pendidikan kebangsaan yang ditemukan oleh peneliti dalam syair <em>Yalal Wathon</em> terdiri dari empath al, yaitu: (1) persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa, (2) cinta tanah air, atau <em>hubb al-Wathon</em> (3) membela negara dan tanah air, (4) membangun kesatuan bangsa.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS METODE MENGHAFAL AL-QUR’AN DI PONDOK PESANTREN MADINATUL QUR’AN TEMBELANG JOMBANG 2023-08-24T04:53:26+07:00 Muhammad Farid Nasrulloh Agus Nur Ismail Muhammad Aliyul Wafa <p>This research is motivated by the many methods of memorizing the Koran, in Indonesia itself there are many institutions for memorizing the Koran, such as Islamic boarding schools, Bayt Al-Qur'an (houses for memorizing the Koran), and other Tahfidzul Qur'an development institutions, and each of these institutions has different methods of memorizing the Qur'an. The Madinatul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School is a boarding school that collaborates with the Hamalatul Qur'an Jogoroto Jombang Islamic boarding school, where all the program activities are the same. This study aims to determine the method of memorizing the Qur'an in Islamic boarding schools Madinatul Qur'an. This research uses a qualitative field study approach, the data collection method is by observation, interview and documentation. The results of the research are to find out: the process of learning to memorize the Al-Qur'an, the methods used to memorize the Al-Qur'an, the supporting and inhibiting factors in memorizing the Al-Qur'an at the Islamic boarding school Madinatul Qur'an.</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN MODIFIKASI PERILAKU TOKEN ECONOMY TERHADAP SHYNESS PADA SANTRI DI TPA AL-HUDA SECANG 2023-08-17T02:18:00+07:00 Anita aisah Vina Fauzizah Zulitasari <p><em>Shyness</em> atau sifat pemalu adalah bentuk kecemasan sosial yang membuat anak sulit berinteraksi dengan lingkungannya. <em>Shyness</em> dapat menyebabkan permasalahan pada perkembangan anak seperti menghambat potensi anak, pergaulan, bahkan dapat menyebabkan gangguan sosial emosional. Fenomena <em>shyness</em> ditemukan di TPA Al-Huda Secang yang mana beberapa santri menunjukkan perilaku <em>shyness</em> berlebihan. Melihat urgensi dari permasalahan tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan judul penerapan modifikasi perilaku <em>token economy</em> terhadap <em>shyness</em> pada Santri di TPA Al-Huda Secang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui keefektifan penggunaan <em>token economy</em> untuk mengurangi perilaku <em>shyness</em> pada santri. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah <em>quasi eksperiment </em>dengan metode <em>eksperiment control design</em> (<em>fase baseline-fase return to baseline group design</em>). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengamatan/ <em>observasi behavior checklist</em> dengan menggunakan lembar <em>observasi checklist</em>. Sampel penelitian dipilih menggunakan teknik <em>purposive sampling</em> sebanyak 3 orang santri berdasarkan rekomendasi dari guru. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Normalitas, Uji <em>Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test</em>, dan Uji <em>N-gain score</em>. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjadi penurunan perilaku <em>shyness</em> sebesar 12,5. Sedangkan analisis menggunakan Uji <em>Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test</em> menunjukkan nilai Asymp. Sig (2 tailed) yaitu (Z=1.604, p= 0.001 &lt; 0.05). Selain itu, analisis data menggunakan <em>N-gain score</em> juga menunjukkan efektivitas penggunaan modifikasi perilaku <em>token economy</em> terhadap perilaku <em>shyness</em> sebesar 60%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan modifikasi perilaku <em>token economy</em> cukup efektif untuk mengurangi <em>shyness</em> pada Santri di TPA Al-Huda Secang</p> Copyright (c) EFEKTIVITAS MODEL LEARNING TOGETHER TERHADAP KETERAMPILAN KOLABORASI SISWA PADA MATERI SIFAT BENDA KELAS V 2023-08-14T17:33:52+07:00 Nasyir Misbahul Ma'ruf Nasyir Asep Kurnia Jayadinata Ani Nur Aeni <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="158"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>After and Before: 1 cm</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>: </strong>The background of this research is problems related to students' difficulties in group or collaborative learning activities, based on field reviews these problems often occur due to students who only want to group with close friends and students who are not close to their class mates. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of effectiveness of the learning modellearning together on students' collaboration skills in material properties of class v objects. This study uses the experimental method of typesquasy design experimentposstest only control, by comparing the experimental class&nbsp; and control class on students' collaboration skills. The research sample was fifth grade students at SDN Sukaraja 1 in South Sumedang District, totaling 60 students. The findings show that the average collaboration skill of students in the experimental class is 83.93 and in the control class is 77.23. Independent t test results obtained p = 0.025. Based on calculationseffect size the value of d = 0.594 was obtained. The conclusion of the research shows that there is a level of effectiveness of the methodlearning together on students' collaboration skills in the moderate category.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH METODE TUTOR SEBAYA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR OPERASI HITUNG CAMPURAN 2023-08-12T06:20:16+07:00 asrori maksum <p>Quantitative research is research used to analyze problems based on existing data to find causal relationships in a study. The purpose of quantitative research in this study is to determine the effect of the application of peer tutor method (Peer Teaching) to the learning outcomes of MI Madinatul Ulum students, especially on the material of mixed arithmetic operations. Peer tutor method (Peer Teaching) is one of the good methods to apply to the subject of mathematics. This method is believed to be able to provide solutions to the problems of students who are less able to understand the explanation presented by the teacher in mathematics learning activities. In this study the research method used is quasy experimental method with design nonequivalent control group design in the case of a two-step approach, the two-step approach is used to compare the two-step approach before and after the treatment (treatment). Based on research that has been done on the students of Class VI MI Madinatul Ulum on the material of mixed arithmetic operations where Class VI A as a control class and Class VI B as an experimental class, it has been found an increase in student learning outcomes by 17% in the experimental class. The percentage is known to be higher than that of the control class. This is evidenced using statistical tests that show that t count &gt; ttable&nbsp; that is 4.08 &gt; 1.68 for a significant level of 95%, so the initial hypothesis can be accepted. Based on the data obtained, the number of significant graduation between the control class and the experimental class, namely 17 experimental class students with a percentage of 68% passed KKM, while the control class counted only 4 students who passed KKM with a percentage of 16%.1</p> Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN INKUIRI BERBASIS ETNOPEDAGOGI UNTUK MENGOPTIMALKAN KEMAMPUAN LITERASI DAN MODERASI BERAGAMA SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR 2023-08-12T05:00:21+07:00 Nurul Mahruzah Yulia Dewi Niswatul Fithriyah Moh. Mualliful Ilmi <p>The main and tough task in the field of education is to improve students' literacy skills and learn morality, so that it is hoped that students in Indonesia can become highly intellectual and well-behaved and moral. This research and development aims to develop literacy skills and religious moderation abilities of students at SDN Kadipaten 1. This research and development uses the ADDIE development model. With 5 stages of development and 4 types of data collection carried out namely interviews, observations, questionnaires, and tests. There are 4 indicators of literacy skills used in this study, namely reading, writing, spoken language, and linguistics. Meanwhile, indicators of the ability to moderate religion use indicators of national commitment, respecting opinions, being accommodating to local culture, and being sensitive to the surroundings. The results of this study indicate that this ethnopedagogy-based inquiry development model can be used to improve religious literacy and moderation abilities with an average ability obtained of 90% and 92%. This development is carried out by adding feedback and appreciation and reflection syntax in the development of inquiry learning.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Mahruzah Yulia, Dewi Niswatul Fithriyah, Moh. Mualliful Ilmi PESANTREN MANDIRI 2023-08-09T13:31:39+07:00 S. Mahmudah Noorhayati Abdurrahman Hakim Ahmad Khoirul Fata <p>This research is based on the idea of the need for the development of self-reliant enterprises in educational institutions (Islamic boarding schools) to create institutional and graduate independence. Based on this, the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia created a program in 2021 related to the development of vocational life skills and self-reliance for Islamic boarding schools. This study includes field research where data is obtained through participatory observation, field documentation, and in-depth interviews, using a qualitative approach and qualitative descriptive analysis method. This research presents several new findings: First, the concept of vocational life skills is realized through a Business Incubation program based on household products. Second, the Legal Entity of Islamic Boarding School Enterprises (BUMPES) accommodates various units for the development of small businesses that optimally assist in production management and marketing of creative products from Islamic boarding schools to the general public. Third, training or workshops are provided to students (santri) as workers or human resources involved in this small business process, involving the required experts. Fourth, there are still shortcomings in empowering student workers in this business development because human resource management is needed in production management. This program has provided a beneficial contribution to the progress of Islamic boarding school education, particularly in enhancing the quality of vocational life skills education and understanding of the business world or micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs).</p> Copyright (c) EFEKTIFITAS MEDIA BUKU AJAR BERBASIS QR CODE (QUICK RESPONSE CODE) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN MAHARAH KALAM BAGI MAHASISWA 2023-08-12T04:53:16+07:00 Dea Annisa Fitri Aufia Aisa <p>Creative and innovative media in the form of QR Code-based Arabic textbooks aim to eliminate the monotony and boredom of students and make it easier for students to learn Arabic lessons, especially in Maharah Kalam. The research method used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with a development model from Borg and Gall which consists of 10 stages. Research instruments include observation, interviews, surveys and testing. The research data are in the form of expert questionnaires and respondent questionnaires, which are analyzed through evaluation indicators. According to the findings of this study, the QR Code-based textbook products are grouped by: hiwar, mufrodat, istima', qiro'ah, kalam, and kitabah. QR Codes are present in the hiwar, mufrodat, and istima' sections. With chapter boundaries and illustrative images for ease of understanding. 2) Very feasible, The media validation questionnaire score of 88.8% and the material validation questionnaire score of 94% are both feasible, with excellent criteria. 3) Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test, learning becomes very effective because of positive changes for students. So it can be concluded that with this media students are more interested and even easier to learn Arabic and its maharah especially maharah kalam.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Dea Annisa Fitri, Aufia Aisa PERAN MICROTEACHING DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN DASAR MENGAJAR BAGI CALON GURU IPS 2023-08-02T06:12:22+07:00 Siti Zazak <p>The purpose of this study was to describe the role of microteaching in enhancing the basic teaching skills of prospective social science teachers. This research employed a qualitative descriptive approach with observation and performance assessment rubrics as data collection techniques. Data analysis was conducted using interactive analysis, including data collection, condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The study involves 18 participants majoring in Social Science Education. The findings showed an improvement in the achievement scores of basic teaching skills in the second performance. The detailed scores include questioning skills at 72.5, reinforcement skills at 71.7, variation skills at 73.1, explaining skills at 75.4, opening and closing skills at 75.4, discussion and small group skills at 69.5, classroom management and discipline skills at 73, individual teaching skills at 75.7, and RPP development skills at 78.8. Prospective teachers had developed their teaching skills quite well. However, further training is needed, particularly in discussion and small group skills.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN SPIRITUAL MELALUI KITAB SYI'IR JAWI PADA KESEHATAN LANSIA DI TPQ AL-MUHIBBIN JOMBANG 2023-08-02T06:35:25+07:00 Achmad Nidzomi Ita Rahmania Kusumawati <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Old age is a period where there is a decline both physically and psychologically, so that at this stage a person becomes vulnerable to stress, depression, and loneliness. In addition, old age is also a phase close to death, so having a strong spirituality is very important to interpret life related to oneself, God, and fellow beings. Spirituality education becomes a form of education that can help individuals live a life with peace and tranquility. Therefore, spiritual education has a very important role, especially for those who have entered old age who are physically and psychologically vulnerable. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach that aims to find the extent of the impact of spiritual education on elderly mothers at TPQ Al-Muhibbin Jombang. The subjects in this study were mothers aged 60 years and over who were registered as students at TPQ Al-Muhibbin Jombang. While the object of this study is religious activities used to improve the spirituality of the elderly. The location of this research is TPQ Al-Muhibbin which is located at four points, namely (1) Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang, (2) Tambakberas Timur Tambakrejo Jombang, (3) Nglungu Tambakrejo Jombang, and (4) Bangle Dukuhklopo Peterongan Jombang. The purpose of this study was to determine the spiritual education activities used on elderly mothers and the extent of the impact of spiritual education on their mental health. After research, it was found that there are two religious activities that can improve the spirituality of the elderly at TPQ Al-Muhibbin, in the classroom and outside the classroom. Activities in class include learning to read Yanbu'a, reading short letters of the Qur'an, following assemblies of both tafsir, fiqh and shi'iran. Activities outside the classroom include participating in recitations such as the Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), the commemoration of Isro 'Mi'roj Prophet Muhammad SAW., Joint Prayer, Halal bi Halal, alms 10 Suro, orphan compensation, and visiting friends who are sick or dead</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Achmad Nidzomi, Ita Rahmania Kusumawati PENINGKATAN NIAT PENGGUNAAN SISTEM INFORMASI E-LEARNING MELALUI MODEL UTAUT 2023-08-01T14:25:39+07:00 Rifda Nabila <p>The quality of implementing an e-learning system is always related to the level of user acceptance. User acceptance of e-learning systems requires an approach to understanding the factors that determine acceptance of e-learning systems. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Thechonology (UTAUT) model is a synthesis of the appropriate technology acceptance model to be used for an e-learning system evaluation model.</p> <p>This study aims to analyze the influence of performance expectations, effort expectations, social influences, facilitation conditions on behavioral intentions. And to see the role of gender and experience in moderating the relationship between Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions on Behavior Intention in using e-learning information systems. The research sample may be 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used is Partial Least Square (PLS). Hypothesis examiners in this study used path coefficient analysis with no known relationship between research variables.</p> <p>Based on the results of the study it can be ignored that Performance Expectations, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention, while Expectation Efforts do not have a significant effect on Behavioral Intention. Gender is able to moderate the relationship between Facilitating Conditions and Behavior Intention in using e-learning information systems. Gender and Experience are unable to moderate the relationship between Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, and Social Influence on Behavior Intention in using the e-learning information system.</p> Copyright (c) Upaya Peningkatan Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa dalam Sisi Keberagaman Status Sosial Ekonomi di Lingkungan Departemen INTP Fapet IPB 2023-07-31T14:01:46+07:00 Intan <p>Intan Mulidia 2023. Efforts to Increase Student Learning Motivation in Diversity of Socio-Economic Status within the INTP Department of Fapet IPB. The research was conducted to analyze efforts to increase student learning motivation at the INTP Department of the Faculty of Animal Science, IPB. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis by carrying out observation, interviews and literature study. The results of the study show that efforts to increase student learning motivation can be carried out by identifying problems that arise from the diversity of social statuses, developing problem-solving strategies and then providing the best solutions with the results obtained at the INTP Department, namely increasing learning motivation and increasing various student achievements. For more information, please send to: <a href=""></a> or Contact Person: 081387747790</p> Copyright (c) A Principal Leadership and Pedagogical Competence at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wates Kulon Progo Yogyakarta 2023-07-31T13:29:57+07:00 Rizky Wahyu Widi Purnama Wahyu <p>Primary leadership capacity is the ability to mobilize resources in the school, and teacher's pedagogical competence is the ability to manage teachers' learning activities. This study aims to describe the leadership of principals and the pedagogical competence of teachers at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wates. This study is a descriptive qualitative case study method. The principal has exercised his leadership role by mobilizing teachers and staff to actively participate in the implementation of the school's vision and mission, taking the form of direction from the principal to the teacher in learning. SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Wates PAI program adopts a stand-alone program following the instructions of DIKDASMEN Assembly of PWM DIY</p> Copyright (c) METAKOGNISI SISWA SMK DALAM PEMECAHAN MASALAH MATEMATIKA 2023-07-31T08:31:11+07:00 Marlyd Talakua <p>Kesadaran seseorang akan proses berpikirnya sendiri merupakan hal penting dalam pemacahan masalah. Metakognisi yang baik cenderung dapat memecahkan masalah yang dihadapinya dengan baik melalui pengerahan kesadaran dan pengaturan berpikir yang dilakukannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan metakognisi siswa dalam memecahkan masalah pada materi statistika. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Ambon tahun ajaran 2022/2023. Instrumen penelitian terdiri dari tes dan pedoman wawancara. Dari hasil tes dalam menyelesaikan soal statistika, subjek terdiri dari 5 siswa yang dikelompokan berdasarkan kategori sangat tinggi, tinggi, sedang, rendah dan sangat rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan kategori sangat tinggi mampu melakukan aktivitas metakognisi perencanaan, pemantauan dan evaluasi dengan baik dan berada pada level metakognisi <em>reflective use</em>. Siswa kategori tinggi mampu melakukan aktivitas metakognisi perencanaan, pemantauan dan evaluasi dengan baik dan berada pada level metakognisi <em>semireflective use</em>. Siswa kategori sedang, berada pada level <em>semistrategic Use</em> dan dapat melakukan aktivitas metakognisi meskipun belum optimal. Siswa dengan kategori rendah, berada pada level <em>aware use</em> dan melakukan aktivitas metakognisi yakni perencanaan, pemantauan dan evaluas tetapi belum optimal. Siswa dengan kategori sangat rendah berada pada level <em>tacit use</em>. Siswa tidak memanfaatkan aktivitas metakognisinya dengan baik.</p> Copyright (c) APPLICATION OF PROBLEM-SOLVING LEARNING TO IMPROVE MATHEMATICS LEARNING OUTCOME IN ELEMNTARY SHOOLS 2023-07-27T13:22:15+07:00 Achadi Budi Santosa Santosa <p>The application of problem solving learning to the subject matter of mathematics in elementary schools has been proven to improve student learning outcomes. Through the action research approach, the data collection method is based on an assessment that measures student learning outcomes. The findings of this study indicate that the problem-solving learning paradigm can be an effective tool in which fourth grade students can improve their mathematics learning outcomes, especially in the sub-field of fractions. Only 36.36% of the pre-cycle implementation of most of the student learning objectives that have been achieved, the fact that the proportion of student learning outcomes that increase in each cycle is an indicator of this. Although still lower than the cycle average of 69.69%, there was an increase in student learning outcomes throughout Cycle I. The introduction of Cycle II led to an overall increase in student learning outcomes of 90.90% of all students.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS WORD SQUARE TERHADAP KECERDASAN INTELEKTUAL SISWA DI SMA BPS&K 1 JAKARTA 2023-07-27T08:42:34+07:00 Fadhilah Qurratu Ayuni Fadhilah Acep Mulyadi <p>The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of word square-based learning media on the intellectual intelligence of students. This research is a quantitative research with the type of Nonequivalent Control Group Design research. With the population, namely students of SMA BPS &amp;K 1 Jakarta, the samples used were XI Science I as an experimental class and Science II as a control class. The data collection techniques used in this study were tests and observations. The problem studied in this study is whether word square-based learning media affects the intellectual intelligence of students in the subject of Islamic Religious Education in class XII SMA BPS &amp;k 1 Jakarta? Related to this problem, this study aims to determine and analyze the influence of word square-based learning media on intellectual intelligence which emphasizes aspects of (1) Problem Solving Ability, (2) Memory and Comprehension Ability, (3) Ability to Draw Conclusions. The results of data analysis using SPSS 25 statistical test with t test. Based on the results of the t test, it results that <strong>t<sub>hitung</sub></strong> (Independent Sample Test) is&nbsp; 4.331 and <strong>t<sub>table</sub></strong> is 1.668, then <strong>t<sub>hitung</sub> </strong>&gt; <strong>t<sub>table</sub></strong> (4.331 &gt;1.668&nbsp; ) which means that the use of word square-based learning media affects the intellectual intelligence of students in PAI subjects. It concludes that&nbsp; Ha is&nbsp; accepted and Ho is rejected. From the results of the study, there are things that researchers need to suggest, namely in carrying out learning activities using word square learning media must use clear and easy-to-understand language to make it easier for students to answer the questions contained in these boxes.</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN SOSIAL ANTI KEKERASAN: SEBUAH KAJIAN INTEGRATIF ISLAM DAN ILMU SOSIAL 2023-07-26T05:51:56+07:00 hayyun lathifaty yasri muhammad muhsin arumawan <p>The cases of violence that occurred in Indonesia are an indication of problems in the social education of the nation's generation which should be accommodated by the Tricenter of Education, namely families, schools and society in a balanced and harmonious manner. This article discusses the importance of implementing social education based on Islamic values to suppress acts of violence that may occur in the home, school or community environment. This study uses a literature study approach with content analysis techniques. In the context of teaching social sciences in schools, teachers can contribute to the internalization of non-violence values in students. Some things that teachers can do are: 1) urge students not to bring sharp objects to school, 2) show exemplary and guide students in emotional management, 3) guide students so they can solve problems they face, 4) Promote socialization of anti-violence through socialization media available at schools by involving students, 5) establish good communication and relationships with students' families and observe them regularly.</p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh Kompetensi Profesional dan Kepuasan Guru terhadap Kinerja Guru di Kecamatan Amahai Kabupaten Maluku Tengah 2023-07-20T02:02:10+07:00 Josef Daniel Anthoni Sihasale <p>The Influence of Professional Competence and Teacher Satisfaction on Teacher Performance in Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency. Objectives: This research aims to see whether there is an influence of professional competence and teacher satisfaction on teacher performance in Amahai District, Central Maluku Regency. Method: This study used an instrument in the form of a questionnaire/questionnaire with a Likert scale format. The weight of the answer scores is from 1 to 5, where: 5 is Very good/high or Strongly Agree, 4 is Good/high or Agree, 3 is Fair or Doubtful, 2 is Not good/low or Disagree and 1 is Very unfavourable/very low or Strongly disagree. Descriptive analysis was carried out to see the distribution characteristics of each variable data (Professional Competence and teacher satisfaction on Teacher Performance), using SPSS. Findings: Teacher commitment and professional competence of teachers of SMA Negeri Amahai District are included in the good category, and Teacher job satisfaction is included in the very good category. Teacher performance is also positively impacted by teacher satisfaction. Teacher job satisfaction is significantly impacted by teacher professional competence. Teacher professional competence and teacher satisfaction simultaneously proved to have a positive and significant effect on the performance of public high school teachers in Amahai District.</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN QABLA AL-WILADAH KH. HASYIM ASY’ARI 2024-09-23T02:51:39+07:00 Khusna Farida <ol> <li>Hasyim Asy’ari merupakan tokoh Islam nasional yang memiliki pengaruh besar. Pendidikan yang dienyam KH. Hasyim Asy’ari sejak lahir berbasis agama, sehingga tidak mengherankan jika kecakapannya dalam keilmuan Islam tidak diragukan. Selain basis pendidikannya, terdapat faktor lain yang juga memiliki andil besar dalam kesuksesan KH. Hasyim Asy’ari. Dalam konsep Pendidikan Islam, terdapat konsep pendidikan <em>qabla al-wilâdah</em> yang landasannya termaktub dalam Al-Qur`an. Menurut Ubes Nur, metode pendidikan <em>qabla al-wilâdah </em>dalam Islam ada sembilan, yakni metode doa, metode ibadah, metode membaca dan menghafal, metode zikir, metode instruksif, metode dialog, metode aktifitas bersama, metode bernyanyi dan bermain, dan metode kondusif alamiah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pustaka yang mencari informasi dari tulisan terkait dan teknis wawancara. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan metode yang digunakan keluarga KH. Hasyim Asy’ari dalam pendidikan <em>qabla al-wilâdah</em> KH. Hasyim Asy’ari adalah metode keturunan, metode doa, metode ibadah, metode membaca, dan metode dzikir. Tokoh KH. Hasyim Asy`ari adalah satu di antara banyaknya tokoh Islam yang rahasia kesuksesannya dapat dijadikan rujukan bahwa kesuksesan seseorang bukan hanya berasal dari usahanya sendiri, melainkan atas usaha orang tua atau nenek moyangnya pula.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Kata kunci</strong>: Pendidikan Islam, prenatal, KH. Hasyim Asy’ari</p> Copyright (c) A IMPLEMENTASI KARAKTER RELIGIUS AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMAAH MELALUI KEGIATAN DAYLI ACTIVITY DI SDIT MAKARIMAL AKHLAK 2023-07-18T15:13:17+07:00 Achmad Nazarudin <p>Keprihatinan mengenai degradasi moral siswa di tengah peradapan era modern menjadi salah satu indikasi kemorosotan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa. Salah satu pemicu degradasi moral yang dialami oleh siswa sekolah dasar adalah kurangnya peran orang tua dalam memberikan pitutur dan pengawasan terhadap anak-anaknya. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi degradasi moral siswa dapat dilakukan oleh lingkungan sekolah sebagai tempat pembentukan karakter kedua bagi anak. Melalui kegiatan <em>Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung di salah satu sekolah yakni SDIT Makarimal Akhlak bertujuan untuk menanamkan sekaligus mengembangkan karakter anak berupa sikap religius dalam menimba ilmu dan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sesuai Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah. Implementasi <em>Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung di SDIT Makarimal Akhlak dilaksanakan setiap hari untuk memberikan suatu pitutur kebaikan dalam proses kehidupan yang dilalui anak dalam kesehariannya. Beberapa aktifitas yang di implementasikan dalam kegiatan<em> Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung antara lain: kegiatan 3S (Senyum Salam Sapa), asmaul husna , tahlil ziarah kubur, istighasah, shalat dhuha berjamaah, shalat dhuhur berjamaah, shalat jumat berjamaah, sedekah, hafalan surat pendek dan wudhu sebelum memulai aktifitas.</p> Copyright (c) A IMPLEMENTASI KARAKTER RELIGIUS AHLUSSUNNAH WAL JAMAAH MELALUI KEGIATAN DAYLI ACTIVITY DI SDIT MAKARIMAL AKHLAK 2023-07-18T14:58:49+07:00 Achmad Nazarudin <p>Keprihatinan mengenai degradasi moral siswa di tengah peradapan era modern menjadi salah satu indikasi kemorosotan nilai-nilai luhur bangsa. Salah satu pemicu degradasi moral yang dialami oleh siswa sekolah dasar adalah kurangnya peran orang tua dalam memberikan pitutur dan pengawasan terhadap anak-anaknya. Salah satu upaya untuk mengatasi degradasi moral siswa dapat dilakukan oleh lingkungan sekolah sebagai tempat pembentukan karakter kedua bagi anak. Melalui kegiatan <em>Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung di salah satu sekolah yakni SDIT Makarimal Akhlak bertujuan untuk menanamkan sekaligus mengembangkan karakter anak berupa sikap religius dalam menimba ilmu dan bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sesuai Ahlussunah Wal Jamaah. Implementasi <em>Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung di SDIT Makarimal Akhlak dilaksanakan setiap hari untuk memberikan suatu pitutur kebaikan dalam proses kehidupan yang dilalui anak dalam kesehariannya. Beberapa aktifitas yang di implementasikan dalam kegiatan<em> Dayli Activity </em>yang berlangsung antara lain: kegiatan 3S (Senyum Salam Sapa), asmaul husna , tahlil ziarah kubur, istighasah, shalat dhuha berjamaah, shalat dhuhur berjamaah, shalat jumat berjamaah, sedekah, hafalan surat pendek dan wudhu sebelum memulai aktifitas.</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN METODE MUHADTASAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN MAHARAH KALAM SISWA DI LEMBAGA KURSUS BAHASA ARAB (LKBA) “OCEAN” PARE KEDIRI 2023-07-18T02:44:21+07:00 Ayu Ike Nur Isnaini Purwanto Isniyatun Niswah MZ <p>This study aims to find out how the application of the Muhadatsah method in improving students' Maharah Kalam. This research is a descriptive research that uses a qualitative approach with research subjects students at the OCEAN Pare Kediri Arabic Language Course Institute. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show 1). The application of the Muhadatsah Method at the OCEAN Pare Arabic Course Institute starts with the selection of teachers. Teachers must take a minimum of a 1 month course at LKBA OCEAN so they can apply muhadatsah teaching techniques starting from delivering mufrodats, talking to students using the mufrodats that are delivered, providing evaluation materials ranging from rote memorization to oral exams to students. The book used is a self-written book made by the institution namely Ustadz Thoyyib and Ustadz Wahid. As for the process of implementing learning, the teacher must have a learning plan that includes material. The muhadatsah method used by teachers at OCEAN Arabic language course institutions includes giving mufradat, memorizing, practicing Arabic, ta'aruf, presentations, debates, singing, and asking questions. 2). The first application of the muhadtasah method for students at the OCEAN Arabic Course institution is to develop the mufrodats that have been given. Second, processing words with the rules of nahwu and shorof which suit the dlomir and the other person. Third, communicate in Arabic in accordance with Arabic language courses spontaneously. And the fourth, actively speaking both inside and outside the bi'ah lughowiyah area. 3). Supporting factors in learning Arabic for students at the OCEAN Arabic Language Institute are the active Arabic language environment that is applied starting from the leaders, teachers, institutional staff and students. Adequate facilities both from buildings and learning equipment. Students have a high learning enthusiasm. The inhibiting factors were the different language backgrounds before entering LKBA OCEAN, some were already proficient and some were not proficient, and some students' memorization was weak.</p> Copyright (c) TELAAH PEMBELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK DENGAN PENDEKATAN EPISTIMOLOGI BURHANI 2023-07-16T12:25:27+07:00 Husnul Amalah Mala <p>Burhani's epistymological approach in learning moral creed can support the improvement of acquiring knowledge based on reality, which is not just believing something textually. Burhani plays an important role in perfecting understanding related to reason, because it is considered to have the potential to acquire various forms of knowledge. This paper uses literature studies, namely looking at data related to the theme. This article, the author will focus the discussion of Islamic epistimology on the subjects of Islamic religious education, namely moral creed using the Burhani epistymology approach which is felt to have a positive impact on the learning process of students in understanding the material both textually and contextually. The result of this study is the Burhani epistymology approach on the subjects of moral creed provides convenience in understanding the material, because this method relies on human power to obtain knowledge based on the results of rational thinking and can train students to make analyses on important matters related to the material.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN GURU PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DAN KEWARGANEGARAAN DALAM MENANAMKAN NILAI-NILAI DEMOKRASI PADA SISWA KELAS VIII SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 7 SURAKARTA TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023 2023-07-15T16:13:43+07:00 Ahmad Raffi Aswad <p>This study aims to describe the role of Pancasila and civics teachers in instilling<br>democratic values in class VIII students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta for the<br>2022/2023 academic year. The research methodology used is qualitative and uses data<br>collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and literature study. This<br>study uses two types of triangulation: source and technical. Data analysis in this study<br>uses the interaction model. The subjects of this study were the Deputy Principal, social<br>studies teacher and 8th-grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7 Surakarta for the<br>2022/2023 academic year. Sources of data in this study using informants or sources and<br>places. The findings of this study show that the role of Pancasila and civil service<br>teachers in instilling democratic values in class VIII students of SMP Muhammadiyah 7<br>Surakarta for the 2022/2023 academic year is mutual respect for opinions (free speech;<br>students are conditioned to tolerate one another) Friends; moreover, the teacher<br>guarantees group freedom so that there is no jealousy between students; The teacher<br>motivates so that they can complete assignments and exams with confidence.</p> Copyright (c) The PENGEMBANGAN MODUL DIGITAL KITAB AT TIBYAN DENGAN MODEL PENGEMBANGAN ASSURE BERBASIS HYPERCONTENT DI PESANTREN TAHFIDZ MASKANUL HUFFADZ 2023-07-15T10:20:29+07:00 Dela Ardila Sofia Arrusli <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah : 1) mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis <em>hypercontent</em>, 2) menilai/menguji hasil kelayakan modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis hypercontent yang dikembangkan, 3) mengukur efektivitas modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis hypercontent yang dikembangkan. Penelitan ini dilakukan di Pesantren Tahfidz Maskanul Huffadz Bintaro Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan (<em>R &amp; D</em>), dengan model pengembangan ASSURE. Objek penelitiannya adalah modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis <em>hypercontent</em>. Populasi penelitian adalah peserta didik program Mukim, dengan sampel program Mukim Reguler berjumlah 30 santri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis <em>hypercontent </em>adalah layak untuk diproduksi, di-<em>publish </em>dan digunakan. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari hasil validasi ahli media dengan rerata skor adalah 3.75, uji kelayakan menunjukkan “valid/tidak revisi”. Hasil dari validasi ahli materi rerata skornya adalah 3.80, uji kelayakan menunjukkan “valid/tidak revisi”. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji coba kelompok kecil rertanya adalah 3.74, uji kelayakan menunjukkan “sangat baik”. Hasil yang diperoleh dari uji coba kelompok besar rertanya adalah 3.81, uji kelayakan menunjukkan “sangat baik”. Modul digital Kitab At Tibyan berbasis <em>hypercontent </em>dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar santri program Mukim Reguler di di Pesantren Tahfidz Maskanul Huffadz Bintaro Tangerang Selatan. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari peningkatan hasil belajar sebelum dan setelah menggunakan modul digital. Sebelum menggunakan modul digital, ketuntasan belajar santri hanya 63.67%, namun setelah menggunakan modul,</p> <p>meningkat menjadi 100%. Serta sebanyak 86.67% peserta didik merasa tertarik untuk menggunakan modul digital dalam pembelajaran Kitab At Tibyan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa modul digital Kitab At Tibyan efektif dan bisa diterapkan di Pesantren Tahfidz Maskanul Huffadz Bintaro Tangerang Selatan.</p> <p>Kata kunci : pengembangan, modul digital, At Tibyan, <em>hypercontent</em></p> Copyright (c) KONSEP KEBUTUHAN MANUSIA IBNU THUFAIL DAN ABRAHAM MASLOW 2023-07-14T12:37:42+07:00 Maryam Luailik Achmad Khudori Soleh <p>Hayy bin Yaqzan, a novel by Ibnu Thufail, is a scientific work that includes various studies. This includes the study of the psychology of human needs. As a comparison in the western world, there is a famous psychologist named Abraham Maslow. He through the concept of the hierarchy of needs explains about human needs. The meeting of these two concepts of figures is very important to study so that there is no speculation that the western world has always excelled in scientific studies. This study aims to compare the concept of needs explained by Ibnu Thufail and Abraham Maslow. The method in this research is qualitative with a library research approach (literature review). The results of this study are 1) the concept of human needs according to Ibnu Thufail there are six, namely: biological needs, security needs, curiosity needs, needs to get closer to creators, social needs and self-satisfaction needs. While the concept of needs according to Abraham Maslow there are five, namely: physical and biological needs, safety and security needs, social needs, the need for appreciation, and the need for self-actualization. 2) Comparison between the two character concepts found that there are similarities and differences between the two. The similarities lie in terms of primary needs, namely biological, security and social needs, while the differences are in terms of curiosity, a sense of wanting to be close to the creator and a sense of self-satisfaction. In addition, there are differences in the study of Ibn Thufail based on philosophical tasawwuf, while Abraham uses pure philosophical studies. Although the two figures discuss different aspects, both are related to the search for meaning, self-understanding, and human relations with the environment and with others. Ibn Thufail focuses more on spiritual aspects and a broader understanding of reality, while Abraham Maslow focuses more on social needs and interpersonal relationships in the context of love and affection.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN AKTOR KEBIJAKAN NONFORMAL PADA PENDIDIKAN VOKASI 2023-07-13T00:49:40+07:00 Deddi Fasmadhy <p>Skema Public Private Partnership merupakan sebuah&nbsp; kebijakan publik strategis yang diadopsi aktor kebijakan lingkungan Rukun Tetangga (RT) 05 RW 05 Kelurahan Malaka Sari Perumnas Klender Kecamatan Duren Sawit Jakarta Timur pada Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) SMK Swasta jalur domisili. Sebagai bentuk apresiasi pada PPDB, pengurus&nbsp; Rukun Tetangga 05 RW 05 Kelurahan Malaka Sari – Kecamatan Duren Sawit – Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur membuat agenda setting kebijakan PPDB SMK Swasta Jalur Domisili dengan SMK Swasta melalui skema Public Private Partnership. Public Private Partnership pada Pendidikan vokasi melalui PPDB SMK Swasta jalur domisili dilakukan melalui pengambilan data dan informasi menggunakan metode penelitian Kualitatif dengan studi fenomenologi mengenai kesadaran pengalaman manusia dan interaksi sosial, dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Motif, Tindakan, dan Makna dari teori fenomenologi Alfred Schutz, dengan cara menganalisis hasil wawancara langsung dengan informan yang berjumlah 10 orang dengan 6 orang dari pihak sekolah SMK Swasta dan 1 orang peserta didik SMK Nurul Islam, 1 orang alumni SMK Malaka , 1 orang tua/ wali SMK Tadika Puri, 1 orang Ketua RT 05 RW 05 Kelurahan Malaka Sari Jakarta Timur. Dari hasil wawancara tersebut lalu di dilakukan Agenda setting kebijakan untuk membuat suatu kebijakan dengan ukuran plot permasalahan pribadi menjadi masalah publik sebagai tujuan kebijakan. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan “sejauh mana peranan aktor kebijakan lembaga Rukun Tetangga pada Pendidikan vokasi dengan agenda setting kebijakan skema Public Private Partnership PPDB SMK Swasta Jalur Domisili di Perumnas Klender Jakarta Timur untuk memberikan efektivitas demokrasi pada masyarakat untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa dengan capaian tujuan nilai nilai kebijakan?”</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MENGGUNAKAN E-MODUL DENGAN FITUR FLIP TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR DAN MOTIVASI SISWA 2023-07-12T12:28:11+07:00 Helma Fauziah Saluky Budi Manfaat <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar menggunakan media pembelajaran media e-modul dengan fitur flip, 2) mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar menggunakan media pembelajaran media buku cetak, 3) mengetahui perbandingan hasil belajar siswa kelas ekspermen dan kelas kontrol, 4) mengetahui perbandingan motivasi belajar siswa kelas ekspermen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan : 1) hasil uji t berpasangan terhadap hasil belajar, terdapat peningkatan signifikan yang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar matematika siswa, 2) hasil uji t berpasangan terhadap motivasi siswa, terdapat peningkatan signifikan yang menunjukkan adanya peningkatan motivasi siswa, 3) hasil uji t independent terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, artinya penggunaan media pembelajran e-modul dengan fitur flip sangat besar terhadap hasill belajar, 4) hasil uji t independent terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, artinya penggunaan media pembelajran e-modul dengan&nbsp; fitur flip sangat besar terhadap motivasi siswa.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Model PBL Berbasis TaRL Pada Materi Sistem Tata Surya 2023-07-11T03:46:07+07:00 Wasilatul Murtafiah <p>This study aims to improve student learning outcomes using the Teaching At The Right Level (TaRL)-based Problem Based Learning (PBL) model on solar system material. The type of research used is Classroom Action Assessment (CAR) using the Kemmis and Mc research design models. Taggart. The research was conducted in two cycles consisting of the stages of planning, implementing actions, observing observations, and reflecting. The subjects used in this study were 32 class VII E students of SMPN 4 Ngawi. Learning outcomes obtained in cycle one with an average score of 72.81 and a classical completeness score of 62.50% and in cycle two with an average score of 87.1875 and a classical completeness score of 87.50%. Based on the average values ??obtained in cycle one and cycle two, it shows that student learning outcomes using the TaRL-based PBL learning model have increased.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM IMAN DAN AL-QUR’AN DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER IMANI DI KUTTAB AL-FATIH MALANG 2023-07-15T05:56:45+07:00 Ayu Al Adawiyah Rohmatun M. Nurul Humaidi Muhammad Yusuf <p>The curriculum transition becomes a logical consequence that occurs, basically curriculum changes focus more on the character of students. The curriculum has changed because the challenges are getting stronger, so reforms are carried out so that education in Indonesia develops optimally. Kuttab Al-Fatih Malang is an Islamic educational institution whose mission is to restore the revival of Islam and the glory of knowledge by implementing a faith and Al-Qur'an curriculum based on the Al-Qur'an and sunnah. This study aims to describe the implementation of the faith and Al-Qur'an curriculum at Kuttab Al-Fatih Malang in shaping the faith character of students. Researchers used a type of field research that is qualitative in nature, with data collection techniques in the form of observation, interviews and documents at Kuttab Al-Fatih Malang. The results showed that the implementation at Kuttab Al-Fatih Malang was based on three stages, namely planning, implementation and evaluation. The formation of faith character refers to the concept of a holistic approach developed in learning faith and the Koran, developing daily, weekly, monthly, semester and annual programs for students and educators as well as through good synergy between teachers and parents.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ayu Al Adawiyah Rohmatun, M. Nurul Humaidi, Muhammad Yusuf A. Implementasi Model PBAS Dalam Pembelajaran 2023-07-06T16:50:30+07:00 Dzul Afria Sari Dzul Afria Sari <p>Teachers are essentially educational staff who bear a heavy responsibility for humanity, especially with regard to the educational process. Learning is a system, which consists of various components that are interconnected with one another. While learning is a process of interaction with all situations that exist around the individual. Learning can be seen as a goal-directed process and a process of doing through various experiences. Learning activities are carried out by two actors, namely teachers and students. The teacher and student relationship must be dynamic and conditional with educational meaning. Teacher behavior is teaching and student behavior is learning. For this reason, the use of learning approaches and models must be able to activate students so that there are changes in students in learning activities.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> PBAS MODEL, IMPLEMENTATION,LEARNING</p> Copyright (c) anxiety, speaking, STUDENTS’ ANXIETY IN SPEAKING ENGLISH AT PONPES DARUL IKHLAS 2023-07-06T14:42:57+07:00 musthafa fadli perkasyah Utami Dewi <p style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this paper is to investigate the students’ anxiety in speaking English, the factors of students’ anxiety in speaking English and what kind of anxiety students face in speaking English. The method of this research was the qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The participants of the study were 29 students and an English teacher. The technique to analyze the data used qualitative data analysis which consist of three steps such as data condensation, data display, and drawing. The result showed that students have fear of making mistakes which is 36% the factor in students’ anxiety in speaking English. Then, the second one was afraid of a classmate which is 34%, and the last was lack of preparation which shows 30 %. Then, the teacher tries to solve this problem by repeating the material and improving vocabulary mastery.</p> Copyright (c) KECERDASAN EMOSI PENGHAFAL QUR’AN : TELAAH PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN 2023-07-05T15:38:43+07:00 Yuntafaul 'Amala <p>The purpose of this research is to understand and theoretically describe the emotional intelligence of Quran memorizers in the context of educational psychology. The research conducted for this article involved gathering information from sources such as journals and books using descriptive analysis methods. In this analysis, Analytics technology was used to analyze relevant content. The research findings indicate that the success of Quran memorization is greatly influenced by emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence encompasses the ability to recognize and understand emotions, manage and direct them, have enthusiasm, empathy, and the ability to interact with others. When someone feels calm, comfortable, and happy, their ability to memorize the Quran can easily improve. On the other hand, Quran memorization is hindered when someone is feeling uncomfortable or sad. The research shows that emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in Quran memorization. Memorizers need to understand their own emotions and those of others, as well as control and motivate themselves. Memory and self-regulation factors also play an important role in improving memorization. With effective memory strategies and the ability to manage time and focus, Quran memorizers can achieve success in memorizing effectively and efficiently in the context of educational psychology.</p> Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN ILMU SHOROF DENGAN PERSPEKTIF KOGNITIF DI STAI ALI BIN ABI THALIB SURABAYA 2023-07-05T07:59:42+07:00 abdulbasid Musthofa <p>The purpose of this research is about learning shorof science with a cognitive perspective at STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya as follows; The first is to find out the learning process of shorof science with a cognitive theory perspective. The second is to explain the methods used in learning shorof science with a cognitive perspective. This research uses descriptive qualitative type. The data sources in this study were the shorof science lecturer and the Head of PBA Study Program at STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya. To obtain the data needed for research, researchers used observation and interview techniques. The researcher conducted an observation technique on semester 2 students at STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya and used interview techniques with the Head of PBA Study Program and the lecturer in the Sharaf course in that class. The form of data analysis used in this study is the interactive data analysis model of Milles and Huberman. The analysis technique begins with collecting data, presenting it, reducing it and concluding it. The results of this study show two findings, first that the learning process of shorof science with a cognitive perspective includes the following steps; planning, implementation and evaluation of learning. Furthermore, the shorof science learning methods with a cognitive perspective used at STAI Ali bin Abi Talib Surabaya are as follows; the first is the deductive method, the second is the lecture method, the third is the question and answer method, and the fourth is the rote method.</p> Copyright (c) Digitalisasi Bahan Ajar Untuk Membangun Pemahaman Agama Islam Yang Moderat 2023-09-27T03:11:13+07:00 Agus Lestari Yudo Handoko <p>This research aims to analyze the utilization of the digitalization of teaching materials for the Islamic religion course in enhancing moderate understanding of Islam among students in the Society 5.0. In this scientific paper, the author discusses the digitalization of teaching materials for the Islamic religion course to improve moderate understanding of Islam in the Society 5.0 with a qualitative research approach. In this approach, The author collected data and information through interviews, observations, and various sources related to the topic, including scientific journals, books, and reliable online sources. The results of the study show that digitalization of teaching materials can help improve moderate understanding of Islam among students. However, there are still several obstacles in implementing digitalization of teaching materials, such as the digital divide and lack of direct interaction between lecturers and students. Therefore, educational institutions need to provide adequate internet access and devices, technology skills training, provide online and offline discussion forums, and introduce anti-plagiarism policies to overcome these obstacles. This research contributes to the development of digital technology in Islamic education in the Society 5.0.