Pengaruh 7P Marketing Mix Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Pada Toko 99 Bungatan Situbondo


  • Tazkiyatul Wafirah Institut Agama Islam Bani Fattah Jombang Indonesia


Marketing Mix, Purchase Decisions


Purchasing decisions are the main priority in this study because the level of competition is getting tighter considering the number of similar business. One way to attract consumers’ desire to make a purchase is by implementing the 7P marketing mix strategy. The study of the influence of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions for a bussines has actually been done a lot. however, it is still rare to find a study that ranks the sterngths of each the seven elements in the marketing mix. Because in reality not all 7P marketing mixes can be equally prioritized as the main weapon in the doing bussines. This study uses a conclusive type of quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is the slovin technique obtained 59,5 or 60 respondents as samples. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire. The data analysis method used is hypothesis testing t anf f. The results of data analysis show that all independent variables in the study individually have a significant effect on the dependent variable. Because all sig values in the test show 0,000 < 0,05. In addition all independent variables in the study have a value of tcount > ttable. In addition from this test it can also be concluded that the percentage rank of each independent variable. The first is the Phisyacal Evidence variable, then Process, People, Product, Promotion, Place, and the last is Price.


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