Praktik Filantropi di Malaysia


  • Iffatul Jannah Institut Agama Islam Bani Fattah Jombang Indonesia


Filantropi, Malaysia, Ekonomi Syariah


Aid funds in Malayasia have enormous potential to realize prosperity and social justice in society, especially from mandatory and voluntary aid funds for Muslims. Social generosity today is usually called philanthropic activity. However, in some condition this is not achieved due to a lack of public awareness to channel financial assistance to authorized institutions, resulting in distribution of funds that is not accommodated and balanced among the community. The aim of this research is to explain the extent to which philanthropic institutions in Malaysia help create a prosperous and prosperous country through the management of Zakat, Waqf and Infaq funds. This is done to help the State overcome various problems that occur in educational, economic and social aspects. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The role of philanthropic institutions is carried out through the Selangor Zakat Institution (LZS), Property Development Coordinating Waqf (Jawatan Pengelaras Pembangunan Harta Waqf), JAWHAR (Jabatan Wakaf Zakat dan Hajj), Malaysian Waqf Foundation (YWM) under the supervision of the State Islamic Religious Council (MAIN) and the Foundation Infaq Malaysia (YIM).


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