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Lestari, Yudo Handoko PENERAPAN TEORI BEHAVIORISME DALAM PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN : STUDI KASUS TENTANG PENGARUH LINGKUNGAN TERHADAP PERILAKU SANTRI ( di Pondok Pesantren Jabal Noer Sidoarjo) 2023-07-05T04:20:14+07:00 Halimatus Sa'diyah <p>Artikel ini membahas penerapan teori behaviorisme dalam konteks pendidikan pesantren. Pesantren adalah institusi pendidikan Islam tradisional di Indonesia, yang memiliki lingkungan unik dan nilai-nilai kultural yang khas. Dalam konteks ini, penelitian ini berfokus pada bagaimana teori behaviorisme dapat memengaruhi perilaku santri (penghuni pesantren) melalui interaksi dengan lingkungan mereka.</p> <p>Dalam penelitian ini, pendekatan sosiologi pendidikan digunakan untuk mengkaji pengaruh lingkungan pesantren, termasuk norma-norma, tata nilai, dan sistem penguatan, dalam membentuk perilaku santri. Penelitian dilakukan melalui studi kasus di pesantren Jabal Noer yang menerapkan teori behaviorisme sebagai pendekatan pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara.</p> <p>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan teori behaviorisme dalam pesantren memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap perilaku santri. Melalui sistem penguatan positif dan negatif, santri belajar untuk menyesuaikan perilaku mereka dengan nilai-nilai dan norma-norma yang ada dalam lingkungan pesantren. Penguatan positif seperti pujian dan penghargaan memberikan motivasi tambahan bagi santri untuk mengulangi perilaku yang diinginkan, sementara penguatan negatif, seperti hukuman ringan, bertujuan untuk menghindari perilaku yang tidak diinginkan.</p> <p>Artikel ini juga menggambarkan bagaimana teori behaviorisme membentuk budaya pesantren, yang mencerminkan pentingnya kedisiplinan, kesantunan, dan etika dalam kehidupan sehari-hari santri. Pesantren sebagai lingkungan belajar yang intensif dan terstruktur memberikan kesempatan bagi teori behaviorisme untuk diterapkan secara efektif.</p> Copyright (c) Imp IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DENGAN LITERASI MEMBACA DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH 2023-07-05T00:42:47+07:00 s subaidah <p>This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach, using a direct field research strategy and with the type of case study research at MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo, collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation methods in low classes, namely low grade MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo. As for data analysis is qualitative narrative, by identifying and analyzing Indonesian Language Learning with Reading Literacy at MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo. The results showed that children's reading development can be analyzed using 4 aspects, namely: (1) speaking skills, (2) listening skills, (3) reading skills and (4) writing skills. Where the four aspects if it becomes a habit, will provide many benefits. However, the results of the achievement of these four aspects show that MI Nurul Huda Ngempelsari Candi Sidoarjo students still experience many difficulties, this is due to the lack of attention and guidance and the role of parents in improving students' reading skills. So students still need improvement of facilities and infrastructure, for example providing a reading garden or book corner in each class, adding a collection of reading books that attract students. Then students and teachers must also begin to familiarize themselves with playing an active role in reading literacy activities so that the goal of achieving reading literacy can be conveyed well and can be implemented in everyday life.</p> Copyright (c) Sosiologi Pendidikan di Era Masyarakat yang Modern 2023-07-04T22:39:54+07:00 Farah rahadatul AWP <p>Sociology is required in the attempt to construct this very vast education since education takes place in the lives of a society that is still expanding and changing quickly. The practice of education may be inappropriate without a comprehension of the traits of growth and development. Social science is needed for this, particularly theories of sociology. Education and sociology have distinct meanings. However, these two disciplines came together as a result of the evolution of social events that occurred. In other words, educational sociology is a subfield of sociology that focuses on areas of research that connect sociology and education. The concepts, theories, methodology, scope, and approaches that are employed have many points of touch. In the past</p> Copyright (c) PEMAHAMAN SHALAT JAMA’ DAN QASHAR TERHADAP FAKTOR GENDER SISWA 2023-07-03T19:58:16+07:00 Murharyana Murharyana Ibnu Imam Al Ayyubi Rifqi Rohmatulloh Zaini Hadi Fadhilah <p>Learning can be interpreted as a conscious learning and teaching process by a teacher to his students achieve the expected competencies, these things in learning are two inherent aspects. This study uses quantitative research with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test analysis technique with the Two Ways ANOVA method to see the average difference in student learning outcomes. The processing of the research data was carried out with the help of the SPSS version 26 program with a sample of 90 students. It was concluded that the data were not normally distributed, so the test used next was the Non-Parametric Statistical Test with the Median Test. In the Median Test, it was found that there was no difference in students' understanding of prayer in Jama and qashar towards cooperative, collaborative, and conventional learning models as well as on gender factors, namely men and women. From this study, it can be said that learning about congregational prayers and qashar in cooperative, collaborative, and conventional models cannot significantly differentiate gender factors, namely men and women to get significant differences in student learning outcomes.</p> Copyright (c) toleransi: agree in disagreement dan konsep moderasi beragama menurut kajian filsafat sosial 2023-07-03T08:33:39+07:00 Najwa azaria subari <p>Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang konsep toleransi yang menjadi salah satu pembahasan fenomenal dalam sepanjang catatan sejarah, terlebih lagi toleransi beragama. Islam memberikan perhatian yang tinggi terhadap perlunya toleransi beragama sejak awal perkembangan Islam, baik tersurat di dalam Alquran maupun tersirat dalam berbagai perilaku Nabi. Dalam penerapannya, tidak banyak golongan yang bersikap toleran kepada lainnya. Selain itu, keadaan zaman yang semakin modern beriringan pula dengan sikap moderasi beragama yang selalu digaungkan oleh kaum mayoritas, seperti Islam. Dalam tulisan ini kita akan mengkorelasikan kedua hal tersebut agar bisa berjalan beriringan tanpa harus mengesampingkan salah satunya.”</p> Copyright (c) PENELITIAN PENGEMBANGAN: BAHAN AJAR MATERI KERAGAMAN SUKU BANGSA DAN BUDAYA DI SEKOLAH DASAR 2023-07-02T23:28:56+07:00 Nur Hidayah Hanifah Candra Avista Putri Helga Salsabila Ratna Megawangi Siti Mar’atul Eva Hurriyah <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The implementation of learning in the 21st century requires to keep up with the times that require technology-based. But in reality not all educators are able to make technology-based teaching materials. This also happened at MI Nurul Jadid that the school has received sufficient facilities to use technology-based teaching materials. However, during the learning process, educators still very often use conventional teaching materials, as a result students feel bored quickly during learning. So that learning objectives cannot be achieved optimally. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to develop web-based teaching materials and find out the effectiveness of using web-based teaching materials during the learning process. The research method uses the ADDIE model which consists of five stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation. The results of the web-based teaching material development process received 95% material expert validation with very valid criteria, 89% design expert validation with very valid criteria, and 92.7% learning expert validation with very valid criteria. So web-based teaching materials are very feasible to use. As well as teaching materials in trials to grade IV students of MI Nurul Jadid Blitar have increased, namely the average pretest score in the experimental class is 52.5, then in the experimental class treatment is given using web-based teaching materials, the average value of the postest is 82.5 So with this, it can be said that the use of web-based teaching materials has an influence in improving student learning outcomes.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN SISTEM ZONASI DALAM PENERIMAAN PESERTA DIDIK BARU TINGKAT SMPN DI KABUPATEN SOLOK 2023-07-01T14:08:10+07:00 Fadli Padila Putra Riska Rahmawati <p>The application of the zoning system in the realm of education in Indonesia is one of the government's efforts to overcome the still widespread educational inequality in society. However, the implementation of this zoning system has not been implemented properly, with various obstacles and challenges faced in the field. The purpose of this study was to find out to what extent the zoning system policy has been implemented in accepting new students in Solok Regency, especially at the junior high school level. Qualitative method applied in this research. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses data from scientific journals, books, and interviews. The findings of this study indicate that the zoning system policy has been implemented at the junior high school level in Pantai Cermin District, Solok Regency, West Sumatra Province, although it has not been implemented properly, as evidenced by the uneven implementation of the zoning system, the lack of supervision carried out by the Education Office on schools that implement the zoning system. this, the socialization of the zoning system which is still not optimal and the dishonesty of the PPDB committee in accepting new students who are not in their zone.</p> Copyright (c) TELAAH PEMBELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK DENGAN PENDEKATAN EPISTIMOLOGI BURHANI 2023-06-30T14:51:43+07:00 Husnul Amalah Mala <p>Burhani's epistymological approach in learning moral creed can support the improvement of acquiring knowledge based on reality, which is not just believing something textually. Burhani plays an important role in perfecting understanding related to reason, because it is considered to have the potential to acquire various forms of knowledge. This paper uses literature studies, namely looking at data related to the theme. This article, the author will focus the discussion of Islamic epistimology on the subjects of Islamic religious education, namely moral creed using the Burhani epistymology approach which is felt to have a positive impact on the learning process of students in understanding the material both textually and contextually. The result of this study is the Burhani epistymology approach on the subjects of moral creed provides convenience in understanding the material, because this method relies on human power to obtain knowledge based on the results of rational thinking and can train students to make analyses on important matters related to the material.</p> Copyright (c) Karakteristik Penelitian Pengembangan 2023-06-30T04:36:11+07:00 Zulfikar Hasan <p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana karakteristik penelitian pengembangan. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa penelitian pengembangan di bidang pendidikan merupakan penelitian yang <em>output </em>dan <em>outcome</em>nya berupa produk pendidikan yang bertujuan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran. &nbsp;Dalam upaya ini, penelitian pengembangan memiliki &nbsp;karakteristik &nbsp;yang&nbsp; berbeda &nbsp;dengan &nbsp;penelitian &nbsp;pada &nbsp;umumnya, misalnya&nbsp; penelitian &nbsp;deskriptif&nbsp; kualitatif &nbsp;maupun &nbsp;kuantitatif. Jika penelitian &nbsp;deskriptif lebih bersifat perian data yang sifatnya informatif praktis maupun teoretis, maka penelitian pengembangan dicirikan oleh produk yang secara langsung dan sekaligus dirasakan dampaknya untuk peningkatan kualitas pembelajaran berdasarkan data empiris di lapangan baik data kuantitiatif maupun kualitatif. Hasil pembahasan dalam artikel ini disimpulkan bahwa ada lima karaketeristik dari penelitian pengembangan, yaitu: Produk berbasis masalah, uji coba produk, Revisi Produk, tidak menguji teori, dan kebermanfaatan produk untuk perbaikan.</p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh Think Paire Share, Think Pair Square, Konvensional Terhadap Kemampuan Membaca Iqro dan Hasil Belajar 2024-02-27T02:37:08+07:00 Nurdiyanto Nurdiyanto Rahayu Kariadinata Adam Malik <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The aim of this research is to describe; (1) Differences in the application of learning models (TPS, TPSq, and Conventional) to PAI learning outcomes; (2) Knowing Iqra's reading ability in terms of the economic factors of the student's parents in categories (Upper, Middle and Lower); (3) Seeing whether there is an interaction between the learning model and Iqra's reading ability in determining PAI learning outcomes. The approach taken in this research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental method. The population of this study was grade 1 students at SDIT Nur El-Qolam Serang Banten consisting of 76 students. The instruments used consist of; (1) the test determines PAI learning outcomes through a questionnaire with a questionnaire of 25 questions, including; 20 PG and 5 Essays. (2) test the ability to read Iqra through an oral test, namely reading the book Iqra volume 2. The data analysis technique in this research uses two-way ANOVA analysis. The results of this research show that; (1) There are differences in student PAI learning outcomes based on learning models (TPS, TPSq, and Conv); (2) There is no difference in student PAI learning outcomes based on Iqra reading ability in terms of the economic factors of the students' parents categories (Upper, Middle and Lower); (3) And there is no interaction between the Learning Model and Iqra reading ability in determining Student PAI Learning Outcomes.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurdiyanto Nurdiyanto, Rahayu Kariadinata, Adam Malik THE IMPACT OF WOMEN EMPOWERMENT EDUCATION ON STUDENTS' PERCEPTIONS ABOUT GENDER EQUALITY IN DARUSSALAM ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL, BANYUMAS 2023-06-27T07:33:06+07:00 harisman harisman <p>Starting from gender issues that have long been ingrained in society. This paper tries to explain the impact of women's empowerment education which is carried out based on programs from Islamic boarding schools on students' perceptions of gender equality. By taking the research object of the Darussalam Islamic boarding school, Banyumas, the author tries to examine further regarding how much this impact had in changing the mindset of students towards gender equality. The study used a qualitative method with data collection techniques using more interviews, in addition to observation and documentation. The results shows that women's empowerment education programs in Darussalam Islamic boarding school have a major influence on students' perceptions of women's empowerment, gender equality as well as the realm of differences between men and women.</p> Copyright (c) THE MORAL DEVELOPMENT OF KOHLBERG AND IBN MISKAWAIH IN ISLAMIC EDUCATION 2023-06-27T00:51:45+07:00 Dhuhrotul Khoiriyah <p>Islamic education aims to shape good Muslim individuals with noble character and the ability to benefit others. Individuals who possess good morals are believed to have a good personality. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive with a literature study approach. The research result explain that Kohlberg provides an explanation with his perspective on moral reasoning as the basis of ethical behavior, which consist of six stages of development. These six stages are divided into three levels: 1) Preconventional morality level, 2) Conventional morality level, and 3) Postconventional morality level. Morality continues to develop as age progress. On the other hand, Ibn Miskawaih states that morality is character. Character can arise from innate disposition or habitual training. Ibn Miskawaih explains that character is an inner disposition that spontaneously drives one to exhibit virtous behavior, which differs from Kohlberg's view stating that a person's behavior is greatly influenced by moral reasoning corresponding to their developmental stage. The current implementation of character education greatly relies on the involvement of educational bureaucrats to ensure the success of education in Indonesia. One crucial aspect is the need for the reconstruction of religious education into a humanistic, inductive, and realistic learning experience.</p> Copyright (c) Developing VILLE 5.0 (Virtual Language Laboratory based on Education 5.0) for English 2023-06-25T18:02:58+07:00 Tatas Transinata Rati Riana Adolf Situmorang <p>Learning English in the Education 5.0 era encourages massive changes, especially in the media and learning models. In this research, researchers developed a model that plays a very important role, namely VILLE 5.0 (Virtual Language Laboratory based on Education 5.0). The subjects in this research were 93 students of the 11th grade Vocational High School SMK Perdana Semarang. The instruments used questionnaires and expert validation tests. Data was processed by analyzing validator response data with a Likert scale. The syntax VILLE 5.0 learning model consist of providing the problem, making the group, doing inquiry through virtual media, constructing the media, simulating the solution, and presenting the result on virtual media. The results of VILLE 5.0 validity test are very valid level, while the feasibility aspects from students’ view were 96% and from the teachers’ view were 92 %. The score for practicality test were 95% from the teachers and 92% score from the students. The conclusion based on the results that VILLE 5.0 are valid, feasible and practical. VILLE 5.0 can be used as an innovative learning model for English Subject. VILLE 5.0 is very comprehensive to be implemented as an Education 5.0 learning model era because the class can optimize the technology and interaction.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) MODEL INOVASI PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PAI 2023-06-25T16:55:55+07:00 Rachmad Arif Ma'ruf Agus Maimun <p>In this paper, we will discuss further about innovative models for the development of resources and Islamic learning media that can be used in Islamic education learning as well as the benefits and challenges in their development as well as the types and characteristics of learning media. The research design is Literature Review or literature review. The results of the discussion: 1) Learning resources and media are everything that is used in the learning process of Islamic Religious Education (PAI); 2) PAI learning models: e-learning, blended learning, flipped classroom, game-based learning, mobile learning, collaborative learning, problem-based learning, virtual reality, social media, personalized learning, learning management system (LSM); 3) Types and characteristics of learning media, namely: graphic media, projection media, audio media, and audio visual media.</p> Copyright (c) KEPEMIMPINAN PEREMPUAN DITINJAU DARI HADIST 2023-06-25T15:59:12+07:00 Aulia Rahmi Aulia <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The conflict over the leadership role of women in Islam stems from differences in interpretation of several verses and hadiths of the Prophet. Women tend to be among the oppressed, persecuted and deprived of their rights. Though Islam teaches respect, appreciation and love with others. Women tend to be among the oppressed, persecuted and deprived of their rights. Islam teaches respect, appreciation and love with others. This study of women's leadership is a library research with a thematic hadith approach. Descriptive results have occurred, in this study qualitative data analysis is based on a combination of words and numbers arranged in one overall theme. This discussion is important to explore the extent of women's leadership, both nationally and as public figures. This type of library was chosen because this type of research uses hadith theory.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Leadership, Women, Hadist</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Konflik tentang peran kepemimpinan perempuan dalam Islam bermula dari perbedaan penafsiran terhadap beberapa ayat dan hadits Nabi. Perempuan cenderung berada di antara yang tertindas dianiaya dan dirampas hak-haknya. Padahal Islam mengajarkan hormat, penghargaan dan cinta dengan orang lain. Perempuan cenderung berada di antara yang tertindas dianiaya dan dirampas hak-haknya. Islam mengajarkan hormat, penghargaan dan cinta dengan orang lain. Kajian kepemimpinan perempuan ini merupakan studi kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan hadits tematik. Hasil deskriptif telah terjadi, dalam penelitian ini analisis data kualitatif didasarkan pada gabungan kata dan angka yang disusun dalam satu tema secara keseluruhan. Diskusi ini penting untuk menggali sejauh mana kepemimpinan perempuan, baik secara nasional maupun sebagai figur publik. Jenis perpustakaan ini dipilih karena jenis penelitian ini menggunakan teori hadits.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Kepemimpinan, Perempuan, Hadist.</p> Copyright (c) Relevansi Penerapan Metode Pendidikan Ibnu Khaldun dengan Materi Kurikulum Merdeka 2023-06-25T15:29:53+07:00 Lely Nurarifah Riani Ardya Putri Rifqi Haryanto <p><em>The Merdeka Curriculum focuses on the activeness of students (Student Center Learning / SCL), then teachers also have the freedom to determine the learning methods that will be applied to deliver learning materials. Thus, it is necessary to research the relevance or suitability of the application of Ibn Khaldun's learning methods if carried out to deliver the current Independent Curriculum material. This research was conducted using the literature study method. The results of this study found several educational methods according to Ibn Khaldun, including methods of memorization, discussion, rihlah, gradualness, repetition, and practice. These methods are still relevant when conveying some of Indonesia's current Merdeka Curriculum material. </em></p> Copyright (c) PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOSOSIAL ANAK YANG DIDAMPINGI DI SEKOLAH DAN KERJASAMA GURU DAN ORANGTUA DALAM MENGATASINYA 2023-06-25T01:00:12+07:00 Islahatul Aulia <p>This study aims to determine the psychosocial development of children who are accompanied at school, the factors that cause children to always want to be accompanied, and the cooperation of teachers and parents in dealing with children who are still accompanied at Kindergarten of Kasih Bunda, Praya District. This research is a research that uses a qualitative descriptive approach method. Collecting data in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the psychosocial development of children who are accompanied by their parents while studying at Kasih Bunda Kindergarten does not develop normally, because there are still many children who depend on their parents during school hours. This can hinder the psychosocial development of children, of the four children who are assisted, two children who have developed and two others who have not yet developed. Factors that cause children to always want to be accompanied are Trauma, lack of confidence, fear of the new environment, parenting styles and physiological conditions (congenital diseases). And forms of cooperation between teachers and parents include: being open to children's behavior at school and at home, motivating children, taking children to heart, making children happy at school and trusting teachers.</p> Copyright (c) PERBEDAAN DAN PERSAMAAN METODE PANDANGAN HADIS ANTARA MUHAMMAD AL-GHAZALI DAN YUSUF AL-QARADHAWI 2023-06-24T10:32:53+07:00 Anda Maryani <p>To explain of what is meant by the method in understanding the Hadith, it is important to begin this study to find out the foremost terms of method, and “Hadith semantically. A method is defined as “a well-ordered procedure and profoundly thinking to achieve its purpose (in science and et cetera). A systemic working procedure to simplify the implementation of an activity to achieve something has been determined. Therefore, the method in understanding Hadith is the procedures applied in understanding the Hadith. Many figures or scholars sincerely conduct researches on all of the existing Hadiths, both those are found in the Hadith books and those are not. Among many figures and Hadith scholars, both from Islamic world and “experts”, who sincerely studied the Hadith are from Orientalist (Western) circles. In this short article the author took only three Hadith figures for further study regarding to their method in understanding the Prophet’s Hadith.</p> Copyright (c) Kurikulum Madrasah Perkembangan Kurikulum Madrasah di Indonesia 2023-06-23T17:54:44+07:00 Ahmad Mamun Daroini Daroini <p>Kemunculan Madrasah menjadi penting bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan budaya islam yang tujuan utamanya ingin mengembangkan pendidikan islam, dan menyebar luaskan ajaran-ajaran islam.Pendidikan madrasah mengalami perkembangan dari waktu ke waktu menuju lembaga yang lebih baik, sampai detik ini sudah banyak mengalami kemajuan, sehingga terbentuk seperti sekolah-sekolah modern adapun bentuk-bentuk atau tingkatan-tigkatanya adalah madrasah ibtidaiyah, tsanawiyah dan Aliyah, dan dengan pembagian-pembagian tingkatan tersebut di yakini mampu mempermudah santri atau pelajar-pelajar yang belajar dimadrasah, untuk itu sangat penting suatu perkembangan tentang lembaga madrasah untuk dipelajari lebih mendalam, pada jurnal ini penulis akan membahas tentang proses perkembangan kurikulum madrasah di Indonesia mulai dari sebelum masa kemerdekaan hingga saat ini.</p> Copyright (c) PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER DISIPLIN PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM (PAI) DI SMA BUDI UTOMO PERAK 2023-08-08T06:44:48+07:00 Wahyudi Wahyudi Khoirun Nisa’ Fahmi Fachrurrozie <p>Discipline character is a fundamental value that builds personality. Discipline character education in Indonesia has become a necessity that cannot be avoided. Reviewing the National Education System Law in Indonesia, education is a process to produce graduates who are noble, professional in the field of science and technology and able to adapt in society. This study aims to identify; (1) the formation of the character of student discipline through learning Islamic religious education at SMA Budi Utomo Perak (2) the problems and their solutions. This research was conducted at SMA Budi Utomo Perak where this school upholds the values ??of the character of the religious profession, excellence, solidarity, trustworthiness, virtue, skill and independence in its vision. Researchers use qualitative research as a method. The research subjects were vice principals for curriculum, Islamic religious education teachers, and several students. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the teaching of disciplinary character through Islamic religious education is quite effective starting from teaching planning, implementing the teaching process, and teaching evaluation.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyudi Wahyudi, Khoirun Nisa’, Fahmi Fachrurrozie PENGASUHAN ORANG TUA DI ERA DIGITAL PERSPEKTIF PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2023-06-23T15:41:15+07:00 Zulli Nurrita Abdul Muhid <p>Parents are the main and most important factor in the success of a child's education. Parents, especially mothers, have duties and responsibilities in educating, nurturing, and raising their children with great affection. However, over time, parenting has become increasingly difficult. The rapid development of technology has a significant impact on human life. Gadget addiction is one of the visible and felt impacts, especially among children. Gadget addiction results in negative changes in a child's personality, such as aggressive behavior, impatience, anti-social behavior, laziness, disrupted sleep patterns, and even distancing oneself from religion. In this case, the role of parents is crucial in addressing these problems. One of the ways is by providing the right parenting style. The purpose of this research is to provide explanations and suggestions regarding effective and proper parenting methods that are relevant to be applied in the digital era in accordance with Islamic teachings. This research utilizes a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of the study explain that relevant and applicable parenting styles for parents in this digital era include using exemplary methods, advice, attention, habits, and punishments. Parents can apply all of these methods simultaneously or choose to implement them one by one depending on the events or problems they encounter.</p> Copyright (c) Moderasi di Lembaga Pendidikan Berbasis Agama: Studi Kasus di MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja Kendal 2023-06-23T14:07:25+07:00 Mochammad Maola <p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki penerapan moderasi beragama di lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan mengambil MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja sebagai studi kasus. Meskipun siswa di sana menganut agama yang sama, lembaga ini memiliki siswa dengan latar belakang yang beragam. Namun, setiap individu tetap memiliki karakter yang beragam. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi para tenaga pendidik di MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja untuk menerapkan dan memahami moderasi agar tercipta suasana pembelajaran yang harmonis dan saling menghargai antara guru, siswa, maupun siswa dengan guru. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara langsung dengan beberapa guru di MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja. Melalui observasi, peneliti mengamati interaksi antara guru dan siswa, serta antara siswa satu dengan yang lainnya di lingkungan pembelajaran. Wawancara dengan guru juga dilakukan untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang praktik moderasi beragama yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama memainkan peran penting dalam menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang harmonis dan saling menghargai di MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja. Guru-guru di lembaga ini secara aktif menerapkan pendekatan moderat dalam mengajar dengan penekanan pada nilai-nilai universal persaudaraan, toleransi, dan penghargaan terhadap perbedaan. Mereka berupaya menciptakan lingkungan di mana siswa dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman agama mereka tanpa mengesampingkan keberagaman yang ada. Temuan penelitian juga menyoroti pentingnya pemahaman yang baik tentang budaya dan agama yang beragam di kalangan guru. Pendidik di MA NU 04 Al Ma'arif Boja perlu mendapatkan pelatihan dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang beragam agama, sehingga mereka dapat mengajar dengan akurat dan obyektif, serta merespons kebutuhan spiritual dan keagamaan siswa dengan bijaksana.</p> Copyright (c) hadijah EPISTEMOLOGI PENANAMAN SIKAP SOPAN SANTUN PADA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK AL-FADILAH YOGYAKARTA 2023-06-22T17:11:16+07:00 Hadijah01 MAIMUNAH <p>Epistemology in the aspect of cultivating polite behavior in children aged 5 to 6 years can be seen from the development of children's polite behavior. Therefore educators and parents can provide the following directions: teach polite behavior to children when they are at home, create good communication relationships with children, set an example to be honest, disciplined, responsible, tolerant and caring for others. The aim of this research is to look at the politeness of children aged 5 to 6 years at Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. The method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. In collecting technical data used, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The destination is Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. Research time May 6-end 2023 at 7:00-10:00 WIB. The conclusion of the study is that in Al-Fadilah Kindergarten, the habits of character have shown changes. Guidance and direction by the Al-Fadilah Kindergarten teacher is also very helpful for children in carrying out activities that have been given to children. This is in accordance with what has been observed by researchers, the habit of children shaking hands with teachers when entering the school gate and vice versa. And children are always taught regularly and carry out Duha prayers together before learning begins.</p> <p>Keywords: Epistemology, cultivating politeness</p> Copyright (c) HADIJAH EPISTEMOLOGI PENANAMAN SIKAP SOPAN SANTUN PADA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK AL-FADILAH YOGYAKARTA 2023-06-22T16:32:42+07:00 Hadijah MAIMUNAH <p>Epistemology in the aspect of cultivating polite behavior in children aged 5 to 6 years can be seen from the development of children's polite behavior. Therefore educators and parents can provide the following directions: teach polite behavior to children when they are at home, create good communication relationships with children, set an example to be honest, disciplined, responsible, tolerant and caring for others. The aim of this research is to look at the politeness of children aged 5 to 6 years at Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. The method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. In collecting technical data used, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The destination is Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. Research time May 6-end 2023 at 7:00-10:00 WIB. The conclusion of the study is that in Al-Fadilah Kindergarten, the habits of character have shown changes. Guidance and direction by the Al-Fadilah Kindergarten teacher is also very helpful for children in carrying out activities that have been given to children. This is in accordance with what has been observed by researchers, the habit of children shaking hands with teachers when entering the school gate and vice versa. And children are always taught regularly and carry out Duha prayers together before learning begins.</p> <p>Keywords: Epistemology, cultivating politeness</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) HADIJAH EPISTEMOLOGI PENANAMAN SIKAP SOPAN SANTUN PADA ANAK USIA 5-6 TAHUN DI TK AL-FADILAH YOGYAKARTA 2023-06-22T15:59:17+07:00 Hadijah MAIMUNAH <p>Epistemology in the aspect of cultivating polite behavior in children aged 5 to 6 years can be seen from the development of children's polite behavior. Therefore educators and parents can provide the following directions: teach polite behavior to children when they are at home, create good communication relationships with children, set an example to be honest, disciplined, responsible, tolerant and caring for others. The aim of this research is to look at the politeness of children aged 5 to 6 years at Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. The method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative. In collecting technical data used, namely observation, interviews and documentation. The destination is Al-Fadilah Kindergarten. Research time May 6-end 2023 at 7:00-10:00 WIB. The conclusion of the study is that in Al-Fadilah Kindergarten, the habits of character have shown changes. Guidance and direction by the Al-Fadilah Kindergarten teacher is also very helpful for children in carrying out activities that have been given to children. This is in accordance with what has been observed by researchers, the habit of children shaking hands with teachers when entering the school gate and vice versa. And children are always taught regularly and carry out Duha prayers together before learning begins.</p> <p>Keywords: Epistemology, cultivating politeness</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS KONSEP MANUSIA, STRUKTUR PSIKIS MANUSIA DAN MOTIVASI UTAMA MANUSIA BERPERILAKU DALAM PERSPEKTIF PSIKOLOGI BARAT PSIKOLOANALISIS, BEHAVIORISTIK, DAN HUMANISTIK 2023-06-22T14:22:33+07:00 ROYUN NISWATI AHADA UYUN <p>Humans are dynamic creatures that always evolve from time to time. Changes often occur in the era of civilization, resulting in the people in this area being in the highest order of life. Humans consist of two components, namely physical and spiritual. These two components are closely related and will always be related to each other. Humans are noble beings in this world among other creatures. But apart from this, human nature itself is still a big question mark and needs to be explored in depth. In another perspective, people are also seen from the perspective of behaviorism. According to this flow, humans are considered as machines (homo mechanicus) that can control behavior through conditioning. Desirable settings are continually being made to cause maladaptive behavior or deviant behavior.</p> Copyright (c) Im IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DENGAN LITERASI MEMBACA DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH 2023-06-22T03:26:16+07:00 s subaidah <p>This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach, using a direct field research strategy and with the type of case study research at MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo, collecting data using interviews, observation, and documentation methods in low classes, namely low grade MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo. As for data analysis is qualitative narrative, by identifying and analyzing Indonesian Language Learning with Reading Literacy at MI Nurul Huda Ngampelsari Candi Sidoarjo. The results showed that children's reading development can be analyzed using 4 aspects, namely: (1) speaking skills, (2) listening skills, (3) reading skills and (4) writing skills. Where the four aspects if it becomes a habit, will provide many benefits. However, the results of the achievement of these four aspects show that MI Nurul Huda Ngempelsari Candi Sidoarjo students still experience many difficulties, this is due to the lack of attention and guidance and the role of parents in improving students' reading skills. So students still need improvement of facilities and infrastructure, for example providing a reading garden or book corner in each class, adding a collection of reading books that attract students. Then students and teachers must also begin to familiarize themselves with playing an active role in reading literacy activities so that the goal of achieving reading literacy can be conveyed well and can be implemented in everyday life.</p> Copyright (c) HAKEKAT KURIKULUM DAN PEMBELAJARAN 2023-06-21T23:30:29+07:00 Moh. Fikri Jauhar Maulana <p>Kurikulum merupakan semua pengalaman baik didalam kelas maupun diluar kelas, yang direncanakan dan dilaksanakan oleh sekolah untuk membantu peserta didik mencapai hasil belajar yang sebaik-baiknya serta untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan semua potensi yang ada dalam dirinya. Guna mengimplementasikan kurikulum, maka dilaksanakanlah proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru dengan peserta didik, individu dan lingkungannya. Hasil dari kurikulum dan pembelajaran itu nantinya akan ditandai dengan perubahan perilaku pada siswa. Didalam implementasi kurikulum, hendaknya konsep kurikulum dapat berjalan dan dilaksanakan dengan baik yang kemudian disebut dengan kurikulum ideal dan aktual. Namun dalam prakteknya juga muncul kurikulum tersembunyi, yakni kurikulum yang tidak tertulis yang muncul dari ide-ide para guru. Munculnya ide tersebut bertujuan untuk lebih mengasah soft skill siswa. Sehingga tidak jarang kurikulum tersembunyi ini memiliki peran yang lebih besar daripada kurikulum tertulis dalam membentuk output pada siswa. Kurikulum dalam pembelajaran bahasa arab telah berkembang dengan pesat, yang awalnya belajar bahasa arab itu hanya bertujuan untuk mengenal bunyi dan huruf arab hingga sekarang bahasa arab telah resmi menjadi salahsatu mata pelajaran yang dipelajari di pendidikan formal.</p> Copyright (c) KOMPARASI KOMPETENSI GURU AGAMA PERSPEKTIF IMAM AL-GHAZALI DAN PMA NO. 16 TAHUN 2010 PADAL 16 2023-06-21T18:22:03+07:00 Adib Amin <p>A teacher is an essential component in a learning activity. Teachers' competence also plays a significant role in achieving learning activities success, besides students' persistence. Therefore, a teacher should be competent in all components dealing with education. The researcher employs teachers' competence proposed by Imam Ghazali in his book&nbsp;<em>Ihya' Ulum Al-din.&nbsp;</em>The research aims to answer two research problems: (1) What are teachers' competence according to Imam Al-Ghazali? Dan (2) What is the correlation between teachers' competency according to Imam Al-Ghazali and article 16 PMA No. 16 of 2010? The research is a literature study. The researcher used a qualitative method using the primary source of&nbsp;<em>Ihya' Ulum Al-din.&nbsp;</em>Meanwhile, the secondary sources included various relevant literature.&nbsp;The findings of the research reveal that according to Imam Ghazali, teachers' competency consists of 8 factors: (1) to love his/her students like his/her own children, (2) to expect no salary, reward, and appreciation in teaching knowledge, (3) always to give his/her students advice. (4) to prevent his/her students from having a lousy attitude, (5) not look down on other subjects in front of his/her students, (6) able to deliver the materials as well as possible to make his/her students understand, (7) to pay more attention on students who have less understanding, and (8) to implement his/her knowledge. Therefore, the competence stated in article 16 PMA No. 16 of 2010 is suitable to that of Imam Al-Ghazali. The points mentioned by Al-Ghazali are reflected in five competencies, namely pedagogics, professional, social, personality, and leadership.</p> Copyright (c) Faktor FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI KEBERHASILAN PROSES PEMBELAJARAN 2023-06-20T14:40:44+07:00 Zulfi Idayanti Muh. Asharif Suleman <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence the success of the learning process. Data was obtained through the 2018 edition of the PISA database with code numbers SC017 and SC061. Data were analyzed with the help of the JASP (Jeffrey's Amazing Statistics Program) application with the CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) analysis method. This study uses primary data with a total of 335 schools in Indonesia as respondents. The indicators used to measure the influence of the success of the learning process are KS1 the teaching staff lacks quality, KS2 lacks educational materials, KS3 lacks school infrastructure, FM1 students leave class, FM2 students lack respect for teachers, and FM3 students intimidate other students. CFI = 0.999, NFI = 0.985, IFI = 0.999 and RNI = 0.999 also match the criteria applied to obtain a fit model. Thus the model is fit or it means that the proposed model is fit because it is supported by data. This shows that the overall model is acceptable.</p> Copyright (c) Deskripsi Disiplin dalam Pembelajaran Kimia Siswa MAN 1 Sintang 2023-06-19T09:06:30+07:00 Yunita Puspasari Tulus Junanto Andi Ifriany Harun Eny Enawaty Rahmat Rasmawan <p>Disiplin merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam karakteristik pembelajaran kimia. Hal tersebut membuat guru membutuhkan informasi tentang kondisi kedisiplinan siswa sehingga dapat membantu guru dalam memberikan tindakan yang tepat untuk meningkatkan karakter disiplin siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kedisiplinan dalam pembelajaran kimia siswa MAN 1 Sintang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI MIA 1 MAN 1 Sintang. Prosedur pengumpulan data yaitu pertama peneliti memberikan angket kepada siswa, kedua peneliti melakukan observasi dan wawancara sebagai triangulasi. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah angket dan pedoman observasi. Hasilnya siswa sudah menunjukkan sikap disiplin selama pembelajaran kimia. kategori disiplin siswa yaitu sebanyak 65% siswa masuk dalam kategori sangat kuat, 32% siswa masuk dalam kategori kuat dan 3% siswa masuk dalam kategori cukup.</p> Copyright (c) MENGEMBANGKAN ETIKA BERMEDIA SOSIAL PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PENGUATAN MATERI AJAR PADA MATA PELAJARAN PAI 2023-08-16T04:36:33+07:00 Sayid Ahmad Ramadhan Zainap Hartati Muslimah Muslimah Noor Fahmi <p>The purpose of this study is to discuss the strengthening of PAI teaching materials in developing students' social media ethics in the realm of moral ethics and social ethics. Library research becomes a type of research. The results show that the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) with a series of subjects or content of teaching materials, can be a solution to fortify students and be able to develop social media ethics in the realm of moral ethics and social ethics for each. The efforts or ways that can be done are through strengthening PAI teaching materials with the following steps: first, integrating PAI teaching materials with phenomena that occur on social media. second, the development of PAI materials and curriculum. third, strengthening with orientation in the form of character education and fourth, evaluations that are carried out regularly. So that the final results obtained will make students better understand how to interact with fellow social media users while still applying the content of the material.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sayid Ahmad Ramadhan, Zainap Hartati, Muslimah Muslimah, Noor Fahmi PEMBINAAN KARAKTER KEMANDIRIAN SISWA MELALUI PROGRAM TAHFIZH QUR’AN DI SDIT AL-IRSYAD BANTEN 2023-06-19T06:53:16+07:00 Bening Aulia Putri <p>Education is a conscious effort to make a change. Education is not only about insight and understanding, but also refers to aspects of attitude. Character education is one way and also an effort to grow the identity of students. Independent character education is one of the values of character education. Because in reality these independent values are still not reflected in elementary school age children. In this study, researchers conducted research on fifth grade students at SDIT Al-Irsyad Banten. This research studies how independent character values exist in the Al-Qur'an tahfiz program implemented by SDIT Al-Irsyad Banten. By using a qualitative approach and case study method, this research proves the meaning and understanding of individual behavior, which includes life, activities, mindsets, and also experiences.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS MODEL ADDIE DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS BELAJAR DI ERA GENERASI STROBERI 2023-06-19T05:47:30+07:00 khoridatul azizah <p>This study aims to determine: 1) The ADDIE model learning concept and its steps in improving the quality of learning; 2) Facts about the strawberry generation and its inherent characteristics and identity; 3) Application of the ADDIE learning model in improving the quality of learning in the strawberry generation era. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with this type of research library research. This study states that the ADDIE learning model is one of the many models most commonly used by educators. This model has several stages, this model can also be said to be a learning model that is simple and easily understood by all educators. In today's era, technology has become a necessity especially for the strawberry generation who want everything instantly. The strawberry generation is also known to have critical and creative thinking but is weak and unable to learn under pressure. In addition to the use of technology, educators must create creative and fun learning designs that also need attention so that they can improve the quality and interest of students in learning.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS URGENSI SEKS EDUCATION PADA MAHASISWA PAI SEBAGAI UPAYA DALAM MENCEGAH KEKERASAN SEKSUAL DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN 2023-06-19T05:16:36+07:00 Posman Rambe Rambe <p>Maraknya kekerasan seksual di lembaga pendidikan mengharuskan adanya tindakan dari mahasiswa PAI sebagai agen perubahan dan pembawa perubahan bagi Negara di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan dalam menganalisa urgensi seks education pada mahasiswa PAI sebagai upaya dalam mencegah kekerasan seksual di lembaga pendidikan. Penelitian ini termasuk kedalam penelitian kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Data didapatkan dari berbagai jurna, buku dan dokumen yang didapatkan melalui internet. Data yang didapatkan akan dianalisa secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan mengenai pendidikan seksual penting untuk dijalankan karena dapat mencegah resiko kesehatan, menyadarkan akan identitas dan keberagaman gender, pemahaman mengenai seksualitas serta melindungi anak dan remaja. Sedangkan pentingnya pendidikan seks bagi mahasiswa PAI di lembaga pendidikan mencakup upaya dalam menydarkan dan memahamkan mahasiswa, pencegahan melalui pendidikan, mengatasi stigma dan ketidak nyamanan serta meningkatkan kesadaran mengenai kekerasan seksual.</p> Copyright (c) MEMAHAMI KONSEP GLOBALISASI DAN MEMPRAKTEKANNYA DALAM MENELAAH PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM SECARA KRITIS 2023-06-18T23:21:41+07:00 dara sudiraharja Sangkot Sirait Mahmud Arif <p>Dalam konteks pendidikan agama Islam, globalisasi memainkan peran penting dalam mempengaruhi cara pandang dan praktik keagamaan di berbagai belahan dunia. Globalisasi dapat berdampak positif maupun negatif bagi suatu negara atau masyarakat karena adanya perbedaan budaya. Untuk mengatasi arus globalisasi dalam pendidikan Islam perlu adanya pendekatan kritis untuk menelaah secara mendalam suatu isu atau masalah yang dihadapi suapaya menghasilkan pemahaman yang lebih baik dan objektif. Metode yang digunakan di sini yaitu metode naratif dalam literatur review. Dalam menelaah Pendidikan Agama Islam, penggunaan pendekatan kritis menjadi penting agar dapat memahami isu-isu kontemporer yang terkait dengan agama dan budaya. Adapun cara penerapannya diantaranya dengan cara Mendorong Pemahaman yang lebih luas dalam mempelajari pendidikan agama Islam, tidak hanya satu sumber ajaran yang digunakan, tetapi banyak sumber, seperti Al-Quran, Hadis, dan kajian para ulama. Adapun strategi yang dapat digunakan pendidikan dalam menghadapi arus golobalisasi diantaranya memperkuat pengajaran akidah dan syariah, menanamkan nilai-nilai universal seperti nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan perdamaian. Dengan demikian pendidikan Islam dapat memberiakan manfaat yang nyata bagi masyarakat.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN DEVISI PENDIDIKAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SANTRI MELALUI KEDISIPLINAN KEGIATAN BELAJAR BERSAMA (Studi pada Santri Kelas VII SLTP di Asrama Muzamzamah Chosyi’ah Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang) 2023-06-16T07:20:15+07:00 MOHAMMAD KHOIRUL ABIDIN ABIDIN <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran devisi pendidikan dalam meningkatkan minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP melalui kedisiplinan kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis field research dan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi, dan untuk teknik analisi data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP sudah mulai meningkat, dengan adanya kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama serta adanya dorongan dari devisi pendidikan sesuai dengan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi minat belajarnya. (2) Kedisiplinan santri kelas VII SLTP sudah cukup baik, dengan keaktifan para santri dalam mengikuti berbagai bentuk kedisiplinan dan ketidakdisiplinan ketika kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. (3) Peran devisi pendidikan di asrama sangat penting dengan berbagai tugas dan kewajibannya sebagai pendidik serta pengajar, karena turut berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar dan menegakkan kedisiplinan santri pada saat kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Kompresi Citra Digital Tipe Lossless Menggunakan Software MATLAB 2023-06-14T18:03:14+07:00 Tsaqif Nadhieftya Rio Wiryanto <p>Development in technology is increase very rapidly. This can be seen by the emergence of many advanced technological products that are circulating. At this time data is not only presented only in text, but over time it can also be in the form of images, audio, and video. Image is one of the multimedia components which plays an important role in visual information. Image compression is a compression of digital image data that aims to reduce data redundancy contained in the image and can be stored or transmitted efficiently. There are two algorithms for image compression, namely lossless compression and lossy compression. Lossless compression is compression that doesn’t lose information after it’s been done, and the quality doesn’t decrease. Meanwhile, lossy compression is compression that eliminates data during the process, and results in lower quality. And in this study the author uses a lossless type. It is obtained that the size reduction is not too large and also there is no color change and so on in the compressed image.</p> Copyright (c) Ilmu Nahwu Telaah Epistemologi Kitab Al-Muyasar Karya KH Aceng Zakaria 2023-06-14T08:51:07+07:00 Roni Abdurrohman Roni sofyan sauri <p>The science of nahwu is a branch of science that discusses how to determine i'rob or sentence modifiers in Arabic grammar. In this science, we study the principles of the Arabic language that allow us to understand the form and condition of words, both when they stand alone (mufrod) and when they are composed in sentences (murokkab). This study aims to examine the literature written by Khaceng Zakariya with the main focus of research on epistemological aspects related to the nature&nbsp; of nahwu, its systematics and methods of preparation, as well assthe source and validity ofsknowledge contained in this book. Thesresearch method used is qualitative by utilizing data from libraries and involves documentation techniques. The author concludes that this book was compiled using the inductive method, which is a method that presents material with concrete sentence examples. In addition, the compiler&nbsp; of the book Al-Muyasar Fi Ilmin Nahwi in the preparation of systematics and the use of terms refers to several nahwu books. With the presentation of the book in a concisesand easystosunderstand form, it shows the feasibility of this book to be an initial reference for learning nahwu science.