Pemikiran Tas?âwuf Al-H?allaj, Abû Yazid Al-Bust?âmi dan Ibnu Arâbi


  • Dainori Dainori Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Miftahul Ulum, Sumenep



Sufism, the School of Thought, al-Ḥallaj, Abu Yazid al-Bustami, Ibnu ‘Arâbi


Simply put, it is merely an esoteric aspect or an inner aspect that must be distinguished from the exoteric aspect or the birth aspect of Islam. Sufism is a term specifically used to describe mysticism in Islam, while the goal of Sufism is to acquire a direct and close relationship with God, so that it is felt true that a person is in his presence, whose essence is the awareness of the existence of communication and dialogue between the soul of man and God with self-immolation and contemplation. In Islam we recognize two schools of Sufism, First, tas?awuf falsafi, whose followers are caught in odd phrases (shat?ahiyyat), as well as rejected from the mortal fanâ to the statement of the occurrence of union between servant and god. Second, the flow of tasawuf amali, where adherents always fence Sufism with the scales of sahriat based on al-Qurân and al-Sunnah, and relate their state and spiritual level with both. And there are also divided into three namely: tas?awuf akhlâqi, sufisms irfâni and tas?âwuf falsâfi. While in this paper will be specifically mentioned three figures s?ufi is very popular with his thoughts of al-H?allaj, Abu Yazid al-Bustami, and Ibnu ‘Arâbi.


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How to Cite

Dainori, D. (2018). Pemikiran Tas?âwuf Al-H?allaj, Abû Yazid Al-Bust?âmi dan Ibnu Arâbi. Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian Keislaman, 5(2), 133–155.


