Pengaruh Pembelajaran Linguistik terhadap Al-Qur'an

Analisis isi nasehat Syaikh Abdussalam Asy-Syuwa'ir "Pentingnya mempelajari Bahasa Arab" pada channel youtube Yufid.Tv.


  • isti qomah Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • Fitri Setyo Rini Universitas Darussalam Gontor
  • nikianaku seisagita ardya
  • Nurul Dwijayanti


Arabic language, Content of Advice and, and Grammar


Understanding the language of the Qur'an is an obligation for all Muslims. In essence, understanding the context of meaning of history and culture is very attached to language in order to avoid wrong interpretation and misinterpretation, so that the biggest goal in studying it can be seen from a grammatical point of view, namely the position of perfect sentence rules with nahwu science and the distribution of word forms with shorof science. . The purpose of this research is to serve as a reference for studying the importance of Islamic religious scholarship, both used in understanding the primary texts of Muslims, namely the Qur'an and secondary texts such as Fiqh, Aqidah Akhlaq and other knowledge which this research focuses on the content of advice. which was conveyed by Shaykh Abdussalam Asy-Syuwai'ir on the Yufid TV YouTube channel using a descriptive qualitative content analysis method. The results of this study have a concept to find out how the important concept of learning the language of the Koran according to Shaykh Abdussalam Asy-Syuwai'ir along with its relevance in grammar, syntax and morphology. So the researcher argues that the advice is very relevant to the current conditions of development, because intense interaction with the Koran coupled with good mastery of the Arabic 2 language makes Muslims' understanding of religion deeper so that it refers to a deep understanding of all aspects religion, both related to belief (aqidah), as well as deeds and worship or human transactional relations (worship and muamalah).


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How to Cite

qomah, isti, Fitri Setyo Rini, nikianaku seisagita ardya, & Nurul Dwijayanti. (2024). Pengaruh Pembelajaran Linguistik terhadap Al-Qur’an: Analisis isi nasehat Syaikh Abdussalam Asy-Syuwa’ir "Pentingnya mempelajari Bahasa Arab" pada channel youtube Yufid.Tv. ARABIA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Arab, 1(2), 31–41. Retrieved from