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PERKULIAHAN SEJARAH KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM (SKI) BERBASIS INTEGRATIF-INTERKONEKTIF MELALUI PENDEKATAN INTERDISIPLINER 2023-06-14T05:15:27+07:00 Rizal Umam Moch Indriyani Ma’rifah Dwi Ratnasari <p>This study aims to find out how the implementation of SKI lectures is based on integrated interconnection through an interdisciplinary approach in Islamic Education Study Program Semester II, UIN Sunan Kalijaga. This research uses the field research method (Field Research). Data collection techniques to be carried out are observation, interviews, and documentation. While the analysis used is descriptive analysis techniques. The results of this research show the integration-interconnection paradigm at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Islamic Education Study Program, namely 1). The interdisciplinary approach used in Islamic cultural history courses is a way to achieve learning objectives, this approach requires dialogue and collaboration between general and religious disciplines. 2). SKI courses based on integration-interconnection have a close relationship with studies of anthropology, sociology, philosophy, and other sciences. 2). Students can cultivate mental tolerance with their understanding related to the integration-interconnection paradigm implemented in SKI courses.</p> Copyright (c) Kompresi Video ANALISIS PERBANDINGAN SOFWARE KOMPRESI VIDEO BERDASARKAN PERFORMA KOMPRESI 2023-06-12T11:41:04+07:00 Noor Khafid Ilmiaawan <p>Video is moving pictures accompanied by sound. The drawback of the video itself is that the file size is usually large, so it requires a large space if you want to send videos via the internet. One way to reduce file size is by compression. In this study, we compare these 2 video compression applications, which have the goal of achieving a smaller size but not losing the quality of the original video so that it can still be enjoyed. In this study using qualitative methods by comparing 2 compression software and 2 resolutions (1080p and 720p). There are several parameters compared in this study including file size, duration, total bitrate and frame rate. Obtained data from video attributes, the data will then be processed to calculate the compression ratio and the percentage of savings. From the research conducted, the file size obtained is proportional to the size of the video bitrate during this video compression. The duration of the video produced by the 2 software is the same as the length of the original video, that is, the information in the video is the same as the original video, that is, there is no loss of information (lossless). Similar to the savings rate, the greater the savings rate, the better the outcome. At this compression ratio value has an inverse comparison with the quality of the compression results. According to the results of this study, the HandBrake application gets a lower compression level but better video quality than Wondershare UniConverter. As indicated by the amount of throughput generated by Handbrake, it cuts less than Wondershare UniConverter</p> Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PUZZLE BOOK PADA MATERI AKU SUKA BERGOTONG ROYONG KELAS I SEKOLAH DASAR 2023-06-11T15:00:59+07:00 Adilla Putri <p>The use of learning media as a learning support <br>tool is important in learning. However, this is still not <br>realized by some teachers. As a result, learning is <br>considered boring by students. These problems can be <br>overcome by developing interesting learning media, one of <br>which is Puzzle book media. The purpose of this research <br>is to develop Puzzle Book and determine the effectiveness <br>of puzzle book media on the motivation and learning <br>outcomes of students in integer operation material. The <br>research used is Research and Development (R&amp;D) using <br>the 5-stage ADDIE method. Based on the feasibility test of <br>media experts obtained 91.4% in the very effective <br>category, the feasibility test of material experts shared that <br>the percentage of results was 92% in the moderately <br>effective category and the feasibility test of linguists <br>shared that the percentage of results was 93.3% in the very <br>effective category students obtained a homogeneous <br>average score of 93.56% in the very effective category. Thus, it can be concluded that Puzzle Book media can <br>increase learning motivation and the level of learning <br>success of students on the material "I like to work <br>together".</p> Copyright (c) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN BLENDED LEARNING: ALTERNATIF MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERPIKIR TINGKAT TINGGI MAHASISWA 2023-06-11T02:28:51+07:00 Annisa Mayasari <p>Lecture activities in the new normal era are carried out using the <em>blended learning method</em>. <em>Blended learning </em>means learning patterns that contain elements of mixing or combining one model with other models in learning. This study aims to describe the effectiveness of the learning model <em>blended learning </em>on students' higher order thinking skills. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with <em>the non-equivalent control group design</em>. The population in this study were all fourth semester students of the Islamic Religious Education (IRE) Study Program at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Education of Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University and the samples were taken by <em>purposive sampling technique</em>. Data in this study were collected through tests. The <em>independent sample t-test </em>was used to test the effectiveness of the <em>blended learning </em>model on students' higher order thinking skills. The results obtained indicate that there are significant differences in students' higher order thinking abilities between the experimental class using the <em>blended learning method </em>and the control class using conventional methods. The conclusion obtained from this study is that there is a difference in the effectiveness of learning using the <em>blended learning model </em>and the conventional model in terms of students' higher-level thinking skills.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN DEVISI PENDIDIKAN PERAN DEVISI PENDIDIKAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SANTRI MELALUI KEDISIPLINAN KEGIATAN BELAJAR BERSAMA (Studi pada Santri Kelas VII SLTP di Asrama Muzamzamah Chosyi’ah Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang) 2023-06-10T08:51:23+07:00 MOHAMMAD KHOIRUL ABIDIN ABIDIN <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran devisi pendidikan dalam meningkatkan minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP melalui kedisiplinan kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis field research dan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi, dan untuk teknik analisi data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP sudah mulai meningkat, dengan adanya kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama serta adanya dorongan dari devisi pendidikan sesuai dengan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi minat belajarnya. (2) Kedisiplinan santri kelas VII SLTP sudah cukup baik, dengan keaktifan para santri dalam mengikuti berbagai bentuk kedisiplinan dan ketidakdisiplinan ketika kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. (3) Peran devisi pendidikan di asrama sangat penting dengan berbagai tugas dan kewajibannya sebagai pendidik serta pengajar, karena turut berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar dan menegakkan kedisiplinan santri pada saat kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN DEVISI PENDIDIKAN PERAN DEVISI PENDIDIKAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT BELAJAR SANTRI MELALUI KEDISIPLINAN KEGIATAN BELAJAR BERSAMA (Studi pada Santri Kelas VII SLTP di Asrama Muzamzamah Chosyi’ah Pondok Pesantren Darul Ulum Peterongan Jombang) 2023-06-10T06:55:56+07:00 MOHAMMAD KHOIRUL ABIDIN ABIDIN <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peran devisi pendidikan dalam meningkatkan minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP melalui kedisiplinan kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis field research dan menggunakan metode observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi, dan untuk teknik analisi data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Minat belajar santri kelas VII SLTP sudah mulai meningkat, dengan adanya kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama serta adanya dorongan dari devisi pendidikan sesuai dengan faktor utama yang mempengaruhi minat belajarnya. (2) Kedisiplinan santri kelas VII SLTP sudah cukup baik, dengan keaktifan para santri dalam mengikuti berbagai bentuk kedisiplinan dan ketidakdisiplinan ketika kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama. (3) Peran devisi pendidikan di asrama sangat penting dengan berbagai tugas dan kewajibannya sebagai pendidik serta pengajar, karena turut berperan aktif dalam meningkatkan minat belajar dan menegakkan kedisiplinan santri pada saat kegiatan belajar bersama di asrama.</p> Copyright (c) A, The PERKULIAHAN DARING VS LURING : PERSEPSI MAHASISWA TERHADAP PERKULIAHAN DI ERA POST PANDEMIC COVID-19 2023-06-10T03:41:50+07:00 salsabila ristani <p><em>Covid is one of the pandemics that has spread in Indonesia and has a fairly broad impact from all fields, starting from the impact on the economic, educational and social fields. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the education sector can be felt by everyone, especially students who enter the 2020-2021 class year. Lectures are conducted online or offline depending on the level of pandemic transmission. After several years, now lectures are starting again with a normal system. In this way, researchers will conduct an analysis of student perceptions of lectures in the post-covid-19 pandemic era. This study uses a quantitative approach. Sampling was carried out using a purposive sample or dichotomous scale in a population of 32 students from various universities</em>.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Key words : Daring, luring, pendemic</em></p> Copyright (c) PENGGUNAAN MEDIA POWERPOINT PADA PEMBELAJARAN IPA DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK 2023-06-09T00:23:09+07:00 EKA ANISA APRINA <p>This research aims to develop science learning for Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students based on Powerpoint. This research uses the type of field research. Field research is where the researcher goes directly to the field (to the object of research). Field research is research conducted in a place or location chosen to examine or investigate something that happens in that place. Data collection techniques in this study are interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique in this study uses qualitative data analysis model The steps of analyzing the data using intersctive analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The research subjects were class teachers, peers and school principals. The steps of analyzing the data using intersctive analysis consisting of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The data validity test, better known as triangulation, prioritizes the effectiveness of the research process and results. The results showed that the use of Powerpoint media proved to be able to improve the learning outcomes of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students and can be used as an alternative in the world of education because of its application which is quite easy to apply to science subjects of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students in grade IV.</p> Copyright (c) Peningkatan motivasi belajar Siswa Sekolah Kejuruan (SMK) melalui Penerapan Kurikulum Merdeka" 2023-06-08T12:10:17+07:00 Alika Rema Putri <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana penerapan kurikulum Malaysia mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa serta peran pembimbing dalam memfasilitasi motivasi belajar siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis sastra, khususnya informasi biografi, informasi dari buku, informasi dari jurnal kajian keislaman yang terkait dengan tujuan utama, dan informasi dari artikel yang merangkum buku. pertumbuhan sepanjang semester. Menerapkan kurikulum baru diharapkan dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk belajar karena, seperti yang kita ketahui, kurikulum dirancang dengan memikirkan siswa. Guru hanya berperan sebagai fasilitator, mediator, dan motivator bagi siswa agar mereka tenang dalam belajar dan mendapatkan hasil yang sukses.</p> Copyright (c) GURU PROFESIONAL: PENERAPAN PENILAIAN AUTENTIK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA 2023-06-05T08:44:27+07:00 Rahmah Fauziyah Rahmah Isah Cahyani <p>Penilaian merupakan bagian penting dalam pembelajaran yang dapat menjelaskan hasil dari proses pembelajaran. Adanya penilaian yang baik dapat menjadi landasan untuk pengembangan seperangkat pendukung dalam proses belajar dan mengajar. Bukan hanya terkait ilmu pengetahuan saja di dalam penilaian terdapat aspek lain yang juga penting bagi perkembangan siswa yaitu aspek sikap salah satunya. Pendidikan menjadi jembatan siswa berkembang dengan adanya dukungan dari berbagai hal. Guru yang profesional dapat mempengaruhi proses pembelajaran. Pemilihan strategi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, media, bahan ajar, dan lain-lain dapat mendukung siswa dalam melakukan kegiatan belajar yang nantinya akan berujung pada penilaian. Siswa memiliki kemampuan yang sebelumnya sudah didapat dan terus berkembang dengan kegiatan belajar hal baru baik materi pelajaran ataupun pengalaman yang memberikan hikmah. Kurikulum merdeka yang mendorong siswa mengetahui berbagai kondisi secara nyata menjadi salah satu tantangan bagi guru menciptakan kondisi belajaran secara optimal sehingga penilaian akan berjalan dengan baik dengan hadirnya perubahan siswa lebih baik lagi baik dari segi ilmu pengetahuan dan sikap.</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN TEORI BELAJAR BEHAVIORISTIK PADA PROSES PEMBELAJARAN 2023-06-04T14:54:20+07:00 Regi Laila Astui <p><strong>Abstract :</strong> Life and learning are inseparable. The possibility of learning will be determined by learning theory. It is important for teachers to be familiar with learning theories before conducting lessons in order to be scientifically responsible for teaching behavior in front of the classroom. According to behavioristic theory, behavior changes as a result of the interaction between stimulus and reaction. The purpose of this article is to look at how behavioristic theory is used in an educational context. According to behavioristic learning theory, learning is a change in behavior that results from the interaction between stimulus and response. To apply behaviorism learning theory in the classroom, teachers must first assess students' aptitudes and personality traits, after which they must develop lesson plans.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong><strong>Keywords:</strong> Implementation, Behaviorism, Learning</p> Copyright (c) The student Impoliteness in the English Classroom Interaction 2023-06-04T06:28:03+07:00 lianatasafitri <p>This study examined the impoliteness gestures used by instructors and students. The researcher observed and interviewed students in the classroom while she gathered the data, and she used a qualitative research approach to analyze it. The research was conducted at the second semester of Junior High School in 2023/2024 academic year. The findings indicate that teachers and students both used disrespectful language during instructing. In presenting the information, the pupils preferred that the teacher use crude language. They said that using obscene language made it simpler for the pupils to comprehend the information the teacher was teaching. They claimed that using a variety of teaching methods and the teacher's language improved students' learning and comprehension significantly. According to Culpeper theory (1996), there are five strategies of impolite strategies used by students and teachers in the classroom. Those are (1) bald on record impoliteness (2) positive impoliteness (3) negative impoliteness (4) sarcasm or mock politeness and (5) withhold politeness.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN KURIKULUM DAN DAMPAK KEBIJAKAN PERUBAHAN KURIKULUM TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KONSEP PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DI SEKOLAH. 2023-06-03T11:30:58+07:00 rista rts <p>The purpose of this study is to find out how the implementation of curriculum management and the impact of curriculum change policies on learning based on the concept of character education in schools. The research method used by the author is qualitative research with a literature study approach obtained from various books and articles related to the material to be studied through the most common ways of reading and composing. The results of this study indicate that curriculum changes are very necessary along with the times. When it occurs, the consequence is how to respond to these changes by making them a guideline for obtaining better results and being able to compete in the world of education. This will be realized by implementing a good and equitable education curriculum management system and management of character education. The positive impact of curriculum changes, for example, students can progress by keeping up with the times that are increasingly advanced and developing, while the negative impact of rapid curriculum changes will result in new problems.</p> Copyright (c) Mengatasi Dimensi Kognitif, Emosional, Dan Spiritual Melalui Pengajaran Berbasis Fitrah 2023-06-03T02:58:32+07:00 Siti Syafiqah Azizah Syafiqah <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This article aims to explore the effectiveness of nature-based teaching in overcoming the cognitive, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of students. Fitrah, as a concept rooted in Islamic philosophy, emphasizes human nature and inclinations towards goodness and spiritual growth. This study uses a qualitative methodology, using literature studies to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and perspectives of the researchers regarding this issue. The findings of this study reveal that innate-based teaching facilitates cognitive development by promoting critical thinking skills, problem solving, and knowledge acquisition. This intervention also positively influences the emotional dimension by cultivating self-awareness, empathy, and emotional intelligence. In addition, the nature-based teaching approach also contributes to the spiritual growth of students, strengthens a sense of purpose in life, moral values, and inner peace. These findings indicate that nature-based teaching has the potential to address cognitive, emotional, and spiritual dimensions simultaneously. This study suggests that incorporating nature-based teaching methods into educational practice can provide a holistic approach to education that fosters the overall well-being of students. These findings contribute to the existing literature on nature-based education and provide insights for educators and policy makers who wish to improve the quality of education by integrating the spiritual dimension.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Cognitive, Emotional, Spiritual, Nature</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ISLAM PERSPEKTIF IBNU SINA DAN RELEVANSINYA DENGAN PENDIDIKAN KUTTAB IBNU ABBAS SURAKARTA 2023-06-02T17:19:10+07:00 Basyir Yaman <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this paper is to discuss Avicenna's views on Islamic education and its relevance to the education of Kuttab Ibnu Abbas in Surakarta. The concept of education according to Avicenna aims to develop all the potential of students towards a perfect direction, including physical, intellectual and moral development so that they become complete human beings or <em>insan kamil</em>. Efforts to achieve these educational goals, students must be directed to be able to live together in society by doing the work or skills they choose according to their talents, readiness, tendencies, and potential. Avicenna has reconstructed and provided a new direction of thought in the development of better and quality education. Kuttab Ibnu Abbas Surakarta has a similar concept with Avicenna's educational thought, in terms of educational goals, curriculum, methods and views of teacher educators. In short, this paper will explore the philosophical meaning in Avicenna's thoughts on Islamic education which is associated with education that is developing today.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Islamic Education, Avicenna, Kuttab Ibnu Abbas Surakarta</p> Copyright (c) PENDEKATAN HUMANISTIK DALAM PERKEMBANGAN KURIKULUM PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-05-31T16:21:59+07:00 Bisman Ritonga <p>This study aims to find out how the Islamic religious education curriculum develops through a humanistic approach and to find out the characteristics of a humanistic Islamic religious education curriculum. The method in this study used the library research method (library study). This method focuses activities on the utilization of library sources to obtain research data. While the technique in collecting data used in this study is content analysis. Content analysis technique is a method used in analyzing a text, both in the form of words, pictures and other forms. The results of this study indicate that the development of an Islamic religious education curriculum through a humanistic approach, namely a legal concept in planning the development of an Islamic religious education curriculum by providing opportunities for students to become more harmonious human beings in carrying out the learning process through several planning, namely: strategic planning, program planning, and planning learning activities.</p> Copyright (c) INTERNALISASI NILAI SOPAN SANTUN MELALUI PELAJARAN PAI DI SD 2023-05-28T14:50:38+07:00 Restu Restu Rizki Amanda <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>what is happening at this time, many students do not understand about manners in the school environment. This can be seen that there are still many students who do not respect the teacher, still use language that is not appropriate for elementary school students, still cannot place themselves as students so that talking to the teacher is like talking to a friend. Therefore polite behavior is one of the characters. that must be owned by everyone, because in politeness there is a value of respect, respect, and love for one another.the process of internalizing values can be carried out through three stages, namely: First, the transformation stage, value internalization is carried out by conveying physical material through teaching in class, lectures to students so that they know and understand good and bad values in Islamic teachings. The second is called the transaction stage, namely the internalization of values is carried out through two-way (reciprocal) communication, namely value information obtained and understood by students through examples of actions exemplified by the teacher, so that students can also respond to the same values. Third, the transinternalization stage, namely internalization is not only done with verbal communication but also mental attitude and personality.Several factors influence the success rate of courtesy, namely school leadership, the role of parents, character education, a safe school environment and peer support. So that success is basically a change in human behavior for the better. These changes give rise to several special characteristics, namely changes occur consciously.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Civics, Internalization , manners.</p> Copyright (c) ANALISIS KUANTITATIF BUTIR SOAL PILIHAN GANDA DALAM ULANGAN HARIAN SISWA KELAS 5 SD 2023-05-28T13:03:37+07:00 Radhwa Alya R <p>This study was intended to analyze students' thinking skills based on multiple choice tests with different levels of difficulty. This research was conducted to test the difficulty of the items so that it could be obtained whether the questions made had easy, medium, or difficult difficulty levels. Researchers used a type of quantitative research using test evaluation technique research. The use of this quantitative method is useful for showing observational data and analyzing it by testing the difficulty level of the items which are then interpreted in the form of numbers. In the form of ordinary multiple choice questions, students are faced with statements or questions that contain problems and a number of alternative answers, students must choose the one answer that is most correct or most appropriate. The mid-semester assessment of the thematic learning for class V at SDN Sepang, Serang City. The results of the item analysis are reviewed from several aspects of validation, reliability, level of difficulty and distinguishing power.</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP ILMU KE MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH -AN 2023-05-21T04:43:46+07:00 Fitria Nurliana Zulfa <p>The concept of science in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah refers to the sources of the Qur'an and Hadith. Which is the fundamental basis that has a great purpose. Library research or literature study uses information or materials needed for research, including books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines and so on related to the concept of science in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Then the data is analyzed critically. The results of this study indicate that over time, the integration and interconnection between general knowledge and religious knowledge has become the mainstay of the learning system in Islamic education in Indonesia. Thus, it becomes a plus point for education by strengthening and developing religious values in the midst of moral gradations for the nation's next generation and supported by scientific knowledge so that it continues according to the demands of the times. Especially at the Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level, there is a need for an educational concept that students need as provisions for the future.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Pada Pendidikan Inklusi di SD Al-Azhar Medan 2023-09-27T02:45:45+07:00 Sarah Dina Muhammad Firdaus Nisfu Kurniyatillah <p>This study aims to find out how the implementation of the self-learning curriculum is carried out, to find out what are the obstacles and challenges faced in implementing the self-learning curriculum, to analyze how the concept of inclusive education is implemented, and to find out how the implementation and evaluation of inclusive education forms of the independent curriculum in elementary schools. Al-Azhar Medan. This study used a field study method with a descriptive qualitative research type of analysis. The research data consists of primary data and secondary data. The primary data of this research are books that contain inclusive education. While the secondary data of this research is in the form of articles, journals, government regulations, scientific papers and so on. The data collection carried out by the author in this study was by observing, interviewing and documenting. The results obtained from this study are: (1) the implementation of the independent learning curriculum initiated by the government, (2) the implementation of inclusive education at SD Al-Azhar Medan which starts from curriculum planning in the RPPM and RPPH which is based on curriculum modification by adjusting on the needs and abilities of students which include moral, social, creative, language, and skills values, (3) the process of assessing inclusive education at SD Al-Azhar Medan is carried out by the teacher and the results of therapy.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sarah Dina the Pengembangan Mutu Pendidikan Madrasah Tsanawiyyah At-Taufiq Sambongdukuh Jombang (Tinjauan Konsep Mutu pendidikan Joseph Moses Juran) 2023-05-17T04:07:12+07:00 MOCHAMMAD SYAFIUDDIN SHOBIRIN didin As’aril Muhajir As’aril Muhajir Akhyak Akhyak Nur Efendi efendi <p>Pengaruh era globalisasi menuntut karyawan yang berkualitas, yaitu karyawan yang mampu menghadapi berbagai tantangan, perubahan, dan persaingan dalam skala global. Untuk menciptakan karyawan yang berkualitas, pendidikan yang berkualitas menjadi penting dan harus ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Madrasah Tsanawiyah At-Taufiq Sambongdukuh Jombang.<br>Oleh karena itu, peningkatan dan pengembangan mutu pendidikan menjadi prioritas utama dalam pengelolaan lembaga pendidikan dan harus dilakukan sesegera mungkin. Salah satu model pengembangan kualitas yang dapat diterapkan adalah model pengembangan kualitas Joseph M. Juran. Meskipun konsep pengembangan mutu Juran pada awalnya dikembangkan untuk dunia bisnis dan berorientasi pada keuntungan finansial, namun konsep tersebut dapat diadopsi atau diterapkan pada lembaga pendidikan yang berfokus pada mutu layanan pendidikan. Juran mendefinisikan kualitas sebagai kesesuaian dengan kebutuhan pelanggan, dimana dalam dunia pendidikan pelanggan dapat terdiri dari pelanggan internal seperti kepala sekolah, guru dan karyawan, maupun pelanggan eksternal seperti siswa, orang tua, pemerintah, pasar kerja dan masyarakat. Lebih lanjut, Juran juga menawarkan tiga tahapan dalam proses pencapaian kualitas yang lebih dikenal dengan trilogi Juran, yaitu perencanaan kualitas, pengendalian kualitas, dan peningkatan kualitas.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTATION OF QURAN READING AND WRITING (BACA TULIS AL-QUR’AN/BTA) AT MI WAHID HASYIM YOGYAKARTA IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ERA 2023-05-14T04:16:47+07:00 Roma Wijaya Litfia Pujarisma <p><strong>: </strong>This study aims to determine the application of reading and writing the Qur'an in learning to read and write the Qur'an (Baca Tulis Qur'an/BTA) at MI Wahid Hasyim. This research has been carried out in the 2021/2022 school year even semester. The process of applying reading and writing the Al-Quran at MI Wahid Hasyim is packaged in the form of Reading and Writing Al-Quran activities which are MI Wahid Hasyim's flagship program and are also routinely carried out every morning. In this research, of course, the method used is the case study method. Data used in data collection procedures include observation, interviews and documentation. Checking and checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques. The data analysis technique goes through 3 stages: collecting data, data reduction, and data presentation. The results showed that MI Wahid Hasyim students in carrying out reading and writing the Qur'an at MI Wahid Hasyim can run well with the guidance of MI Wahid Hasyim teachers. Students are very enthusiastic and happy in learning to read and write the Qur'an even though students are hampered by the pandemic. However, this is not a reason for students to continue learning. This can be seen from observations and interviews, which can be corroborated by documentation that students and teachers can read and write the Qur'an well. According to students, learning to read and write the Qur'an is very helpful during a pandemic like this, so that students can continue to write, read, and memorize to their respective teachers who serve as facilitators. In this case, of course, it is very evident that the MI Wahid Hasyim Al-Quran reading and writing learning process which is carried out every morning by students and also their teachers can run well so that students are not left behind in the process of understanding the basic level of the Al-Quran.</p> Copyright (c) PEMANFAATAN LEMBAR KERJA SISWA DALAM PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-07-17T05:52:42+07:00 Muhammad Yusron Maulana El-Yunusi Mansur Mansur Asrori Mahmud Samsul Hadi <p>The study discusses the use of Student Worksheet (Lembar Kerja Siswa) in Islamic Religious Education (Pendidikan Agama Islam) subject in SMP Darul Maarif. Student Worksheet is a tool that helps to activate students in learning and improve communication in the classroom. Student Worksheet contains instructions and guidance that assist students in completing their tasks by covering the basic competencies that need to be achieved. Student Worksheet has different functions for teachers and students, where Student Worksheet makes it easier for students to understand the subject matter, while for teachers, Student Worksheet serves as a guide in directing students and considering the thought process that needs to be developed in students. This study aims to determine the process, interest, and influence of Student Worksheet utilization in Islamic Religious Education subject. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach with descriptive research. The data collection techniques are a questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentation. The results show that Student Worksheet helps students understand the subject matter, saves time, and serves as an evaluation tool. The use of Student Worksheet in Islamic Religious Education subject in SMP Darul Maarif is still not maximized; therefore, this study is conducted to optimize its usage. The study concludes that Student Worksheet can improve students' interest and understanding of the subject matter, and teachers need to develop teaching materials that are attractive and easily understood by students, especially in the field of Islamic Religious Education subject.</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Yusron Maulana El-Yunusi, Mansur Mansur, Asrori Mahmud, Samsul Hadi Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Syafi’iyah Pada Mata Kuliah Fiqih Ibadah 2024-02-26T03:56:46+07:00 Rafiud Ilmudinulloh Fahri Fijrin Kamaru <p>This research aims to develop a shafi'iyah-based learning video in the course of Fiqih Ibadah. This study uses the ADDIE research design which consists of Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate. Data were collected through media expert validation questionnaires and field tests and then analyzed using an attitude scale. The results of the study concluded that the syafi'iyah-based learning video was valid and appropriate for use in the course of Fiqih Ibadah. This can be seen from the results of the validity of a media expert with a good average value of 85% or 4.3, the validity of a material expert with a very good average value of 97.1% or 4.9, and field tests with a good average value, 89% or 4.4.</p> 2024-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fahri Fijrin Kamaru, Rafiud Ilmudinulloh STRATEGIES FOR IMPLEMENTING QURANIC TRANSLATION LEARNING WITH THE TAMYIZ METHOD APPROACH IN MBS PLERET STUDENTS 2023-04-05T09:25:37+07:00 Samsul Bahri Samsul <p>Quran translation is one of the learning programs that aims to maintain the standard of the Quran as a revelation and word of Allah SWT as well as efforts to practice the Quran so that the knowledge gained can be understood and practiced. Quran translation aims to maintain tartil and tahfidz, as well as strengthen Quran learning. Nowadays, the method of learning the Quran in the country has experienced a lot of development and diversity, it can be found through the Quran education park (TPA), formal schools, and other educational institutions such as pesantren. Among them is the Tamyiz method, this method provides solutions to students more happy and enthusiastic to learn the Qur'an and its translation. This research is entitled; Learning Strategy for Quran Translation with the Tamyiz Method Approach for Santri PPM MBS Pleret. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that examines and describes the social situation at the research location, especially the learning strategy of Quran translation with the Tamyiz method approach at PPM MBS Pleret. Data collection techniques were carried out by participatory observation, interviews, and document studies. The results showed that the application of the Tamyiz method was effective in learning to translate the Quran in the PPM MBS Pleret environment with learning strategies for preparing qualified teachers and ustad, group management, stages of learning materials and curriculum design and evaluation techniques.</p> Copyright (c) Pendidikan Islam Pendidikan Multikultural 2023-04-03T22:09:21+07:00 mahila azizah <p>ABSTRACT</p> <p>Multiculturalism education is intended to respond to the phenomenon of ethnic, socio- cultural conflicts that often arise in the midst of multicultural society, multicultural faces in this country up to now like a fire in the chaff that one day can lead to the temperature of political, religion, social culture that heats up, which allowing the conflict&nbsp; to reappear. Multicultural education can be used&nbsp; at both the descriptive and&nbsp; normative levels, which illus- trates the issues and issues of education related to the multicultural community. He further includes an understanding of considerations of educational policies and strategies in multicultural societies that clearly cover subjects such as: tol- erance, themes of ethno-cultural differences and religion: the dangers of discrimination, conflict resolution, democracy and plurality , universal humanity and so forth.<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a></p> <p>ABSTRAK</p> <p>Pendidikan multikultural tidak berarti sebatas merayakan keragaman belaka. Apalagi jika tatanan masyarakat yang ada masih penuh diskriminasi dan bersifat rasis. Dalam kondisi demikian pendidikan multicultural lebih tepat di- arahkan sebagai alokasi untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang toleran bebas dari toleransi. Pendidikan multkulturalisme ini dimaksud untuk merespon fenomena konflik etnis,&nbsp; sosial budaya yang kerap muncul di tengah-tengah masyarakat multikultural, wajah&nbsp; multikultural di negeri ini hingga kini ibarat api dalam sekam yang suatu saat bisa memunculkan akibat suhu politik,&nbsp; agama, sosial budaya yang memanas, yang memungkinkan konflik tersebut muncul kembali. Pen- didikan multikultural dapat digunakan baik pada tingkat deskriftif&nbsp; dan&nbsp; normative, yang menggambarkan isu-isu dan maslah-masalah pendidikan yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat multicultural. Lebih jauh ia juga mencakup pengertian tentang pertimbangan terhadap kebijakan-kebijakan dan strategi-strategi pendidikan dalam masyarakat multicultural yang jelas mencakup subjek-subjek seperti: toleransi, tema-tema tentang perbedaan ethno-kultural dan&nbsp; agama: ba- haya diskriminasi, penyelesaian konflik, demokratis dan pluralitas, kemanusiaan universal dan lain sebagainya.</p> <p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a></p> Copyright (c) PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM (PAI) DI SMA BUDI UTOMO PERAK 2023-03-19T16:05:41+07:00 Wah yudi <p>Character as a basic value that builds personality. Character education in Indonesia has become a necessity that can not be bother. With the respect to the Law of National Education system in Indonesia, education is a process to produce graduates with excellent attitude, professional in the science and technology field and adaptable in the society. This study is aimed to identify (1) Characters building of students through the learning of Islamic religious education in Budi Utomo Perak Senior High School (2) Problems and solutions in characters building of students through the learning of Islamic religious education in Budi Utomo Perak Senior High School. The study was conducted in Budi Utomo Perak Senior High School which adopted profesional religius, excellent, solidarity, trustworthy, virtuous, skills, and independent as characters values in his vision. The researcher used the qualitative research as a method. The subjects were the principal, vice principal for&nbsp; curriculum, teacher of Islamic religious education, and students. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study showed that characters building through Islamic religion of education was efective started from the learning plan, implementation learning teaching process, and evaluation of the study.</p> Copyright (c) I IMPLEMENTASI SOFT SKILL KETERAMPILAN ABAD 21 DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN DALAM MENGHADAPI DUNIA KERJA 2023-03-10T08:21:12+07:00 HERI JATMIKO HERI <p>SMK must prepare students to enter the world of work with a better competitive advantage. Soft skills are one of the important keys in the modern world of work. Therefore, SMKs need to pay attention to the development of soft skills in students so that they are ready to face future challenges in the industrial world and the business world. This study aims to analyze the types and methods of developing soft skills that are implemented in Vocational High Schools. The research method used is qualitative research with a library research approach. The results of the study revealed that: The process of learning soft skills is not only knowledge delivery but must be able to create competent students both personally and interpersonally with the development of a soft skills curriculum in Vocational High Schools (SMK), the types of soft skills that need to be developed in the SMK Curriculum include the ability communication, cooperation, leadership, and adaptability. By implementing the right soft skill development strategy<strong>.</strong></p> Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN MULTIMEDIAN INTERAKTIF BERBASIS PROJECT BASED LEARNING 2023-03-03T03:12:22+07:00 ummi salamah lubis <p>This research was conducted to assess Interactive Multimedia as well as evaluate Interactive Multimedia assessment instruments. Respondents in this study were 32 people consisting of 23 women and 9 men. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the instrument that has been prepared by the researcher is valid and reliable. The benefit of this research is to obtain a valid and reliable instrument so that it is suitable for use in research. The conclusion of this article is that the instrument contains four constructs namely ease of use, presentation, readability and role of the product. Besides that, after analyzing the instrument, it can be concluded that the instrument that has been prepared is valid and reliable according to the criteria requirements set by the experts.</p> Copyright (c) PROBLEMATIKA MENGHAFAL AL-QURAN PESERTA DIDIK DI MAN 1 OKU TIMUR 2023-02-27T19:08:37+07:00 Emi Khoiriyah <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>Quran is the greatest miracle given by Allah Swt to prophet Muhammad Saw. And is holy book of muslims that applies until the end of time. Therefore memorizing the Quran is a very noble deed. In order to maintain the purity of the koran, this can be done by reading. Understanding and memorizing it. When memorizing the koran, of course, a memorizer of the koran will find problems, both internal and external. Therefore, this study aims to find out the problems of memorizing the koran and solutions to overcome the problems of memorizing the koran for class XI students at MAN 1 OKU East. This study uses qualitative methods with data sources obtained from primary and secondary data. Primary data is in the form of direct interviews with school principals, tahfizh educators, and students. While secondary data were obtained from media such as school album books, journals, articles, and previous research as a reference for this research. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of unstructured interviews, observation and documentation as supporting media. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are the problems of memorizing the Quran for class XI students at MAN 1 OKU east both external problems and internal problems. The external problems of memorizing the Al-Quran for class XI students at MAN 1 OKU east are: the number of Tahfizh Quran educators is not sufficient, there are too few hours of Tahfizh Quran lessons, they are not yet able to read the Al-Quran properly,&nbsp; and they are not able to repeat memorization regularly While the internal problems of memorizing the koran are: Impatient and lazy to memorize the koran, not enthusiastic about memorizing the koran, and forgetting the memorization they have. The solutions to overcome these external problems are: increasing the number of Tahfizh Quran educators, increasing the hours of Tahfizh Quran lessons, holding additional special classes for Tahsin Quran, and schools and students must have a special schedule for repeating memorization. While the solutions to overcome internal problems are: giving strict sanctions to students who do not reach the target of memorizing, motivating and evaluating students’ memorization every week, and frequently doing <em>murajaah</em> Al-Quran.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Copyright (c) Pendidikan Etika Hamka dan Relevansinya Terhadap Pendidikan di Indonesia 2023-02-27T15:42:59+07:00 Mochammad Tri Media Putra Tri <p>Abstract</p> <p>Recently, ethics education in Indonesian society has often reflected the apprehensive state of the country. It can be seen from the attitude of citizens who are too far from good ethics. For religious people, religion will lead education to the path of truth. But not for people who do not attach importance to the role of religion in education. Looking at these problems, ethics education is so important to discuss, to remind and educate people to be more aware of living ethically in society's social life. This paper aims to examine Hamka's thoughts. Many of his thoughts were influential in the fields of education, literature, culture, and other religious teachings. So the author aims to examine how the ethical principles taught by Hamka and their relevance to ethical life today, especially in Indonesia. This research is library research (Library Research). While the method used is the descriptive analysis method. This method is used to describe the ethical terms used by Hamka and to analyze the language used by Hamka in each of his writings. And this method is carried out by explaining the ethics taught by Hamka. The results of this study conclude, with all the problems of ethics education in this era, especially in Indonesia, Hamka teaches people to return to religious teachings. For Hamka, the ethical education of society will emerge from the obedience of a people to their God. With religion, humans are guided and taught to live a good life.</p> Copyright (c) RELEVANSI PERUBAHAN KURIKULUM 2013 TERHADAP KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR DI ERA DIGITAL 2023-02-25T17:26:40+07:00 Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p>The curriculum is a very important part of the educational process, because the curriculum is the main substance in the material being taught. The Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia emphasized the need for changes and developments in the 2013 curriculum Besides that, the 2013 curriculum also develops information and communication technology literacy, as well as strengthening character education in character building and spiritual values. All education standards in Indonesia are formulated into the Indonesian Partnership for 21st Century Skill Standards. The author takes a study where the curriculum was made when the times were so fast with the use of technology, namely the 2013 curriculum or better known as K13 with the independent learning curriculum. The rapid changes in the Indonesian education curriculum where the 2013 curriculum has begun to be seen and can be felt has born a new system, a new curriculum that is echoed as the Independent Curriculum which has started in the 2022/2023 school year. This research uses a systematic review approach because the writing of this article is based on several references in the form of books and articles as well as scientific publications online. The 2013 curriculum is a competency and character-based curriculum that aims to increase educational attainment and is expected to produce productive, creative, innovative and effective young people. independent learning focuses on the freedom to learn independently and creatively. It is very appropriate that now a different curriculum is needed from the previous curriculum in dealing with the digital era.</p> 2023-03-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Nasrul Waton Organisasi FORDISAF Sebagai Penjaga Ajaran Tradisional di Pesantren Tebuireng 2023-02-22T04:54:08+07:00 Iqbal Nursyahbani <p>The Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School as one the oldest and largest Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia has experienced ups and downs in its development. Starting from the golden age of its founder Hadratussyaik KH. M. Hasyim Asy'ari which was then continued by several of his descendants and students. However, it cannot be denied that the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School must also adapt to the current developments. With that, some of the traditional teachings of the pesantren that had been taught from generation to generation slowly disappeared. So that the emergence of the FORDISAF organization is expected to become one of the guardians of these traditional teachings. The purpose of this research is to find out how the existence of Islamic boarding schools in the modern world, the response of the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School and its development, as well as the FORDISAF organization as guardians of traditional teachings at the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School. This research uses a qualitative method with observational methods and is supported by a literature review to obtain valid data in discussions about Islamic boarding schools and their traditional teachings. In fact, Islamic boarding schools, especially the Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, have always existed in the modern world with the support of the FORDISAf organization as guardians of traditional teachings in them.</p> <p>Keywords: Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School, Traditional, FORDISA</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KONTEKSTUAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA BAHASA ARAB 2023-02-23T07:36:53+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi Minnaty Adhimatul Wutsqo <p>Based on the fact, many students feel bored and feel Arabic as a difficult subject. Students will learn well if they can construct their own understanding of what is learned. Because learning is an intellectual activity that can generate ideas through observation and build new knowledge. In order for students' applicable learning experiences to be stronger, learning is needed which gives students the opportunity to do, try, and experience it for themselves. So a teacher must be good at choosing the right learning model. Contextual learning models will be able to assist teachers in providing applicative experiences and abilities in student learning. So as to form students who are more active, creative and productive. CTL learning is a learning concept that assumes that learning will be more meaningful if students learn and experience what they learn for themselves, not just knowing, and aims to equip students with flexible knowledge. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, namely research that describes existing phenomena, both natural phenomena and human engineering. The results of this research are that in its application, the teacher prepares material and methods and for the next the teacher carries out the initial learning activities and core activities as well as evaluation as the final activity. The supporting factor of this study is the existence of madrasah at the Darissulaimaniyyah Islamic boarding school. High student motivation, different educational backgrounds of students. Varied learning activities. While the inhibiting factors are differences in the level of intelligence of students, differences in educational backgrounds of students, limited time availability</p> 2023-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi; Minnaty Adhimatul Wutsqo PENGUATAN KARAKTER KEBANGSAAN MELALUI PROJEK PENGUTAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA PADA PESERTA DIDIK SEKOLA DASAR 2023-02-19T03:49:18+07:00 Eni Siskowati Shaleh Al ihwanah <p>The independent curriculum provides space for the development of learner profiles that embody the values of Pancasila. For this purpose, schools have the task of facilitating the strengthening of these values in order to produce students with character and noble character. This research intends to explore how the strategy of strengthening character education through the Pancasila Learner Profile Strengthening Project (P5) in elementary school students. This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive approach. The data sources of this research are the Principal, educators, education personnel, and students. The research was conducted in the odd semester of 2022-2023 precisely in October-November. The techniques used were interviews and documentation. The interview technique was used to find out the application of the Pancasila learner profile at SDIT Raudhaturrahmah Pekanbaru, as well as to collect subjective data such as opinions, attitudes, and behaviors of sources related to a phenomenon being studied. Interviews were conducted with the principal and homeroom teachers of grades 2, 3 and 4, online with the help of the WhatsApp application. The strategies that can be taken to strengthen national character through P5 are: forming a team to develop the concept and implementation of P5, building a pattern of habituation to the implementation of Pancasila values through learning in class and outside the classroom, evaluating P5 and following up on the results of the evaluation.</p> Copyright (c) Penerapan Model Project Based Learning di Sekolah Dasar: Hambatan dan Solusi 2023-02-14T05:41:25+07:00 Ia Dahlia Syahlan <p>The Project-Based Learning (PjBL) model has been widely implemented in elementary schools, however, many teachers and students face difficulties during its implementation. The purpose of this research was to identify, compile, and describe the obstacles and solutions in implementing PjBL in elementary schools. This was achieved through a literature review, where the researcher collected data from books and 40 related articles. The analysis was done using content analysis techniques and the results showed that there are several obstacles to implementing PjBL in elementary schools, including: poor time management; lack of understanding of PjBL; low motivation; difficulty understanding the connection to real life; unequal student abilities; confusion among teachers on how to adjust teaching; lack of training for teachers; and inadequate facilities. The researcher concludes the article by presenting alternative solutions that can be considered by teachers, schools, and curriculum designers to overcome the challenges in implementing PjBL in elementary schools.</p> Copyright (c) THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERACTIVE E-BOOK AS A GUIDE FOR MAKING PRESENTATION SLIDES IN STUDENT FINAL EXAMS 2023-02-13T00:49:10+07:00 Rafiud Ilmudinulloh <p><em>This study aims to produce an interactive e-book on a guide for making student final exam presentation slides that are appropriate for use. This study uses a 4D model consisting of the Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. Data was collected using three types of questionnaires namely media expert validation, material expert validation, and field tests.</em> <em>The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics by presenting them in the form of tables and diagrams. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that interactive e-book is feasible to use with an average score of 4.2 or 84% which is in the good category without revision.</em> <em>Students are not only facilitated in technical terms, but also in technological terms, where interactive E-books are easy to access and distribute. This also assists lecturers in providing assessments during student final exams through the criteria and indicators implied in the interactive e-book.</em></p> Copyright (c) PENGEMBANGAN LITERASI KEAGAMAAN MAHASISWA UNTUK MEMBENTUK SIKAP MODERASI PADA ERA SOCIETY 5.0 2023-02-11T10:34:10+07:00 ahmad Sholeh sholeh <p>The presence of the religious literacy movement in higher education is still rarely studied. At the same time, this is very important to produce graduates who have the breadth of knowledge, greatness of character, spiritual depth, and professional maturity. Departing from the existing phenomenon, the researcher wants to examine the development of religious literacy at PGMI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang to form a moderation attitude. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation. The data analysis refers to the opinion of Miles and Haberman (1984) that the research process is in the form of a cycle including data collection, data display, data reduction, and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study are; 1). Moderation values taught in the PGMI Study Program of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang can be classified into two; First, religiousspiritual values, namely the value of balance and tawadhu'. Second, the national social value, namely the value of tolerance, the value of justice, the value of openness, and the value of nationality. 2). The pattern of developing religious literacy to instill the importance of moderation is carried out by using available media, optimizing existing student organizations, increasing student interest in reading, and cultivating discussion. 3). The impact of religious literacy developed in the PGMI Study Program is that students have a good moderation attitude when socializing with this pluralistic society in Indonesia.</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP AL-QALB DALAM AL-QURAN 2023-02-09T04:57:19+07:00 chayati <p>Artikel ini mengkaji bagaimana perspektif al-Quran tentang konsep <em>al-qalb</em>. Penelitian ini penting untuk dikaji sebab <em>al-qalb</em> merupakan anugerah Allah SWT yang diberikan kepada manusia, mempunyai kedudukan dan fungsi yang sangat penting dan utama, serta berfungsi sebagai penggerak dan pengontrol anggota tubuh lainnya. Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana kata al-qalb di dalam al-Quran, bagaimana pembagian <em>al-qalb</em>, dan bagaimana potensi al-qalb. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulian artikel ini adalah studi pustaka (<em>library research</em>) yaitu penelitian yang kajiannya dilaksanakan dengan cara menelaah dan menelusuri berbagai literatur pustaka. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh ialah (1) kata<em> al-qalb</em> disebutkan sebanyak 168 kali dalam berbagai bentuk kata meliputi isim ma?dar mufrad, isim ma?dar tatsniyah, jama taksir, isim mak?n, isim f?il jama mudzakkar s?lim, fiil m??i mabni mal?m, fiil mu??ri mabni mal?m, dan fiil mu??ri mabni majhul. (2) Pembagian al-qalb ada tiga macam, yaitu <em>al-qalb al-salim, al-qalb al-mayyit, dan al-qalb al-mar?d.</em> (3) Potensi <em>al-qalb</em> ada delapan, yaitu a) melakukan sesuatu secara sengaja, b) merasa kesal dan gembira, c) bisa berpaling, d) berprasangka, e) mengingkari, f) dapat diuji, g) dapat ditundukkan, dan h) bisa ditutup rapat. Kontribusi penelitian ini secara teoritis adalah dapat memperkaya penelitian pada ranah konsep <em>al-qalb</em> dalam perpektif Al-Quran dan dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan atau referensi bagi pembaca yang akan meneliti ranah terkait terutama dalam pembahasan kata <em>al-qalb,</em> pembagian <em>al-qalb, </em>dan potensi <em>al-qalb.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) The HIDAYATUL MUTA'ALLIM AS THE MAIN FOUNDATION FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MODERATE ISLAMIC CHARACTER OF STUDENTS IN MADRASAH 2023-02-08T06:32:47+07:00 Dewi Sinta Ahmad Rosidi Fathor Rohman <p>The formation of the character of moderate Islamic students is a great responsibility of asatidz or teachers who are in the country in building the younger generation. This research uses a research methodology with a qualitative approach with the type of case study research carried out at the Al-Qodiri Islamic Boarding School, especially in the Tsanawiyah Madrasah "Unggulan" Al-Qodiri with the aim of analyzing the use of the book of Hidayatul Muta'allim as a basic guideline for shaping the character of moderate Islamic students of class VII MTs "Unggulan" Al-Qodiri. The results showed that the book of Hidayatul Muta'allim is very relevant as the main foundation for the formation of the moderate Islamic character of Santri in the Madrasah Tsanawiyah "Unggulan" Al-Qodiri Jember.</p> Copyright (c) TUJUAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM PONDOK PESANTREN MAHASISWA 2023-02-08T04:44:26+07:00 Tatang Hidayat <p><em>This research is motivated by the importance of Islamic personality education for students who are looking for knowledge in higher education. The purpose of this study is to analyze the purpose of Islamic education at the Miftahul Khoir Student Islamic Boarding School in Bandung. The method used in this study is a descriptive method, using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews, observations, and documentation studies. In this study, the researcher as the main instrument. Based on the results of the study, the general purpose of Islamic education at PPM Miftahul Khoir has a characteristic in realizing a cadre of people leaders who have the character of Shakh</em><em>?</em><em>iyya? Islamiyyah, namely by making the mindset and attitude pattern according to Islamic teachings and developing dinul Islam in accordance with the knowledge abilities obtained. The general purpose of Islamic education at PPM Miftahul Khoir if you see the input of students as students has an advantage over salafi students in general, because students at PPM Miftahul Khoir are not only required to understand Islamic religious knowledge, but they are required to become cadres of leaders of the people by having the characteristics of Shakh</em><em>?</em><em>iyya? Islamiyyah. The specific purpose of education at PPM Miftahul Khoir is not to target students to fully master all the knowledge in pesantren, because the students in PPM Miftahul Khoir are not pure students who study fully in pesantren, but they are also students, so their concentration in learning is divided between lectures and islamic boarding schools. Therefore, the special purpose of education at PPM Miftahul Khoir is to introduce the basic sciences of leadership such as Arabic, students are trained to be able to proselytize among the community in order to entrust this Islam to prospective leaders of the nation.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) INTERPRETASI IKHTISAR METODE TAFSIR MAUDHLU’I 2023-02-06T13:57:39+07:00 Mar'atus Solikhah <p>Interpreting the Qur'an is one way to understand the Qur'an. In addition, the Qur'an is also the holy book of Muslims who were handed down to the prophet Muhammad and saw as a guide for life in the world where the Quran has a very high level of language and literature which is one of its specialties. Therefore, man will urgently need interpretation to understand the content of the Qur'an and carry out his commands and stay away from His prohibition. Over time, problems arose in the complex community that led to the development of interpretations of the Qur'an. The development of qur'anic interpretation is inseparable from the development of methods and techniques used in the interpretation of the Qur'an that is applied in accordance with the problems that arise in accordance with existing rules. One of the methods of interpretation of the Qur'an that developed is the maudhu'i method of interpretation (thematic). The method used is qualitative research with the type of library research. The result of this study is that the maudhu'i interpretation method is a method of collecting related verses between one verse and another on a certain theme. to answer a problem according to the theme or topic being discussed.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Keywords :&nbsp; Qur'an, Method, Tafsir Maudhu'i</p> Copyright (c) INOVASI INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN MUFRADÂT BERBASIS HOTS DAN AKM DALAM KITAB AL-ARABIYAH LIL AN-NÂSYIÎN JILID LIMA 2023-01-31T12:45:45+07:00 era sastra <p>This study aims to provide innovations in HOTS and AKM based <em>mufrad</em>â<em>t</em> assessment instruments in the <em>kitab al-'arabiyyah li an-nâsyiîn volume five</em>. This innovation is motivated by the absence of <em>mufradât</em> assessment instruments in the form of complex multiple choice characterized by high-level thinking.&nbsp; The type of research is library research. The research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. Research data is collected from all assessment instruments in the book and classifies as needed. Data analysis was carried out by comparing the instruments in the book with HOTS and AKM-based assessments.&nbsp; The result of this study is the innovation of the <em>mufradât</em> assessment instrument in the form of an objective test in the form of a complex multiple choice. Complex multiple choice shows the variety of questions on the objective test. Complex multiple choice provides answers in the form of statements related to the subject matter that leading to the level of analysis, evaluation, and creation.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) The Jurnal of EKSPANSI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI BAHASA INGGRIS SANTRI DENGAN METODE CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (Studi Kasus di Lembaga English Area of Latee Pondok Pesantren Annuqayah Latee) 2023-01-30T01:52:16+07:00 Amirul Haq Abdul Wahid <p>The systems and management models used with different educational institutions vary, and so do the vision, mission, and goals of each institution in relation to the scale or achievement seen as ideal in its eyes (according to expectations that must be achieved).</p> <p>In in addition to determining the process and evaluation of learning English in order to enhance student achievement in the English Area of Latee A Islamic boarding school Annuqayah Latee this study aims to determine the expansion and strategy of educational institutions in improving students' English achievement using the contextual teaching learning method. This research used a qualitative field research methodology with the use of interviews, observation, and documentation for data collection toolkits. Data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions are the primary 3 stages of data presentation in this study.</p> Copyright (c) N Nilai-nilai Pesantren dalam Tradisi Talaman Sebagai Pondasi Character Building di Era Modern 2023-01-28T21:25:52+07:00 ridha bayusuf <p>In order to preserve the integrity of Islamic research and teachings, pesantren, as the pillars of civilization, must optimize their roles in a time when technology is becoming more sophisticated and is used in many facets of daily life. The pesantren's existence has been impacted by the modernity flow and all of its effects. The pesantren traditions—more commonly referred to as "the traditions of the pesantren"—contain Islamic doctrines that are gradually beginning to look diminished. In this situation, Islamic boarding schools must maximize their position as the moral bulwark of society. The pesantren heritage, which is rich in religious teaching values and includes a tradition known as Talaman, is surely one way to strengthen character.</p> Copyright (c) konsep kesederhanaan dalam lembaga pendidikan pesantren diera modernisasi 2023-01-28T13:11:29+07:00 malatul karimah <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: The oldest Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia are Islamic boarding schools, which have historically exerted a significant influence in the socio-religious realm. The Muslim community in Indonesia has a long history of supporting Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions. Various models and lifestyles of students vary greatly, and with increasingly advanced times, both in terms of eating and dressing (without exaggerating according to the place and purpose), an institution or pesantren can be recognized from the simplicity of life or the attitude of a person. Santri, that is, by considering everything as it is. In contrast to the current Islamic boarding schools, which are referred to as "modern Islamic boarding schools," where everything is instantaneous, including food, clothing, and excessive use of make-up, this lifestyle does not occur in students (santri) in such a situation. Simplicity can be seen in the lifestyle of the students in their daily lives, even though they are teenagers whose conditions are unstable and easily influenced by the environment. Based on the background of the problems above, this study discusses how simple the lifestyles in Islamic boarding schools are in the modernization era. The method used is qualitative, utilizing library documents as data sources. The results of this study indicate that a simple lifestyle in Islamic boarding schools in the modern era, namely maintaining everything in terms of using living equipment in Islamic boarding schools, is not exaggerating.</p> <p><strong>Key words</strong>: modernisation, simplification, and Islamic boarding school.</p> Copyright (c) C CREATING A SUPERIOR SCHOOL WITH HORTICULTURE-BASED EDUPRENEURSHIP AND CRAFTS IN HIGH SCHOOL (SMA) 2023-01-26T09:12:01+07:00 Saamah S <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="82"> <table width="100%"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><strong>After and Before: 1 cm</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> &nbsp;</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><strong>: </strong>There are many important reasons why edupreneurship needs to be implemented in schools. The implementation of edupreneurship can take advantage of internal and external sources in a broad and dynamic sense for the benefit of educational institutions. Not only economic benefits can be obtained but also more than that, namely making schools superior with useful work. Being a school that has unique advantages is more important than just excess income because schools that have advantages guarantee the long-term sustainability of schools. Building edupreneurship based on entrepreneurship training can be a solution to solving current school problems. Can bring in students and increase public trust in schools</p> Copyright (c) PEMBANGUNAN KARAKTER DAN SEPUTAR KEHIDUPAN SANTRI KANAK-KANAK DI PONDOK PESANTREN TARBIYATUL ULUM PEKUWON RENGEL TUBAN 2023-01-24T04:28:35+07:00 mar'atus sholikah <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Suatu sejarah yang berbentukkisah dan cerita dapat dengan proses pendidikan apabila,pada saat berkarakter yang ada pada diri tersebut terdapat tujuan inginnya belajar.belajar merypakan cerminan untuk kita melangkah lebhih maju ke masa depan apalagi buat kalangan para santri di era sekarang kita sebgai santri harus memegang teguh prinsip dan harga diri ,seorang santri tidak boleh terlihat remeh di kalangan masyarakat umum kita sebagai santri harus menjunjung tinggi martabat serta hakikat kita.dan apabila kita sudah menjadi santri maka pantang bagi kita untuk kembali tanpa mendapatkan ilmu yang barokah dari kyai ibu nyai maupu waahli baiti(keluarga beliau) bagi seorang santri he daklah kita mengaji dan mematuhi kyai tidak usah membuat gaduh dan jangan sampai melanggar peraturan pondok patuhilah peraturan pondok jadikannlah itu semua prinsip hidup mu nanti di masa depan agar kelak kamu akan menjadiorang yang mafaat bagi diri mu maupun anak turun mu maupu masyarakat disekitar mu.semoga kelak kamu menajadi orang yang berhasil dan tidak menyia-nyiakan pengorbanan orang tua mu yang sudahh membiayai mu.</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci</em></strong><em> : </em>pendidikan,karakter di pondok pesantren</p> Copyright (c) MANAJEMEN BIMBINGAN KONSELING DALAM UPAYA MENANGANI KEDISIPLINAN PESERTA DIDIK DI MTSN 1 JOMBANG 2023-01-23T11:47:54+07:00 Nur 'Azah <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The aim of the study was to find out the implementation of guidance and counseling management at MTsN 1 Jombang, to find out the handling of student discipline management at MTsN 1 Jombang, and to find out the inhibiting factors and supporting factors in an effort to discipline students at MTsN 1 Jombang.</p> <p>Research with case studies using a phenomenological approach to qualitative research was carried out at MTsN 1 Jombang. In practice seeking information from various sources, namely: school principals, vice principals, guidance and counseling coordinators, supervising teachers, subject teachers, homeroom teachers, school committees, student guardians, and students. Data collection techniques using: interviews, observation, documentation study. Data from three sources were analyzed using triangulation, member checking, peer discussions, and checking the adequacy of references.</p> <p>The research results obtained that guidance counseling management in an effort to handle student discipline at MTsN 1 Jombang includes the implementation of guidance counseling management at MTsN 1 Jombang by planning and pre-arranging the components (BK system, methods, facilities and time) that support the objectives of the activity BK. As for the handling of student discipline management at MTsN 1 Jombang, namely socializing the forms of violations and their weight, determining the forms of student development, conveying the objectives of controlling activities and fostering disciplinary violations. The inhibiting factors found were the lack of commitment between education personnel, the limited number of counseling teachers, intensification in the form of work or communication with outside parties related to counseling which was still lacking, and the minimum quality of human resources who applied counseling. The advantages factor is that there is still a strong will and enthusiasm from the counseling teacher, the carrying capacity of representative infrastructure, positive responses from various parties, the welfare of the guidance counselor who is considered</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Management, Counseling Guidance, Discipline</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DIERA MODERN INI SANGAT PENTING 2023-01-22T06:33:46+07:00 Lutfi Khanifah <p>Problematika pendidikan di indonesia sekarang sangat memperihatinkan, yang mana di lihat dari di mensi maupun kepemimpinan dan pendidikan. Dengan adanya pendidikan seharusnya dapat menyelesaikan masalah. Karena kebodohan yang ada pada seseorang akan dapat dihapuskan oleh pendidikan yang baik.Oleh sebab itu artikel ini saya buat&nbsp; guna untuk mengetahui apa-apa saja problematika&nbsp; pendidikan indonesia.</p> <p>KATA KUNCI: problematika pendidikan di indonesia</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) Pendidikan Islam Membangun Akhlak Generasi Bangsa 2023-01-22T06:02:10+07:00 Malika Izzah Billah <p>Artikel ini merupakan pemikiran tentang moral siswa yang menjadi tujuan Sistem Pendidikan Nasional adalah untuk mengatur pemerintah bahwa UU No. 20 tahun 2003. Moral siswa adalah misi yang mendesak karena sikap Muhammad sejak dulu sebagai utusan nabi di Dunia. Moralitas penting bagi siswa untuk pendidikan Islam seperti TPQ, Diniyah, Pesantren, Sekolah Islam dan Pendidikan Tinggi Islam, bahkan saat ini manusia menjadi wajah tantangan gelombang perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang berpengaruh positif atau negatif bagi manusia. Pendidikan Islam para siswa sekarang harus bersikap moralitas yang besar. Penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana seharusnya pendidikan Islam menanggapi dan mengantisipasi hal-hal dari komunitas terbuka berkomunikasi dengan yang lain agar siswa memiliki sikap. Penelitian kualitatif adalah sumber para ahli dalam pendidikan Islam melalui buku atau jurnal yang relevan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) A Impementasi Problem Based Learning dalam Pendidikan Islam 2023-01-21T16:30:10+07:00 Faradila Amalia <p>Abstract: Implementasi of Problem Based Learning dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam Materi Indahnya Rumah Tangga untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas XII MA AL IHSAN&nbsp; Tembelang Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan prestasi belajar peserta didik kelas XII dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam materi Indahnya Membangun Mahligai Rumah Tangga di MA AL IHSAN Tembelang Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022 melalui implementasi Problem Based Learning. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan di kelas XII MA AL IHSAN Tembelang dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 23 siswa. Penelitian dilaksanakan sebanyak 3 siklus dengan 4 tahapan yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar pada sikulus 1 peserta didik yang mencapai KKM sebesar 43.47% dan yang belum mencapai KKM sebesar 56.53%. Dari data siklus II menunjukkan prosentase ketuntasan belajar naik menjadi 56.5% dibandingkan data siklus I yang hanya 43.47% dari total 23 peserta didik. Dengan demikian ada peningkatan sebesar 13% dari implementasi Problem Based Learning dalam siklus II. Sehingga kurva hasil belajar yang mengalami kenaikan memberikan deskripsi keberhasilan yang harus ditidak lanjuti dalam sikulus berikutnya agar bisa mencapai 75% ketuntasan belajar. Dari data siklus II menunjukkan prosentase ketuntasan belajar naik menjadi 82.6% dibandingkan data siklus II sebesar 56.5% dari total 23 peserta didik. Dengan demikian ada peningkatan sebesar 26% dari implementasi Problem Based Learning dalam siklus III. Sehingga kurva hasil belajar yang mengalami kenaikan memberikan deskripsi keberhasilan mencapai 82.6% ketuntasan belajar.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Implementasi, problem based learning, prestasi belajar</p> Copyright (c) A Tantangan Pendidikan Agama Islam di Era Globalisasi 2023-01-21T16:25:10+07:00 Layyinatul Ilmiyah <p>Abstrak : Era globalisasi saat ini menuntut kemampuan umat Islam untuk bersaing dalam skala global dengan meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Pendidikan agama Islam berperan penting dalam membentuk karakter dan akhlak generasi muslim serta memperkuat visi spiritual mereka. Namun, saat ini terdapat kendala dalam implementasi pendidikan agama Islam yang efektif di era globalisasi.pendidikan merupakan sarana tepat, selain menghasilkan manusia yang unggul, kreatif,ulat, tekun, juga ditopang oleh nilai keimanan.</p> Copyright (c) solusi terhadap problematika pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan islam di indonesia 2023-01-21T16:24:23+07:00 EMA NUR ROKHIMAH BINU <p>Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional yang telah <br>banyak mewarnai perjalanan pendidikan di Indonesia. Sistem pengajaran yang dijalankan <br>pondok pesantren sangat khas sehingga lembaga pendidikan ini sekaligus menjadi identitas <br>Indonesia dengan beragam variasi dan bentuk pembelajaran di dalamnya. Salah satu tradisi <br>agung (great tradition) di Indonesia adalah tradisi pengajaran agama Islam seperti yang muncul <br>di pesantren khususnya di Jawa dan lembaga-lembaga serupa di luar Jawa dan semenanjung <br>Malaya. Salah satu langkah agar pendidikan dalam pesantren mengikuti zaman ialah dengan <br>memperbarui metode pembelajaran lama menjadi metode pembelajran yang terbaru. Hal ini <br>agar para santri juga dapat menyerap ilmu dengan sempurna. Untuk mempertahankan <br>keberadaannya, pesantren membuat sejumlah perubahan yang dianggap perlu, namun tetap <br>melestarikan tradisi masa lalu. Makalah ini akan membahas berbagai masalah yang dihadapi <br>pesantren di era global</p> Copyright (c) MEMAHAMI KITAB KUNING ALA PESANTREN SALAF 2023-01-21T10:46:09+07:00 Azmil Ihsan Alfatih Azmil <p>Pesantren sebagai salah satu bentuk lembaga pendidikan nonformal merupakan salah satu jenis lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional di Indonesia yang tujuan pendidikannya adalah untuk mendalami ilmu-ilmu agama dan mengamalkannya sebagai pedoman dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penyelenggaraan lembaga pendidikan pesantren berupa asrama, yaitu komunitas yang diasuh oleh kyai atau ulama dan dibantu oleh ustadz Tujuan pendidikan di pesantren adalah untuk membentuk watak dan pribadi yang berbudi luhur, berakhlak mulia, sekaligus penerus dan penegak agama dan negara. Karena itulah pesantren diakui sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang ikut mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. Penerapan metode pembelajaran kitab kuning di pondok pesantren sudah sesuai dengan metode yang diwariskan ulama salaf. yaitu: : a) metode klasikal (perpaduan antara metode konvensional) yang peserta didiknya berjenjang dan berkelas, b) metode bandongan yaitu peserta didik mendengarkan/mengikuti apa yang dikatakan ustadz, c) metode sorogan yaitu ustadz mendengarkan/mengikuti apa yang dikatakan siswa, d) metode diskusi sebagai pemecahan masalah, dan e) metode hafalan adalah metode mengingat bahan ajar.</p> Copyright (c) Implementasi Manajemen Komunikasi dalam Meningkatkan Teori Solidaritas Organik 2023-01-21T10:11:12+07:00 nafingah nafi' zainur arifin <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>The study aims to determine the application of communication management in organizational activities and to apply social solidarity theory in the form of organic solidarity theory applied in PPP. Al-Fathimiyyah Bahrul 'Ulum. This study used qualitative research methods. The method used is the method of interview, observation, and documentation. The results showed that the application of communication management in organizational activities is to make communication activities carried out in a structured and systematic manner. Because, the existence of an organization is determined by the interaction of all its members, which is called organizational communication. So, these interactions must be managed by implementing communication management. Meanwhile, the implementation of management in organizational communication is by aligning the management functions, namely the functions of planning, organizing, directing and supervising with communication within the organization (both in positions as superiors and subordinates). Then in organizations there is a theory of social solidarity, namely the theory of mechanical and organic solidarity, but in this scientific paper what I focus on is organizations based on organic solidarity theory only, because it adjusts the title of the research. Organic solidarity theory is the division of responsibility or authority to each member in the organization according to the expertise of each member or what is called specialyzation.</p> Copyright (c) PESANTREN DAN SISTEM PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL 2023-01-21T03:38:46+07:00 Zakiyatul Fikriyah Syamsi <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>Pesantren telah lama menjadi lembaga yang memiliki kontribusi&nbsp; penting dalam ikut serta mencerdaskan bangsa.Banyaknya jumlah pesantren di Indonesia, serta besarnya jumlah Santri pada tiap pesantren menjadikan lembaga ini layak diperhitungkan dalam kaitannya dengan pembangunan bangsa di bidang pendidikan dan moral.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang unik.Tidak saja karena keberadaannya yang sudah sangat lama, tetapi juga karena kultur, metode, dan jaringan yang diterapkan oleh lembaga pendidikan tersebut.Perbaikan-perbaikan yang secara terus-menerus dilakukan terhadap pesantren, baik dari segi manajemen, akademik, maupun fasilitasnya menjadikan pesantren keluar dari kesan tradisional yang kolot yang selama ini disandangnya.Beberapa pesantren bahkan telah menjadi model dari lembaga pendidikan yang leading.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN DAN PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM PRESPEKTIF ISLAM 2023-01-20T17:32:38+07:00 Indy Imtiyaz <p><span id="page3R_mcid14" class="markedContent"><br role="presentation"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*84.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*254.66px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.973504);" role="presentation">peran dan Pendidikan karakter dalam</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*261.41px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*254.66px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.972388);" role="presentation">prespektif islam adalah sebuah usaha untuk menetapkan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*274.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.904323);" role="presentation">nilai</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*91.34px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*274.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">-</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*95.06px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*274.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.904323);" role="presentation">nilai</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*117.62px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*274.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.960066);" role="presentation">agama ,moral etika pada peserta didik</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*302.21px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*274.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.963084);" role="presentation">melalui ilmu pengetahuan dan adanya pengaruh </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*295.13px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.956895);" role="presentation">prespektif islam dan ada campur tangan pleh kedua orangtua , guru , serta masyarakat yang sangat </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*315.41px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.972);" role="presentation">penting</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*111.74px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*315.41px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.00534);" role="presentation">dalam membentuk dan mengembangkan karakter peserta didik . setiap</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*466.18px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*315.41px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">a</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*471.10px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*315.41px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.961325);" role="presentation">nak meiliki </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*335.69px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.999296);" role="presentation">potensi yang baik sejak lahir , namun potensi tersebut harus terus di asah dan di sosialisasikan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*355.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.94318);" role="presentation">dengan baik agar karakter setiap anak terbentuk dan berkembang secara maksimal</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*446.86px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*355.85px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.919532);" role="presentation">. di zaman digital </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*376.13px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.970274);" role="presentation">yang sangat berdampak</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*185.90px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*376.13px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.940297);" role="presentation">negativ</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*223.01px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*376.13px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.986309);" role="presentation">pada pendidik dsn anak muda generasi masa depan</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*468.70px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*376.13px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.972357);" role="presentation">namun juga </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*396.41px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.978614);" role="presentation">memiliki dampak positif . orang tua dan masyarakat dewasa dalam membimbing dan memantau </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*416.69px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.990476);" role="presentation">apa yang anak lakukan dengan media digitalnya tersebut , se</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*360.19px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*416.69px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.989318);" role="presentation">hinga anak mampu memanfaatkan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*436.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.96896);" role="presentation">sebaik mungkin</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*150.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*436.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.98876);" role="presentation">dan mendapatkan manfaat yang baik untuk dirinya dan hidupnya</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*458.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*436.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">.</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*464.86px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*436.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.966726);" role="presentation">Membangun </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*457.15px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.979998);" role="presentation">karakter adalah kebutuhan yang sangat penting di Indonesia , secara khusus dalam menigkatkan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*477.43px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.972227);" role="presentation">karakter anak muda sebagai penerus bangsa .pen</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*299.33px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*477.43px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.958562);" role="presentation">didkan karakter dalam prespektif islam memiliki </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*497.71px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.989683);" role="presentation">kesamaan dengan Pendidikan moral . sebagai kitab suci al</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*348.43px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*497.71px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">-</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*352.15px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*497.71px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.993147);" role="presentation">quran menjadi dasar islam di semua </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.957796);" role="presentation">bidang</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*111.12px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.971763);" role="presentation">kehidupan</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*167.48px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.964909);" role="presentation">termasuk</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*217.74px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.966887);" role="presentation">pada</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*247.46px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.941996);" role="presentation">masalah</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*292.30px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.959572);" role="presentation">moral</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*326.96px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.937382);" role="presentation">“allah</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*361.61px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.970396);" role="presentation">berfirman</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*415.36px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">,</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*425.78px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.914727);" role="presentation">yang</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*454.93px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.964597);" role="presentation">berarti</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*492.95px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">“</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*506.14px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*517.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.982857);" role="presentation">dan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*538.15px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.947938);" role="presentation">sesungguhnya engkau Muhammad memi</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*258.89px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*538.15px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.922699);" role="presentation">liki karakter yang mulia “ karna hal itu , dapat di simpulkan </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*558.43px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.06648);" role="presentation">bahwa nabi Muhammad , dikirim ke bumi tidak lain untuk memperbaiki karakter semua </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*578.71px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.02848);" role="presentation">manusia .dengan demikian , karakter Pendidikan menurut sudut pandang islam diperlukan , </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*598.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.951346);" role="presentation">terutama di Lembaga Pend</span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*194.69px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*598.87px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.950938);" role="presentation">idikan mampu mewujudkan Pendidikan karakter dalam prespektif islam </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*619.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.953858);" role="presentation">dalam bentuk kejujuran</span> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*185.30px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*619.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.957778);" role="presentation">, peningkatan inteljen dengan memperhatikan Kesehatan da</span></span><span id="page3R_mcid15" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*459.70px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*619.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif;" role="presentation">n</span></span><span id="page3R_mcid16" class="markedContent"> <span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*468.34px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*619.18px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.951102);" role="presentation">kebersihan , </span><span dir="ltr" style="left: calc(var(--scale-factor)*72.02px); top: calc(var(--scale-factor)*639.46px); font-size: calc(var(--scale-factor)*12.00px); font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(0.951118);" role="presentation">kesadaran dan kreativitas.</span></span></p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh Efikasi Diri Dan Perfeksionisme Terhadap Prokrastinasi Akademik Dengan Akademik Burnout sebagai Variabel Intervening Yang Dilakukan Oleh Mahasiswa Prodi Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa Yogyakarta Di Masa Perkuliaha 2023-01-20T09:41:19+07:00 Adia Adi Prabowo Dewi Kusuma Wardani Anita Primastiwi <p>Today, young people suffer from high levels of mental stress, such as anxiety, depression and panic disorders due to high expectations for academic achievement and for remaining competent in a rapidly changing and competitive society. University graduates have experienced mental health problems (ie depression) due to unsatisfactory academic performance, poor financial conditions, interpersonal relationship problems and loneliness. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of self-efficacy and perfectionism on academic procrastination with academic fatigue as a variable intervention carried out by students of the accounting study program, Faculty of Economics, Tamansiswa University, Yogyakarta during their lecture years.</p> <p>The research respondents were all S1 Accounting Faculty of Economics who were still active in the even semester of the 2019/2020 Academic Year who had attended online learning with a total sample of 227 students. Instrument testing was carried out using validity and reliability tests. classical assumption testing followed by multiple regression analysis either partially or simultaneously.</p> <p>The results of this research are expected to be one of the considerations and input materials and added value for Faculty managers, especially the Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Bachelor of Economics, Tamansiswa Yogyakarta in an effort to improve the quality of online learning in order to increase the quality of graduates during the Covid 19 pandemic and help create a curriculum in an accounting education system that prioritizes academic integrity in higher education.</p> Copyright (c) problematika program tahfidz di pondok pesantren dan solusinya 2023-01-20T06:03:34+07:00 biaunik biaunikikmaliadini <p>Pondok pesantren al Amanah adalah salah satu lembaga yang didalamnya mengajarkan pembelajaran membaca dan menghafal Alquran dengan baik dan benar, dengan itu mengajak kepada santri-santri untuk mempelajari membaca dan menghafal Alquran dengan pembelajaran yang diterapakan di pondok pesantren al Amanah. Jenis kajiannya adalah kajian lapangan. Kajian ini dapat membuktikan bahwa problematika evaluasi dalam pembelajaran hapalan Alqur’an adalah malas dalam menghapal, bosan dalam menghapal, harus mencapai target yang telah ditentukan, kadang mengantuk, waktu mereka cenederung digunakan untuk berbincang-bincang dengan temannya dan tidak memakai metode yang benar dalam menghapal. Untuk perbaikan ini perlu diadakan evaluasi. Untuk melakukan evaluasi, terdapat beberapa bentuk kegiatan, yakni ujian per lima juz an, naik juz setelah murojaah seperempat an, murojaah setiap malam habis maghrib dan bimbingan fashohah.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI METODE I’ROBUL MUYA DALAM MENGATASI MASALAH KESULITAN MEMAHAMI ILMU NAHWU DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL- AMANAH PUTRI 2023-01-20T04:13:20+07:00 VALIN ISNAINIAWATI <p>Peran Ilmu Nahwu dalam ilmu agama Islam sangatlah penting, terutama dalam memahami teori yang berbau bahasa arab. Seperti ilmu hadits, ilmu tafsir, Baca kitab kuning, dan lain-lain. Ilmu nahwu adalah suatu pelajaran yang penting bagi para santri maupun pelajar yang lainnya. Karena ilmu nahwu memudahkan untuk memahami tatanan bahasa arab dengan baik dan benar. Namun pada zaman yang modern ini banyak pelajar yang kesulitan dalam memahami ilmu nahwu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi I’robul Muyassar metode pemecahan masalah kesulitan memahami Ilmu Nahwu Di Pondok Pesantren Al-Amanah Putri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1. Kesulitan membaca kitab kuning, meliputi kesulitan dalam membedakan Rofa, nashob, jer, jazem. 2. Penerapan I’robul Muyasar yakni sangatlah membantu, karena adanya I’robul Muyasar para santri sudah mempunyai pandangan dan ada bekal untuk belajar bahasa arab.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR PADA PELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK DI MTS NEGERI 1 YOGYAKARTA 2023-01-24T07:22:57+07:00 Hasan Basri <p><strong>Abstract:</strong>This study aims to find out how the implementation of the independent learning curriculum is implemented, to find out the obstacles encountered in the implementation of the independent learning curriculum, and to find out how the form of assessment of akidah moral learning is based on the independent curriculum at MTs Negeri 1 Yogyakarta. This research is a field research using descriptive qualitative method. Collecting data in this study using interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that: 1) there are four policies in the implementation of the independent learning curriculum, namely the National Examination is replaced by a Minimum Competency Assessment and character survey, the National Standardized School Examination is handed over to schools, the simplification of the Lesson Implementation Plan (RPP) is only one page, and the expansion acceptance of new students. 2) The implementation of the independent learning curriculum in the Aqeedah Akhlak subject is composed of several designs, starting with the introduction, core activities, elaboration, communication and confirmation. and finally the closing. 3) The assessment process for the Aqeedah Akhlak subject at MTs Negeri 1 Yogyakarta carries out several forms of assessment, such as daily assessments in the form of questions or written notes at the end of the semester.</p> <p> </p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Hasan Basri PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-01-19T17:17:53+07:00 diana lutvi <p>Pendidikan islam sangatlah penting untuk kita yang beragama islam karna kita di ajarkan bagaimana islam mengajarkan ajarannya dengan benar dan tepat. Agama islam terbagi menjedi dua kata yaitu agama dan islam, Agama adalah peraturan, pedoman, ajaran, atau sistem yang mengatur tentang keyakinan, keimanan kepercayaan. sedangkan Islam adalah agama samawi yang di turunkan oleh Allah SWT, kepada nabi muhammad SAW sebagai rasul utusan Allah dan ALLAH menjadikan islam agam yang rahmatan lil’aalamin [rahmad bagi seluru alam.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DI SD/MI 2023-01-19T13:34:41+07:00 Elok Faiqoh Wifqi <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Bahasa Indonesia termasuk media komunikasi yang menjadi salah satu ciri khas bangsa Indonesia dan dipergunakan sebagai bahasa nasional. Pelajaran bahasa Indonesia termasuk salah satu mata pelajaran yang perlu diajarkan di Sekolah Dasar. Hal ini merupakan sebab mengapa pelajaran bahasa Indonesia harus diajarkan di semua jenjang pendidikan terutama pada SD/MI, karena merupakan dasar dari semua pembelajaran. Tujuan mata pelajaran tersebut jika dipahami oleh guru akan memberi dampak pada kegiatan pembelajaran yang mengarah kepada siswa mampu berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia diarahkan oleh guru untuk siswa mampu memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia secara efektif dan efisien baik lisan maupun tulisan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: Media, Komunikasi, Siswa, Sekolah Dasar</strong></p> Copyright (c) KEPEMIMPINAN KIAI DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN PENDIDIKAN PESANTREN 2023-01-19T12:52:21+07:00 Titin Purwaningsih <p>Pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan memiliki ciri khas tersendiri,diantara ciri khas pesantren yaitu dimulai tradisinya, model kepemimpinan kiainya,kurikulumnya,sistem pendidikannya,dan gaya hidup para santri yang sangat sederhana dalam mengutamakan kebersamaan.Pengelolaan pendidikan pesantren tidak terlepas dari peran seorang kiai.Kiai memiliki peran penting dalam menjalankan pengelolaan pesantren.Didalam pesantren kiai merupakan sosok yang memiliki kedudukan tertinggi dalam mengelola pesantren.Kiai merupakan penentu dan pengendali dalam menunjukkan kesuksesan dalam mengelola pesantren, dari mulai berdirinya hingga saat ini dalam menghadapi perkembangan zaman. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari pesatnya&nbsp; perkembangan jumlah santri dari tahun ketahun dan sarana prasarana yang dimiliki terus meningkat serta kualitas santri dalam segi keilmuannya yang tidak kalah dengan lembaga pendidikan non pesantren.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Kepemimpinan, Kiai, Pesantren</p> <p>Abstract</p> <p>Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions have their own characteristics, among the characteristics of Islamic boarding schools, namely starting their tradition, their kyai leadership model, curriculum, education system, and the lifestyle of the students which is very simple in prioritizing togetherness. The management of pesantren education is inseparable from the role of a kyai. an important role in running the management of Islamic boarding schools. In Islamic boarding schools, the kyai is a figure who has the highest position in managing the pesantren. This can be seen from the rapid growth in the number of students from year to year and the infrastructure owned continues to increase as well as the quality of students in terms of science which is not inferior to non-Islamic boarding schools.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) problematika program tahfidz di pondok pesantren dan solusinya 2023-01-19T07:57:47+07:00 biaunik biaunikikmaliadini <p><strong>Asbtrak</strong></p> <p>Pondok pesantren al Amanah adalah salah satu lembaga yang didalamnya mengajarkan pembelajaran membaca dan menghafal Alquran dengan baik dan benar, dengan itu mengajak kepada santri-santri untuk mempelajari membaca dan menghafal Alquran dengan pembelajaran yang diterapakan di pondok pesantren al Amanah. Jenis kajiannya adalah kajian lapangan. Kajian ini dapat membuktikan bahwa problematika evaluasi dalam pembelajaran hapalan Alqur’an adalah malas dalam menghapal, bosan dalam menghapal, harus mencapai target yang telah ditentukan, kadang mengantuk, waktu mereka cenederung digunakan untuk berbincang-bincang dengan temannya dan tidak memakai metode yang benar dalam menghapal. Untuk perbaikan ini perlu diadakan evaluasi. Untuk melakukan evaluasi, terdapat beberapa bentuk kegiatan, yakni ujian per lima juz an, naik juz setelah murojaah seperempat an, murojaah setiap malam habis maghrib dan bimbingan fashohah.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci: problematika program tahfidz, solusi&nbsp; </strong></p> Copyright (c) PROGRAM PEMBELAJARAN AL-QUR’AN DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL-IKHLAS BAHRUL ULUM TAMBAK BERAS JOMBANG 2023-01-19T06:45:46+07:00 fatma fatma nur halisa <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Al-Qur’an is a way of life for every Muslim, where Al-Qur’an is the source of all knowledge. It takes prcess and persistence to memorize the verses of the Al-Qur’an, considering that the Al-Qur’an has a language that a different from every day language. Therefore, it takes persistence to study the Qur’an, because studying the Al-Qur’an itself has many advantages. This study aims to determine the method of learning the Al-Qur’an at the Al-Ikhlas Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding Scholl, Tambak Beras Jombang. The research used is a qualitative reseach method, the results of the research show that several programs are carried out at the Al-Ikhlas Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Jombang Rice Fields.</p> Copyright (c) PENTINGNYA PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER 2023-01-19T03:48:23+07:00 alma <p><em>Artikel ini disusun untuk mengetahui, memahami dan memperluas pengetahuan tentang pendidikan karakter. Pendidikan karater bagi setiap anak itu sangat penting, karena pendidikan karakter merupakan pendidikan yang mengembangkan nilai-nilai karakter bangsa pada diri seseorang. Pendidikan Karakter merupakan pendidikan dasar yang mengajarkan tentang moral dan kebiasaan baik, baik itu diperoleh dari lingkungan keluarga ( orang tua ) sekolah ( guru) maupun lingkungan sekitar, karena peran orang tua, guru, masyarakat serta negara sangatlah mendukung penumbuhan karakter yang baik bagi seseorang terutama para peserta didik entah dalam bentuk pendidikan formal maupun pendidikan tidak formal. Juga dianggap memiliki peran sebagai pencetak moral bangsa Indonesia melalui jalur pendidikan. Pendidikan karakter itu sangat penting, karena karena dapat mengajarkan nilai-nilai tradisional</em>.</p> Copyright (c) Tujuan pendidikan 2023-01-19T02:59:47+07:00 galang galang <p>Tulisan ini akan membahas tentang peran Pendidikan agama islam di dalam sekolah dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik. Namun, cita-cita untuk memajukan bangsa tersebut hanya akan menjadi mimpi semata ketika fenomena yang memperlihatkan karakter buruk kian mengemuka di negeri ini, dan hal yang paling menghawatirkan adalah kalangan siswa terlibat di dalamnya.melalui pembelajaran PAI ini siswa di ajarkan aqidah sebagai dasar keagamaannya ,di ajarkan Al Quran dan Hadis sebagai hidup pedomannya,di ajarkan Fiqih sebagai rambu rambu hokum dalam pedomannya, mengajarkan akhlak sebagai prilaku dalam pedomannya. Dengan memperhatikan dasar dan fungsinya, PAI di persekolahan harus diajarkan oleh Guru PAI profesional dengan tujuan untuk mendidik, membimbing, dan mengarahkan siswa menjadi pribadi Islami (insan kamil; beriman, taat, dan berakhlak) dalam kerangka diri siswa sebagai individu, anggota kelaurga, bagian masyarakat, warga negara, dan warga dunia.</p> Copyright (c) Solusi Pendidikan Pesantren 2023-01-18T17:44:42+07:00 jawahirul <p>Problematika pesantren yang paling urgen antara lain adalah sebagai berikut: Pertama, persoalan kurikulum pendidikan pesantren yang harus dimaksimalkan tapi tanpa harus membuang tradisi yang sudah ada. Dengan demikian pendidikan pesantren diyakini mampu bersaing dengan pedidikan yang ada diluar pesantren. Kedua, pesantren juga mesti melakukan pembaharuan atas metode pengajaran yang sudah ada. Setidaknya pesantren mampu mengadopsi metode pendidikan lain dengan melakukan modifikasi yang tidak keluar dari tatanan tradisi pesantren yang telah ada. Ketiga. Untuk bisa bersaing dengan kemajuan zaman, lembaga penddikan pesantren mesti menata ulang kembali sarana dan prasarana, lebih-lebih dari sisi managementnya</p> Copyright (c) Solusi Dan Problematika Pendidikan Di Pesantren 2023-01-18T17:19:14+07:00 prasetyo salim <p>Pesantren dapat disebut juga lembaga pendidikan non-formal. Pendidikan dalam pesantren juga semestinya perlu mengikuti zaman agar nantinya lulusan dari pesantren juga dapat bersaing dengan masyarakat umum lainnya. Salah satu langkah agar pendidikan dalam pesantren mengikuti zaman ialah dengan memperbarui metode pembelajaran lama menjadi metode pembelajran yang terbaru yang up to date. Hal ini agar para santri juga dapat menyerap ilmu dengan sempurna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kepustakaan. Sumber data penelitian ini berasal dari buku, jurnal dan artikel ilmiah terkait tantangan yang dihadapi pesantren di era globalisasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknologi content analysis yaitu pengolahan data melalui pemilahan tersendiri. Diskusikan beberapa pemikiran atau gagasan pendidik, kemudian uraikan, diskusikan dan kritiklah. Hasil dari penelitian ini ialah Dengan berkembangnya teknologi, metode dalam pembelajaranpun seharusnya dapat mengikuti zaman. Selain itu, aplikasi pembelajaranpun semakin canggih, sudah semestinya sebagai seorang pendidik harus kreatif dalam memanfaatkan sekitar kita.</p> Copyright (c) PROBLEMATIKA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DAN SOLUSI ALTERNATIFNYA DI ERA GELOBALISASI MASA INI 2023-01-18T15:58:06+07:00 toriq <p>Tulisan ini membahas beberapa problem&nbsp;yang ada di lingkungan &nbsp;pendidikan Islam dalam&nbsp;era masa kini yang banyak di sebut dengar era gelobalisasi atau pun era gejet yang sangat berkembang sangat pesat saat ini mana Masalah pendidikan Islam yang menjadi perhatian&nbsp;di era gelobalisasi ini iyalah dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan Islam diperlukan pendirian, pegangan&nbsp;lurus&nbsp;dan pola pandang berfikir manusia&nbsp;saat ini yang sangat minim akan keilmuan islamnya.</p> Copyright (c) MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR DENGAN PENGGUNAAN STRATEGI MAKE A MATCH DI SEKOLAH DASAR 2023-01-18T02:30:40+07:00 Sedya Santosa Deni Indrawan <p>This action research is motivated by the teaching and learning process of teachers less able to create active and fun learning, the use of methods that are still conventional results in the learning process in the classroom making students feel bored and seem inactive and student learning outcomes below KKM. Classroom action research is the method used in this study. The research subjects were students of class V B MI Al Huda consisting of 37 students. The instruments used were observation, tests and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of social studies subjects, learning with the make a match strategy can improve student learning activities and outcomes. This can be proven from the results of each cycle designed. In cycle I only 40.54% (15 students completed) with an average of 56.29, cycle II amounted to 56.76% (21 students completed) average score 65.27 and cycle III amounted to 94.60% (35 students completed) with an average of 77.02</p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sedya Santosa, Deni Indrawan Pengaruh Lingkungan Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Karir 2023-01-15T04:15:55+07:00 Nandini Lindar Pramesi <p>Career guidance and counseling is one aspect of counseling guidance. In<br>the implementation of career guidance there are several stages that will<br>be carried out, one of which is career decision making. In making career<br>decisions, of course, several theories of career selection are needed, so<br>that the decisions taken by an individual are in accordance with the<br>abilities, talents and interests of the individual himself.. Career planning<br>is something related to the construction of future designs that can be<br>planned in advance. Planning includes goals and stages to achieve the<br>intended career goals so that they can be realized through appropriate<br>career decisions. Potential and resources are two important aspects<br>among adolescent that underlie decisions in the career guidance and<br>counseling services that delivered by school counselor</p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh Lingkungan Dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Karir 2023-01-15T02:59:38+07:00 Andin Bambang sudarmanto <p>Career guidance and counseling is one aspect of counseling guidance. In<br>the implementation of career guidance there are several stages that will<br>be carried out, one of which is career decision making. In making career<br>decisions, of course, several theories of career selection are needed, so<br>that the decisions taken by an individual are in accordance with the<br>abilities, talents and interests of the individual himself.. Career planning<br>is something related to the construction of future designs that can be<br>planned in advance. Planning includes goals and stages to achieve the<br>intended career goals so that they can be realized through appropriate<br>career decisions. Potential and resources are two important aspects<br>among adolescent that underlie decisions in the career guidance and<br>counseling services that delivered by school counselor<br><br></p> Copyright (c) Dalam dunia Pendidikan saat ini khususnya dalam Lembaga Pendidikan berbasis islam banyak mengadopsi pemikiran Al-Jilli dalam kurikulumnya. Para pendidik sadar bahwa teori barat dapat disempurnakan dengan teori timur. Siswa diarahkan untuk menjadi insan ka 2023-01-13T07:18:06+07:00 Reza Wasilul Umam <p>Studies on the world of education will never end and will continue to grow. This study aims to describe and compare the thoughts of Abdul Karim al-Jilli and Piaget, especially in the learning aspect. This research is library research, where the data sources are examined through literature such as books, scientific articles etc. From the acquisition of data then carried out a comparative analysis. Piaget's theory emphasizes the learning process according to the pattern of individual cognitive development stages. The learning process according to Piaget consists of three stages, namely assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration. Meanwhile, to achieve insan Kamil there are 3 stages namely, 1) Al-Bidayah 2) at-Tawasuth and 3) Al-Khitam. From each stage of becoming a perfect human being, there are parts of the stages that humans must go through, namely mujahadah, riyadoh, ma;rifat, mortal',mukasyafah and muusahadah. In the world of education there are at least 6 methods applied in shaping human behavior, namely; Exemplary Methods (Uswah Hasanah), Training and Habituation, Taking Lessons (ibrah), Advice (mauidzah), Discipline, and independence.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords: Learning, Insan Kamil, Piaget, Abdul Karim Al-Jilli.</p> Copyright (c) MINAT DAN HASIL BELAJAR PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIKSECARA MEDIA VISUAL PADA SISWA KELAS V SDN KARTINI 2 CIREBON 2023-01-12T15:49:50+07:00 setiyani <p>Dalam penelitian ini, siswa kelas V SDN Kartini 2 Cirebon ditanya minatnya untuk belajar melalui video pembelajaran tematik. Teknik penelitian kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Seluruh siswa kelas V SDN Kartini 2 Cirebon dijadikan sampel penelitian. Penyebaran kuesioner merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengumpulkan data, dan instrumen yang digunakan untuk tes adalah formulir pengisian kuesioner Google dan soal-soal tes. Ada total 15 pertanyaan, termasuk 10 pilihan ganda dan 5 pertanyaan jawaban singkat. Statistik digunakan sebagai metode analisis data. Menurut temuan penelitian, pengajaran online menggunakan video pembelajaran ini secara positif mempengaruhi hasil belajar siswa sebesar 40%. Penerapan visual pembelajaran ini juga mendapat respon baikdari siswa dengan membuktikan dari hasil penyebaran formulir angket dengan pernyataan positive mendapatkan hasil 49,2% berada dalam kategori cukup,sedangkan pernyataan negative mendapatkan hasil 30,6%. Berdasarkan data yang didapat bahwa penerapan visual pembelajaran pada saat daring dapat dinyatakan berhasil.</p> Copyright (c) KYAI SEBAGAI PEMIMPIN DI PONDOK PESANTREN 2023-01-18T02:56:37+07:00 Yazidul Busthomi <p>Abstract: The requirements for kyai leadership at Islamic boarding schools are as follows: 1. Kyai at Islamic boarding schools have a good personality, and it is hoped that the kyai in leading his students at Islamic boarding schools can be honest, trustworthy, convey religious teachings, and be smart in leading students, 2. Kyai at Islamic boarding schools have knowledge and knowledge, that is, a leader must have sufficient ability, broad insight, and know the field he leads, 3. Kyai at Islamic boarding schools are able and willing with a sincere heart to do the tasks assigned to them. carried out, for example being able to educate, guide and teach his students at Islamic boarding schools well, diligently, patiently and sincerely in his heart, 4. Kyai at Islamic boarding schools have fair, honest and open characteristics, which means a leader must be able to accept ideas that come from its members. For example, receiving good suggestions from his subordinates, namely from the teachers at his Islamic boarding school, 5. Kyai at Islamic boarding schools must be able to foster cooperation and solidarity. A kyai as a leader is also expected to be able to grow his members to have commendable qualities such as honesty, keeping promises, trustworthiness, and courtesy. Meanwhile, the leadership role of the kyai in Islamic boarding schools includes: 1. As executor, 2. As person in charge, 3. As evaluator, 4. As mediator, 5. As protector.</p> <p>Keywords: Kyai, Leader, Islamic Boarding School</p> Copyright (c) PENERAPAN AKHLAK DAN HIDUP SEDERHANA DALAM DUNIA PESANTREN 2023-01-12T03:07:13+07:00 nisak ummi khoirotun nisak <p>Pondok pesantren adalah salah satu bentuk upaya para ulama’, para kyai untuk membentuk karakter,akhlak,ilmu dll bagi anak bangsa di Indonesia ini. Di dalam pondok pesantren , para santri diajarkan bagaimana mereka bias hidup bermasyarakat,bersosialisasi , menjunjung tinggi ilmu agama dan yang lebih utama yaitu masalah tata karma atau adab.</p> <p>Dalam masalah tata karma dengan yang lebih kecil, dengan yang lebih besar apalagi dengan para ustadzah atau&nbsp; guru-guru mereka. Hal tersebut sudah mulai luntur,seakan seakan mereka tidak merasa bahwa beradanya di pondok pesantren adalah untuk belajar dan taat terhadap siapa yang mengajarkan.</p> Copyright (c) PERAN PENGAWAS DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI GURU PAI SMP SE KABUPATEN KONAWE SELATAN 2023-01-11T15:29:20+07:00 Adrian Ali <p>The purpose of this study was to find out the role of supervisors in increasing the competency of junior high school PAI teachers in South Konawe Regency. From the results of this study it was found that there were still PAI Middle School teachers who did not have competence because their educational background did not match the subjects they taught. The conclusion is that teachers who do not yet have competence are given training to add skills and motivate them to continue studying according to their major, namely Islamic religious education or undergraduate religion</p> Copyright (c) OBJEK KAJIAN ISLAM (AKIDAH, SYARIAH, AKHLAQ) 2023-01-11T13:06:13+07:00 Yazidul Busthomi <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The objects of Islamic study are: 1. Akidah, based on the Big Indonesian Dictionary, creed is a basic belief, a basic belief. The word aqidah, when viewed from Arabic, comes from the word "'Aqada-ya'qidu-'aqdan-'aqidatan" which means bond and agreement. While Akidah according to the term something that becomes a belief or truth in the human heart in accordance with Islamic teachings by sticking to the Qur'an and hadith. Akidah can also be interpreted as a form of belief or someone's belief. 2. Sharia, sharia in the context of the study of Islamic law more describes a collection of legal norms that are the result of the tasyri process. Tasyri 'is creating and implementing sharia. In the study of Islamic law, tasyri' is often defined as the determination of legal norms to organize human life, both in relation to God and with other human beings. 3. Morals, thermologically, morality means the behavior of a person who is driven by a conscious desire to do a good deed. Three experts in the field of morals, namely Ibn Miskawih, Muhammad al-Ghazali, and Ahmad Amin stated that morality is a character inherent in a person who can bring up good deeds without considering the mind first.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Faith, Sharia, Morals</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH SIKAP MEMAAFKAN TERHADAP KINERJA GURU PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM 2023-01-24T02:24:19+07:00 Ahmad Azzakil Amin Noer Holilah Rodli Fiabdillah Ridlo Fadloilallah <p>Kesehatan mental dan profesionalitas guru sangat penting dalam dunia pendidikan, kemampuan guru mengolah emosi dan memaafkan sangat berpengaruh dalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap memaafkan terhadap kinerja guru PAI. Subjek penelitian ini sebanyak 54 orang guru PAI dengan teknik simple random sampling. penelitian ini menggunakan skala linkert yang di adaptasi ridwan (2007). analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat signifikasi variable memaafkan dan makna kerja berada di bawah 0,05. Artinya sikap memaafkan berpengaruh terhadap makna kerja guru.</p> 2023-03-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ahmad Azzakil Amin, Noer Holilah, Rodli Fiabdillah, Ridlo Fadloilallah TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION; TPACK SEBAGAI PENDEKATAN MENJADI SEORANG GURU REVOLUSIONER DI ERA DIGITAL 2023-01-10T08:06:37+07:00 Fathor Rozi Hambali Hambali Mardiya Mardiya <p>This study aims to analyze the readiness of educators as revolutionary teachers in the digitalization era through the TPACK (technology, pedagogy, content, knowledge) approach to Islamic Elementary School Teacher Education students and teachers at MI Al-Islamiyah Karanganyar Paiton. This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Data collection techniques were carried out by interviews and observation. Data analysis techniques using data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that preparing to become a revolutionary teacher in the digital era takes several steps, namely; strengthening personal branding, increasing teacher competence TPACK and having tech savvy abilities. This research has implications with the use of the TPACK approach, can prepare themselves to become revolutionary teachers who are able to combine their knowledge with the rapid development of technology in this digital era.</p> Copyright (c) PEMBELAJARAN AKHLAQ LIL BANIN DALAM PEMBINAAN AKHLAK MULIA SISWA 2023-01-24T07:39:23+07:00 Yudo Handoko Agus Lestari <p>The purpose of this research was to find out the process of developing morals in learning <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> at MTs An-Nur Tangkit Muaro Jambi, the factors that influence students' moral development in learning <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> at MTs An-Nur Tangkit Muaro Jambi, to find out the obstacles in the process fostering student morals in learning <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> at MTs An-Nur Tangkit. This research used a qualitative approach from the perspective of the moral <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> teacher’s in educating students of MTs An-Nur Tangkit. The results of this research indicate the process of learning the book of <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> in fostering noble character at MTs An-Nur Tangkit through a) transinternalization and b) habituation in the dormitory. The material in learning <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> that is taught in schools can be directly practiced and accustomed to in everyday life in the dormitory under the supervision of caregivers and administrators. There are 3 factors that influence the learning of <em>akhlaq lil banin</em> fostering noble character, namely a) intelligence factors, b) factors environment and c) disciplinary factors. While the obstacles to learning <em>akhlaq lil banin </em>in fostering students' noble character at MTs An-Nur Tangkit are internal obstacles and external obstacles.</p> 2023-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yudo Handoko, Agus Lestari PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MUHADATSAH BERBASIS POWTOON 2023-01-10T07:29:49+07:00 Ryzka Aulia Akmal Walad Ahkas <p>This research was aimed at developing instructional media based PowToon in Muhadatsah education at Mts Nurul Islam Indonesia. Data was collected through interview, observation, dokumentation and test. The collected data wasanalyzed quantitative description. Introduction result obtained through interview and observation. And then questionnaire data related to product validity were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The research reveals that instructional media based PowToon was valid according to bothsome experts, practicable, and has a potential effect to increase student understanding of course content</p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ryzka Aulia, Akmal Walad Ahkas PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN SOMATIC, AUDITORY, VISUALIZATION, INTELEGENCY (SAVI) TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA BERBASIS KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR 2023-01-09T02:55:25+07:00 Asri Lidya Rosita Dewi Lamidi <p>This study aims to determine the effect of the Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intelligence (SAVI) learning model on the learning outcomes of fourth grade students at SDN Keboananom Sidoarjo city where there are problems with low learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SDN Keboananom in learning Pancasila Education. The population in the study were all students, totaling 25 students. This research method uses quantitative experiments with the type of Quasi Experiment research and the design form used is a non-equivalent control group design with the help of SPSS 26 software. The results show that to test hypotheses and answer the problem formulation the data analysis technique used is the Independent Sample T-test test. This can be seen from the average value when given treatment using the Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intelligence (SAVI) learning model. There is an effect of using the Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intelligence (SAVI) learning model on learning outcomes in Pancasila Education class IV students at SDN Keboananom. After testing the hypothesis using the Independent Sample T-Test test, the average pretest data is smaller than the average posttest data. Sig value is obtained. (2-tailed) is less than 0.05 and the value of ????<em>?</em><em>i</em><em>????</em> is more than ????<em>????????</em><em>b</em> means that there is an effect of using the Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intelligence (SAVI) learning model on the learning outcomes of Pancasila Education for fourth grade students at SDN Keboananom Sidoarjo. The conclusion in this study is that the use of the Somatic, Auditory, Visualization, Intelligence (SAVI) learning model in grade IV students has a positive and significant effect on the learning outcomes of Pancasila Education grade IV students so that it can be used as a solution in learning Pancasila Education at SDN Keboananom.</p> Copyright (c) BALAGHOH DALAM AL QUR’AN 2023-01-04T04:03:28+07:00 farhanmasrury <p>In the study of language, research using the science of balaghoh in the current era is rarely studied, partnering the study of balaghoh with the Koran is a very detailed study and an in-depth study of balaghoh to examine surah Yusuf, this is more specific using binoculars of badi science, study of badi science. ' in this sura yusuf uses two views, a study in terms of meaning and in terms of pronunciation. In the revelation of the Qur'an which is very beautiful and rich in meaning and the main source of Muslims which gave birth to various scientific disciplines, this gives rise to very in-depth results regarding the study of language. At the pronunciation level it is usually called muhassinat lafzhiyyah and at the meaning level it is called muhassinat ma'nawiyyah. By using the balaghah approach, this study explores the beauty of Yusuf's letter through badi' knowledge.</p> Copyright (c) A PENILAIAN PENGEMBANGAN E-MODUL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP DAN BERFIKIR KRITIS SISWA 2023-01-03T01:08:46+07:00 melisa <p>Penilaian merupakan kegiatan untuk mendapatkan,menganalisis dan menerjemahkan tentang data proses belajar siswa agar mendapatkan informasi yang sesuai dengan kenyataanya.. Dimana pembelajaran itu untuk melatih pemahaman konsep dan berpikir kritis siswa. <strong>Tujuan penelitian </strong>ini sebagai wadah mempermudah peserta didik dalam memahami materi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan e-modul sehingga pembelajaran yang dilakukan lebih efektif dan efesien<strong>. Model yang dikembangkan</strong> dalam penelitian ini adalah lee and owens dengan produk yang dihasilkan berupa e-modul. <strong>Penelitian ini melibatkan</strong> 14 orang guru dan 25 orang mahasiswa, dan<strong> instrumen</strong> penelitian ini berupa penilaian e-modul yang disajikan dalam geoogle from.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>Kata Kunci </em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong>E-Modul,Berpikir Kritis,Pemahaman Konsep,Perkembangan, Penilaian.</p> Copyright (c) PEMANFAATAN PLATFROM MEDIA SOSIAL DISCORD SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN 2023-01-02T14:03:46+07:00 Muhammad Faris Shiddiq Dian Rinjani <p>This research is directed to provide a deeper description of the use of the Discord application as an online learning medium at the vocational high school level. This study used a qualitative approach by using interviews as an instrument to collect data. Researchers also collaborated by reviewing various literature literature studies, both in the form of notes, books, and research results that focused on research on online learning media. Utilization of the Discord application as an online learning medium is considered to have many benefits and advantages, using the Discord application is considered to be able to make social interaction in learning more lively and interactive so that it has its own charm for students. Students also feel comfortable when the learning process takes place. Discord is an application that is effective, practical, easier to use on various smartphones because of its small size and can be used on various devices, which means that Discord is considered to be an effective online learning method.</p> Copyright (c) RELEVANSI EPISTEMOLOGI DARI ABID AL-JABIRI TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN FIQIH DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH 2022-12-25T08:34:41+07:00 Ferina Dyan <p>Mata pelajaran Fiqih merupakan mata pelajaran yang penting diajarkan di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan relevansi epistemologi dari Abid Al-Jabiri terhadap pembelajaran Fiqih di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah An-Nur Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini ialah wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Wawancara dilakukan kepada guru Fiqih. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam pembelajaran fiqih di MI an-Nur Yogyakarta berkaitan dengan pemikiran dari Abid Al-Jabiri, dimana terdapat tiga pemikiran yaitu Bayani, Irfani, dan Burhani. Dalam hal ini dapat mengembangkan pengetahuan pada ranah kognitif, afektif maupun psikomotorik pada anak.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) FORMULASI STRATEGI MADRASAH DALAM PENGEMBANGAN PEMBELAJARAN AL-QUR’AN DI MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH ISLAMIYAH NGORO JOMBANG 2023-07-24T07:26:45+07:00 Ach. Saifullah Agus Zainul Fitri <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>Research on the formulation of Al-Qur'an learning strategies needs to be done. The findings obtained can be used as the basis for implementing the formulation strategy to increase the competitiveness of Islamic educational institutions. This study aims to describe the formulation of Al-Qur'an learning strategies at MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang which is focused on two research focuses, namely: (1) Analysis of the position of Al-Qur'an learning in the SWOT quadrant. (2) Determination of strategies in the development of Al-Qur'an learning to increase the competitiveness of madrasas. TPQ Al-Ichsany is part of the business unit strategy managed by MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang to serve the learning of the Qur'an. Analysis of the total IFAS score for strength is 2.38 and weakness is 1.96. The EFAS score for opportunity is 2.52 and threat is 1.6. The position of learning the Qur'an at MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang is in Quadrant I (+,+). Learning the Qur'an is in a prime and steady condition. The strategy formulation applied is to support an aggressive growth policy (growth oriented strategy). Intensive strategies by conducting market penetration and market development are strategies to expand, increase growth, and seize opportunities to the fullest for the advancement of sustainable Al-Qur'an education.</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Strategic Management, Strategy Formulation, SWOT</em></p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK: </strong>Penelitian tentang formulasi strategi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an perlu dilakukan. Temuan yang diperoleh dapat menjadi dasar penerapan strategi formulasi untuk meningkatkan daya saing lembaga pendidikan Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan formulasi strategi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang yang difokuskan pada dua fokus penelitian yakni: (1) Analisis posisi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an pada kuadran SWOT. (2) Penentuan strategi dalam pengembangan pembelajaran Al-Qur’an untuk meningkatkan daya saing madrasah. TPQ Al-Ichsany merupakan bagian dari strategi unit bisnis <em>(business unit strategy)</em> yang dikelola MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang untuk melayani pembelajaran Al-Qur’an. Analisis total skor IFAS untuk kekuatan adalah 2,38 dan kelemahan 1,96. Skor EFAS untuk peluang adalah 2,52 dan ancaman 1,6. Posisi pembelajaran Al-Qur’an di MI Islamiyah Ngoro Jombang berada pada Kuadran I (+,+). Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an sedang berada dalam kondisi yang prima dan mantap. Formulasi strategi yang diterapkan adalah mendukung kebijakan pertumbuhan yang agresif <em>(growth oriented strategy)</em>. Strategi intensif <em>(intensive strategies)</em> dengan melakukan penetrasi pasar <em>(market penetration)</em> dan pengembangan pasar <em>(market development)</em> menjadi strategi untuk melakukan ekspansi, memperbesar pertumbuhan, dan meraih peluang secara maksimal demi kemajuan pendidikan Al-Qur’an yang berkelanjutan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci:</strong> Manajemen Strategi, Formulasi Strategi, SWOT</p> 2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Ach. Saifullah, Agus Zainul Fitri USING CANVA APP IN CREATING AND DESIGNING E-MODULE FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING (ELT) 2022-11-26T14:02:09+07:00 Tira Nur Fitria <p>The utilization of learning material through the use of technology may interesting. Memorable and simple-to-understand learning activities may be created using appealing learning material. This study simulates the Canva app in making and designing an e-module in English material. This research is descriptive qualitative. The analysis shows that Canva is an online graphic design tool that allows users to generate a variety of creative products such as e-module in developing teaching materials. This app can be used to design learning media with attractive templates, and a varied presentation of shapes, images, colors, and letters. As for how to use the application are creating a Canva account on, choosing a template for design, designing (inserting elements), choosing a background, editing the background, adding texts, uploading images/audio/videos, inserting links, downloading or sharing designs e-module. Teachers/lecturers may find Canva to design learning media and develop instructional material. The use of Canva for various learning materials with visualizations can represent the content of the learning itself, and improve the skills of teachers/lecturers. By using Canva, teachers/lecturers can teach material, knowledge, creativity, and skills that will be obtained for students, so that this media can also be used in various areas of their life.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL REALITY INTERPRETATION OF THE QUR'AN SURAT ALI IMRON verse 190-191 AS A SOCIO-CULTURAL EDUCATION IN PREVENTING CORRUPTION 2022-11-21T03:09:19+07:00 Nurul Musyafa’ah Aya Mamlu’ah Muhammad Afthon Ulin Nuha <p>In general, corruption fulfils elements such as unlawful acts, abuse of authority, and opportunities, enriching oneself, and harming the finances or economy of the State. One of the contents contained in Surah Ali Imron Verse 190-191 is dhikr praising Allah SWT with His noble names; it should be done on various occasions to always remember and connect with Allah SWT. This study uses qualitative, and this type of research is descriptive-analytic research; the purpose of this research is to determine what factors make the corrupt actions of government officials in Leran village, Senori district, and Tuban regency getting more minor and almost non-existent and how to implement the interpretation of the social reality of the Qur'an. Surah Ali Imron verses 190-191 as a socio-cultural education in preventing corrupt actions in all levels of government officials in the Leran village, Senori district, Tuban regency. In addition to interviews, data collection also uses documentation and observations with government officials in Leran village, Senori district, and Tuban regency. The results of the research on the Implementation of the Interpretation of Social Reality of the Al-Qur'an Surah Ali Imron Verse 190-191 as a Socio-Cultural Education to Prevent Corrupt Actions in Leran village, Senori district, Tuban regency, namely <em>istighotsah</em> together once a week this is often carried out by the Tuban regency government by instructing, involving and inviting all villages in the Tuban area including the ranks of government officials from Leran village, Senori district, &nbsp;Tuban regency. Another activity that is also running is reciting the Qur'an together at the Leran Village Hall every three months on <em>Kliwon</em> Fridays from 07.00 to 11.00. This is a separate encouragement for the ranks of government officials in the Leran village, Senori district, Tuban regency, because, in this activity, the village officials also participate in reading the Qur'an, besides some listening to the reading of the Qur'an.</p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Musyafa’ah, Aya Mamlu’ah, Muhammad Afthon Ulin Nuha INTERNALISASI NILAI SOPAN SANTUN MELALUI PELAJARAN PKN DI MIS BIDAYATUL HIDAYAH 2022-11-21T03:12:15+07:00 Nurul Miftahul Awaliyah Harahap <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of the study was to photograph the guidance of manners ethics in students in civics learning in class V MIS Bidayatul Hidayah, since the teacher designed the learning, carried out PPKn learning, evaluated the manners behavior of students, and the response of students to the guidance of manners carried out by teachers through PPKn learning. in-depth interviews and documentation (artipak). The object of the study is the ongoing civics learning activities. The subjects of the study were class teachers, parents, peers and principals. The data collection instrument is the researcher himself with the help of observation guidelines and interview guidelines. The data is analyzed narratively with in-depth meaning. The conclusions of the research results indicate (1) civics learning designs made by teachers using the 2013 curriculum guidelines. The teacher first analyzes KD and KI first. The RPP used is sourced from a handbook or teacher's guide without a mission analysis of the values and behaviors expected from KD and KI. (2) when learning is carried out the teacher has carried out the guidance of manners behavior. Teachers have been able to motivate learners to behave in good manners; (3) evaluation of the results of the guidance of manners behavior has not been formally programmed, evaluation is still focused on the evaluation of cognitive aspects, (4) students have responded positively and actively to fostering manners behavior.</p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurul Miftahul Awaliyah Harahap PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR TEMATIK ORGAN GERAK HEWAN BERBASIS NILAI-NILAI KEISLAMAN KELAS V DI MI AL-AWWAL PALEMBANG 2022-10-12T03:41:45+07:00 Eni Pujiarti <p>This research is an R&amp;D (Research and Development) which aims to: 1) produce a thematic teaching material product for animal organs based on valid Islamic class V values, 2) produce a thematic teaching material for animal organs for animal organ based on class V Islamic values the practical one. The development procedure of this study adopted the ADDIE model. The stages are: 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) implementation, 5) evaluation, but only carried out until the implementation stage (implementation). This study involved three experts, namely linguists, design experts, and material experts. Subjects one-on-one trials and small-scale trials are students of Va MI Al-Awwal Palembang class. Data collection instruments used observation, interviews, student questionnaire respondents, and validation sheets. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the thematic teaching materials of animal motion organs based on Islamic values ??of class V are declared valid with details of language validation obtaining an average score of 4.2 with very valid criteria, the results of design validation obtain an average score of 3, 4 with valid criteria and the results of material validation obtained an average score of 3.5 with valid criteria, 2.) students' responses to the thematic teaching materials of animal motion organs based on Islamic values ??of class V from the results of the one-on-one trial results obtained an average of an average score of 4.2 with very practical criteria and small-scale trials obtaining an average of 8.2 with very practical criteria.</p> 2023-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Eni Pujiarti MENARIK BENANG MERAH IMPLEMENTASI MERDEKA BELAJAR-KAMPUS MERDEKA DI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MEDAN DAN UNIVERSITAS SYIAH KUALAH BANDA ACEH 2022-08-29T03:06:25+07:00 Susilo Surahman Muhammad Julijanto Sulhani Hermawan <p>On the one hand, independent campuses gave birth to new learning concepts and strengthened cooperation networks with parties outside the university. But on the other hand, the separate campus faces various obstacles in its implementation. This paper aims to explain the implementation of Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) at Medan State University and Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh. This research is a type of field research—data collection through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is carried out descriptively by triangulation. The results showed that Medan State University and Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh applied the same pattern: the learning block model outside higher education, the non-block learning model outside higher education, and the acceleration model. Meanwhile, the obstacle faced by these two universities is the readiness factor.</p> 2022-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Susilo Surahman, Muhammad Julijanto, Sulhani Hermawan IMPLEMENTASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER OLEH KOMUNITAS MUSLIMAT DALAM MENANGGANI KENAKALAN REMAJA DI KABUPATEN BENGKULU TENGAH 2022-08-29T03:11:23+07:00 Supardi Mursalin Hamdan Hamdan <p>This study describes the implementation of character education in the Muslimat community in handling juvenile delinquency holistically. Juvenile delinquency is a problem that often arises in society. When a teenager fails to find his identity, he will experience an identity crisis, often leading to deviant behavior. This field research uses interview and documentation techniques in the data collection process. While the analysis technique used is descriptive. After conducting an in-depth study, it was concluded that character education has a very significant role in the Muslimat Community in dealing with juvenile delinquency in Central Bengkulu Regency. The form of character education implemented by Kumintas Muslimat is as an <em>ustadazh</em> or educator who gives attention and affection, sets a good example, and instills discipline, as a group guide by providing religious education and encouraging teenagers to fill their free time with positive activities. Meanwhile, the obstacles that arise when implementing character education are the lack of public understanding of Muslim organizations, which results in a lack of appreciation for these institutions, obstacles from families who do not care about children/family members, and the lack of role of educational institutions to motivate teenagers/students. to maintain positive values ??in their social life.</p> 2022-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Supardi Mursalin, Hamdan Hamdan NUBDZATUL BAYAN SEBAGAI BASIC LEARNING DALAM MEMAHAMI KITAB KUNING DI PESANTREN 2022-08-11T05:37:25+07:00 Dewi Sinta Fathor Rozi Syaifur Rizal <p>Understanding the yellow book in pesantren tends to be very difficult and tedious. This is due to the complexity of mastering nahwu and sharraf and the methods used in pesantren are still classical methods. This prompted this research to analyze the Nubdhatul Bayan method as Basic Learning in understanding the yellow book in Islamic boarding schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research in Islamic boarding schools, especially in Ma'had Aly Nurul Jadid through data collection based on in-depth studies on observations, interviews and documentation, while the analysis technique used is data analysis techniques with the air flow model proposed by Miles &amp; Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the application of the Nubdatul Bayan method as basic learning in understanding the yellow book in the tamhid ma'had aly Nurul Jadid class is very effective in facilitating prospective students in mastering the yellow book. The implications of this study make it possible to facilitate and accelerate a prospective mahasantri ma'had aly Nurul Jadid in understanding the yellow book.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Dewi Sinta, Fathor Rozi, Syaifur Rizal ANALISIS PARADIGMA INTEGRASI KEILMUAN UIN SUNAN AMPEL SURABAYA 2022-08-01T13:18:17+07:00 Noer Holilah <p>The paradigm of integration of science is born from the dichotomization of science which is the separator between Islamic science and general science (religion and science). In practice the dichotomy between the two scientific families is superior and inferior to one of them. The integration of science is present as a way to unite the two scientific families. However, the integration of science does not intervene in Islamic science into general sciences, but rather combines the two with their respective paths to form relationships. One of the science integration models currently developed is&nbsp; the <em>Twin Tower </em>&nbsp;model applied at UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.&nbsp; The<em> Twin Tower </em>&nbsp;Model is an intermediate paradigm in developing a scientific integration model, and is also a form of innovative and creative&nbsp; solution in dealing with&nbsp; the intersection of Islamic science and science. By having two towers, one tower consists of Islamic sciences and the other consists of general sciences. Of the two sciences, they will then be brought together at their peak so as to form a field of science that includes both families of science. In the process, there are three pillars that bridge the two towers, namely: strengthening pure but rare Islamic sciences, integralizing Islamic science development with social humanities science and weighting science science with Islamic science and weighting science science and technology with Islamic science. The ultimate goal in the <em>Twin Tower </em>&nbsp;model is to form <em>a veiled</em> human&nbsp; being through the formation of a smarter,<em> pious</em> and <em>honourable</em> academic identity and personality.</p> Copyright (c) PROBLEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK DAERAH TERPENCIL DI ERA REVOLUSI DIGITAL DAN SOLUSINYA MENURUT PERSPEKTIF AGAMA ISLAM 2022-08-02T07:14:59+07:00 Cholifah Cholifah Abdul Muhid <p>This article explains how the problems of students living in remote areas live with many obstacles in this era of the digital revolution. The education gap between rural and urban areas can be observed based on schools in urban areas that have adequate facilities and also have competent teachers. In this era of digital revolution, various problems arise which are the impact of the progress of the times, especially in the field of education. The method used in this study is literature review where this method is carried out by collecting information related to remote area students in the era of the digital revolution through various journals and books. The information that has been obtained is then analyzed and drawn into a conclusion. This article also discusses how to solve the various problems faced by students in remote areas in the era of the digital revolution from the Islamic perspective, including: Students who are in remote areas to always try to update their knowledge and insights despite various circumstances and conditions. obstacles must be overcome (QS. Ar-Ra'd (13): 11) and all Muslims everywhere are required to be individuals who are able to master and excel in science and even technology as a means in a better life for the happiness of the world until the hereafter (QS. Al-Isra (17): 36).</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Cholifah Cholifah, Abdul Muhid PEMBELAJARAN IPS DALAM KURIKULUM 2013 DI SMP MUHAMMADIYAH TERPADU KOTA BENGKULU 2022-07-04T02:55:04+07:00 zinda afenti <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami pembelajaran IPS pada konteks kurikulum 2013 di SMP Muhammadiyah Terpadu Kota Bengkulu, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi pustaka dimana penelitian mengumpulkan bahan dan data-data dari buku maupun jurnal. Dengan demikian peneliti dapat menggunakan semua informasi dan pemikiran yang relevan bagi para pembacanya. Hasil penelitian, dengan adanya pembelajaran IPS dalam kurikulum 2013 ini dapat meningkatkan potensi yang pada diri siswa terutama dalam kemampuan <em>Soft skill</em> dan <em>Hard skill</em>. Kurikulum 2013 dalam pembentukan sistemnya telah memberikan pengalaman belajar untuk para peserta didik, dengan demikian para pelajar memiliki kesempatan untuk menguasai keterampilan yang diperlukan dimasa depan nantinya. Hasil dari penelitan dapat memberikan suatu acuan kepada guru agar pembelajaran yang dilakukan bisa lebih baik lagi.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH MEDIA SOSIAL TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR ANAK DALAM PEMBELAJARAN IPS 2022-07-04T02:54:16+07:00 ilhamparesga ilhamparesga <p>Abstrak</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji&nbsp; pengaruh gadget terhadap hasil belajar anak&nbsp; dalam pembelajaran ips,adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif ,dimana diharapkan Anak selaku generasi penerus bangsa yang merupakan cikal bakal pemimpin yang akan meneruskan perjuangan bangsa. anak yang kemudian tumbuh menjadi pribadi pemimpin. Seorang pemimpin yang mampu memimpin dirinya adalah faktor yang paling utama. Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah pendidikan karakter yang harus ditanamkan sejak dini kepada anak. Pendidikan dalam keluarga yang akan menjadi dasar pondasi karakter dalam berprilaku dan bersikap dalam bermasyarakat. Akan tetapi dengan perkembangan media dan teknologi menjadi sebuah tantangan dalam suatu pendidikan karakter. Banyak orang tua yang memberikan keluasan yang sebebas-bebasnya terhadapa anaknya dengan membelikan gadget sejak usia dini tanpa memikirkan dampak negatifnya kedepan. Mereka beralasan tindakan tersebut akan lebih aman dan mudah dalam pengawasan aktifitas buah hati. Tapi meraka belum memikirkan bagamaiana pengaruh media terhadap perkembangan yang muncul dari kebiasaan memainkan gadget. Banyak dampak negatif yang akan muncul diantaranya: akan sulit bersosialisasi, lamban dalam perkembangan motori, dan perubahan perilaku yang signifikan. Sehingga sangat penting peran orang tua untuk mengawasi, mengontrol dan memperhatikan segala aktivitas anak.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Gadget, Peran Orang Tua, Dampak Negatif.</p> <p>Abstract</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of gadgets on children's learning outcomes in social studies learning, while the method used is a quantitative method, where it is hoped that children as the nation's next generation are the forerunners of leaders who will continue the nation's struggle. children who later grow up to become personal leaders. A leader who is able to lead himself is the most important factor. The thing that needs to be considered is character education that must be instilled in children from an early age. Education in the family which will be the foundation of character in behaving and behaving in society. However, with the development of media and technology, it becomes a challenge in character education. Many parents give the freedom as freely as possible to their children by buying gadgets from an early age without thinking about the negative impact in the future. They reasoned that this action would be safer and easier to monitor the activities of the baby. But they have not thought about how the influence of the media on the development that arises from the habit of playing gadgets. Many negative impacts that will arise include: it will be difficult to socialize, slow in motor development, and significant behavioral changes. So it is very important the role of parents to supervise, control and pay attention to all children's activities.</p> <p>Keywords: Gadget, Role of Parents, Negative Impact.</p> Copyright (c) KONSTRUKSI EPISTEMOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ANAK PRENATAL MENURUT ISLAM 2022-07-04T05:38:53+07:00 Faizah Nur Rahmah Khoirul Umam <p>Prenatal education has been developed by many Western scientists who are oriented to the development of physical qualities and intellectual intelligence. In fact, in Islam, prenatal education has also been recognized with a broader orientation to reach children's mental and spiritual problems. The research problem focuses on: First, how does Islamic education conceptualize prenatal child education? Second, how is the epistemological construction of prenatal education in Islam? The method used is qualitative by utilizing library documents as a source of data. The approach used is descriptive-analytical. The conclusions in this study are: First, prenatal education has strong religious roots and foundations. The materials, methods, and goals of prenatal education in Islam have a different character from what exists in the Western world. Second, the epistemological construction of prenatal education in Islam is based on and sourced from transcendental texts (al-Qur'an and Hadith). Prenatal education according to Islam is essentially an education of the natural potential inherent in children from the beginning of their lives. In addition, the measure of truth in the education of prenatal children is observed to be in accordance with three theories of truth in philosophy, namely correspondence, coherence, and pragmatism.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Faizah Nur Rahmah, Khoirul Umam IMPLEMENTASI BASIC COUNSELING SKILL TERHADAP PROBLEM SOLVING SKILL PADA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI MASA INDUSTRI 4.0 2022-06-26T17:30:57+07:00 Sholikah Muhammad Aziz Bayu Mujrimin <p>Era industri 4.0 merubah paradigma pendidikan Islam yang kini tidak hanya berfokus pada metode mengajar akan tetapi pada esensial cara pandang terhadap konsep pendidikannya. Keterampilan berfikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) sebagai bentuk <em>problem solving</em> dalam mengahadapi persaingan era industri 4.0 saat ini. Kemampuan dalam menganalisa masalah yang baik dapat memaksimalkan proses penyelesaian terkait persoalan akademik maupun non-akademik. Pentingkan <em>problem solving skill</em> yang harus dimiliki sebagai bentuk cerminan kualitas diri, dibutuhkan sebuah keterampilan yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tersebut yakni dengan <em>basic counseling skill. </em>&nbsp;Jurnal ini menggunakan metode <em>library research</em> yang berusaha memahami dan menafsirkan data-data dari sejumlah kajian pustaka seperti buku-buku dan jurnal yang relavan. Jurnal ini membahas terkait bagaimana pengaruh <em>basic counseling skill </em>terhadap <em>problem solving skil </em>pada pendidikan Islam di era industri 4.0<em>.&nbsp; Problem solving skill</em> merupakan sebuah cara berfikir individu atas inisiatif sendiri untuk menganalisa dan melakukan sintesa dalam sebuah situasi dimana masalah itu berada. <em>Problem solving skill</em> mencakup kemampuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah, merencanakan strategi, menetapkan strategi, dan mengevaluasi solusi. Sedangkan <em>Basic counseling skill </em>berarti keterampilan terkait dasar-dasar kemampuan menjalin hubungan secara langsung dan tidak langsung yang memiliki tujuan memberikan bantuan dalam memecahkan masalah untuk mengubah sikap dan tingkah laku. <em>Basic counseling skill </em>dapat mempengaruhi dan meningkatkan <em>problem solving skill</em>. Melalui <em>listening skill, leading skill</em>, <em>r</em><em>eflecting skill</em>, <em>c</em><em>halenging skill</em>, <em>i</em><em>nterpreting skill</em>, <em>i</em><em>nforming skill</em>, <em>s</em><em>ummarizing skill, </em>dan <em>feedback </em>individu didorong untuk berfikir kritis dan berstrategi dalam menyelesaikan masalah.</p> Copyright (c) A ANALISIS PENGGUNAAN KOHESI GRAMATIKAL DAN LEKSIKAL PADA KUMPULAN CERPEN KOMPAS 2001: MATA YANG INDAH EDISI KOLEKSI 2022-06-19T11:12:43+07:00 Maya Krisna Ari Murti <p><em>This article aims to evaluate and analyze the use of grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion aspects in the Kumpulan Cerpen Kompas 2001: Mata yang Indah Collection Edition. The method used in this research is Agih method which is a method that uses a determining tool for the part of the language concerned which is the target object in the research itself. The research method of agih was carried out with basic techniques. The basic technique is by dividing the lingual unit of data into several parts or elements, and the elements concerned are seen as direct parts of forming the lingual unit in question. After using the basic technique, if the intended result has not been obtained, then advanced techniques are used, such as the lesap technique, the replacement technique, the expansion technique, the insertion technique, and the reverse technique. The results of the study indicate that there is a use of cohesion in the Kumpulan Cerpen Kompas 2001: Mata yang Indah Collection Edition as many as seventy-three data</em><em>s</em><em>, most of which are dominated by grammatical cohesion as many as fifty-eight data includ</em><em>ing</em> <em>references </em><em>(references), substitutions (editing), ell</em><em>i</em><em>psis </em><em>(omitted). and conjunctions (connecting words). As for lexical cohesion, there are only fifteen data</em><em>s</em><em> which includes repetition (repetition), synonymy (equality), antonym (opposite word), collocation (pair of words), and hyponymy (part relationship).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Copyright (c) K KOHESI GRAMATIKAL DAN LEKSIKAL PADA KARYA FIKSI ARJUNA WIWAHA: GANGGUAN PARA BIDADARI LANGSUNG 2022-06-19T10:13:35+07:00 Revivalindra Anandari Swastihayu <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the form of grammatical and lexical cohesion found in the work of fiction "Arjuna Wiwaha: Gangguan Para Bidadari Langsung". In this analysis using qualitative methods, namely: Focusing the study on aspects selected based on objectives. The object of this research is the discourse in Arjuna Wiwaha's book in the form of sentences. The data includes types of grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. The data shows that the grammatical cohesion contained in Arjuna Wiwaha's fiction is (a) 3 data references, (b) 3 data substitutions, (c) conjunctions (sequences): coordinating, subordinating, and intersentence totaling 8 data, and (d) ellipsis (deletion) totaling 3 data. While the lexical cohesion contained in Arjuna Wiwaha's fiction is (a) repetition (repetition) of 4 data, (b) synonymy (word matching) of 3 data, (c) collocation (word pairing) of 5 data, (d) hyponymy (top-down relationship) amounted to 1 data, (e) antonyms (opposite words) amounted to 3 data, and equivalence (equivalence) amounted to 2 data. Overall, there are 17 grammatical cohesions and 18 lexical cohesions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) UPAYA BIMBINGAN BELAJAR DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMANDIRIAN BELAJAR SISWA DI BIMBEL SEBEL NUSA COURSE - BENGKULU 2022-06-10T09:23:13+07:00 Rizqa Mardhiah <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p>Tutoring is one of the assistance provided to students by non-formal institutions. Tutoring is guidance in terms of finding the right way of learning, in choosing an appropriate study program, and in overcoming difficulties that arise related to the demands of learning in an educational institution. This study aims to see whether the implementation of tutoring is able to help or overcome learning difficulties faced by children and see the independence of children in learning. This research was conducted at Bimbel Sebel Nusa Course which is located at Simpang Kandis No.25 Rt.06 Rw.01 Kel.Sumber Jaya Kec.Kampung Melayu, Bengkulu City. Using qualitative research methods to find, obtain, and analyze data resulting from observations made by research. The research was conducted using qualitative descriptive in the form of observation and interviews. The results in this study are that the role of the Sebel Nusa Course tutoring is widely used by the community because it helps children's independence in learning and improves children's learning outcomes at school. And with the Sebel Nusa Course tutoring, parents are very helpful if there is homework at school and lessons are monitored. And also at an affordable cost, parents who are less able can also provide tutoring facilities for their children. Children's learning achievement is also assessed to increase daily tests and report cards. Moreover, children's independence is very good, because children are responsible for learning and be present at the time specified for Bimbel according to the schedule.</p> <p>Keywords: Sebel Nusa Course, Tutoring, Independence</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Bimbingan belajar adalah salah satu bantuan yang diberikan kepada siswa oleh lembaga nonformal. Bimbingan belajar adalah bimbingan dalam hal menemukan cara belajar yang tepat, dalam memilih program studi yang sesuai, dan dalam mengatasi kesukaran-kesukaran yang timbul berkaitan dengan tuntutan-tuntutan belajar di suatu institusi pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah pelaksanaan bimbingan belajar mampu membantu atau mengatasi kesulitan belajar yang dihadapi oleh anak serta melihat kemandirian anak dalam belajar. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Bimbel Sebel Nusa Course yang berada di Simpang Kandis No.25 Rt.06 Rw.01 Kel.Sumber Jaya Kec.Kampung Melayu, Kota Bengkulu. Menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif untuk mencari, memperoleh, dan menganalisis data yang dihasilkan dari pengamatan yang dilakukan oleh penelitian. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif berupa observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa peran bimbel Sebel Nusa Course banyak dimanfaatkan masyarakat karena membantu kemandirian anak dalam belajar serta meningkatkan hasil belajar anak di sekolah. Serta dengan adanya bimbel Sebel Nusa Course orang tua anak-anak sangat terbantu jika ada pekerjaan rumah di sekolah dan pelajaran dipantau. Serta juga dengan biaya terjangkau, bagi orang tua yang kurang mampu juga dapat memberikan fasilitas bimbingan belajar kepada anak mereka. &nbsp;Prestasi belajar anak dinilai juga meningkat ulangan harian dan rapor. Terlebih lagi kemandirian anak mejadi sangat baik, karena anak-anak bertanggung jawab untuk belajar dan hadir pada waktu yang ditentukan untuk Bimbel sesuai jadwal.</p> <p>Kata Kunci: Sebel Nusa Course, Bimbingan belajar, Kemandirian</p> Copyright (c) Efektivitas Metode Amtsilati Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Santri Membaca Kitab Kuning Di Pondok Pesantren PPAI Annahdliyah Karangploso Malang 2022-07-04T06:13:02+07:00 Sharvina Salsabilla Nur Karima Layli Nur Azizah <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Effectiveness is a condition that shows how far the plan can be achieved. The more plans that can be achieved, the more effective these activities are, so that the word effectiveness can also be interpreted as the level of success that can be achieved from a particular way or effort in accordance with the objectives to be achieved.</p> <p>This research was conducted with the aim of: 1) knowing the learning of the yellow book using themethod <em>amtsilati </em>in PPAI Annahdliyah Karangploso Islamic Boarding School Malang. 2) knowing the application of themethod <em>amtsilati </em>in improving the ability of students to read the yellow book at PPAI Annahdliyah Karangploso Islamic Boarding School in Malang. 3) find out the Effectiveness of theMethod <em>Amtsilati </em>for Improving the Ability of Santri to Read the Yellow Book at PPAI Annahdliyah Karangploso Islamic Boarding School in Malang.</p> <p>The results showed that: 1) the learning of the yellow book using themethod <em>amtsilati </em>in PPAI Annahdliyah Islamic Boarding School was divided into 3 times, namely the Fajr Ba'da with rote learning material, the second Asr Ba'da with the delivery of material and understanding, and the third was Ba'da evening with understanding and evaluation by quiz or so on as a form of understanding of students. 2) the application of themethod <em>amtsilati </em>in the learning of the yellow book uses the classical learning model, which is proven to be effective even though it is classified into groups of volumes, but this model remains focused on the abilities and individual students. 3) the effectiveness of themethod <em>Amtsilati </em>is a clear system, has a clear basic concept, teaching model, and material and makes it easy for students to understand it. In addition learning outcomes using this method are also very influential is if the previous average was 66.07 but after using this method it increased to 84.38.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Sharvina Salsabilla, Nur Karima, Layli Nur Azizah PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS GAME INTERNET EDUCANDY SEBAGAI SARANA PEMBELAJARAN DARING 2022-08-15T03:38:37+07:00 Miftahul Mufid Ahmad Farid Utsman <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; text-indent: -.1pt; line-height: normal; background: white; border: none; mso-padding-alt: 31.0pt 31.0pt 31.0pt 31.0pt; mso-border-shadow: yes; margin: 0cm -.05pt .0001pt 0cm;">In the era of the pandemic, schools are required to carry out online learning. This resulted in the development of an online-based Arabic learning evaluation to be made. The purpose of this research is to develop an online-based learning evaluation media using the educandy platform and test it on class X MA Sunatunnut Senori Tuban students. This research uses the Borg and Gall R&amp;D method. The research shows the results that the average score from the aspects of usability, display, interactive and learning shows the results of 3.25% this value is in the good category so it can be concluded that this Arabic learning evaluation media can be used as online media and is able to provide benefits. to class X MA Sunatunnur Senori Tuban as an independent learning medium.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Miftahul Mufid, Ahmad Farid Utsman IMPLEMENTASI METODE IQRO’ DALAM MENGATASI MASALAH KESULITAN MEMBACA AL-QUR’AN SISWA MTS NU TMI PUJON KABUPATEN MALANG 2022-07-04T06:12:06+07:00 Nurrohmatul Fidhyah Arna Ulinnuha Rachmad Arif Ma'ruf <p>The Qur’an is a way of life for every Muslim, where the Qur’an is the source of all knowledge. Al-Qur’an has a language that is different from everyday language, because of it, the process of learning the Qur’an from an early age is very necessary to be able to read the Qur’an well and correctly. However, today there are still many children have not been able to read the Qur’an well, because many people are more concerned with general science than the science of the Qur’an.This study aims to find out the implementation of the Iqro’ method to solving problem the difficulty of reading al-Qur’an students of MTs NU TMI Pujon. This research use descriptive qualitative approach with a case study. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation.The results showed that 1) Difficulties in reading al-Qur’an students include: difficulty in pronouncing letters according to their makhorijul huruf, short lengths of reading, upside down in mentioning hijaiyah letters, and not being able to read conjunctions. 2) The implementation of the iqro method 'that is just before the Teaching and Learning Activity starts precisely at 06:30 to 07:00. 3) Obstacles experienced by the process of implementing the iqro method are a lack of teaching staff (so assisted by a some of students to help the implementation of the iqro method) and lack of time.</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Nurrohmatul Fidhyah, Arna Ulinnuha, Rachmad Arif Ma'ruf ONLINE ASSESSMENT PEMBELAJARAN NEO GUIDED INQUIRY BERBASIS LITERASI DAN NUMERASI PADA MAHASISWA 2022-06-01T02:36:40+07:00 Salis Irvan Fuadi Pamungkas Stiya Mulyani <p>The purpose of this study was to find out how the product development process and the online assessment model for Neo Guided Inquiry Learning Based on Literacy and Numeration in Students The specific purpose of this study was to see the response of the development of the Online Assessment of Neo Guided Inquiry Learning Based on Literacy and Numeracy in Students. This research was carried out with a Research and Development design that adopted the Borg &amp; Gall model. The research uses quantitative and qualitative methods. The quantitative method is carried out by measuring using a Likert Scale questionnaire with 4 (Four) Standards and the respondents are students and lecturers, then converted into numerical data to be tabulated. Qualitative methods using observations and questionnaires that aim to be used to find out the needs and inputs of users of products and models and ensure that the learning application process is in accordance with the learning syntax model. Observation directly to get information about obstacles or problems at the time of testing. Sampling planning and instruments that have been validated by three expert validators and adapted to the needs of the data.Keywords: Online Assessment, Neo Guided Inquiry, Literacy, Numeration</p> 2022-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Salis Irvan Fuadi, Pamungkas Stiya Mulyani ANALISIS STRATEGI BELAJAR MEMBACA AL – QUR'AN BERDASARKAN KARAKTERISTIK GAYA BELAJAR SISWA MTS SURYA BUANA MALANG 2022-05-10T01:51:15+07:00 Elok Nadiatun Naimah Rasmuin <p>The ability to read the Qur'an properly and correctly is a basic skill that must be possessed by all Muslims in the world. In an effort to improve these abilities, each student has his own learning strategy which is influenced by the characteristics of the student. One of the characteristics of students that can affect the use of student strategies in learning is the type of student learning style. The approach used is descriptive qualitative using a phenomenological strategy with the type of field research (field research). The purpose of this study was to determine the strategies used by MTs Surya Buana students in learning to read the Qur'an according to the characteristics of their learning style. This study shows that each student's learning style will affect the use of learning strategies in learning activities of the Qur'an at MTs Surya Buana. Students with visual learning styles focus on visual abilities. Meanwhile, students with auditory learning style use learning strategies related to the sense of hearing. Then the kinesthetic learning type students have learning strategies related to practical activities directly. So it can be concluded that the learning strategies used by students in learning to read the Qur'an at MTs Surya Buana are influenced by variations in the learning styles of each student.</p> Copyright (c) PENGARUH POLA ASUH “GRAND PARENTING” TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN KOGNITIF ANAK USIA SEKOLAH DASAR 2022-05-23T04:17:48+07:00 Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The number of mother figures in the family who enter the world of work outside the home and leave their families turns out to have quite significant consequences, especially related to child care. In the culture of our society in the past, the task of parenting was dominated by the mother. In the current era of industry 4.0, many mothers have started to work and even become a pillar of socio-economic life which is no less important than their husbands, the task of childcare begins to shift. Changes in the mother's role have an impact on substitute care for other family members. A child is a representative of both parents, he is a living being that will continue to grow and develop every time. Cognitive development of elementary school age children cannot be equated with adolescents or adults, the cognitive development of elementary school age children is very limited for concrete (real) matters. Based on the background and problem identification, the research problem is formulated as follows: How much influence does grand parenting have on cognitive development in students whose mothers are factory employees at SD Negeri 193 Gresik? There is no significant effect between grand parenting and cognitive development of students in grade IV from 2 classes at SD Negeri 193 Gresik. This is evidenced by the results of the product moment correlation analysis of 0.089 compared to the t-table level of significance 5% N=40 of 2.042. So the t-count is smaller than the t-table, it can be interpreted that the null hypothesis (Ho) that is there is no effect of grand parenting on the cognitive development of students in grade IV of 2 classes at SD Negeri 193 Gresik is accepted. And the hypothesis (Ha) that there is an effect of grand parenting on students' cognitive development in grade IV students from 2 classes at SD Negeri 193 Gresik is rejected. Based on the description above, it can be concluded that grandmother's care does not have a significant effect on students' cognitive development.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Nasrul Waton PEDAGOGIK KRITIS DALAM PANDANGAN H.A.R. TILAAR DAN RELEVANSINYA BAGI PENDIDIKAN NASIONAL 2022-03-01T14:38:26+07:00 Barry Sandy <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The research was conducted to find out how the critical pedagogic concept in the view of Prof. H.A.R. Tilaar and its relevance to national education. The purpose of conducting this research is because nowadays, on this day of a very fast globalization, besides its usefulness, it also causes several problems, including the loss of direction from national diversity and dehumanization. It is challenging to require a form of critical reflective attitude that is presented to the community. This effort can very effectively occur if there is a transformation in education. The change from traditional pedagogy to critical pedagogy is an alternative way of dealing with globalization. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative methodology which makes literature study and document collection the primary thing in data collection. The findings of this critical pedagogic research are in fact still very much needed and further encouraged in its concrete application to answer the challenges of globalization and to meet the golden Indonesia 2045.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> traditional pedagogy; critical pedagogy; national education; globalization;</p> <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep pedagogik kritis dalam pandangan Prof. H.A.R. Tilaar serta relevansinya bagi pendidikan nasional. Tujuan diadakannya penelitian karena dewasa ini ditengah arus globalisasi yang sangat cepat disamping kebermanfaatannya, ternyata juga menimbulkan beberapa masalah, diantaranya kehilangan arah dari kebhinnekaan bangsa dan dehumanisasi. Hal ini menantang untuk diperlukan bentuk sikap reflektif kritis yang dihadirkan untuk masyarakat. Usaha yang demikian sangat bisa terjadi secara efektif jika dilakukannya transformasi dalam pendidikan. Perubahan dari pedagogik tradisional ke pedagogik kritis merupakan jalan alternatif dari penyikapan terhadap globalisasi. Metodologi yang digunakan menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif yang menjadikan studi kepustakaan dan studi dokumen sebagai hal primer dalam pengumpulan data. Temuan dari penelitian ini pedagogik kritis ternyata masih sangat diperlukan dan digalakkan lagi dalam penerapannya secara kongkret untuk menjawab tantangan-tantangan globalisasi dan guna menyongsong Indonesia emas 2045.</p> <p><strong>Kata kunci:</strong> pedagogik tradisional; pedagogik kritis; pendidikan nasional;</p> Copyright (c) PENGELOLAAN TENAGA PENDIDIK DAN KEPENDIDIKAN DALAM PONDOK PESANTREN 2022-02-21T05:30:21+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p>Pesantren is one of the educational realities that has been entrenched among some nations, especially among the majority of Muslims who are the majority group in Indonesia. Pesantren is one type of traditional Indonesian Islamic education to explore Islamic religious knowledge and practice it as a daily life guide or called <em>Tafaqquh Fiddin</em>. Educators themselves are professionals who are tasked with planning and implementing the learning process, assessing learning outcomes, conducting guidance and training, as well as conducting research and community service, especially for educators at universities. The management of teaching staff at <em>Madrasah Hidayatul Muhibbin</em> is to be qualified in religious matters, so that this institution can select and sort out educators in accordance with the Madrasa's vision and mission through the recruitment of educators or <em>Mustahiq/Mudarris</em>. Then for educators and education staff if they experience difficulties in teaching and learning activities (KBM) both in science or classroom conditioning, Madrasas have prepared a forum as a place for consultation regarding the problems experienced.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Bashirotul Hidayah STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI PUBLIK DALAM MENINGKATKAN CITRA SEKOLAH 2022-03-02T07:58:55+07:00 Fathor Rosi Agus Nu’man Sandiko Sandiko Fathor Rozi <p>This study examines public communication strategies to improve the school's image so that people believe and are interested in sending their children to the institution. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The type of research is a case study with the research location being at SMP Nurul Huda Peleyan Kapongan Situbondo. Data collection techniques were carried out by observation and in-depth interviews and then analyzed through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of the research obtained are that the implementation of public communication at SMP Nurul Huda Peleyan Kapongan Situbondo is carried out by preparing a layered strategy which is then realized by conducting internal and external communication (publication to the wider community through print media and social media). The implication is that the public relations of educational institutions must establish communication and cooperation with internal and external parties so that school publications can be realized optimally.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Fathor Rosi, Agus Nu’man, Sandiko Sandiko, Fathor Rozi PENGEMBANGAN E-BOOK TEMATIK BERBASIS PROJECT BASED QUR’AN MENGGUNAKAN APLIKASI FLIP PDF PROFESSIONAL 2022-02-07T06:18:09+07:00 Muhammad Farih Siti Zahratu Nasikhah <p>The outbreak of Covid 19 in 2020 until now, the high moral decadence and online learning can be an educational solution that is expected by the community and the government. This study aims to determine the results of the validation test of the effectiveness of the development of Project Based Qur'an-based Thematic E-Books using the Flip Pdf Professional Application at Baitunnur Islamic Elementary School Blora. In addressing the needs of education during the pandemic and education that is able to grow and realize the teachings of Islam contained in the Qur'an and Hadith in everyday life.</p> <p>This research and development uses R&amp;D with a 4D model, namely define, design, develop, disseminate. Validation was carried out by 2 material experts, media experts, 3 practitioners to assess the product and 38 students for product effectiveness. Based on the results of the validation test results from material experts, the percentage results are 100% in the Very Good category, the results of the media expert test are 71.15% in the Good category, from 3 practitioners of class IV Al Jabbar it is 100%, class IV Al Farabi is 80%, Ar Razy is 82.5% with very good category.</p> <p>The resulting E-Book product is in accordance with the 2013 curriculum and is integrated with Qur'anic verses with various projects, to achieve educational goals and instill religious values in daily life if it meets the predicate good for media evaluation, very good for assessment of teaching materials, and tested with very good results.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Farih, Siti Zahratu Nasikhah SUPERVISI MANAJERIAL DAN PERAN SUPERVISOR DALAM PENINGKATAN KUALITAS AKADEMIK DAN KELEMBAGAAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2022-02-06T03:35:13+07:00 Akmal Ahmad <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Managerial supervision is very important in organizations because they drive the entire school program, from leadership, curriculum, student affairs, infrastructure, budget, and public relations. The purpose of this study is to analyze and understand managerial and supervisory supervision, the components of supervision activities, academic quality improvement and institutional quality improvement. The method used in this research is the library research approach. Literature study is a study that is used to collect information and data with the help of various materials in the library. And the results of this study are that in the process of implementing the Quality Improvement of Academic and Institutional Islamic Education, managerial supervisors must really understand the components of activities in supervision by planning a supervision program, implementing a supervision program, and following up on the results of the implementation of supervision later to improve quality. and institutional quality begins with carrying out maximum supervision activities by paying attention to 3 things, namely careful planning, maximum implementation, and immediate follow-up of supervision activities.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Akmal Ahmad ESKALASI KETERAMPILAN KOMUNIKASI SISWA MELALUI METODE SUGGESTOPEDIA DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KUALITAS BELAJAR 2022-02-07T06:29:19+07:00 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali Sayyidatul Arifa <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Communication skills are the most important skills in students' daily life, related to the learning climate, and are very much needed as an independent matter in learning. Communication skills greatly facilitate educators and students in learning situations effectively and efficiently. This study aims to determine the quality of the communication skills of educators to students by applying suggestopedia in developing the quality of learning. Suggestopedia is a breakthrough for students in learning to be more positive, enthusiastic, and active in providing good stimulation to the learning process in order to create a more pleasant feeling. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. This research was conducted at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Walisongo, Banyuanyar Tengah, Probolinggo, with the research subjects being teachers and students. This research phase is carried out with preliminary studies (interviews), data collection, data verification, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that in its application, suggestopedia at the basic level has a dominant positive side impact. A conducive learning atmosphere, communication skills, effectiveness, and enthusiasm of students during learning can be seen that students' self-confidence is now increasing at each lesson meeting. The application of the suggestopedia method is essentially effective in carrying out the quality of learning.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali, Sayyidatul Arifa Kritik terhadap pendidikan islam tradisional dan modern 2022-01-21T00:07:53+07:00 Eviana Agustin <p>Education is one of the efforts to improve and build the quality of human resources to prepare for the era of globalization which is full of changes and challenges, therefore education is very important for everyone. So, education should not be underestimated. In Islam there are several educational institutions including traditional Islamic educational institutions (pesantren) and modern (boarding schools). This institution has a very important role in Islamic education, especially in an era like today, these two institutions have been recognized and contained in Law No. 20 of 2003. In both there are several shortcomings that require criticism so that they can be corrected.</p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh lingkungan fisik ADAB PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI MASA PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE 2022-01-21T00:01:32+07:00 RAHMA SABILLA FUAD DIRAHMAN SUTIPYO RU'YA JANY FITRIA KHOIRUNNISA <p>Pengaruh lingkungan fisik (keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat) dalam perkembangan peserta didik memanlah sangat besar, apalagi di era moderen seperti sekarang dengan adanya lingkungan dunia maya. Dimana lingkungan maya ini sesorang dapat mengetahui suatu hal diluar keberadaan mereka berada. Makalah ini dirancang untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh lingkungan di atas dalam perkembangan peserta didik dalam presfektif pendidikan islam. Dalam penulisan makalah ini mengunakan metode kepustakaan dengan mengambil berbagai literatur yang ada di google scholer. Hasil penelitian dari penyusunan makalah ini sebagai acuan dalam mendidik peserta didik&nbsp; dengan mengikuti perkembangannya dengan tetap mempertahnkan nilai-nilai islam dalam perkembangannya pada dunia pendidikan.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Lingkungan; Perkembangan Anak; Presfektif Pendidikan Islam</p> Copyright (c) Islamic religious education Problematika Guru PAI dalam Evaluasi PAI yang Cenderung pada Ranah Kognitif 2022-01-20T23:45:54+07:00 Dwi Nur Indah Sari Sutipyo Ru'iya Aswin Nurjanah <p>Islamic religious education plays a very important role in the formation of noble character and character of students so that Islamic religious education is important and must exist at every level of education. Of course, this cannot be realized if there is a problem with the education component, one of which is evaluation. The evaluation carried out by the PAI teacher greatly affects students in the future. It is often found that PAI teachers in evaluating are more dominant in the cognitive domain, when in fact Islamic religious education itself should emphasize the evaluation of the affective and psychomotor domains. Where morality and application in everyday life should be more important than test scores in the form of numbers.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Copyright (c) Pengaruh lingkungan fisik ADAB PESERTA DIDIK DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI MASA PEMBELAJARAN ONLINE 2022-01-20T23:14:27+07:00 RAHMA SABILLA <p>Pengaruh lingkungan fisik (keluarga, sekolah, masyarakat) dalam perkembangan peserta didik memanlah sangat besar, apalagi di era moderen seperti sekarang dengan adanya lingkungan dunia maya. Dimana lingkungan maya ini sesorang dapat mengetahui suatu hal diluar keberadaan mereka berada. Makalah ini dirancang untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh lingkungan di atas dalam perkembangan peserta didik dalam presfektif pendidikan islam. Dalam penulisan makalah ini mengunakan metode kepustakaan dengan mengambil berbagai literatur yang ada di google scholer. Hasil penelitian dari penyusunan makalah ini sebagai acuan dalam mendidik peserta didik&nbsp; dengan mengikuti perkembangannya dengan tetap mempertahnkan nilai-nilai islam dalam perkembangannya pada dunia pendidikan.</p> Copyright (c) PESANTREN SEBAGAI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2022-01-18T07:56:32+07:00 dwiagustya tya <p>Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan islam tertua di indonesia sampai sekarang tetap memberikan kontribusi penting di bidang sosial keagamaan. Pondok pesantren sebagai lembaga pendidikan yang memiliki akar kuat pada masyarakat muslim indonesia, dalam perjalanannya mampu menjaga dan mempertahankan keberlangsungan dirinya serta memiliki model pendidikan multi aspek. Berdasarkan bangunan fisik atau sarana pendidikan yang dimiliki pesantren itu sendiri. Sedangkan berdasarkan kurikulum, pesantren terbagi menjadi tiga, yaitu pesantren tradisional, pesantren modern, dan pesantren komprehensif. Pesantren memiliki lima unsur atau elemen, yaitu masjid, kyai, pondok, santri, dan pengajian kitab</p> Copyright (c) URGENSI DAN METODE SOROGAN BAGI SANTRI DI PONDOK PESANTREN AL-MUHIBBIN PUTRI 2022-01-18T06:44:02+07:00 farahsabrn firzaaa <p><em>Pondok Pesantren Al-Muhibbin Putri ini memiliki satu program wajib yakni sorogan. Yang mana program tersebut sudah dikembangkan sejak 2 tahun yang lalu. Pada beberapa pondok pesantren yang berbasis salaf, sorogan juga masih dikembangkan. </em></p> <p><em>Sorogan dalam pondok pesantren Al-Muhibbin Putri memiliki tujuan khusus yakni: Meningkatkan kualitas bacakitab, mengawal kurikulum madrasah diniyah di Pondok Pesantren Al-Muhibbin Putri. Selain itu, sorogan juga memiliki kelemahan dan kelebihan masing masing. Teknik penerapan metode sorogan ini terdapat pembelajaran individual, bimbingan pembelajaan, dan didukung dengan keaktifan para santri</em>.</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK MELALUI PENGETAHUAN DAN KEBIASAAN 2022-01-16T09:05:05+07:00 FAHMA ZAHIRO FAHMAZAA <p><em>pendidikan akhlak merupakan bagian dari ajaran pendidikan islam, padahal sudah kita ketahui bahwa negara Indonesia sebagian besar beragama islam pendidikan ini mengenai dasar-dasar akhlak dan keutamaan akhlak, watak yang harus dimiliki dan dijadikan kebiasaan oleh anak sejak dini sampai dewasa. Dalam pembahasan ini ada 2 metode pendidikan akhlak yaitu pengetahuan dan kebiasaan. Keteladanan dalam pendidikan akhlak merupakan bagian dari metode yang paling efektif dalam &nbsp;mempersiapkan dan membentuk anak secara moral, spiritual, dan sosial. Pembiasaan merupakan salah satu&nbsp; metode pendididkan yang sangat penting tarutama bagi anak-anak. Mereka belum mengetahui apa yang disebut baik dan buruk, mereka juga belum mempunyai kewajiban-kewajiban yang harus dikerjakan seperti orang dewasa, sehingga mereka perlu dibiasakan dengan tingkah laku, keterampilan, percakapan, dan pola pikir tertentu. Anak perlu dibiasakan pada sesuatu yang baik. Kemudian, mereka akan mengubah seluruh sifat-sifat baik untuk menjadi kebiasaan.</em></p> Copyright (c) PROBLEMATIKA PESERTA DIDIK DAERAH TERPENCIL DI ERA REVOLUSI DIGITAL 2022-03-08T03:36:14+07:00 Cholifah Cholifah Abdul Muhid <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The era of globalization has given rise to many accesses in society related to their behavior patterns. Therefore, it is time for the community together with parents and educators as well as professionals to unite steps to understand, manage, and invite youth to develop themselves in a positive and constructive way so that in the future they can grow into a young generation that is mature, mature, and qualified. In faraway regions generally students only use visual gaining knowledge of styles such as: teaching with the blackboard, using books, doing questions, taking notes, and other visual activities. This is actually not appropriate to be adjusted in the classroom because each student has a different learning style, for that we need a method that does not only involve visuals, but also involves audio, audio-visual, and kinesthetic. Access to schools is likewise the main impediment skilled by college students and teachers in carrying out learning. The technique that the author uses in this article uses a qualitative method,the type of literature review/library research, by collecting and collecting various data from the library in the form of several references that have a correlation with, "The problems of students in remote areas in the era of the digital revolution” by analyzing various journals that are relevant to the related theme</p> Copyright (c) MELURUSKAN VISI DAN MISI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI ERA MODERN 2022-01-14T02:05:43+07:00 Eqviesta Runtun Pamungkas <p>Education is a process of transferring knowledge from teachers to students. In today's modern era, education is not only an activity of transferring knowledge, but also an activity where teachers try to understand and practice in real life the material that has been taught. Thoughts from famous educational figures deserve to be discussed because they are beyond their time and are in some ways concrete with today's modern education. Education is an effort that is structured to achieve the educational goals that have been set. In general, education has the aim of advancing the quality and quantity of human resources by means of formal teaching and learning, namely through schools and non-formally in the community. The purpose of education in Islam has a vision and mission to form human beings who have good morals. Likewise, the Prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah SWT to make the morals of all mankind on earth.</p> Copyright (c) EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DARING BERBANTUKAN APLIKASI ZOOM MEETING UNTUK MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR MASA PANDEMI COVID-19 2022-03-02T07:57:42+07:00 Niken Septantiningtyas Siami Fitri Astutik Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Mushfi El Iq Bali <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>The purpose of this study is to describe the effectiveness of online learning using zoom meetings on student learning outcomes. The research population is all fourth grade students of MI Mambaul Ulum Paiton Probolinggo who use zoom meetings during learning activities. The sample of this research is the fourth grade students of MI Mambaul Ulum Paiton Probolinggo as many as 33 students using simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study include field studies, observations, interviews, and questionnaires. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire containing the types of closed, semi-closed, and open-ended questions. Data analysis using computerized descriptive statistics. The results of the study revealed that the media platform used in online learning was dominated by the Zoom Meeting application (56.2%). During online learning, students experience physical complaints such as eye irritation (32.8%), while psychological complaints experienced by students are that they feel they are not really studying (37.2%). Furthermore, the online learning methods that students prefer include learning videos (35.1%) and quizzes (28.8%). Constraints experienced by students include unstable internet network (41.4%), limited quota pulses (26.5%), split learning concentration (13.3%), and piling assignments (17.6%). The accumulation of these data concluded that the assessment of the effectiveness of online learning experienced by students in detail was known with the criteria of very effective (14.6%), effective (58.7%), moderately effective (24.5%), and ineffective (2, 2%).</p> 2022-09-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Niken Septantiningtyas, Siami Fitri Astutik, Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Mushfi El Iq Bali The INFLUENCE PENGARUH MEDIA POP-UP BOOK TERHADAP MINAT BACA SISWA MATA PELAJARAN FIQIH KELAS V MI RADEN RAHMAT NGERONG PASURUAN 2022-01-02T04:20:42+07:00 MUHAMAD KHOIRUR ROZIQIN <p>The One of the important subjects in the world of education is Islamic Religious Education. The importance of Islamic religious education in schools is to foster and hone students so that they can always understand the teachings of Islam as a whole. One of the most important aspects of Islamic religious education is fiqh. Pop Up Book Media is a media book that shows the potential for movement and interaction through the use of paper as a material for folding, scrolling, shape, wheel or rotation. The purpose of this study was to find out how the Effect of Pop-Up Book Media on the Reading Interest of Students of Fiqh Subject Class V MI Raden Rahmat Ngerong Pasuruan. The subject of this research is a sample of 15 students of MI Raden Rahmat Ngerong Pasuruan. This type of research is quantitative research. In this study, it was found that there was a significant correlation with the result r of 0.964. The resulting r value is actually greater than the r table in the product moment critical price table. This shows that the Pop Up Book media does have an influence on reading interest in the students of MI Raden Rahmat Ngerong Pasuruan</p> Copyright (c) PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER MELALUI TRILOGI DAN PANCA KESADARAN SANTRI PERSPEKTIF IMAM GHAZALI DALAM KEGIATAN KEPESANTRENAN 2022-03-05T04:18:22+07:00 Fathor Rozi Abdullah Abdullah Khalifatunnisa Khalifatunnisa <p>This study aims to analyze and examine the Implementation of Character Education through Trilogy and Panca Awareness of Santri in Islamic boarding school activities. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the type of case study research at the Nurul Jadid Paiton Islamic Boarding School, Probolinggo. The data collection instrument in this study used observation and in-depth interviews to support the completeness of the data. The data analysis technique in this study was carried out with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion of research results. From this study, it was found that the cultivation and application of character education was very effective in the scope of the pesantren, this was reflected in the application of the principles of the pesantren, namely the Trilogy and Panca Awareness of the Santri which were recorded through Islamic boarding school activities and in line with the concept of Imam Ghazali's spiritual values ??with several methods, namely the method of exemplary, habituation, advice, and stories or stories. This research shows that the values ??of Islamic boarding schools are a full supporter in the successful implementation of character education with a complete pesantren component, of course with consistent effort and full discipline.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Fathor Rozi, Abdullah Abdullah, Khalifatunnisa Khalifatunnisa STUDI KRITIS KESENJANGAN SOSIAL DAN KOMERSIALISASI PRE-SCHOOL DI INDONESIA 2021-12-26T13:20:37+07:00 Novan Muhammad Novan Leany <p>Dunia pendidikan begitu terlihat sebagai komoditas yang diperjual belikan. Fakta yang dapat diamati memperlihatkan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan dengan status yang kurang jelas justru marak tumbuh subur di kota-kota besar. Problematika pendidikan ini sangat dirasakan dan berdampak pula kepada anak-anak, yang sering dianalogikan sebagai bibit-bibit generasi bangsa. Sehingga, pendidikan dini pun menjadi perhatian internasional. Artikel ini berjenis studi kepustakaan (library research) dan menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data primernya adalah jurnal dan buku yang telah mengkaji persoalan Pre-School di dunia pendidikan selama sepuluh tahun terakhir yakni dari desember 2010 hingga desember 2021. Media dan website dipilih sebagai sumber primer karena memiliki fungsi dan filtur yang penyediaan data-data topik berita persoalan pendidikan dari masa ke masa. Proses analisis data sendiri diawali dengan penyajian kembali data-data yang telah dikumpulkan, lalu dilakukan deskripsi data, dan yang terakhir adalah tahapan interpretasi dengan sejumlah konteks data yang telah diajukan. Hasil studi ini menampakkan kesenjangan dan komersialisasi<em> Pre-School</em> yang terjadi di Indonesia secara umum diakibatkan arus globalisasi di mana arus pendidikan masuk dalam lingkaran politik dan ekonomi. Pendidikan seperti ini mengakibatkan dehumanisasi, yang di tingkat terendah terkena pada pendidikan anak usia dini, padahal di tingkat ini anak-anak mempunya masa yang bila tidak diperhitungkan, akan berdampak pada masanya ketika di sekolah</p> Copyright (c) TASHRIFAN JOMBANG: Telaah Epistemologi Kitab Al-Amtsilah Al-Tashrifiyah Karya Kyai Ma’shum Bin Ali 2021-12-14T02:11:05+07:00 Moch. Nurcholis Fathoni Fathoni <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Sharaf science as a part of Arabic grammar can be said to be compulsory science in Islamic boarding schools, whether salaf, modern, or integrated. This study will examine the book of tashrif entitled Al-Amtsilah Al-Tashrifiyah by Kyai Ma'shum bin Ali by focusing on the epistemological aspect as far as the nature of tashrif is concerned, the systematics and model of preparation, and the sources and validity of tashrif scholarship in it. This qualitative research utilizes library data through documentation techniques. Content analysis and descriptive-analytic techniques were used in this study to analyze the collected data. Meanwhile, in drawing conclusions, Miles and Hubermen's interactive model is used. This research concludes two things. First, the book of Al-Amtsilah Al-Tashrifiyah is basically a book that contains a collection of examples of the interpretation of a word, both terminology and lughawi patterns. The systematics of this book starts with an example of word interpretation in a term tashrif pattern and is followed by a lughawi tashrif. The presentation of the tasfhrifan book uses a combination of two models, namely tables and songs. Second, the compilation of the book Al-Amtsilah Al-Tashrifiyah refers to the formulation of tashrif which is theoretically-coceptual in accordance with the sharaf rules contained in the books of Nadham al-Maqshud, al-Alfiyyah Ibn Malik, Syarh Qathr al-Nada, Awdlah al- Masalik, The Book of Sibawaih. More than that, the order of pentasrifan, especially the terminology, in the book Al-Amtsilah Al-Tashrifiyah is identical to the idea and pattern of pentasrifan developed by Imam Sibawaih.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 Moch. Nurcholis, Fathoni Fathoni Pembelajaran Cinta Lingkungan Berbasis Sistem Merdeka Untuk Membentuk Profil Pancasila Siswa PAUD 2021-11-17T04:47:05+07:00 nur farida Salis Irvan Fuadi <p>The purpose of this study was to determine the process of developing a learning model for environmental love based on an independent system to form a Pancasila profile (Gotong-Royong, Critical and Creative Reasoning) for early childhood. The long-term goal of this research is to provide information and recommendations regarding the application of the Independent System-Based Environmental Love Learning to Form a Pancasila Profile. This research was carried out with a Research and Development design that adopted the Borg &amp; Gall model. The quantitative method is carried out by measuring using a Likert Scale questionnaire with 4 (Four) Standards and the respondents are students, filling is assisted and accompanied by a teacher assistant. Qualitative method using observation sheets and questionnaires that aim to be used to ensure that the process of implementing learning is in accordance with the syntax of the learning model and efforts to obtain information on needs and input from teachers and observers to improve the application of the model.</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 nur farida farida, Salis Irvan Fuadi KONSEP PENDIDIKAN ANAK PADA KISAH NABI IBRAHIM DAN LUKMAN AL-HAKIM DALAM AL-QUR’AN 2022-02-15T02:50:13+07:00 ahmad muhajir Munirul Abidin Aunur Rofiq <p>Education according to Islam is an effort so that people recognize and acknowledge God's place in this life. As educators, the main thing as parents is to prepare their children to be pious and pious children because the education they get will be their survival in the future as Prophet Ibrahim educated his children because he knew how important science was. And as Lukman al-Hakim educates his children with advice and gentle words (wisdom).</p> <p>Meanwhile, the focus of the research discussed in this study are: (1) What educational values ??are contained in the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Lukman al-Hakim? (2) What is the strategy for instilling these values? (3) What are the implications for the development of education in Indonesia?</p> <p>To achieve this goal, the researcher uses a research method with a philosophical approach. This type of research is library research, namely research whose main object is books or other library sources. That is, data is sought and found through a literature review of books or other sources relevant to the discussion.</p> <p>The results of this study are:</p> <p>(1) The concept of Children's Education in the Story of the Prophet Ibrahim, namely: a. Rational (When Seeking God), b. Tawhid/Belief (Seeing a bird that is turned on), c. Istiqomah (When it is about to be burned), d. Dare to Speak the Truth (Against King Namrud), e. Patient and Not Desperate, (Asking for Descendants), f. Words and Sincerity (Slaughtering Ismail).</p> <p>(2) The concept of children's education in the story of Lukman al-Hakim, namely: a. Prohibition of Associating Associates with Allah, b. Glorifying Parents and Gratitude, c. Be Careful in Acting Because Every Action Gets a Reply, d. Establishing a Sholet (Amar Ma'ruf Nahi Mungkar), e. Can't Be Arrogant</p> <p>(3) The education of children in the story of Prophet Ibrahim and Lukman al-Hakim where the education given to their children is very good at instilling educational values ??to their children and the priority is education about the religion of monotheism, morals</p> 2022-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2022 ahmad muhajir, Munirul Abidin, Aunur Rofiq PENGARUH PENDEKATAN KOMUNIKATIF DAN METODE SAM’IYAH SYAFAWIYAH TERHADAP TINGKAT KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB 2021-10-03T15:11:48+07:00 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas <p>This research was motivated by the weakness of Arabic speaking skills of class VIII students of MTs Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang. So to improve speaking skills I tried to use a communicative approach and the sam'iyah syafawiyah method.</p> <p>Referring to the above background, this paper focuses on the effect of a communicative approach on the level of Arabic speaking skills of class VIII students of MTs Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang, and the effect of the sam'iyah syafawiyah method on the level of Arabic speaking skills of students of class VIII MTs Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang and the effect of the communicative approach and the sam'iyah syafawiyah method on the level of Arabic speaking skills of eighth grade students of MTs Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang.</p> <p>To answer the formulation of the first and second problems, the researcher used a regression formula. The third formulation of the researchers used the multiple regression formula by using a questionnaire and then the calculation using SPSS V.16. This research was conducted by taking a sample of 48 students. This type of research is correlation research with a quantitative approach.</p> <p>The results of the study stated that the results of the partial test regression analysis showed: 1) there was a significant effect in the application of a communicative approach to the Arabic speaking ability of students at Mts Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang which was proven by the presence of T count = 2,245 &gt; T table = 2,012. 2) And there is a significant effect in the Sam'iyah Syafawiyah Method on the Arabic speaking ability of students at Mts Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang which is proven by T count = 2,969 &gt; T table = 2,012. 3) there is a significant influence in the application of the communicative approach and the sam'iyah syafawiyah method on the Arabic speaking ability of students at Mts Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang which is proven by the results of the multiple linear regression equation simultaneous test, with the results of the analysis of the calculated F = 6.709 &gt; F table = 2.83 and the probability value is 0.03 &lt;0.05. Which means, that the application of a communicative approach and the sam'iyah syafawiyah method makes it easier for students to improve students' Arabic speaking skills at Mts Miftahur Rosyidin Banjardowo Jombang</p> 2020-03-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas Tahapan Kepemimpinan Transformasional 2021-10-02T05:45:47+07:00 Nur Arifah Zainur Arifin <p>In a human life, of course, will not be separated from his responsibilities with fellow human beings and to God. According to the view of Islam, humans have a duty in the world to organize, manage and lead as caliph fi al-ardl. Transformational leadership is a form of leadership with the aim of changing the organization for the better, either changing oneself, others, teams or groups, in other words transformational leadership will be able to lead oneself, lead others, lead teams and lead groups/organizations. Thus, the leader is able to provide a performance boost for the organization beyond what is expected, with a form of transformational leadership that will certainly have an impact on the organization going forward, becoming a better and more advanced organization.</p> 2021-09-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Nur Arifah Efektivitas Pembelajaran Tatap Muka (PTM) di New Normal Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan 2021-09-22T08:01:09+07:00 Hasan Abidin Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p>Education is a process of individual self-development of one's personality that is carried out consciously and responsibly to be able to improve knowledge, skills and attitudes as well as values ??so that they are able to adapt themselves with the environment. Many things change when re-learning is done with a face-to-face learning system (PTM) after three semesters of learning with an online system. A person will reap the results of his learning when he is interested in something he is learning. The research method used in this study is a quantitative approach to determine how much effectiveness learning in the new normal era has on the learning outcomes of class XI IPS 1 Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ma'arif Kedamean students on March 2021. To explain how the level of effectiveness of learning in the new normal era, the author uses the SPSS 16 for windows application as a tool to find out the results of the research. from the results of the study obtained data that explains how the effectiveness of learning in the new normal era is 73.5% with an interpretation that has a fairly high category. so that face-to-face learning in the new normal era can be said effectively implemented at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ma'arif Miru Kedamean Gresik</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Nasrul Waton Analisis Sumber Daya Manusia dan Prasarana dalam Mendukung Pembelajaran Al-Qur'an 2021-08-26T03:05:06+07:00 indah tiarawati <p><em>Education becomes the first benchmark of a nation's progress. Therefore, currently the Government of Indonesia continues to pursue new breakthroughs in various ways to continue to make learning can continue and develop during the pandemic period both learning innovation, procurement of supporting infrastructure, teaching methods and much more. Openings are only formal education, non-formal education serves to complement the ability of learners by providing learning experiences that are not obtained in school education. Pondok Pesantren Hamalatul Qur'an is a boarding school that prioritizes the learning of the Qur'an. The learning process is packed as tahfidz boarding school in general. As there is a wethon recitation, deposit of the Qur'an on ustadz or ustadzah, madrasatul diniyah, memorize the Qur'an quickly and so on. This research aims to analyze the availability of human resources and facilities and infrastructure in supporting learning activities in boarding schools Hamalatul Qur'an. The research was conducted by observation method, interview and document collection during the research. The results of the research can be the facilities and infrastructure in the boarding school Hamalatul Qur'an and human resources in the boarding school Hamalatul quran and all aspects that support learning activities in boarding schools. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach.</em></p> Copyright (c) OPTIMALISASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER SEBAGAI SARANA PENINGKATAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PESERTA DIDIK 2021-08-23T06:59:47+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p>Education is one of the factors that play an important role in order to be able to print the nation's next generation of quality and can make a positive contribution to the life of the nation because without a good education, the next generation of the nation will also not be of quality. best for their students. Character Education is considered to have been proven to be effectively able to increase the motivation of students in achieving learning achievement. Character education is education that is deliberately sought to build people to understand, care about, and act on the basis of ethical values.</p> 2021-03-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Bashirotul Hidayah URGENSI PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER MANDIRI DALAM MENGEMBANGKAN KECERDASAN MORAL MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN DARING 2021-08-18T07:45:54+07:00 Muhammad Kholil Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali Siti Fatimah <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Sophisticated information technology can have a great influence on the shape of human life, especially through information and the use of the internet which is free and without limits. The process of forming character education in the school environment really helps students in matters of responsibility through ethical development and the process of training character well through universal values. This type of research is using a descriptive qualitative research approach. This study collects data in the form of data in the form of sentences or describes from the subject carried out by interview. The subjects consisted of Islamic Religious Education teachers at MAN 2 Probolinggo. The data from this study are the results of interviews with subjects who describe the urgency of developing independent character in developing moral intelligence through online learning. The teacher's efforts in the process of teaching and learning activities always review those related to values, morals and attitudes with simple events, reminding them to have tolerance, fairness, empathy, and increasing respect for teachers or for older people and events that concerned with morals.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Kholil, Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali, Siti Fatimah PENERAPAN MEDIA GAMBAR BERSERI DALAM MENINGKATKAN BAHASA EKSPRESIF ANAK USIA DINI 2021-08-12T03:13:34+07:00 Fathor Rozi Zubaidah Zubaidah <p>This study aims to analyze and examine the application of serial image media to improve expressive language skills of early childhood. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative approach with case studies in class A1 and A2 Kindergarten Al Falah, Kraksaan, Probolinggo. The data collection instruments in this study used direct observation, field notes, and interview notes to support the completeness of the data. The data analysis technique was carried out with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion of research results. The results obtained are serial image media can train children in conveying ideas in good and correct sentence structures. Meanwhile, the implication of the research shows that by utilizing the media of picture series, the improvement of expressive language skills of students in grades A1 and A2 requires a lot of stimulation and opportunities to practice.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fathor Rozi, Zubaidah ANALISIS EFEKTIVITAS KEPEMIMPINAN VIRTUAL KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI KERJA GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS 2021-08-04T04:39:41+07:00 Eka Diana Hiflatus Sunnah Sri Wahyuni Khoiriyah <p>This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the principal's virtual leadership in relation to increasing teacher work motivation in the new normal era and the factors that influence it. This type of research uses a mix of qualitative and quantitative. The research location is in SMA Nurul Jadid Paiton Probolinggo. The research sample amounted to 20 people chosen randomly from the entire research population. Data collection techniques used interviews, documentation studies and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics with the t-test of one sample based on the sample used less than 30. The results of the t-test obtained an average value of 82.7% which was in the effective category. The supporting factors for virtual leadership consist of communication skills and social networking skills. The inhibiting factors consist of geographical conditions and building trust.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Eka Diana, Hiflatus Sunnah, Sri Wahyuni Khoiriyah PENGEMBANGAN MANAJEMEN KESISWAAAN DALAM MENINGKATKAN MINAT DAN BAKAT SISWA DI SEKOLAH DASAR ISLAM ROUSHON FIKR JOMBANG 2021-08-02T02:05:47+07:00 Ahmad Nur Ismail Achmad Chomaidi Alwi Mochammad Fuad Habib <p>This research aims to find out the student management process which includes planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating in student management at Islamic Elementary School (SD Islam) Roushon Fikr Jombang. This study uses qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive research type. Data collection techniques in this study using interview methods, observations and documentation. The results showed that the planning of students at SD Islam Roushon Fikr Jombang is a student management planning program prepared by the deputy principal III in the field of student affairs in the plenary session to the foundation by adjusting the needs and following the development of the school. The development of students at SD Islam Roushon Fikr Jombang is done such as instilling a responsible attitude such as coaching discipline given by the student. The development of extracurricular activities at SD Islam Roushon Fikr Jombang is carried out by providing special guidance and training in accordance with their fields to strengthen the skills and interests of students' talents. Evaluation of students' learning is done to see the success and improve the activities that have been carried out.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Ahmad Nur Ismail, Ahmad Nur Ismail, Achmad Chomaidi Alwi, Mochammad Fuad Habib HASIL BELAJAR MATEMATIKA MELALUI PENDEKATAN DEDUKTIF DAN INDUKTIF 2021-06-23T05:43:39+07:00 Intan Nadiroh Cahya Mauidho Hasanah <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The application of a deductive approach is an approach that uses logic to draw one or more conclusions based on a given set of premises. In this case, the researcher chose material regarding the properties of the spatial structure applied in class V-A Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas.</p> <p>The application of the inductive approach is an approach that emphasizes observations first, then draws conclusions based on these observations. In this case, the researcher chose material regarding the properties of spatial structures that were applied in class V-B Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang.</p> <p>The results of the simple linear regression equation show that the use of comparison of inductive learning outcomes indicates a better goal, so it can improve the learning outcomes of fifth grade students at MI Bahrul Ulum Tambakberas Jombang. While the results of partial hypothesis testing on the regression coefficients of each predictor obtained the value of T table = ta / 2 ; df (n-2) = t 5%/2; df (56-2) = t 0.025; df(54) = 2.00. The hypotheses of each predictor are as follows:</p> <p>The results of the partial test output (t) obtained the value of T arithmetic = 9.00 indicating that T count &gt; T table that is 9.00 &gt; 2.00 and the standard significance / probability value (a) 0.000 &lt; 0.05 then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted . This shows that the predictor regression coefficient of the inductive approach has an effect on student learning outcomes.</p> 2021-06-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Intan Nadiroh, Cahya Mauidho Hasanah PENDIDIKAN MODERASI BERAGAMA DALAM AL-QUR'AN DAN HADITS 2021-06-23T05:49:33+07:00 Sutrisno Sutrisno Fathoni Fathoni <p>Islam as a divine religion in addition to teaching its followers to be obedient and obedient to its teachings but also teaches moderation towards other religions. In addition to moderation in matters of worship, it is also moderate in social life. Religious moderation is an interesting study because it is an integral core of Islamic teachings, Islam does not allow its people to carry out religious coercion. In a verse it is stated "To you is your religion and to me is my religion. This is a basis for religious moderation in Islam. Islam does not uphold violence and coercion in its teachings but on the contrary that Islam upholds hospitality and harmony in socio-religious relations between its followers and followers of other religions.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fathoni EFEKTIFITAS PLATFORM QUIZIZZ SEBAGAI MEDIA EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK DI MAN 1 KUDUS 2021-06-29T07:38:12+07:00 Ashif Zafi <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This study aims to determine the application of the Quizizz platform as a medium for evaluating learning Akidah Akhlak in MAN 1 Kudus and to determine the effectiveness of implementing the Quizizz platform as a medium for evaluating learning Akidah Akhlak in MAN 1 Kudus. This research uses descriptive quantitative analysis research. Then, this study gave the results, namely in the evaluation of learning Akidah Akhlak in MAN 1 Kudus during online learning using the Quizizz platform media and in that application it had high effectiveness when it was implemented, namely with a percentage value of 56.17%. The implication of this research for learning is that the online evaluation process is more effective when using the Quizizz platform, especially in daily assessments.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Ashif Zafi KAJIAN BUKU AJAR SISWA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SAINS PERSPEKTIF INTEGRASI PEMBELAJARAN SAINS DAN ISLAM MI 2021-03-23T07:03:46+07:00 Vivi Afbrifani <p><strong>Abstract</strong><strong>:</strong> This study aims to describe the content of science textbooks of class I and IV the 1st half 2013 curriculum for teachers and students based on the integration of science and&nbsp; Islam, and explain the patterns of integration of science and islam in the textbooks of science in Elementary School.</p> <p>The result showed that the content of science textbooks of class I and IV in elementary school is based on the integration of science and islam but it is not significantly. This is indicated by the amount of text its contents are still a bit of general nature, such as a quick description of almaighty God as the creator, the diversity of his creation, suggestions for ingratitute towards God and creation take advantage for a good purpose.</p> <p>There are six patterns of integration of science and islam in the textbooks of science in elementary school, such as similarisasi, parallelization, complementation, comparison, inductivication, and verification, however, the existing pattern in the textbooks of class I and IV semesters 1 at elementary school is only one pattern, it is induktivikasi pattern.</p> 2020-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Vivi Afbrifani SUPERVISI KEPALA SEKOLAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KINERJA TENAGA PENDIDIK 2021-03-23T05:19:09+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p>Educational institutions as a forum for the intellectual life of the nation are required to make various efforts and innovations in order to improve the quality of education. As an institution, of course, schools must have learning tools and educators to carry out the learning process. In addition, schools must also have good and efficient institutional and employee governance. This is where the role of the principal is tested and required to be able to regulate and manage the school institution as well as all educators and academicians within the scope of the school so that they can progress and be organized as the vision and mission of the institution and to improve the quality of the school in a comprehensive and sustainable manner.</p> 2020-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Bashirotul Hidayah Proses dan Prinsip Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 2021-03-29T00:39:49+07:00 Junaedi Junaedi Abdul Wahab <p>Pengembangan kurikulum adalah sebuah proses yang merencanakan, menghasilkan suatu alat yang lebih baik dengan didasarkan pada hasil penilaian terhadap kurikulum yang telah berlaku, sehingga dapat memberikan kondisi belajar mengajar yang baik. Tulisan ini merupakan jenis penelitian kepustakaan (<em>library research</em>) yang membicarakan proses dan prinsip pengembangan kurikulum pada pendidikan guru madrasah ibtidaiyah. Selanjutnya penulis mengkaji bagaimana proses dan prinsip pengembangan kurikulum pada pendidikan guru madrasah ibtidaiyah yang meliputi pengertian pengembangan kurikulum, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengembangan kurikulum, dan langkah-langkah pengembangan kurikulum, pengertian prinsip pengembangan kurikulum, sumber-sumber pengembangan kurikulum, tipe-tipe prinsip pengembangan kurikulum, macam-macam prinsip pengembangan kurikulum serta pengaplikasian terhadap pendidikan guru madrasah ibtidaiyah.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PICTURE AND PICTURE DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR ANAK USIA DINI 2021-03-03T04:02:30+07:00 Fathor Rozi Faizatul Widat Eka Efandari <p><em>This study aims to analyze and study the implementation of the picture and picture learning model in improving early childhood learning outcomes. This is done to assist teachers in implementing learning so that early childhood learning outcomes can increase. Researchers used a qualitative approach to the type of case study. This research was conducted at RA Uswatun Hasanah institute. The results showed that RA Uswatun Hasanah school had used the picture and picture learning model in improving the learning outcomes of their students. The implementation of picture and picture learning is carried out in several stages, namely; the first stage is preparation, the second stage is implementation, the third stage is evaluation. Implementation achieved by using the picture and picture method, students are more interested and enthusiastic about participating in learning so that children's learning outcomes increase. </em></p> 2021-03-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fathor Rozi, Faizatul Widat, Eka Efandari Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Agama Islam Multikultural Melalui Edu-Ekowisata 2021-02-22T07:22:45+07:00 Agus Sulthoni Imami Sulthon Masykuri Bakri Hambali Hambali <pre style="text-align: justify; background: #F8F9FA;"><span style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; color: #202124;">Multicultural Islamic Education Paradigm <span style="background: #F8F9FA;">is an Islamic teaching that emphasizes tolerance, harmony, moderation, and open dialogue in diversity. The reality of the pluralistic Indonesian nation requires a paradigm that can knit diversity. Multicultural Islamic Education is one means that can understand a diverse society about the importance of mutual understanding and cooperation in managing the sustainability of the coastal environment. </span>In essence, beach tourism is also an instrument for scientific activities, beach tourism has an active role as an educational instrument and a playing media. This study aims to find the implementation of the values ??of Multicultural Islamic Religious Education through edu-ecotourism to support religious education, mediation of horizontal social conflicts. The implementation of these values ??is a strategy for developing the community Paku Lima in Mandaran Hamlet, Pesisir Village, Besuki District, Situbondo Regency. The type of research used is qualitative research with a qualitative approach that is applied using in-depth interviews and group depth interviews. Determination of informants was done by purposive sampling, the number of respondents was 20 people from the association committee and 10 people from the surrounding community. Data were analyzed and analyzed using an interactive model using the theory of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana, namely: (1) data condensation, (2) presentation of data, and (3) drawing conclusions. Based on the results and data analysis, it was concluded that the implementation of PAIM values ??through edu-ecotourism was effectively applied through the community association, especially considering the complexity of problems arising from ethnic diversity and interests between groups. The strategy of developing the association by combining PAIM-oriented education with edu-ecotourism makes the association a vehicle for harmony and also as a mediator in resolving the problem of horizontal conflicts between ethnic communities</span></pre> 2021-03-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Agus Sulthoni Imami Sulthon, Masykuri Bakri, Hambali Hambali PENGEMBANGAN MODUL FISIKA BERBASIS HOTS PADA MATERI ELASTISITAS DAN HUKUM HOOKE 2021-02-05T08:13:31+07:00 Tri Ariani Novitasari N <p>This study aims to develop a physics module based on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) on elasticity and hooke's law and to describe the characteristics of physics textbooks based on higher order thinking skills that are developed to meet the objectives of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The study population was all students of class XI and the subjects of this study consisted of 34 students of class XI IPA 5 SMA Negeri Tugumulyo. Data collection was done by using questionnaires, tests, and observations. The development model used is the Borg and Gall development model. As for the development steps according to Borg and Gall, namely: 1) potential and problems; 2) data collection; 3) product design; 4) design validation; 5) trial use; 6) product revision; 7) product testing; 8) design revision; 9) product revision; 10) mass production. The percentage of all textbook components is 79.24% (very good). The percentage of student responses to Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) -based textbooks is 76.53% (very good). In addition, the results of the daily test had an effectiveness percentage of 82.35% (very good) of students who scored above 62 out of 8 test items. Value tcount&gt; ttabel with a value where tcount = 2.13 and ttabel = 1.697. So that the use of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based textbooks can be said to be valid, practical and effective.</p> Copyright (c) KONSEP PENDIDIKAN HOLISTIK DALAM MEMBINA KARAKTER ISLAMI 2021-02-22T04:00:59+07:00 Fitria Wulandari Tatang Hidayat Muqowim Muqowim <p><em>Education that is built on modern view (Cartesian-Newtonian) is considered to have given birth to various problems for the development of the nation's children, especially out put education that has an instrumentalistic personality, materialistic, boxed, dichotomic, very weak in terms of the character and personality of the nation and religion. This research aims to describe the concept of holistic education in fostering Islamic character that is able to answer the problem of out put education today.&nbsp; This research uses qualitative approach and literature study method. In its implementation, the collected data is analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. Based on the results of the discussion, the concept of holistic education sees education as a conscious effort to develop its own potential as a unique and holistic human being as God's perfect creation.&nbsp; Through holistic education, learners are helped in developing their potential in a more enjoyable learning atmosphere (learning is fun) and put forward deliberation through experience in interacting with their environment, learners can be themselves (learning to be), not limiting to three domains only but demanding to pay attention to all the needs and potentials they have to foster the Islamic character of learners.</em></p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Fitria Wulandari, Tatang Hidayat, Muqowim IMPLEMENTASI KEEFEKTIFAN ORGANISASI 2021-02-09T08:59:51+07:00 Zainur Arifin Sulistyorini Sulistyorini <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The effectiveness of the organization in Islamic higher education institutions is a community demand and need that cannot be negotiated. Therefore Islamic universities are obliged to manage their institutions to produce smart, skilled, civilized and cultured students. Education not only seeks to improve knowledge, but also can produce scientists and intellectuals who have faith, devotion, and personality. Organizations in Islamic higher education institutions discuss the implementation of leading and controlling in Islamic higher education institutions, the implementation of decision making and policy making of Islamic higher education institutions and the implementation of internal and external evaluators in assessing student achievement. Researchers make improvements. There are several possibilities that must be considered, namely the availability of adequate time allocation, rationalization of additional employees and / or equipment, sufficient time allocation for managers to make management improvements and the extra effort of all existing components.</p> <p>These Islamic higher education institutions tend to look more oriented and focused on education and its processes. Educational inputs such as infrastructure, and the curriculum and processes, are very important for one's success in learning, but this is not enough. Therefore, to improve the situation above, the effectiveness of educational organizations in Indonesia must now begin to focus on controlling the quality of graduates.</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Pak Zainur, Sulistyorini SEBELAS MODAL AGAR MENJADI GURU YANG DICINTAI OLEH PESERTA DIDIKNYA 2021-02-22T07:19:27+07:00 Yazidul Busthomi <p>Abstract: Becoming a teacher is truly noble work. He is responsible for not only making human children smart in the field of science, but also good moral in this life. A human child who at first did not understand anything, before a teacher was educated to understand life better and know the world. On his shoulders is the duty and responsibility of the future survival of more intelligent and confronting generations. So noble the work of a teacher and how heavy the duties and responsibilities of being a teacher. This is why not everyone can become a successful teacher. Only certain people who have a love for children or students and are highly dedicated to the world of education are able to become a teacher. This is the personality of a teacher who is both teaching and educating in front of his students, the figure of a favorite teacher who is loved by his students. Eleven capital in order to become a teacher that is loved by their students are as follows: 1. Close to students, 2. Build a pleasant, atmosphere, 3. Can act as a second parent, 4. Become friends in learning, 5. Personality is worth emulating, 6. Be affectionate, 7. Patience in teaching, 8. Can make you laugh, 9. Liberator for students, 10. Can be a listener and mediator, 11. Not Arrogant.</p> 2021-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Yazidul Busthomi KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI GURU DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA 2021-01-23T23:15:23+07:00 Jamalis Jamalis Abdul Malik Minnah El Widdah <p>Hasil pengamatan awal di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 3 T&nbsp; Kecamatan Kepulauan Posek Kabupaten Lingga,&nbsp; ditemukan beberapa permasalahan yang kurang sesuai dengan kompetensi yang harusnya dimiliki oleh sesorang guru, diantaranya masih ditemukan oknum guru yang tidak disiplin, seperti datang terlembat. Ditambah lagi dengan tidak mahirnya guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran sebagai sarana pendukung pembelajaran. Permasalahan tersebut berdampak pada mutu lulusan yang dihasilkan. Untuk menggali permasalahan ini, digunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Adapun gambaran kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama 3T Kecamatan Kepulauan Posek Kabupaten Lingga yaitu ditemukan beberapa hal diantaranya adalah: Kepala sekolah memiliki corak kepemimpinan demokratis, kepala sekolah membangun sikap keteladanan untuk staff dan bawahannya di sekolah, dan kepala sekolah mencerminkan corak kepemimpinan yang tegas. (2) Faktor Pendukung Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Pendagogik dan Profesional Guru di Sekolah Menengah Pertama.</p> Copyright (c) IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PEMBINAAN KARAKTER SANTRI MELALUI WORKSHOP DAN FIELD TRIP DI PESANTREN MODERN 2021-01-13T06:26:50+07:00 Nurti Budiyanti Asep Abdul Aziz Andewi Suhartini Nurwadjah Ahmad <p>The character of Islam needs to be nurtured early on in overcoming increasingly degrading moral degradation. One of the educational institutions that has a big role in fostering character is pesantren. Pesantren Kreatif IHAQI Boarding School Bandung is one of the pesantren educational institutions present in the era of industrial revolution 4.0. This pesantren has different characteristics in the process of building santri character. This research uses qualitative approach with case study method at IHAQI Boarding School Bandung Creative Boarding School. The results of the study illustrate that the coaching program presented at IHAQI Boarding School Creative Boarding School is a KBM program, islamic character habituation, self-development and life skills, weekly coaching, monthly coaching, creative coaching, and pesantrenan coaching. From a number of programs presented there are excellent programs that are always anticipated by all students as well as parents of students in the pesantren environment. There are two excellent programs in pesantren, namely workshop and filed trip. This excellent activity in pesantren is a unique and creative activity in developing life skills, both acting, working and speaking skills. This skill is aimed at the formation of santri character, so that students can behave in accordance with Islamic values based on the experience, knowledge and examples of educators.</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Nurti Budiyanti, Asep Abdul Aziz, Andewi Suhartini, Nurwadjah Ahmad INOVASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM MASA PANDEMI COVID 19 DI MA AL URWATUL WUTSQO JOMBANG 2020-12-14T04:47:18+07:00 Ali Mustofa <p>Pandemic of Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19) in Indonesia has changed all education models, including in Jombang. Many problems changes for school education. Such as teachers are facing hard challenges. Educators are required to be creative in delivering material through online learning media. It also needs to be invincible with the level of educational needs. MA Al Urwatul Wutsqo Jombang makes effort to deliver Islamic education even in pandemic conditions. This is done through online and offline. The online or distance learning has been carried out in several ways, namely the delivery of materials and assignments through the e-learning program, email, What Sapp and using virtual face through zoom meeting application. Meanwhile the offline is done by taking an assignment in the morning at school and collected on the following day, then next is limited meeting that is reducing face-to-face hours, and designing classes based on the health protocols.</p> Copyright (c) PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER SISWA MI MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN FIKIH DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN MODELLING THE WAY 2020-12-23T03:02:49+07:00 Silvi Hidayati Purnami <p>One of the most important aspects in the current development era is aracter building. The purpose of this study is to shape the character of students from an early age. With the formation of characters that have been embedded in students will protect themselves from the dangers of changing times that will occur. This research was conducted by qualitative methods, data collection was done by observation and interviews. The results of this study are that Jurisprudence with the learning method modeling The Way can shape the character of MI students.</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 Silvi Hidayati Purnami STRATEGI PENDAYAGUNAAN ZAKAT PRODUKTIF UNTUK PERCEPATAN PENANGGULANGAN KEMISKINAN 2020-11-29T05:01:58+07:00 Davit Amir Dzulqurnain Diah Ratna Sari <p>Zaman yang semakin modern menghendaki suatu cara yang sistematis dan efektif, sehingga zakat yang mulia itu semakin tinggi nilainya dan lebih nyata hasilnya. Maksud dari pemberian zakat kepada 8 golongan adalah untuk menjamin kesejahteraan terhadap golongan-golongan yang lemah dalam masyarakat. Jaminan berupa pekerjaan adalah sangat efisien dan permanen daripada jaminan keuangan maupun harta benda. Dalam memerangi kemiskinan, perlu dipikirkan agar melahirkan suatu konsep stategis yang dapat menumbuhkan kesempatan berusaha bagi golongan ekonomi lemah, melalui pengembangan dan pendayagunaan harta zakat secara optimal pada sektor-sektor produksi dan kesempatan berusaha. Pendayagunaan zakat harus berdampak positif bagi mustahiq, baik secara ekonomi maupun sosialnya.. Disisi inilah peran Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementrian Dalam Negeri, melalui Permendagri No 53 Tahun 2020, menetapkan tentang tata kerja dan penyelarasan kerja serta pembinaan kelembagaan dan sumber daya manusia TKPK Provinsi dan TKPK Kabupaten dan Kota, yang didalamnya terdapat strategi dan program. Disini peran TKPK diharapkan meningkatkan persebaran serta pendayagunaan dana zakat yang ada.</p> Copyright (c) MENGEMBANGKAN SOFT SKILLS GURU UNTUK MENDIDIK AKHLAK MULIA SISWA 2020-11-28T03:34:51+07:00 Ach Saifullah <p>Soft Skills are the non-technical abilities that a person possesses when dealing with himself (intra-personal skills) and others (inter-personal skills). While morals are the nature of deeds that have been embedded and rooted very strongly in a person so that to do it will be easy and easy without any thoughts and considerations. The role and duties of teachers are not limited to transferring knowledge. Personality competence and social competence are needed as soft competences to educate students' morals. This shows that the soft skills of a teacher become software that always accompanies the learning process.</p> 2020-09-22T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Ach Saifullah REVITALISASI PEMBERDAYAAN BUDAYA KARAKTER NUANSA RELIGIUSTIK DALAM MEMBENTUK PERILAKU PEKERTI SANTRI 2020-12-14T06:44:22+07:00 Innani Kholidatul Jannah Fathor Rozi <p>Abstarct: This writing aims to present a religious planting in shaping santri-like behavior. In shaping the character behavior of students, cultivation is very necessary. This research uses a qualitative approach with a type of case study. The results showed that the existence of a religious activity structure at the pesantren, such as the tahajjut prayer, dhuha prayer, fardhu prayer in congregation, and many other activities. By getting used to these activities, it becomes a shield (medicine) for every santri in forming a santri-like behavior.</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Innani Kholidatul Jannah, Fathor Rozi PARADIGMA STUDI MANAJEMEN BERBASIS MADRASAH DAN GURU PROFESIONAL 2020-09-23T06:33:25+07:00 Zainur Arifin <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> Education is one of the factors that can sustain the survival of a nation. Through education, it is hoped that it will be able to create quality successors of the nation and can make a positive contribution to the life of the nation. However, the current conditions are inversely proportional to the expected conditions. Teachers are one of the important factors in the delivery of education in schools. Increasing the quality of education also means increasing the quality of teachers. Madrasah-based management is a translation of “school based management”. This term first appeared in the United States when people began to question the relevance of education to local problems and the environment. MBM is a new paradigm of education, which provides broad autonomy at the madrasah level (community involvement) in the framework of national education policies. Professional teachers are educators who have the expertise and philosophical skills of Ki Hajar Dewantoro; ing ngarso sung tulodho, ing madya building karso, tut wuri handayani. A teacher who is sufficiently good at the subject matter will guide students, become an example or role model for students and always encourage students to progress. With MBM it has characters that need to be implemented by madrasas that will implement it. the existence of this, a characteristic that distinguishes it from other madrasas. The principles that must be used in implementing MBM are the strength of commitment of the madrasah principal and teachers, the readiness of madrasah resources, the interaction and awareness of all madrasah citizens so that madrasah can have authority and independence in the madrasah organization, madrasahs have the resistance to adapt to change.</p> 2020-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Zainur Arifin IMPLEMENTASI SUFI HEALING PADA ERA NEW NORMAL PANDEMI COVID-19 DALAM MENJAGA KONDISI HOMEOSTASIS TUBUH MASYARAKAT 2020-09-23T05:53:13+07:00 Muhammad Asrori Ma'sum Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This article discusses the use of Sufi healing in the new normal era of the Covid-19 pandemic in maintaining the homeostatic condition of the community in Kayen Village, Bandarkedungmulyo Jombang, East Java. Sufi healing can be interpreted as a model of alternative therapy or physical or psychological healing based on values ??and adopting the practice of Sufism as a means of healing or prevention. Meanwhile, the body's efforts to maintain a stable state of the environment are called Homeostasis which is taken from Greek, namely homeo which means the same and stasis which means maintaining a state which means staying in a healthy condition. With worship activities adapted from the practices of Sufism, carried out by the community in Kayen Village during the new normal Covid-19 pandemic, such as reading the Koran, dhikr, praying, reading prayers that bring calm, increasing one's faith and piety so that it raises relaxation response which has an impact on increasing body immunity. By increasing one's body immunity, it keeps people from disease, viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens, so that a person can maintain a healthy body condition (homeostasis). Although healing requires istiqomahan in carrying out worship practices carried out by someone.</p> 2020-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Asrori Ma'sum Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Kitab Alala Berbasis CTL dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar 2020-09-30T02:12:45+07:00 Fathoni Fathoni <p>Sakinah family guidance in the form of counseling for families who are deep in trouble at BP4, should be implemented in order to create a sakinah family and avoid divorce in particular as well as improve the resolution of marriage cases at BP4 as an increase in the function of BP4 as a Marriage Advisory agency. The success rate of sakinah family coaching, which is shown in the success of reconciling clients, is still very minimal and less than optimal. Constraints faced in coaching sakinah families include the strong willingness of clients to divorce and institutions with minimal funding. As a suggestion, the results of the research include: the Ministry of Religion should provide special funds for the operation of the BP4 institution, increase the number of Koneselor experts from various fields and coordinate with the Court to direct it to BP4 before processing. As well as making efforts to increase public awareness such as socialization on the importance of improving the quality of marriage.</p> 2020-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Fathoni Fathoni PENINGKATAN KINERJA TENAGA PENDIDIK MELALUI KEPEMIMPINAN KYAI DAN BUDAYA ORGANISASI 2020-09-23T04:05:57+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p>Kyai's leadership is a set of a set of abilities and personality traits, including authority, to serve as a means to convince those he leads so that they are willing and able to carry out the tasks carried out by the kyai as a leader in the salafiyyah Islamic boarding school Fatchul Ulum Pacet Mojokerto. From this understanding, it is expected that the Kyai leadership can influence the organizational culture. The purpose of this study are: (1) To describe the influence of the Kyai leadership on the performance of educators in Pondok Pesantren Salafiyyah Fatchul Ulum Pacet Mojokerto. (2) To describe the influence of organizational culture on the performance of teaching staff. (3) To describe the influence of kyai leadership and organizational culture on the performance of educators.</p> 2020-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Bashirotul Hidayah implementasi program hafalan Al-Qur'an di SMP Islam Mbah Bolong Jombang 2020-09-29T07:47:09+07:00 khoirun nisa' Chusnul Chotimah <p>this school is classified as a private high school which has excellent programs as local content by implementing the Al-Qur’an memorization program. Each class must be able to achieve the memorization that has been determined by the school as a rote target. This study aims to (1) Know the implementation of local recitation program for memorizing Al-Qur’an (2) Knowing how the implementation and assessment of the Al-Qur’an memorization program in the school. The results of this study indicate that SMP Islamic Mbah Bolong Jombang has implemented a memorization program of the Al-Qur’an as a froom of implemtation of the local content curriculum aas well as the provision of the school founders. Learning outcomes in the froom of aral and written examination.</p> 2020-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 khoirun nisa' CONVERSATIONAL METHOD PADA PEMBELAJARAN KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB 2020-09-29T07:46:14+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi <p>Speaking Arabic skills are language skills that must be possessed by students in order to develop foreign language skills, in this case especially Arabic. In relation to teaching Arabic, one method that can be used to improve students' speaking skills is the Conversational Method. The Conversation Method is a way of presenting Arabic learning material through conversation or dialogue, both between students and between students and teachers, as well as to add to the vocabulary of Arabic. This paper focuses on the application of the Conversational Method in learning Arabic speaking skills, the students' Arabic speaking skills as well as the inhibiting and supporting factors of the application of the Conversational Method in learning Arabic speaking skills of students. The results of this study are that the application of the conversational method in learning Arabic speaking skills for students of MIN Bendunganjati is through three stages, namely the preliminary stage, the implementation stage in the form of simple conversations between students and teachers and students and students. and the evaluation stage. In general, MIN Bendunganjati students are able to speak Arabic, this is evidenced by the activeness and enthusiasm of students in communicating Arabic in class. As for the inhibiting factors in the application of the conversational method, namely: Lack of basic Arabic skills possessed by students due to differences in their potential and abilities. While the supporting factors are: school environment, facilities/infrastructure and the role of teachers.</p> 2020-09-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi Konsep Organisasi Sekolah Efektif Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 2020-08-21T16:16:09+07:00 Aditya Wijaya Erra Sanianingtyas Femi Setyowati Imron Arifin Maulana Amirul Adha <p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk menjelaskan (1) peluang dan tantangan pendidikan di era revolusi industri 4.0, (2) konsep organisasi sekolah efektif, (3) karakteristik organisasi sekolah efektif, (4) upaya untuk menjadikan sekolah efektif, (5) kepemimpinan efektif organisasi sekolah di era revolusi industri 4.0, (6) sistem manajemen organisasi sekolah efektif, (7) inovasi teknologi sekolah di era revolusi industri 4.0, dan (8) potensi sekolah efektif di masa depan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur yaitu metode memperoleh informasi penelitian dengan cara membaca, mempelajari dan mengkaji buku dan artikel nasional maupun internasional yang relevan dengan konsep organisasi sekolah efektif di era revolusi industri 4.0. Berdasarkan hasil studi literatur ditemukan penjelasan mengenai peluang dan tantangan pendidikan di era revolusi industri 4.0, konsep organisasi sekolah efektif, karakteristik organisasi sekolah efektif, upaya untuk menjadikan sekolah efektif, kepemimpinan efektif organisasi sekolah di era revolusi industri 4.0, sistem manajemen organisasi sekolah efektif, inovasi teknologi sekolah di era revolusi industri 4.0, dan potensi sekolah efektif di masa depan.</p> Copyright (c) DETERMINASI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DAN POLA ASUH DEMOKRATIS TERHADAP AKHLAK REMAJA 2020-12-10T02:55:34+07:00 ABIDATUL MARDLIYAH <p>Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship between Islamic religious education and democratic parenting style with adolescent morals. The subjects of this study were 79 adolescents living in Sumbermulyo, Jogoroto, Jombang Regency. To obtain data on the relationship between Islamic Religious Education and democratic parenting style with adolescent morals, a questionnaire compiled by the researcher was used. To achieve this goal, the data were analyzed by means of regression analysis, as well as by observations and some existing data and documents.</p> <p>Based on the results of data analysis, obtained t count of 5.636 when referred to the value of t table at the significance level of 5% obtained t table value of 1.67 so that t count is greater than t table (5.636 ?1.67), then the results are significant. Thus it can be concluded that, (1) there is a significant positive influence between Islamic Religious Education on adolescent morals in the community of Sumbermulyo, Jogoroto, Jombang Regency; (2) there is a positive effect of democratic parenting on adolescent morals</p> <p>Keywords: Islamic religious education, democratic parenting, adolescent morals</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 ABIDATUL MARDLIYAH PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI VIDEO CALL WHATSAPP PADA TPQ MIFTAUL ULUM GEDONGKUNING YOGYAKARTA 2021-01-27T03:56:39+07:00 naning ma'rifatul faiqoh <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: Research on the use of the whatsaap video call application in the Al-Quran education park Miftahul Ulum Gedongkuning Yogyakarta using qualitative descriptive research methods, conducting interviews with 6 informants, observation, and literature study. The research objectives: 1) to determine the constraints of whatsaap video calls in the activities of the TPQ Miftahul Ulum Yogyakarta students 2) to determine the impact of whatsaap video calls in the activities of the TPQ Miftahul Ulum Yogyakarta students. The results of the study were 1) Obstacles to whatsaap video calls in the activity of reciting TPQ Miftahul Ulum Gedongkuning students from the results of interviews by several informants that the lack of time to recite the recitation and when reciting took place sometimes the signal was interrupted which caused the sound to falter and even stop so that a signal was available or educator / ustadz / ah turn off the camera feature so that the signal is focused only on the sound. 2) Two-way communication and lots of support makes this activity run well, and really helps the santri guardians in the development of the Koran for children. This activity can also introduce children in a positive way, that the whatsaap video call media can be used in the realm of learning and the guardians of the students feel that the child is more focused on the Koran, after reading the child is reminded of inappropriate / wrong readings and the child feels responsible because at the end of the session children are reminded to read the previous / next page and will be checked for tomorrow's meeting.</p> 2021-03-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2021 naning ma'rifatul faiqoh PENGARUH LATIHAN LISAN TERHADAP TINGKAT KREATIVITAS BELAJAR BAHASA ARAB SISWA 2020-09-29T07:44:37+07:00 Abdullah Asyiq <p>In learning Arabic, the practice of pronunciation in Arabic is a very important language skills exercise. Because if a word is not pronounced according to it should be able to change the meaning. Language is also a communication tool that can convey thoughts and feelings, the use of language to express thoughts and feelings verbally concerning various aspects that not only involve a series of sounds, tones, and rhythms of true intonation but also concerning the choice of words (diction) and sentences correct and appropriate in accordance with the situation in which the expression of verbal expression can be achieved properly through oral exercises with or without recorded material, so that the influence of the method undertaken by a teacher, especially oral exercises on the development of learners in learning creativity, because Arabic subject is a subject that is directed to encourage, guide, develop and foster abilities and foster a positive attitude towards Arabic, both receptive, namely the ability to understand other people's speech and understand reading. Productive ability is the ability to use language as a communication tool both verbally and in writing.</p> 2020-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Abdullah Asyiq PENINGKATAN KEMAMPUAN MEMBACA BAHASA ARAB MELALUI TEKNIK PEMBELAJARAN ISTIMA’ PADA SISWA MTs. AL-ANWAR CANGKRINGRANDU PERAK JOMBANG 2020-07-14T05:25:19+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: <em>Istima</em> has an important role in our lives, because <em>istima</em> is the first means by which humans connect with each other in the stages of their lives. The ability to hear or listen can be achieved by continuous practice to listen to the differences in the sounds of other word elements according to the correct mahroj letters, both directly from the original speaker or through recording. Hearing is meant not only hear by using the ear, but also involves memory and memory. In this case when we hear, our minds are enabled to be able to listen to what we hear in order to get the maximum benefit. A good and capable listener is a listener who is good at choosing and binding on what matters most from what he hears. This listening activity is commonly called listening. So listening is a special skill that can only be achieved through ongoing practice. In general, the purpose of listening exercises is so that students can understand the utterances in Arabic, both everyday and the language used in official forums. The benefit of istima learning techniques is to get the students to hear the utterances and get to know Arabic sound system, besides creating a passionate learning condition by fostering motivation in students so that they can improve their mastery of reading and understand new lessons being taught. That way can improve students' Arabic learning outcomes. There are three focuses examined in this paper, namely the ability to listen to Arabic students, the implementation of listening learning techniques and the constraints of listening learning techniques in Al-Anwar Junior high school Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang. taught. Thus listening is a learning experience that is very important for students and should receive serious attention from the teacher with the aim that students can identify Arabic sounds correctly.</p> 2019-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Bashirotul Hidayah MODEL PEMBELAJARAN COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOCITION (CIRC) DALAM MENINGKATKAN HASIL BELAJAR MATA PELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK 2020-09-29T07:43:11+07:00 Rasmuin Rasmuin Siti Suwaibatul Islamiyah <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the application of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) in improving grade 8 students learning outcomes in the subjects of the Akidah Akhlak MTs N Batu. This research is a classroom action research, which is a research that is situational, practical, and contextual based on the problems that arise in the learning activities of the Akidah Akhlak. This classroom action research was conducted in 3 cycles, namely pre cyle, cycle 1 and cycle 2. Based on the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the implementation of the learning of Akidah Akhlak by applying the cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) learning model shows an increase in student learning outcomes. In the pre-cycle stage the average score reached 62.25 and only 12 students or 38.70% achieved mastery learning. Then in cycle 1 by applying the cooperative integrated reading and composition (CIRC) learning model the average value increased to 84.70 and there were 18 students or 58.06% who achieved mastery learning. Furthermore, in cycle 2 the average score increased to reach 94.77 and there were 21 students or 67.74% who achieved mastery learning.</em></p> 2020-09-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Rasmuin Rasmuin, Siti Suwaibatul Islamiyah PEMIKIRAN PENDIDIKAN KH. HASYIM ASY’ARI (Studi Kompetensi Kepribadian Guru dalam Kitab Adab al-‘alim wa al-muta’allim) 2020-09-29T07:41:30+07:00 Muhammad Zaim <p>In general, character education now is still at the level of memorization and/or introduce a value but has not reached the appreaciationof values level, even it makes a personal commitment in life. Therefore, it is requiring in-depth review of the educational character from some classical and modern literature that will contribute to such thinking. If we review the book Adab al-'Alim wa al-Muta'allim work of K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari, there is a treatise on education that includes character education, especially about the competency attitude values that should be owned by educators. And the relevance of competency attitude education by K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari in the context competency attitude education in Indonesia includes several components of character education. Starting from the above problems, it becomes urgent to do this research. The focus of this study, how does a competency attitude educator by K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari? And how relevance of competency attitude education by K.H. Hasyim Asy’ari in the context competency attitude education in Indonesia.</p> 2020-09-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Zaim PEMBELAJARAN MUFRADAT BAHASA ARAB MELALUI PENERAPAN METODE DRILL 2020-03-12T02:03:07+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: The lack of students ability to master vocabulary caused by vocabulary mastery strategies that have not been effective and are not so strengthened in the teaching and learning process. In addition, also because of the lack of students who have an Arabic dictionary to Indonesia, conversely Indonesian to Arabic. This makes it difficult for students to explore the meaning of words. All students only rely on the vocabulary in the book and the rest students ask the teacher about the meaning of each difficult word. This requirement makes students less creative in developing their ability to collaborate vocabulary into other words that have different meanings because the source of information is only for teachers and LKS books. Introducing vocabulary alone is not enough to complete Arabic lessons, but by training students continuously, by means of repetition to facilitate the vocabulary that has been learned, after learning students who are drilled to translate the text that has been learned and translated in correct sentences, both in the form of speech and writing. So, in learning Arabic through this mufrodat drill method students are required to be more active and make students successful during the learning process.</p> 2020-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi MANAJEMEN PERUBAHAN DALAM MEWUJUDKAN MADRASAH BERPRESTASI 2020-03-02T04:48:01+07:00 Nur Arifah <p><strong>Abstact:</strong> The head of the madrasah embodies a madrasah that has achievements with the aim of improving the quality of madrasas nationally and internationally. Where competition is getting tighter, madrasas are progressing rapidly and other madrasas are out of business. These madrasas have a different strategy from other madrasas. This study aims to find out about change management and the implementation of the achievement of madrasas that have been accomplished.</p> 2020-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Nur Arifah PERMAINAN “ABC 5 DASAR” UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGUASAAN KOSA KATA BAHASA ARAB 2020-03-02T04:48:01+07:00 Khoirul Faizin <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: Media is one of the most important elements in learning. Because the influence of instructional media greatly affects the ability of students to capture material provided by the teacher. Good media is media that is in accordance with the conditions of students and not all media that use advanced technology rather than simple ones because the guidelines for making media are looking at the conditions of the environment and students. One of the most popular learning media for students is the game. The game invites students to learn by having fun, therefore, students will not feel objected and bored with the lesson because what they feel is playing and they unconsciously accept lessons from the game. One very communicative game is "ABC 5 Dasar". In this game students are invited to think and remember words in Arabic by making it part of the game. This study uses a development method and then the results of this research in the form of descriptive analysis that illustrates Arabic learning to improve Arabic vocabulary mastery or (mofradat) wrapped in traditional games in the form of the game "ABC 5 Dasar". It is hoped that this research can contribute to Arabic learning teachers to improve Arabic vocabulary mastery (mufradat).</p> 2020-03-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Khoirul Faizin PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN FREE INQUIRY TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MATA PELAJARAN MATEMATIKA KELAS III MI BAHRUL ULUM 2020-03-02T04:48:01+07:00 Zuni Humairoh Fiki Mi'mar Rifdah <p>Learning models are planning to create learning effectively and efficiently. Research focus, to know: a) How to study free inquiry in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang class III A? b) How is the outcome of students learning MI Bahrul Ulum Jombang class III A?</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study used a simple linear regression analysis test and a classic assumption test. This research is a quantitative study of simple regression types. Its population, a total of 718 students, samples of research, using random sampling techniques using probability theory, the sample amounted to 37 students. The research instrument is a poll using a Likert scale. Instruments to collect data in the form of model free inquiry, and student learning results. Analysis of results Using Test-t (T-Test).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results showed that, there is an independent variable influence on dependent variables, from the results of test-t calculations, with the details: a) Learning free inquiry in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Bahrul Ulum Jombang class III A very good, with the result of 100% achievement. b) The influence of the model of free inquiry towards the outcome of learning outcomes of class III A MI Bahrul Ulum Jombang obtained the value T count = 6.814 that, T count &gt; T table IE 6.814 &gt; 2.021 significant standard/probability value is 0.000 &lt; 0.05 then Ho rejected and Ha accepted</p> 2020-02-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Zuni Humairoh, Fiki Mi'mar Rifdah PERSPEKTIF “AL-ILM” MENURUT AL-QUR’AN DAN ULAMA SALAFI DI DALAM TATANAN PENDIDIKAN ISLAM 2020-03-02T04:48:01+07:00 ummu kulsum <p><strong>Abstract</strong>, Knowledge is the light of knowledge that is passed by reading or known as Iqra 'in the Qur'anic language, besides that many conventional scholars give meaning to the concept of "Al-Ilm". The formulation in this study a) what is the meaning of “Al-Ilm” according to the Qur'an, b) how azbabun nuzul about the verses of “Al-Ilm”, c) how the views of the salafi scholars about the concept of "Al-Ilm”, in the order of Islamic education. In that case the interpretation of maudhui is used as an implementation to interpret the concept of "Al-Ilm". The findings obtained that Al-Ilm is a way of Allah to give mandate to humans as khalifah in the world, and the knowledge given by Allah to humans needs to be sought through reading through both the qur'aniyah verses and kauniyah verses, so that the science gives benefit for humanity. Therefore, the knowledge delivered by the salafi clerics is still in the structure of Islamic education.</p> <h2>&nbsp;</h2> <p><u>&nbsp;</u></p> 2020-02-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 ummu kulsum Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Two Stay Two Stray dalam Meningkatkan Keaktifan Belajar Pebelajar 2020-03-02T04:48:01+07:00 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali <p><em>The study aimed to improve the learning activeness of fourth-grade students </em><em>through the application of the Two Stay Two Stray learning model. This research design is qualitative research. The instrument of data collection uses observation of teacher and student activities and interviews. The results of the study indicate that: this learning model must form groups of 4 people. Then discuss with the group that has been determined. After discussing, two people from each group visited other groups to get information on the results of discussions from each group. While the task of two members who settled in their group must give the results of their discussion to other groups. The learning process using the learning model Two Stay Two Stray can improve the learning activeness of fourth-grade students of MIN 1 Probolinggo. By using this learning model, students become enthusiastic in learning and they are no longer passive because each individual has their respective duties, so this learning model is declared successful in increasing student learning activeness.</em></p> 2020-02-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2020 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali IMPLEMENTASI STUDI PSIKOLOGI BELAJAR SISWA 2019-12-02T06:42:38+07:00 Zainur Arifin <p>Learning is a means tarbiyah people, therefore, learning is a process of behavior change that comes from experience. Learning to not only remember but broader than that, the experience, not a mastery learning outcome results of the exercise but behavior change, learning activities can be lived (experienced) by a person who is learning and can also be observed by others. Psychology of children's learning is the process of guidance to learners' personal formation kerarah good Muslim (perfect man). the success of the students are not separated development of Learning child socio-emotional development of Learning Children In Identity, Development of Children Study In Consciousness Morality In Children, Biological Development and Perceptual Learning Child Physical Development Children Study Implications for Healthcare and Nutrition Children all of it as the assessment centers children's learning.</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Zainur Arifin ANALISIS ISI BUKU SISWA BAHASA ARAB MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH KURIKULUM 2013 2019-12-14T04:37:51+07:00 Nunung Kurniawati <p><em>Learning materials are one element of learning and this is the task of getting teachers' attention so that students can learn the things required in achieving learning goals. This study aims to find the compatibility of the textbook with the theory of the drafting of books to learn Arabic for non-native speakers. This study uses a content analysis method that is a research method used to draw conclusions that can be re-examined based on facts by paying attention to the empirically oriented context of interpretation and explanation of the true symptoms and the purpose of the prediction .from the previous statements the results showed: 1) In the preparation of the book, the degree of compatibility reached 20%; 2) In the normative aspect of cognitive and cultural content, the degree of compatibility reached 91%. 3) In terms of language skills, the degree of compatibility reached 84%. 4) On the vocabulary side, the score reached 91%. 5) On the side of grammatical structures, the degree of compatibility reached 89%. 7) In terms of learning mode, the degree of compatibility reached 92%. 8) In the book output side, the degree of compatibility reached 75.%. 9) In general aspects, the degree of compatibility reached 81%. 10) In the material accompanying the book, the degree ofcompatibility reached 50%.</em></p> 2019-12-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Nunung Kurniawati KONTEKTUALISASI FAKTOR-FAKTOR PENDIDIKAN DALAM KITAB TA’LIMU AL-MUTA’ALLIM DENGAN PENDIDIKAN MASA KINI 2019-12-02T06:20:21+07:00 Moh. Ali Mas'ud <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>Abstract </em></strong>Throughout human history education is a very important requirement that is necessary so that education is researched and developed how to discover new concepts as a logical consequence of the times. These developments then lead to modernization whose consequence is to start questioning the relevance of old or classic concepts. the question raised by those who disagree is that old methods cannot answer the development of science and technology. Is it true? what about the classic book that is often used as a reference in the educational process, namely Ta'lim Muta'llim ?. The Book of Ta'lim Muta'alim is a yellow book in the area of ??origin, which is around the Middle East, this yellow book is called Al-Pole Al-Qadimah as a rival of Al-Pole Al-Ashriyah. The research method is qualitative with a literature approach. While data sources are primary and secondary data sources. The primary virgin is the book Ta'limu al-Muta'allim, while the secondary source is various sources of reading related to the discussion. In Education which is based on the yellow book, it has succeeded in forming a moral society and adapting to different levels of intelligence, from Talib (student) and mutha'alim to pious or mu'alim (kyai). The yellow books will all refer to the translation of the Qur'an and Al-Hadith or take the legitimacy from these two sources of teachings. "So the yellow book is a treasure that can not be ignored".</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;</p> 2019-12-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Moh. Ali Mas'ud PENGARUH QUANTUM LEARNING DAN PENGGUNAAN MEDIA TIGA DIMENSI TERHADAP MINAT BELAJAR SISWA 2019-10-03T02:17:27+07:00 Intan Nadiroh <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: Quantum learning is a strategy in teaching and learning activities that have unique, fun, and fun characteristics. So, in student learning is not directed to stressful or tense thinking but rather to enjoy, besides that it also uses the media to accelerate the delivery of messages from teacher to student. Therefore, to realize high interest in students' souls, a combination of various aspects is needed, some of which are media, strategies, techniques, and so on. The focus of this research is to find out a) Is there any influence of quantum learning on increasing student interest in the material of volume cube and beam class V MI Mamba'ul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang, b) Is there an influence of the use of three-dimensional media on increasing student interest in cube volume and class beam material V MI Mamba'ul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang, c) Is there any influence of quantum learning and the use of three-dimensional media to increase student interest in learning the volume of cube volumes and blocks in class V MI Mamba'ul Ma'arif Denanyar Jombang.</p> <p>To answer the problem formulation, this research uses multiple linear regression analysis test and classic assumption test with the help of SPSS 20 for windows. This research is included in quantitative research with multiple regression type, which uses random sampling techniques. The total sample was 45 students (13 male and 32 female).</p> <p>The results of this study stated that there are effects of the two independent variables on the dependent variable. This can be known from the results of calculations using the t-test and f test, with the following details: a) There is a significant influence between the three-dimensional media on student learning interest, this can be proven by the results of T arithmetic = 2.313&gt; 2,000 with probability ( ?) 0.026 &lt;0.050, b) There is a significant influence between the three-dimensional media on student learning interest, this can be proven by the results of T arithmetic = 2.963&gt; 2,000 with a probability (?) 0.005 &lt;0.050, c) There is a significant influence between three-dimensional media of student learning interest, this can be proven by the results of F arithmetic = 10.388&gt; 3.22 with a probability (?) 0.000 &lt;0.050.</p> 2019-10-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Intan Nadiroh EFEKTIVITAS PENERAPAN METODE AL-MIFTAH LI AL-ULUM DALAM BELAJAR MEMBACA BUKU KLASIK DI PP. NURUL JADID PAITON PROBOLINGGO 2019-10-12T03:45:54+07:00 Fathor Rozi Ahmad Zubaidi <p><em>Al-Miftah li al Ulum </em>is a fast method of reading a classical book that was initiated directly by a senior teacher at the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School in Pasuruan, including one of the learning methods that has an extraordinary appeal towards learning to read the classical book because it uses brief explanations but understands and how to memorize Arabic <em>lafadz</em> positions and formulas which are packaged in Indonesian verses.</p> <p>Reading the classical book becomes a rare habit. This might be due to the fact that there is no or less interesting method used. Along with the emergence of some interesting methods of reading classical book, the students seemed to find a new paradigm in learning the yellow book.</p> <p>Based on the background above, what we want to know is about the effectiveness of the application of the <em>al-Miftah li al-Ulum</em> method in learning to read the classical book in Madrasah Diniyah Fatimatuzzahro’ PP. Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School Paiton Probolinggo.</p> <p>Furthermore, according to its type, this research is a qualitative case study type using observation, documentation, and interview methods in the process of collecting data. While the data analysis is an interactive analysis of Miles &amp; Huberman by reducing data, displaying data, verifying data, and finally making conclusions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2019-10-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Fathor Rozi, Ahmad Zubaidi MENERAPKAN BUDAYA LITERASI GURU SEKOLAH DALAM UPAYA MENINGKATKAN PENDIDIKAN DI ERA INDUSTRI 4.0 2019-09-30T05:52:06+07:00 Meliantina Meliantina <p><strong>Abstract:</strong> In the industrial era 4.0, especially in the world of education, the teacher is an educator who is obliged to educate his students in learning skills, by: First, Educational competence, educational competence or internet-based learning of things as basic skills. Second, Competence for technological commercialization, has the competence to bring students to have an entrepreneurship attitude based on technology and students' work of innovation. Third, Competence in globalization, a world without insulation, does not stutter about various cultures, hybrid competence and problem solving competence. Fourth, Competence infuture strategies, the world is easy to change and runs fast, so it has the competence to predict exactly what will happen in the future and the strategy. Fifth, Competence counselor, considering that in the future the child's problem is not the difficulty in understanding teaching material, but more related to psychological problems, stress due to the increasingly complex and severe state of pressure, it takes a teacher who is able to act as a counselor / psychologist. Why do you say the teacher because some people assume all fields of teachers must be mastered even though sometimes we cannot lie to ourselves, if we must master all fields we might not be able to, but there is no harm if these shortcomings must be covered by lifelong learning.</p> 2019-09-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Meliantina Meliantina Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Kitab Kuning Melalui Pembelajaran Arab Pegon 2019-09-18T07:12:05+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: Pesantren will not be separated from the mastery of the yellow book. To understand this, an approach was taken. The learning of the yellow books in pesantren many still use the traditional approach of using Arabic pegon as the target language in translating. This study aims to determine the application of learning, supporting factors and obstacles in increasing the ability to read the yellow book through Arabic pegon learning in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Anwar Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang. This research is a qualitative research. The data source of this research is primary data &amp; secondary data obtained from Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Anwar Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview and documentation. Analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive analysis ,. The results of this study indicate that. First: the process of teaching reading the yellow book with Arabic pegon reveals three things namely the content or message, linguistic elements and extraliungistic elements of the text. Second: the inhibiting factors of yellow book teaching with Arabic pegon in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Anwar Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang which include linguistic factors including morphological and siktasis and non-linguistic factors include lack of mastery of the source language and target language. Third: The advantages of teaching yellow books with Arabic pegon in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al Anwar Cangkringrandu Perak Jombang include: a) showing all the elements of the existing text, b) students can know the position of each sentence, c) get a lot of vocabulary, d) preserve the treasury of the archipelago.</p> 2019-09-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Bashirotul Hidayah Telaah Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Antikorupsi dalam Pendidikan Agama Islam di Madrasah Ibtidaiyah 2019-09-17T06:10:41+07:00 Faizatul Widat <p><strong><em>Abstract:</em></strong><em> This study is to find out the implementation of anti-corruption education values in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, as the implementation of anti-corruption education values in Islamic religious education is useful to eliminate the nature of corrupt behaviour for students in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah. The focus of this study: (a) how the implementation of anti-corruption education values in Islamic religious education of students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, (b) whether the values of anti-corruption education in Islamic religious education are beneficial to eliminate the nature and behaviour of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students. This study uses qualitative data, which is a study that presents data with integration and internalization methods, this approach aims to understand phenomena that occur through a holistic picture and increase in-depth understanding of the values of anti-corruption education in this research. The results of this study indicate that: (a) students have early understanding of anti-corruption education, (b) students can prevent themselves from doing it, (c) students are able to prevent others from committing acts of corruption, (d) students are able to detect the existence of criminal acts of corruption. </em></p> 2019-09-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Faizatul Widat IMPLEMENTASI PENJAMINAN MUTU MADRASAH 2019-08-29T07:07:02+07:00 Ari Prayoga Azhar Lujjatul Widad Elin Marliana Ima Siti Mukarromah Uus Ruswandi <p>Quality control in the management of education is faced with constraints of limited educational resources. Therefore we need an effort to control quality in the form of guarantees, so that all aspects related to education services provided are in accordance with or exceeding national education standards. This paper aims to describe the implementation of education quality assurance in Madrasah Aliyah An-Najiyah Bandung, including; implementation of madrasah quality assurance, quality implementation obstacles, and solutions in overcoming obstacles to implementing quality assurance in Madrasah aliyah An-Najiyah Bandung. This research uses a qualitative approach through descriptive methods. The data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, observation, and literature study. The results showed that; first, In terms of quality assurance in terms of the eight national education standards in Madrasah Aliyah An-Najiyah, Bandung, it is at a good standard level and even exceeds the minimum service standard so that it becomes a distinct advantage for this madrasa. High competitive power makes the process of implementing quality assurance more stringent. Second, the internal obstacle that arises is the absence of a special quality assurance institution internal to the institution that controls all aspects of quality assurance. Third, the solution to the obstacles that arise will be minimized if institutionally already built.</p> 2019-08-29T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Ari Prayoga, Azhar Lujjatul Widad, Elin Marliana, Ima Siti Mukarromah, Uus Ruswandi Penerapan Metode Amtsilati Dalam Penguasaan Kitab Kuning Di Pesantren Putri Al- Amanah Tambakberas Jombang 2019-05-02T05:46:38+07:00 Bashirotul Hidayah <p>Islamic boarding schools will not be separated from the mastery of the yellow book. To understand it, a method is needed, one of which is amtsilati. This study aims to determine the application of the method, the level of reading ability, and the constraints of the application of the amtsilati method in improving the ability to read the yellow book at the Al-Amanah Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. This research is a qualitative research. The data sources of this study are primary data &amp; secondary data obtained from the Al-Amanah Bahrul Ulum Islamic boarding school. Data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interview and documentation. The data analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis, interpreting important data and then drawing conclusions from the results of understanding. The results of this study indicate that. <strong>First</strong>: The application of the amtsilati method in the study of the yellow book in the Al-Amanah Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School includes: a) the process of implementing the dialogue method through certain steps and b) the book of amtsilati as a guidebook for mastering the yellow book. <strong>Second</strong>: The level of ability to read the yellow book at Al-Amanah Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School includes: a) Santri begin to read yellow books skillfully, b) Know qowaid gradually, and c) Mastering Mufrodat. <strong>Third</strong>: Obstacles to the application of the amtsilati method in the Al-Amanah Bahrul Ulum Islamic Boarding School include: a) the educational background of santri, b) santri with low language skills, c) lack of support and participation, d) lack of vocabulary, e) environmental and residential factors f) inefficient time.</p> 2019-05-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Bashirotul Hidayah ANALISIS PERATURAN MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 22 TAHUN 2016 TENTANG STANDAR PROSES PENDIDIKAN DASAR DAN MENENGAH SERTA IMPLIKASINYA DALAM PEMBELAJARAN PAI DI SEKOLAH 2019-04-18T06:51:47+07:00 Tatang Hidayat Aceng Kosasih <p>Learning process, as one of the core activities in education, is very prominent in realizing national education goals. However, in reality, despite the standard education process has been formulated, the learning process in Indonesia is still poorly developed. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze the regulations of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 2016 regarding process standards in Primary and Secondary Education and their implications on Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning in schools. This study uses a qualitative approach and analytical method. Based on the results of the discussion, the primary and secondary education process standards listed in the regulation Number 22 Year 2016 are reliable and comprehensive. The learning principle with a scientific approach has implications on the wholeness of PAI learning process, as the subject is required to be understood comprehensively, not partially. To accomplish this, PAI teachers must use approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, tactics and learning models that are in harmony with the learning material that is delivered, so that an effective and efficient learning process will be achieved.</p> 2019-04-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Tatang Hidayat, Aceng Kosasih PENDEKATAN KECERDASAN EMOSIONAL; IMPLEMENTASI DALAM PEMBELAJARAN KETERAMPILAN BERBICARA BAHASA ARAB SISWA MADRASAH ALIYAH 2019-04-18T06:35:23+07:00 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas <p>Speak of skills an Arabic Language is a basic skill whose main goal is being able to communicate with others, one of the approaches used in teaching speaking Arabic is the approach to emotional intelligence, for students at the Cukir Jombang Mu'allimat College Madrasah Aliyah. The curriculum in teaching speaks Arabic refers to K13 based on RI Minister of Education regulation No. 21 of 2016, which is combined with the tourism curriculum developed by Madrasas which refers to Permenag No. 2 of 2008. The teacher uses this emotional intelligence approach as a solution to problems in teaching speaking Arabic in terms of the approach used in teaching and learning activities. With this approach to emotional intelligence students have a high sense of optimism and motivation in learning Arabic speaking skills. Also, with this approach students are able to recognize emotions themselves so they can manage emotions and use emotions productively, and can recognize the emotions of others (empathy) so they can foster relationships to communicate well.</p> 2019-04-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Oktavia Ratnaningtyas IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN KITAB KUNING MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN FLIPPED CLASSROOM 2019-04-18T06:35:23+07:00 Mu’alim Wijaya Nafilatul Hasanah <p>In this study explaining the implementation of yellow book learning based on <em>flipped classroom</em> in the Islamic boarding school of Nurul jadid, Zaid bin Tsabit (K) daughter. This research was motivated by the ineffectiveness of santri when studying the Book of Yellow. After being studied more deeply, it turned out that the main factor that caused this was because the learning model carried out by Ustadz was still classic, namely using the lecture model, as a result many santri were sleepy during activities. Therefore, researchers tried using a new learning model, namely the flipped classroom model. This research is a qualitative research carried out in the nurul jadid Islamic boarding school in the zaid bin tsabit (k) region of women, especially the class members of the Takhossus Diny Institute with a sample of 17 people. <em>Flipped classroom</em> is a learning model that is slightly different from the usual, that is before conducting the learning process in the class of students / students learn the subject matter in advance, and teaching and learning activities in the classroom are filled with work and discussing material or problems that students have not understood. Data collection methods in this study include: observation, interviews and documentation.</p> 2019-04-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Mu’alim Wijaya, Nafilatul Hasanah RELEVANSI STATUS SOSIAL EKONOMI ORANG TUA DENGAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR; SEBUAH ANALISIS LINGKUNGAN BOARDING SCHOOL 2019-02-20T03:56:06+07:00 Chusnul Muali Lana Mazida <p>The social and economic status of middle-upper parents is one of the factors that can spur children to be better than parents. it is embedded in the students of Boarding School. This study aims to find out how the role of social and economic status of parents in increasing student motivation in Boarding School. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive approach, the researcher presents data obtained from the results of observations and interviews directly at the Integrated Insan Middle School (Shool Boarding). The results of the study show that, parents will know how the child develops through the boarding board. not only entrust children in the dormitory, but parents also play an active role in guiding and shaping the character of children, because basically it is the duty of parents. Student learning motivation will increase if parents, teachers, and board administrators work together to be a good motivator.</p> 2019-02-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Tafaqquh Journal; Chusnul Muali, Lana Mazida Pendekatan Hermeneutika Khaled M. Abou el- Fadl untuk Membedakan antara Ajaran Otoritas dan Otoritarianism 2019-01-16T10:11:47+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi <p>Islamic law faces trauma of modernity and colonialism which has an impact on the emergence of authoritarian attitudes in treating texts. Authoritarianism is the act of locking will of God, or will of text in a certain determination, and then presenting that determination as a given, definite, absolute, and decisive. According to the analysis of Khaled M. Abou el-Fadl, this phenomenon, especially about the discourse of Islamic law, is the result of mistakes in taking methodological procedures related to the relationship between author, text and reader. The reader that locks the text in a certain meaning, it has damaged the integrity of the author and text itself. In the dimension of authoritarian interpretation, dominant problem in determining is at reader level. Methodology offered by Khaled is a negotiative hermeneutic, where between three <em>text-author-reader</em> elements must be negotiated, pressure point is more on reader without annulling two other elements. Because for him, reader is always experiencing changes and dynamics throughout his life. In addition, readers also have an interest in text. This is due to human being as reader who gives his voice and meaning to text. Three things are needed to maximize this negotiative hermeneutic performance; competence and text validation, determination of meaning and concept of representation.</p> 2019-01-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi Telaah Kritis Dinamika Ortopedagogik 2019-01-16T08:50:57+07:00 Zainur Arifin <p>Orthopedagogics are often divided into two types, general orthopedagogics with regard to education for exceptional children in general, while special orthopedagogics regarding education for each type of child is extraordinary. Orthopedicagogics provide educational services as well as ordinary educational goals, but of course with some adjustments according to the abilities of extraordinary children. Objectives that are beyond the child's ability need not be conveyed. Orthopedagogic education as a science that has a very broad scope, because in it there are many aspects or parties that are involved either directly or indirectly. Likewise orthopedagogics in which education has the same scope, only all aspects of the scope are adjusted to the needs of orthopedagogic students. The development of community attitudes towards children with special needs is divided into four phases of development, phases of neglect, the phase of protection, the phase of education, and the phase of self-development for children with special needs. Children with special needs have the tendency to give up easily when they feel they cannot or cannot survive so that they are in an inferior position. Therefore, education has an important role to overcome inferiority, build the ability to adapt, have skills and not have dependence on others.</p> 2019-01-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Zainur Arifin Implementasi Pendekatan Eklektik berbasis Sharing Zone 2019-01-16T09:29:16+07:00 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali Lailatur Rohmah <p>This research aims to determine the effort of guidance in implementing an eclectic approach to foster children. This research was conducted because some students who have difficulty in facing life problems in boarding schools. Through this Sharing Zone activity, students can share story with guidance so they can relieve and solve the problem well. The guidance can provide guidance and direction to their students so that they can be more enthusiastic in undergoing some tiring activities and overcome some problems of their life in Islamic boarding schools. Various personalities of students in boarding schools give some little difficult for guidance to face their students. The Eclectic Approach based on Sharing Zone in Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School exactly Al-Hashimiyah Region really produces maximum results. So that the learning spirit existence of students will be maintained in undergoing the intense activities.</p> 2019-01-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Muhammad Mushfi El Iq Bali, Lailatur Rohmah Komparasi Komparasi Model Pembelajaran Sejarah di Kelas IPA dan IPS SMA Angkasa Adisutjipto 2019-01-17T02:30:09+07:00 Ebma Yudhasatria Ajat Sudrajat <p><strong></strong>Revitalization of history learning for senior high schools in the 2013 Curriculum implemented in science and social classes could affect the use of learning models. Learning models had elements as learning approaches, strategies, methods, and media that had to be correctly customized and implemented. It encouraged the researcher to conduct research on comparison of history learning models in science and social classes in SMA Angkasa Indonesia. This research aimed to analyze similarities and differences between learning models used in science classes and that used in social classes under the “Indonesian History” subject study implemented in SMA Angkasa Adisutjipto Indonesia. This research was descriptive-qualitative research done by comparing history learning models and performed through interviews and observations in science and social classes. Research subjects consisted of the head of curriculum division, history teachers, and students from both science and social classes. Data were collected in forms of information from informants, field observations, and facts on documents gathered. Research findings indicated that history learning in science classes of SMA Angkasa was dominated by the use of linguistic (writing), logical-mathematical, and interpersonal (independent) intelligences. Suitable learning models for science students were problem-based learning, independent learning, exercises, tasking, causal-relationship reasoning regarding history materials, and contextual learning in history. Meanwhile, intelligence found in social classes of SMA Angkasa was dominated by linguistic, interpersonal, spatial (visual, imagination), and kinetic intelligences. Hence, suitable learning models for social students should have been in forms of cooperative learning (discussions, questions-answers); active, creative, effective, and fun learning; role-playing; and contextual and thematic learning</p> 2019-01-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2019 Ebma Yudhasatria, Ajat Sudrajat Target Hafalan sebagai Motivasi Belajar dalam Membentuk Karakter di Lingkungan Pesantren 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Muhammad Anas Ma`arif Salamatu Rochmah <p>Education is a place to create a cadre of people who excel cognitive, affective, psychomotor and spiritual. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to have motivation to be able to carry out all educational goals. Building learning motivation within the pesantren environment, including one of which is targeted. Memory memorization that is carried out consistently can be a learning motivation for students. With the growing learning motivation of students, their goals can be easily achieved, including the goals of Islamic education. And one of the goals of Islamic education is to form noble character or character formation. the purpose of this paper is to explain and analyze memorized targets to build students' motivation to form characters in the pesantren environment. This study uses the study of library research, which collects books, journals and research results that are relevant to the theme. memorized targets are adjusted to the age conditions of santri with habituation, exemplary, reward and punishment strategies. the character is formed by refracting to carry out memorization and motivation to carry out with awareness.</p> 2018-08-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Tasawuf Education as the Effort of Spiritual and Character Building Capability 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Ali Mustofa <p>Education has role to provide human resources to have high intelctual, spiritual, and having good morals. However, the education has not succeeded as general. There many youths and tenagers misbehave such as interfere general tranquility such as: drunkenness, irregular racing, and adultery. This shows how weak their spiritual and morals. In othersides, non formal education, such as tasawuf is able to create human to be faith and have good morals. The kinds of tasawuf education are <em>syari’ah, thariqah, haqiqah</em> and <em>ma’rifat</em>. meanwhile tasawuf material is practicing wirid, praying and fasting, which aims to integrate body and soul, feeling the meaning of cleanliness heart and the whole character and then achieving the <em>ma’rifat</em>. In tasawuf education, the <em>murshid</em> or teacher teaching, guiding, and training his disciples in order to achieve the intended purpose, namely purification of soul (<em>tazkiyah al-nafs</em>), cleansing of heart (<em>tasfiyah al-qalb</em>) and self-approach to Allah (<em>taqarrub ila allah</em>). The tasawuf education methods which are not found in general education are <em>muhasabah, talqin, mujahadah</em>, and <em>khalwat</em>. Therefore, tasawuf education causes human spiritual characteristic, such as the ability to transcend, sanctify daily experience, and use spiritual potentials to solve problems, ability to be seen in various virtues, and cultivate good morals towards Allah, himself, fellow, environment and nation.</p> 2018-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Konsep Metode Pembelajaran Ibn Khaldun dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi <p>Ibn Khaldun's thoughts on Islamic education, especially the teaching of language as stated in the book of <em>muqoddimah ibn khaldun</em>, is still up to date until today. In his book Ibn <em>muqoddimah ibn khaldun</em> explains the <em>malakah</em> and <em>tadrîj</em> theories in which Ibn Khaldun targets the achievement of <em>malakah</em> and <em>tadrîj</em>. According to Ibn Khaldun, it is a discipline that develops expertise. Expertise can only be obtained by repetition of acts that make an impression in the brain so it becomes a habit. Ibn Khaldun said that the first thing that should be considered by an educator is the psychological condition of the child, and more importantly the educator must know the level of ability (<em>intellect</em>) and maturity of learners, Ibn Khaldun emphasized the application of educational methods should be gradually in accordance with the development of intellectual work with the reason that a child develops step by step and little by little in all aspects of the <em>jasmaniyah</em> and <em>aqliyah</em> as a whole. Thus, the concept of Ibn Khaldun’s method of learning is very relevant to be applied in the teaching of Arabic, because it is in harmony with theories of psychology and linguistics.</p> 2018-08-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Tugas Guru Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Anak Didiknya 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Yazidul Busthomi <p>Broadly speaking, the duties and responsibilities of a teacher is to develop the intelligence that exists within each of his students. This intelligence should be developed so that students can grow and grow into a smart human and ready to face any challenges in the future. Among the intelligences that need to be developed by a teacher are as follows; Intellectual intelligence, intellectual intelligence is an intelligence that seems to be excellent and developed with a larger portion in almost all formal schools in the world, including in Indonesia; Emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence is also developed in formal schools, but the portion is far below intellectual intelligence; Spiritual intelligence, in some studies in the field of intelligence and psychology, spiritual intelligence is said to be the most important intelligence. The three types of intelligence that exist in the students is very necessary to be noticed by a teacher so that the intelligence of children as a whole can be well developed. Broadly speaking, this is the duty and responsibility of a teacher in educating his students. A task and responsibility that is not light, but very important and noble, for the future generation of intelligent and noble character.</p> 2018-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Teori Kites dalam Pola Asuh Anak 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Ahmad Suradi <p>Child care pattern must be done with good education, if done wrongly, it will have an impact that is not good for the development of soul and body, and of course also will impact on the surrounding environment. This can be seen from some phenomenon that recently rampant happened. Child care pattern should be done with a good education, if done wrongly, it will have an impact that is not good for the development of the soul and body, and of course also will have an impact on the surrounding environment. Regarding self-preservation, Islam has actually given a warning to humans. The role that humans must perform consists of two paths, namely the horizontal path and the second vertical path. When viewed from various forms of parenting, in essence almost the same. For example autopsy, over protection, over discipline. Domination, favoritism, parental and authoritarian ambition, all emphasize excessive attitudes of power, discipline and obedience.</p> 2018-03-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Signifikansi Nilai Pendidikan Multikultural dalam Animasi Upin dan Ipin terhadap Sikap Toleransi Beragama 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Al Ihwanah Al Ihwanah <p>Indonesian society is diverse culture and religion. It wants the next generation to have an attitude of religious tolerance. This attitude of tolerance can be nurtured from a basic age. In the present age children have a love interest animated series either through the media of television, gadgets, or the internet. The animated series that are often watched are Upin and Ipin. In the animation is portrayed the main character of Islam but familiar with different cultural friends and different religions. This study analyzed the value of multicultural education in Upin and Ipin animation series, and its significance to the religious tolerance of children. Based on interviews, field observations, and the reading of the animated film series Upin Ipin, this article argues that the multicultural values ??in Upin and Ipin animation series have significance in fostering the attitude of religious tolerance of Elementary School students.</p> 2018-03-12T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Strategi Dakwah Nabi Ibrahim dalam Perpektif Pembelajaran Saintifik 2018-09-04T08:45:39+07:00 Qurrotul Ainiyah Sulistiorini Sulistiorini <p>Prophet Ibrahim is one of the prophets who received the title as <em>Father of Tauhid</em> who invites his people in seeking God by using the mind. The verses of the Qur’an that recount the incident include the letter of al-An’am: 75-79. In the Curriculum 2013 known scientific learning process that involves students directly, to perform Cognitive processes. This research focuses on the use of mind in the process of knowledge of God by the Prophet Ibrahim in the perspective of scientific learning. With the method of library research through the historical and descriptive approach in the results obtained that the Prophet Abraham used the mind as a tool to awaken his people to find the true God, through contemplation and thinking rationally, about who has created nature and its contents, which should be used as God’s worship. This process is also known in the 2013 Curriculum Science lesson. The process has stages as in the scientific learning phase. Namely there are activities as follows: observing, asking, experimenting, reasoning, and communicate, like in learning.</p> 2017-11-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Standar Bahasa yang Benar antara Bahasa dan Sintak 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Muhammad Zakki Masykur <p>Language is regularly and systematically used by the language user. Basically, language is spoken utterance, verbal arbiter, symbol, symbol, and the signs used in language contain meaning related to life situation and real human experience. If given the understanding of the language, there will be differences of opinion among the linguists. This happens because so wide the scope of the language itself. The development that occurs in the community will also affect the development of the language itself. In its development language requires a method of language itself. And should the standard language itself. How to standard the correct language itself. Whether hasrus corresponds to nahwu, or there is a measure of its own. Departing from this problem we are from a group of 2 modern linguistic courses and its application to Arabic language learning will discuss about the correct language standard between language and nahwu.</p> 2017-11-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Hubungan Penggunaan Strategi Metakognitif dan Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Mahasiswa Pertanian Universitas Kahuripan Kediri 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Imam Suhaimi <p>Learning strategies are closely related to student achievement, this study aims to determine objectively one of the language strategies used by students, namely metacognitive strategies, and whether there is a correlation between metacognitive strategies used by students and the students’ English achievement. This research method using quantitative correlation approach. The subjects were students of second semester of Agricultural students of University of Kahuripan Kediri academic year 2016/2017. The results of this study showed that metacognitive strategies, there are 0% of students are categorized as very high, 60% of students are categorized as high, 20% of students are categorized as enough, 13% of students categorized as low, and 7% of students categorized as very low, while students’ English achievement is known as 0% students were categorized as excellent, 60% students are categorized as good, 33% of the students students are categorized as enough, 7% of students categorized as low, and 0% of students categorized as very low. From the analysis using product moment correlation coefficient formula, it can be explained the value of &nbsp;= 0,547 is higher than tabel = 0,514, it can be concluded that H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. In other words, the use of metacognitive strategies had a positive and significant correlation with English achievement of the second semester students of Agricultural students of University of Kahuripan Kediri academic year 2016/2017.</p> 2017-10-16T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Peran Supervisi Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Profesionalitas Guru 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Muhammad Asrori Ma'sum <p>A conducive and dynamic learning can not deny the role of the teacher as an intermediary of transfer of knowledge to learners. But in reality not a few of the teachers encountered some obstacles that cause less maximal implementation of teaching and learning process. Seeing the facts and phenomena, the teacher is a teacher who is part of human resources components that must be nurtured and developed continuously in the hope to perform its functions professionally. This is where the necessary supervision of education to supervisi and improve teaching and learning process conducted by teachers. The step of the education supervisor should be more focused on how a supervisor and principal can condition the supervisid teacher to cooperate with the supervisor, because the teacher's lack of optimal teaching needs to be discussed between teacher and supervisor and principal so that input from the discussion with teachers is useful for performance improvement teacher in the future.</p> 2017-10-09T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Peranan Ulama' Pesantren dalam Pendidikan Masyarakat; Potret Keulama'an KH.M.A. Sahal Mahfudz 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Zumrotul Mukaffa <p>This paper seeks to see the role of <em>Kyai Sahal</em> in community education in his capacity as a scholars. His phenomenal figure became an interesting study in looking at the role of one scholars of these ‘Islamic boarding school’, in relation to educating the community to be empowered. Unlike the ‘Islamic boarding school’ scholars in general, <em>Kyai Sahal</em> not only educates people in the field of Islamic Religion, but more than that, it also controls the community through its involvement in two mass organizations of the Majelis Ulama’ Indonesia (MUI) and Nahdlatul Ulama’ (NU) problems that occur in society with the movement of small and medium economic empowerment, and make social changes through the social jurisprudence paradigm which leads him to have the view that the main purpose of the Shari’a is to prosper the <em>ummah</em> in the world and the hereafter. Man as the subject as well as object of Shari’a, is obliged to create prosperity of human life in the world for the prosperity of life in the afterlife.</p> 2017-10-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Pendekatan Pembelajaran dengan Memperhatikan Cara Kerja Otak: Efektivitas Hypnotheaching dalam Mendongkrak Prestasi Belajar Siswa MAN 1 Model Bojonegoro 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Anita Wijayanti <p>Hypnoteaching is one of the teaching methods that concerns the existence of the brain as a source of thinking for students. This approach applies to process the brain waves of students to be in alpha conditions, because in this condition students can to suggest themselves of the importance of learning. This method of learning presents the subject matter by using subconscious languages ??because the subconscious is dominating the way the brain works. Any teacher clever if not able to process the sense of students then the learning will take place without the impression that ultimately has no significance to achievement. This paper presents the steps of hypnoteaching for teachers to be easily adopted in the process of teaching and learning activities. The result data showed that students' learning achievement and absorption capacity of 88% and 92% of XII MIPA and XI MIPA MAN 1 Model Bojonegoro axles respectively, and showed a high and medium deviation standard with the spread of homogeneous values ??and has a range of values ??that are not too far between the highest value and the lowest value.</p> 2017-10-03T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Pendidikan Pesantren sebagai Ujung Tombak Pendidikan Nasional 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Muhammad Nasrul Waton <p>In the history of life, education is a most essential requirement for the survival of mankind. Role-education in addition to functioning in developing creativity and productivity, also plays a major role in efforts to develop morality and the planting of values, both human values and divine values. Pesantren is an educational institution that has a long and unique history. Historically, pesantren has included the earliest Islamic education and still survives to this day. Of the many types of boarding schools, in conducting education and teaching for students, in general can be grouped into two forms of pesantren: (1) Pesantren Salafiyah (2) Pesantren Khalafiyah. Education, as set forth in RI Law no. 20 Year 2003 Article 1 paragraph 1, is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so that learners actively develop their potential to have spiritual strength, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills needed by him or her, society, nation and state. Indonesia national education system is based on the culture of the nation of Indonesia and based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution as a crystallization of the values of life of the Indonesian nation.</p> 2017-04-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Optimalisasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab melalui Model Pembelajaran Komunikatif-Eklektik 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Baiq Tuhfatul Unsi <p>The learning method of Arabic language had been developed in line with developments in discipline of linguistics, psychology and research on teaching. This development is a logical consequence of differences in theoretical and empirical foundation. Every method has advantages and disadvantages, so there is no proper method completely. This anxiety show an eclectic method that combines the operational techniques of methods that are considered objectively and effectively by teachers. Learning method Communicative-Eclectic is communicative learning method performed by eclectic method. Eclectic method is built on the assumption that each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and that the implementation of a method certainly with a dealing objective conditions that do not allow the implementation of the method as a whole. Implementation of this eclectic-communicative method, example, by applying three types of drill, the drill mechanical-manipulative with drill communicative, and semi-communicative drill. The teaching process more emphasis on finesse speak, write, read and understand specific meanings. By this method students can be given training example; practice conversing in a foreign language that can be done by an individual or group between students or teachers and students. So that teaching and learning will be very varied and not focused on one activity.</p> 2017-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Psikologi Belajar Anak; Telaah Kritis Dinamika Belajar Anak 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Zainur Arifin <p>Learning is a means islamic education people, therefore, learning is a process of behavior change that comes from experience. Learning to not only remember but broader than that, the experience, not a mastery learning outcome results of the exercise but behavior change, learning activities can be lived (experienced) by a person who is learning and can also be observed by others. Psychology of children’s learning is the process of guidance to learners towards the formation of a good muslem personal (perfect man). The success of the students are not separated development of Learning child socio-emotional development of learning children In identity, development of children study in consciousness morality in children, biological development and perceptual learning child physical development children study implications for healthcare and nutrition children all of it as the assessment centers children’s learning.</p> 2017-04-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Komponen-Komponen dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Khoirun Nisa' <p>The curriculum is everything that has been designated school for students in the school. The curriculum includes educational objectives, content and methods. The curriculum as a whole system has components that are interrelated between one and other, namely: objectives, content or material, methods, organization and evaluation. Islamic education curriculum development must consider values of Divine contained in the Qur’an and Sunnah besides that it should consider the development of human resources in order to have the ability to control and utilization and development in the field of science and technology. As well considering the technology available and can be used as a medium of learning.</p> 2017-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Modernisasi Sistem Pendidikan Pondok Pesantren 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Muhammad Zamroji <p>Islamic Boarding School is an Islamic institution which has the advantage both from the aspect scientific tradition or transmission side and intensity of Muslims. The swift currents of globalization push present of ideas modernization for the challenges needs of social transformation. However, not a little worrying ideas can affect identity and function of the principal. The modernisation of Boarding Schools involves three aspects; curriculum; learning model; and institutional structures. From the three models, refer to the intent and purpose of which is to maintain the balance of theoretical aspects and scientific aspects (practice), but it also meets stock to the students both temporal and hereafter in all fields, so that the students can have the achievements of science in the science of religion and also general science.</p> 2017-04-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) Urgensi Pendidikan Shalat pada Anak dalam Keluarga; Studi Analisis H?adîth tentang Hukuman bagi Anak Tidak Shalat 2018-09-04T08:45:40+07:00 Ali Mustofa Ishak Ishak <p>The family is the primary educational environment for children. In Islam, education must make people who devote themselves to worship God. And worship was first required is prayer because prayer is pillar of religion. Inside are virtue and wisdom to who do it well as threat to the left. Little kid is not obligated to pray, but the family (parents) have a responsibility and obligation to educate their children, to invite children to pray after a seven year old child, and hit if not want to do the prayer at the age of ten years. But before hitting, parents also need to have educating prayer before age ten. Although the children were not required to prayers, but parents should always pay attention and control the execution of a child prayers. Education prayers in these children very well have implications for the psychological, physical, and social child. Moreover, if the study is successful, the prayer will become a necessity. So the psychiatric, physical, and social child always running stable until in adulthood.</p> 2017-03-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c)